Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1967, p. 4

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Elite lfaarrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher William Telfer General Manager McPherson Managing Editor WAY DEC ll PAGE hsumausmnm Party Politics Has No Place On Barrie Council small city council but it is impossible It is rather surprising that the pres idents of the Liberal and Progresswe Conservative associations felt it nec essary to issue stalement this week urging that party politics he ke out of municipal government in Barre Certainly their point is well taken but is this merely an attem to bulld up straw man and then nock him down Party politics in the formal sense cannot be said to be factor at the city hall Candidates for office are not elected as Liberal Conservative Social Credit aspirants In other war there is no party machine to whip fol lowers in line and make them vote for the leaders wishes The party system has no place on to keep olillcs out of discussions good bend or Conservative rna wish to support the provincial or to oral government of his choice in resolu tions which may come before council but boom and should maintain his neutrality and objectivity in all things of purely municipal nature It would be improper to act politically on munici all business An alderman doesnot ave to be party man to deal judiciously with new sewer or water main roycct sidewalk or road Voting shou be free as It is now at council meetings in Barrie man should be able to exercise his own judg ment on all civic matters without thought of conforming with party rule Complications Oi Life In Britain recently debate over the question of whether husband could one doctor for prescribing the pill for his wife without the husbands con sent stirred considerable public interest The point made was that it could do prive the husband of his right to be parent The Windsor Star points to some what similar case resently before the courts in Italy woman has been charged by her husband with adultery after she admitted she had been arti ficially inseminated lower courtrntlV Down MEMORY LANE 15 VEARS AGO iN TOWN Barrie Examiner Dec 16 1952 Sim coo County received federal grant $25 017 in lieu taxes on Camp Borden Barrie Collegiate Band was big hit in Chicago playing at MidWest Music Clinic One of featured numbers was Three Gabrielios trio for comets played by trombonists Bob Livingston Clare Jones and Dave Armstrong Junior hockey world stunned as Emma completed big deal with Kitch ener Ba VFlyers gave up goalie Gilles Boisvert defencemanivan Ten nant and winger Ken Collins to get goalie Bill Harrington and winger Orv Tessier Hiilcrest Schools Christmas lay featured Margaret Steulart Andrew yment Wayne Peterson Judy Craig and Mary McMartin Addressing Progressive Conservative rally at Stroud Hon Earl Rowe MP Dufferin Simcoe declared strength of party in creasing steadily After 48 years with ONE Murray Mills retired as district superintendent of transporta tion aLNorth Bay Mr and Mrs MillsZ will again take up residence in Barrie In Barrie elections James Hart de feated Mayor Mrs Marjorie Hani lltonzby 1960 to 1570 votes Hebert Smith won reeves chair overAid McCarroll DooleyGreer elected jepu eeve by acclamation Alder rnen wards will be Gordon Spring Willard Kinzie Alfred Harris Otto Wil liams Robert Bibby James Boorman ll Girdwood HarveyPa$dison Frank Chi Conductor Allen Fisher receive invita for Barn Collegiate Band to year in Ohio Mic an and Quebec Great hockey feud erupted between EmmsandStaffordSmythe of Maplg Leaffiardens Emm refused to allow Barrie Flyers to play it Sunday One ark as men SALT we as ocean WATERS AsuAicrvoBrhstu tonlee WM nears mwwm trapping in Veapra Township Jarlelll ter enough courage to go on adays they are content and need no long ed itwas not adultery but the case has now gone to higher court It raises some fine legal points If the higher court rules that it was dultery would the doctors responsible be accessories to the crime is the off ring lle Would it be legitimate if the husband had given prior consent And where does it leave thechild with re gard to sharing in the estate of father who is not his father at all life was so much simpler 50 years ago of Barries most amiable citizens and softball pitching star Corporal Patrick Poland moved by OPP to Bradford Loblaw staff honored llfanager Wilbur Laking on completing 25 years with firm Capt Herbert Cloutier of Barrie awarded Military Cross in Korea John Gossling 76 still hunting and mostly Minesing area he Barrie resident be lieves that era of fur trapping in Canada may be endin Trustee Harris of Pubhc School Board declared that teachers are too youngto be retired at 62 asked bylaw be amended One of pioneer woman doctors of Canada Dr Jennie Gray Wildman celebrated her 90th birthday at her Barrie home 116 Collier St now site of Collier Unit ed Fellowship llall Other Editors Views CHINESE TOO HAPPY TO LAUGH From the Milwaukee Journal jAnintriguifigioxamplebfpartyline tlonale has been exposed in report from Peking by newsmanwhose personal ac quaintance withChina extends from be fore the Second World War Jacques Marcuse former correspond ent for Agence France Presse now writ ing for British papers noted on his re cent return toPeking thatithe Chinese no longer laugh whereas in the old Pek mg he remembered therasoemed to be laughter everywhere spgsaysrhmgot thise lanailon former Anterififitizeirw oisnrs laughallth an order tovforget theirplight to run ng Now rry about thefuture As yorfhave yourself they do not laugh any more They dont have to ATh happy unwavtohntumiwmt NEARNofiieemanf REWA SLEDGEMMIAER of such process legitimate THE WAY DOWN OR mush us lNlElWENiiON Dear Sir With regards to Philip Deanel allele of Dec is there are sev eral points to which take ex ception lie criticizes Prof Ros tows thesis saying in the Mid tile East nationalism not Com munism is the tingleis cause of the war is this so obviotrs The North Vietnamese and the Viol Cong aroboth Communist in spired and supported Secondly for Mr Deane to say that Mr Rostow concedes that Russia has given up violence and China is too weak too divided etc shows that Mr Deana has clearly misc ed the point of the argument Russia has for the large part resistedfrom taking part in physical violence but by con tinuing with the us the arms race and bylsupporting subver sive actions in many nations they are anything but peaceful has tied Prof Roam has already stated clearly that China is the major force in Southeast Asia in spite of her infranot differenc es This leads me to what con sider is Mr Deanes most mis guided comparison lle stem that Prof Rostow has sold Am his log is off track He states that American bloodShed in the nufltarld ventKorea which in turndid not prevent VVietn But to carry it further should the Americans and the Allies not have gone to war at the tint of World War then World War II etc If there had beenno ln tervention in Korea then both and Korea would be Corn munie ruled Indeed things might be much improved in the world today if the bad fol lowed General MaoArthurs vice dedCbln both North and South would ad then once inS Vietnam Would the coup which tookplace in Indo nesia against the Comrriunistsl condensate Barrie Ontario odelass arrdid=notfipre¢becarnu Protector Magnum View om fr ra amrarrmm ILEETERS To THE have taken lace the Ameri cans hadnt en presentf Why is it the only the nations to Australia New Iceland close to the extending arm of Commu nism are those to send aid to the South Vietnamese Could it be they are the oneswho feel the pressure the most and are most were of it pawns Dear Sirs Last Saturday took one of my children downtown to watch the annual Junior Chamber of Commerce Santa Claus parade After seeing the parade would like to say that was ab solutely amaced at the also and quality of tlie parade and that it was obviously very much up preclated by all those present cannons sToar usr SPRINGBOARD Jfilfiwffimfifl ESW EDITOR The paint of my letter is that fth great and successful opera tion was organized by the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Bar rle and is tremendous credit to thorn as group and as in dividuais The Junior Chamber of Com merce is comprised of young executives and potential execu tives of mu community and it is obvious from actwitles said as this that we have wealth of oalmt being developed here in Barrie in the future our community will obviously be in capable hands Yours truly mgrnouns Vospra St Barrie ficiomwén Cancelled The Sale Of Acadia arlca must bé willing to shed blood True But from there By BOB BOWMAN Every school pupil knows the story of Oliver Cromwell who England Dec 16 lost but few people know that be was interested in Canada shortly after Cromwell had King Charles beheaded he began looking into some of Act was amondedglving Porllas ment power to alter constitu tinn lassCreation of department of nortbeni affairs and national resources received royal assent the deals the unfortunate king had made and discovered bow Charles bad handedhack Aca dia to Francecromwe quickly fact Minimum real on tale doal However Britain as England becama aftier 1707 did QUEENS PARK Crop Insurance Proved Success By DON OHIARN TORONTONotes on agricul The first year of the pilot plan on crop insurance was sumofor the farmers 1h an produced quite rt marks is record 700 farmers bought insurance no of theta collected claims the average premium was item the acer age claim was $800 total pro mlum rovenu was ransom and the total amonntpald out was harm it was slid during the year that farmers resisted the plan because oltbs high premiums This record would make it IP or as though they were clon their eyes to the buy of the century However it seems that only farmers in highskl situations tools advantag of the plan if more had bought it god the risks had been spread across all growers In the crops covered the record would have been much better NOT DISMAYED in any event tho government ll not dismayed it intends to extend the inns anca coverage for further craps next year Only winter wheat spring grain and forage crops were covered in the first stage 4119 law We good bet that serious thought will be given to the pro pal llllphefllluuer Robert non an on deductible but The premium would be re duced and the farmers would have to absorb tbs first or mo of their losses This would make the plan more attractivo to farmers and would cut down on the risk to the government The dairy industry is ap piixnrithhubii ii Em ereua hit by substitutes And then the UJC market for cheese is threatened by deval nation COMPETITION ll TOUGH The competition of substitutes has been getting facrearlorty serious In addition to margarine coffee whiteners and older sub stitutes artificial milk now is being marketed in the 118 and with some success The traditional attitude of the dairy producers to such threats has been to close their eyes and yell for protection There are signs now that this may be changing spin in the in Somo leading do are call for more total gent approach as one ex ample pcr mlttlng mixed spread of butter and margarine passed at the request of the dairy producers now pro hibit this QUEBEC OPINIONS This is selection of odi tortals on current topics translated km the Frenchlanguage press of Canada Montreal IA DevotnA few days ago Premier Daniel Johnson let it be known that his government is putting the finishing touches to the ma obinery necessary to make sureth all those who re ceive vdiplolnios $01333 province edge of French Olu reaction to the principle ol the project simply favorable We feel it in haconcnivch in effect that in prvvmce where there is and large majority of French English schools can continue to ignore the language of the attic they are doing today Admittedly improvements have been made in recent years and goodwill is perhaps not as lacking as some would be led to believe but we must and without delayth beyond the siege of goodwtll Mr Johnson is right to say that diplomas slmid not be awrardadrin Quebec to stuc dents who have not good knowledge of French And by good knowledge it should be something more than book knowledge the graduates of our Englishelanguage institu PEOPLE INDUSTRY GROW Now tourism is probably the worlds fastestmowing industry in 1966 some 116000000 people journeyed outside their home lands the zovernmont tions should be able to carry on fairly fluent conversation in French Can anyone conceive that in Ontario theproportion of hi lingual people would be more numerous among the Engllsbepealfing majority than among the Prenrh mt nority That would simply be repugnant to common sense But that lgwbat is happening in Quebec The proportion of bilingual people ls greater among people of the majority than among those of the mi nority It is the majority that is making the greatest offan to hurdle the language barrier it in an upsidedown world upViacom Prince Dan at Quebec LAcflonGovern menu are somewhat responsi bio for the expensive tastes of the population because they are the ones whn gelthe ple aculstomed Io depriving themselves of nothing Since thestartofthewswahave witnessed Extravagances by our federal and provincial ad ministrators whoappeared in many cases to have put rea son asldo for the sole purpose of pleasing the voter and giv erytinn he wanted rytb thateomel out of govérnment tressurlu is taken directly from tha tax payers the latter have seen flroir tax burden increase ceaselessly and to compo sale for this they have cost unity asked for salary in creases and othm benefits which would relieve them the exigencies ofgovern mentsf it was great luxury tbde out Canada it was standard of living above one means it was living like mulhemlliion ires number of commis ons anuinber of observers number of Economists have drawn attention to this for several months and warned about the dangersolthis situation jlhe habit spread also to aLatiminimntim be Communist ruled Let me ask Cbariesl returned Acadi to France in order to collect some money owing him He had ma tied Princess Henrietta youngest daughter of HenryIV of Pounce who had beenass stuntedtlfenriottas dowry was supposed to be aoomcrowns but oniy 100001 crowns were paid when the marriago or place Tbon Franco organized Associates of gro totally Subscription ratcsdnlly by 59c weekiY va ingle 415 University Avenue Toron 640 CathcartS scrimwu Ponder Sb Venomver Member oftbe Canadla flatly New aper Publishsrs the Canadlau udit Buresn of teaMerchants minerals Nova Sentia tooxfpiace in mm burgh because the Royal Prow lane of Nova Scotfa was held to be art of the Kingdom of Scatf an and landed part of the cmw new OTHER EVENTS DE llFirst census in Cabana gave population as was incorporated inspm fl mum to on and as WWW ASHINGTON retbree malncausesrfor Pres entJohnson saenf ecnntro over Congress and the resulting dodittle label bears One factor isa reaction tohls spectacular successes with the 89th Congress of losses which did almost eyerything Ahaasked andsometi its more Another is the sour mood of the us at costs and federal demands The presidents public popularity is down and some Demonrats are keeping their grumbling that Dirksen will havgto begin showing more in to mengtben accesses new The arhriinis at was with theSenatoforeigm affairs committee over Vietnam for twoiyearsTheSenate fl nauce committee has malarin of Democrats and Republicans on tradeprotectionist lack da pitoistronggovemment pres palicies But the real disintegration which has 151 f1chresent The president in andsddwn majority party and bad the support of many Republicans who favored progressive legislation on crat he belonged teno organr lzedparty Today thattends ta partiesynllbough rallyingwrll occur as ib 1965 election nea ammo his new In the Senate the presidents trongest ally in the Republican leader Everett Dirisen llil tall ll Johnson loyal betruo em civil edlcarehsocial welfare me congressional last tlhouso seats cron hevsull hasa feet southernDtanoorate have esumed theirold alliance with epubllcanstohloek many of nmjor legislativerqueats We are in the beginning of one of diocewelldeiinod retur ym sdrdélvoonnan son government ppeara to be more deter mined than Ottawa order in the economy snd in But he sbre to maintain ltlffle trade not follow his example He has decided to make everyone dance tolliefoam tuneiha KQVemment wiltc together theadministrators of sdanoi commissions of hospitals of HydroQuehec of the wor mens compensation comnu alon of the minimum wa commission of the Quebec llmror boarder well sentatlvcs of labor organiza tions The government has ready examined draft oflts budget in the presencehf ty mlnls ld truth This is real budget pl hing democratic is do collaboration Brannon Dec not ringsr tell Neyt but can ahnlllllm

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