Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1967, p. 13

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WM EXAMINER SATURDAY DE ll NY Times Lauds Io HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE HELP mom uni urn mm nebpol nine new omdun on local bum Tambou or Imb nutktllan 94051 rouuo 5mm to lot IO concession Ian white one soon 01 are one In ban IuM or car ARrsl FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE SNOWMOBILES CHRlfiMAS TREES You Havent Seen Them All Till You Visit The TRAIL BLAZER Public Should Be Invollved In in moo tor teed and darnm More MEN ma Mia Inn date it will be moved to want mm mat CHRISTMAS Tm Good selection at Scotch Pine and Spruce xnrcurs or cowslnus mu Currier Bercry and Codringlun Lo open DAILY until 10 pm cIIusnIas mu tor sale rbpire be our Smith Pine we on AdeleIdA super Tele SNOWMOBILE DEALER CHRISTMAS SPECIAL For very special deal in Ice TRAIL BLAZER svownonua COVER SNOWMOBILE WARMUP STAND SNOWMOBILE TRAILER SNOWMOBDE SNOWMOBILE CUTTER See us this weekend nbone 1mm MALE HELP FEM ldp mm at It mic woelint toe sea Infl must miller we wards PicIR illnbvm Wanna Ind mall TRY EXAMINER wsnr ADS Dairy Policy OTTAWA CPlaDecisInnx on naiioaal dairy paling were ulti mately the rnrpo l1in ol the iederal government but policy making Ihouid involve the public as we as the govern ment Au culture Minister Pearson Career Most lnIportIutI It Mr Pearson ha uh Ila cant steps to orderve and relay one national unity PERI MORE GLORY NEW YORK CPI The New York Times sayI Prime Minis tcr Pearson at Canada is retir ing after to yearn superb public service during which he became one oi the worlds great diplomats loan editorial the Time earn Pearson waI one for rare group whose diplomatic Greene said Friday In statement It the close oi soda conierenee on dairy policy th rcpmeniatives oi iarm organizations processors it toys that with luck be may crown his career It winning agreement ironI the provincial premiers at contor tee mmfifil gin Iiélrlwr it able Telephone magi Waite prim aim OLIVETTI UNDERWOOD LTD FrommuntliDeeemberfltbweviliseiitbllpeckageatan require unbelievable low price See us soon to be assured of Christmas delivery Young Man to Train tor IM 11ml roar smrna pipe cut your own use weekend mg on Cloverleat amt to road mum mane lam Fred slc DEAD STOCK lead or cripple cattle and bonus Small animals removed tree For lust service PHONE DAM 7236200 Free Ride Bring The Family KNOTIY PINE HWY 27 NORTH North or Detour at Mldhurat 7287306 SNOWMOBILE CLUB RICESROOK GOLF CLUB miles lrom Barrio oil Hwy so mxgnnlnl Iieigh ridinz house facilities SEASON and See the 1968 DIABID ROUGE and TRAIL BLAZER DAILY RATES euro REPAIRS SPECIALIZING SPORTS CAR TUNING Club and small car repairs SERVICE TECHNICIAN CAREER AGE 125 YEARS GRADE 12 MINIMUM Telephone 72841421 for Appointment ROUTE SALESMAN Gilli Inr wdi established bakery route paying good commission would not come iron one lodi had been reached on the prob prnvinclai and federal apical ture oilIclIls Mr Green said solutions to dairy problems vldual or governman This type oi consultation believe will set the pattern tor tuture discussions on other problem oi agriculture and perhaps even ior other reg menLa oi the Canadian econ lie describedthe meetth as bigth rucccseiu Agreement tenIa and talr degree at con ence out February on new bill at rights and the recommen dations oi the royal comndsrlon if bilingualism and blculturai in his nineyear tenure as Canadas external ellalrs minis ter the Times says Pearson belonged to rare group whose character and skill won them lnfluepceiar out oi pro portion to the rlla oi their coun tries it is to character ior Mr Pearson to decide at very youlthl 70 to make way lor younger Liberal party leader airlll brought him international recognition for out at Wrtion to the size at the wintry he re presented The editorial views Parsons diplomatic ability as more lrrIpresstve than his political so compllshments Neither bciore nnr alter he became prime minister did iltlke Pearson display in horm politics the sure lunch and sen sitive insights that have made him one ot the worlds great diplomats However the paper says Bxperienneddriversaiesman ureterred but up will train ambition and aggressive man Apply in person to Mr John Biobuhcimcr at LAKEVIEW RESTAURANT KINZIE SWISS MAID FOODS lotII body need main m5 Te Shea enbone motel mcuamcaux incllnro man with lIllnlI mm oem MPUBLICNOTICE trade with writable future LIIfflh PERSONALS Mm mm Mm Township ol Ease YUVND MAN required ior banking cum Grade al Is education perms gill3d excellent rutun Call sir Part olRoad Allowance between We 725W the Township oi Bass and Vera SPECIAL $600 MON TUES WED ONLY EMPLOYMENT WANTED PM Mtifl Concession ll Town collect or eat for NlCKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 94150 NO CHARGE 74 hours any days vice RR Foxmcad Ontario License No Cot Nick Mme PM FARM MACHINERY census linden and prime minister it will he luslry universily that gets him on its roster it he loliowr his wishes and returns to tho teach in carccr he lclt In 1923 to begin Libyear period at superb public service Pgersons Liberal government has built solid record in no clul legislation has unliicd the armed horses and has bewed sensible middle course on tha provocative matter or American invstment Redline Import 3d Mary SL mom YOUR FRANCIIISED DAISUN DEALER TRUCKS FOR SALE lste calle it too pickup It In box memench Now on displ at ALCONA TIAXI No 11 Highway South or Stroud THE NEW ONE Bombardier Skidoo Sales and Service BAYVIEW MARINE Laheshore Dr Barrie mom SEE DARCY Bombardier PRODUCES LESS IIEAI Pound ior pound the sun ac blaliy produces less heat than the human body NEWSIOF SIMCOE COUNTY Cm Mra Etruy Wood Ivard Joined the ACW MAIL By MR5 DWIGHT NELSON 5th AMIWE SHOWER NIH CHARLES CHURCH Farm Suppliu It Service Cw New Holland David Brown Benity l7 BURNN AVE mm CASH TRADE TERMS to loo establkhed on county ndll TmDnnelt wide basis in southern Ontario Is celvcd Ihclr lamily and lrlends Wm mmn tor pale IN rer lee Dearporn motor with latmun fork and navel bucket Good con dltlon Telephone W11 Alliston LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Gasman Grimm now or sale years old one to menu Decem ber Ia Neuhono Stewart nutty norm ohms tor ule nav pure corn enn old slut suluon corm vnrp old Slob Telephon vonxnlmur ItoIris or sale we Mable ale imminent annrmd eligible ior maximum bonus IIIpl mnn Telephonemserp uradloro puma undrm boar or sale mmxlnlolblv 10 pounds Tele phone Mould mohair IIOLSTHN Vfll calves Inr Illa madam Mlnrdnl mom to ems or ask months old Skidoe Service Boll Ewaric See the TRAIL BLAZER SNOWMOBILE l8 hp on display at HANDY HARDWARE AMIONA BEACH RD STROUD Draw tickers Letterheads Perma stamps Buslness cards Cheques Wedding stationery FREE ESTIMATES ON ALL PRINTING NEE Shier For The Best Dealfl IssmI WICKS BEAUTY SALON Dunlop St West 7284980 DATES PARTIES TRIPS Canada DID YOU KNOW AlongCmsldy THE PONDEROSA For Winter Rm Call 43155 DS MANY MORE EXCITING Dating by Computerl For loior motion and Application send 25c to Cupid 62 Richmond Street Deni OX TORONTO Ontario till1 That things are so busy at the Tender05a that lien omitright Is changing his name to Hop Is in van dive Malina DAY CAR3 KIWI In In home streets not lunch Ictved Telephone miles Gunn and Devldsan or Itttther Intonation FEMALE HELP no wuutul or more IIdIsr ml or wartime Minx territories in Dorrie mom URGENT own my children Apply In Bunion sire west PAM TIM waitress nnrrte TELL MORE SELL MORE aimnun reoulred in hom NW to pass bylnw to stop and close ulenlnt worklmr conditions unliomlr nup plicd and Mutilated Anva Unlted Cigar store Ltd to Danton street ship at Essa Notice is hereby given that the Council oi the Corporation oi the Township of Bass proposes alter the 2nd day or January 1968 and being the day oi the Council mccting lor the month oi iaII uary i968 and being one month lrom the date of the lsi publica tion and posting up oi this noti the South huli oi the road bl lowance between the Towrishlps oi Vespra and Fess Lot 32 Con cesslnn ll lrom tin wcsl bound ary oi the Concession road be tween the Town of Essa and innlaill to by No 90 as described in the said laylaw and the road allowance between the Townships oi Essa and Vospre The bylnw will authorize the being the southerly as leetrol Mr and Mrs Tunis Coleyll and seven children who mlved in Stroud Nov lrom iinlland on the ship Carmanla have rent ed the home ol Mr and Mrs John Stratigeas RR the lur mer Maurice Brown term on 11th line cast ior two years as the Stratigeas are going bnclr to their homeland Greece ior two years The Coleyns whose Inmily have been divided at inur dillercnt homes the lost two weeks now havca home but not their warm winter clothing In or household goods There goods were never unloaded at Montreal because ol the dock strike One minute alter the passengers had dlsembarked the boat wzs on its way to England wth tho crates oi the aw passengers who bad This Is intended to achieve eo paltry oi educational opportunr lites inr every chlld whelhcr in rural or on urban area Mr Fisher says the tax cost to him this year to read two chddrcn to high school including the bus is cents day Being well inlormed and inicrcsted iII edu cation Mr Fisher wouldmako an interesting speaker at Home and School clubs Stroud curling club held mix ed borIspicl on Cookstown its First prize winners on the llrst draw were Marshall and Linda Campbell and lilr and Mrs Fuhcr iidrdprlze Denney and Brldge loursoma Winners in the second draw were Webb and Bowman and wives it Green and Smurthwelte and wlvea at the home oi their son Ari Dunn Sunday nitornoon The iricnds ol the community pro scaled them with set of door chimes The happy couple ro celved many gills and cards All wish them many more wedding anniversaries Ron Grooves oi Citawa spent Itc weekend with his parents ere noun Hallo HEART IS TOPIC Bond Read Womens lnstliule held their Christmas meeting in the hall with on attendance at al members and visitors Mrs Batemaoopened thamecting 4H leaders were presented with and the bull Spence family giiLs in appreciation lor their lmobaluolnooduveon new bar It Schulx rm hurts phone M1 FEED SEED 8t GRAIN 4000 Salim EAL or Itmoth hay tor nle Iiso 1M bale or wheat suw And son on straw Telephone mien Cmp Borden 2mm nouns oi hay or pale Irde oualltv Mentions moors alter rim HAY hay tor nu Tell been rm board The Coirst have only the clothes they were wcor lug and what was their suit or by his or her counsel agent cases Would auteure to con or solicitor any person who tribute to ower or them claims the ii iii members all coloycd be preludlcaily ec évnlllnrnlbnwli or sold bylaw and who applies to allowed by games orne be board or Mr and Mrs Mervn Booth DATED the 13th oi November Gills on Christmas tree were 1967 distributed HAROLD BELL 0n CBC Dec 19 at 930 pm Clerk oi the Township of Essa Irprogram is to be telecast that is especially interesting to stu 6AUT°M°TVE parents It is the hs dents on lory at Huronla which story will SNOWMOBILES start trom NineMlle Portage in ONLY Memorial Square 111112 snow CRUISER when you place your Articles For sale no in The name Ex aminer keep these pmnta in mind state Whatliemll Brand name Condltlon Specllloallous Accessorm nod attachmch Provlous usage Prlce Upholsterynr Flanll Age Color Slu Moire iii easier ior ihe plosped to buy Remember the Articles tor Sale classification Is the EXAMINER Commercial Printing Auro REPAIRS MOFFATT Mercury SERVICE DEPARTMENT Equipped It Stalled To Service Any Maire of Cal conveyance thercol in thc abutt ing owner or owners The Council will hear in person eie problem and want halo plian any time norm viesolo OLDFASHIONED ileltb rtde nart tea utue Acres miles Iram Darrin mom cvenlnls itllil Isolieyiulm into the black Rutrail Eulu approximately IN Wednesday December Id IW II Inh NII DI Inbth DIE hIBDIIflfl 72855 JAZZ Pianist and errnut also leader roe clanInna available or New vein and other parties For reservations elem write Mn rau nnlutrey ton Blake strut Bar the mom AMAZINGth allth reller on dis comfort or mouth my white rationalisation me Medicine Sim at modern lltd alumn Fluxmaster my EXAMINER WANT ADS wcrk Plans were made to cater for the banquet and euchrea to be held in January new book Is to be purchased for the Tweadsmulr history no pro gram wait by Will ienfStililer ndxnd1d Nlh ei Mrs McArthIn led in sIngiug made the my Ruby ol carols Mrs Brethct read and Donald havallved thelren seasonal poem Mn Harvey tire lives In tlIIs community and showed beautllul decorations Ibo had made eipresrrd regret at leaving The evening was spent Iil progrea II JEEEHIY Berton Whit five 9mm 0m 50 mud en la chairman oi the Heart Foun loyod the abundant lunch and gallon ughI howlhliaauhefitm oils an oral eren fellows um mnww heart diseases eiao demonstrat Mibs DYEB ed the care given patient alter stroke Mrs Brothel thanked Al as number oi people from here attended the Moral Dec Mrs Sealy lor her interesting and lniormatlve talk Mrs Sth PRESENTATION Mr and Mrs Joe Cochrane and Mr and Mrs Donald Coch ranc were guests oi honor at lr hall totinnmi an orig pa rig and electric carvlng krille respectively was lt as pr Good Quality pbnne mutt sauna Amos or clean oat rtruw 1000 enter or nay Millie and Binnie mixed harvested In 1966 well awed Telephone uwot Wm In in ions eats Adolph Von Graflerl RE Ih ow ontmo Telmom Isotope Our Expert Mechanics and STILL ON THE son To own RELIABIE SERVICE TO SMALL can OWNERS Moffatt Mercury Ltd number from here were mung the 300 guests who called Dec to congratulate Mr and ol Mrs Arthur Dyer the ior AUTOMOTIVE iii ESSA RD 7285558 PHONE mam CARS FOR SALE VIAU °i RAMBLER IVGowanSLW lnirodUcing Peoples Market Pia Brand new insomnia never used ONLY BRAND NEW 700143 BOAT TRAILER Priced low to clear TRAlL BLAZER SNOWMOBILE Giverdobn Belore you buy KNOllY PINE MrsRoy lllckllng on the oc cnslnnoiiheir golden wedding anniversary The event was held here Roy court on ww in 1955 Ray war Warden of Simon bus Don che leaves Stroud every Tuesday at pin transporting tean ecur lers tn Cooksiown wherothey have iheuse of tour sheets or the Robertson who was erland conducted contest won born and ralsedhere Mrs Dyer wasI kindly gracious lady poss essed oi gentle considerate nauire Her many lrlcndr in lap lslll were proud to claim ac tliualntance and Iriendship with or Mr and Mrs an odd Mr and Mrs Edgar Sturgeon and Mr and Mrs ErnestrKnooshnIy belatedly celebrated wedding an nlversarles The daisy was beI by Mrst idoydsanLMrs Sealy An exchange of gills delicious lunch by hostess Mrs Hannah Mrs Amy and Mrs Andrews concluded the evening ice or one and one haltrhours or curling Mrs Sheldon how mnn Bob Denney Inez Spence and All Chalmers are coaches cause Ernest spentthe last three months in hospital recovering lrorn injuries received when he tell to cement floor through rsgdoo That shown by the many snowmobiles which run around hereabotli runetlmesiomldnlght SEv al have cutters attached ad un RESTAURANT IIwy TIN lid1806 ByronGraham Motors 119 BRADFORD SP Barrie must Our name meansa great dani 1950 limo sullen Wazoo murder rebuilt motor inw rah IRE Best otter Telephone utter min also cnnv Belem door mt clean stno For timber Mortu fion televlwneW 1951 HOW Wont V3 for IIIQ MI lulflmxuc will zany véingnshlxilnter Rtlixlétlltll vhm 95511 met pan 1953 MD 101 ILIE door macroscnlowrzrlr mom or mm IDES PONTIAC mm WmIo cylinder door automatic ndl duel mm wheel In at New This was held Thursday alternnnn at the home lI SAG TO cmssmro UUSERS Before you call an AdViLsor to pipe yoursl Consider lhi mamas MEETING lbe Presbyterian WMS held their December meeting at the home ol Rov and Mrs BellWllllprnst Barrie in whole lamiiy play Mrs Mayer In the chi Us Eventhe oldsiura try ing an Advent Wreath the pro Nelson invites all as to mm told how God prepared the make use at his tarIn or world or the cornlngoUIls Son sport it was shawnhowthe great Thnse who have gone south are nations olthnwnrl anmans Mr and Mrs 5mm Grsékfnd bullshiti In ad I315 Mr MargareiSutkIérlnnd Mrs 931 II if AgII Ra ertsoII and 211 3233 llclrlllrfld in Jem RW Seymour Kev Mrsrmuenaw it is necessary ior you to TELL 53 15 officers tins and Mr and Mrs ALL about thedeteils of yo aimed Wm on exPlUrfltlofl Hawkins gt fitted Saturday hum of earth space sndto live In gt with Mr andMrs sieve Ra commun Via friend for ChristmIS Wh it being the iaitcrs birthday mm mm not give the new Innisle cm 69 med amt Mk 96590 TIIIr WI carlstmas meeting swngmch the municipnlolllce we pg to was HEM gt mg home Mrs 11 inane NEWS Edl Archie Malcom and members lhaarsna boar me Keaitlllii it MAIN Eli and one visitor attended Mrs and train six tenders ch tom oilinvlng Chrlstmas party 3w cummemd on are CaracaddEn assisted by Ed Stroud hsll board will Inalre motto happiness is doing lor psou as caretaker Iestlvs occasion at the weekly he Mm Jack Camera euchrn Monday Dona to make various kinds olrrollr and hurls andnll the ladies ev greed the course was very worthwhile ll ladies attended and It Is to he hoped more will be present at the next meeting when mnkng oi bread is to be demonstrated Misses Linda Judy aner no Hall spent the weekend in Ba You are ui to Invest money home HRS liell Mr and Mrs and daughter Service Manager Im Handy Iwilh Allen mmmmm mg NEW ALLENIRONlC EQUIPMENT net3 angling QurTune UpCenire is eqUIpped WIl er aw or Inc an in radio Colour ts dirk bl fisher arm See it up we lt 00 on 561 02 21 gt erowhowlouse LManylrenderawiiicaliyouhut DECEMBER do not lind it convenient to come Mrs Allen and Mrs Kedney Spec In home were named to attend meeting ALL VCARS BJDontCorlceal The to reported Cm use pomrec roi dltlon mo aelwrodergigramul tu sens Jack Muir sonata ma tor rate Cow II math Minder In mod modulo Nimble TEIWIIOIIU am In fame Information ml VWAGDI in excellent mm new Mill Ella Ind um job done IKme Dev Am built mo Telephone tlan ave paper on the opic Cit The Emma flea lgzenship Five dollarIs is to be sent tosicir Childrens Hospl Thom Igor 19 man FAIRLANB MI €le der numerammmbn mm miles milked in until wlhhnd interior Moder In excellent condi 150 KM attlxd CAR ACCESSORIES Christnfiias Pricenesiredy gt Malcnrn and MrsWnnless ere Surv Eahpvv that high percen appninlod to paglr boxes vi my 151mm to find eve Wednesday and teach pub lic school children alxyoara oi age and upleams andcoachcs oiithh ilili mlrI oclreyhoys nrs algnainp Arenaliie is pll um um wm reign0W9 lt rel toroli as soon sales can by were mumby mm Mm hers nidbwriabaglongleodfind PLANCIANT STADIUM INFORMATION yDue to the latenessoi the hour mmssmgnlfihmgfngf Irmw QRLEANS AP 1pm members otBDCIbonrd did not Wm nu liminary plans tor replanting give an marlin lathe rule Inperdome were mveiledFn or at th nomination meet day The architectural nudge Iggy Nov 22 Dr Liglitrmm conducted the ambigbiueprinta editor warned to Women met III basemenipDec President Mrs Kendrick openedthr mlellnz and asked Dr Lighthourn to as lib ihedevollonal Several ANDJTRUCKS Complele TeslTaRles nd learn the truth about Suggestions Dangerliel ACCESSORY DEPT side view mirrora pulsar interior car vgnmsg 233 BradfordSr 72612117 CLASHFIRED ADS BilING RESUME Readers cant gueaeron lm out delallshnememben wditap lniormahve ad will get results taster and cost routbless from can We venvcn minnow VIorzmonwmewosm TAKE DVANTAGE OF THIS SPECIAL trionit sftfllg um ioliiurs who summittiara one new panama miner vlca In IIoooo tor hoot one Mr George Kitten secy Mn rorn Coward Edna rim lion Ian Craig was Wm Ml lniomutioo ermtaarlumteror MmTIobcrt mien lower it obtain ldvlflttIIaKIillmim can am Roy room wflibe red ad vlsihnmiimzsmtonandflrr RYAN soundboard uc

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