AGoodwill Toward AI Tboufli the destruction oi the Edomites and the pres ervation oi Judah proved Gods love tor them ill people tail Nien ed to see it Malachi 116 They deaituntalriy with each other they put aside their wives to marry heathen we Ready For Christmas REV GEDDES Churchill and Giilord United Churches hundred times as the Jay days oI Christs nativity aw near we hear the words Are you ready tor Christmas Preparation or the happiest season at the whole year be wmes increasingly oleborata and demanding It workman hanging cane to city light lo hits his linger and uuers Eli ontii lie is lust getting ready tor Christmas Dozens oi street corner sautas take their red coats out at math balls tar another season Streets are crowded with shoppers trying desperately to tied the kind at presents that will match their vpidiy dwindling Christmas sav ings and still make lespectahle giits They too are getting ready for Christmas in every household the annual chore ot addressing the growing mountain oi greeting cards re minds us that this also is part ot getting ready tor Christmas Tndecislvely we lace the inevit LIlST OF THREE able dilemma Since they did nt send us one last year that we stop sending to them this Then comes the quiet magic at Christmas Eve The turmoil at least or the moment is ended The tree is trimmed the last card sent the last package wrap pod The whoit iamily settles back relaxed ready ior christ mas wonder What does it tatte to be truly ready or Chrisli is Christmas to be iound in reindeer and Santa Claus is it iestival ot lighted trees and glowing windows is Christmas merely the toy ol giving and res eeiving giits the spirit oi triendliness and good will No Christmas Is not spirit at all it is an event in time when God invaded the world with the birth oi babe For when the time had iuliy come God sent terlh his Son Galatians 40 For the Christian the nativity can never be merely hit oi paelryoi the moving drama of men yet the priests remain ed insensitive Malachi 110 11 They had despised His name degraded iii sacred ancient tolldore This Li the laalahrntionotthewsyGodhas come into the world ior nil tlmu and to all men in elder cisive act God Entered the world as man And the Word be came flesh and dwelt among us iJohn 114 God took centuries to get ready tor Christmas Yet how low were ready tor him the night Jesus Christ was born 0on low simple shepherds and three wise men irom alar came to adore the Christ child tie came unto his own and his own received him not No the world was not reody Ior that iirst Christmas Nineteen centuries at Christ mas have come and gone Are we any more rcudy tor the com ing of Gods Son this December 25 will We welcome indeed the yuletida season with its glitter and glow We are ready tor Santa and sleigh bolls bright lights and gilts Wo may even be ready tor carols pageantry and child in the manger But are we ready tor the Son oi God the Lord at Lite Rctbbi sees so In Canadian Jewry Christianity ll Icing crlsin though churchmen icel it will emerge stronger what at Judaism Jewish youth too asks questions The illth also has Its prob lems litre some Canadian rabbis give their views By ANDERSON anadiau Press Stall Writer Some call it synagogue some call it shuie some call ititemple iio strangers it has an air of mystery vrllee Rabbi Gunther Plant To those who call it their own it is home Iway fromhome In the balls an ancient spirit stalks and it you listen speaks with the shit and sentimental tones oi many generations The quotations ara from Your Neighbor is Jew new book by Rabbi Plant sen der rabbi oi Torontosiioiy Riessomiempie one of the largest and most attiueat re nyuagoguee in Can ink he seeks to deer away prejudice against the Jew and provide basis tordiscus and batter und tending ot isracis victory over the Arab states in the itilddle East war For whatever his nationality the Jew is spiritu aiiy aligned with his ancestral home Judaism is split into three branchesorthodoxy alcad last in theold ways the are cient rituals reformed seek ing change and modernity movement not unlikothat of the Proteatautrebaliion against the Roman Catholic and conservative committed to ehange albeit slow change Writes Rabbi Plaut They retormersi say that the only real diiierence be tween rolormers and orthodox Jews is the way in which they park their ears on the ash bath The reiorm Jew who seen nothing wrong in riding on the sabbath drives right up to the synagogue and parks no its lot the orthodox parking lot is chained off on the sabbath so the members according to the story parkrtheir earn two blocks away and pretend to have beenswalkingall the way when they arrive atthe sane than so synagogues and tem ples of the three branches oi Judaism Montreal has the largest astume Canadaabout 120 ln interviews with TliiBCa nadino Press leading rabbis across Iheeountry expré their opinions on the slate at Judaism today Dr Samuel Lewln educa tional director at the Cnna dian Jewish Congress in ition real said an tnereasa ln syna gogue atteodm began otter the Second World Waree it did in Christian churches nnd increased againnlter the ista Arab war Rabbi irraelJlausman re presenting an orthodox Mont real group saw no basic ditiercnee between the ques tioning teenage Christian on Jewish teanagere Montreal teenagers gener ally dont want coloredup version oi religion he said They want the basic iaeis laid down on the line without any trinuruuge so they can draw their own conclusions or issue momma smmiir SCHOOL Essen ByAllredBuescher thin the priests were spin it lystariloservtoxmiyior moneyhinhchi 1610 111 me They would be punished Bethlehem Is Preparing For Record Pilgrim Influx JERUSALEM Reuters Bethlehem is preparing tor record inriux oi pilgrims ior Dirtstmas celebrations in the small lndean town where Girlst was born But several changes in the traditional celebrations ill occur as result at the isracli capture oi Bethlehem during the Juno Arablsraeii war israeli authorities have adopt ed measures tor thousands oi the expected 25000 pilgrims to attend midnight mass outside the church of Saint Catherine in lilnuger Square inside the church there is barely room or 1000 worship pers The Latin patriarch of le rumlem Archbishop Alberto Gori will hold the traditional Christmas service in the church Among the changes will be is raeli police replacing the Jor daninn Lancers who since the rats partitioning oi Palestine FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH St Vincent St Rev VIII Dyk BA BI Pastor WORSHIP toxooaar hit RM The Back To God Hour Toronto OBEY 550 am Every Sunday Month nu wonan EINIIIE PIIIIK CHURCH OFJCHRIST Grove Cook Sunday Schedule wunruoes rue BIRTH or CHRIST MEAN TODAY HEAiiqmpï¬rr Sl0 AM see Larva tzso PM DEC17th with the Chorus or Great Christian College Wesley Jones Minister 345 Grove 7261006 SUNDAY EMMANUEL 945 FAMILY BIBLE SCRO Gihurr it hiroriorg 13 IAIN mm MIMI DEC is 37 FREE METHODIST CHURCH aoo Reynold st lante Preeeatinl Methodist Message oi hit Salvation 1000 Sande school uroo am Worship me am ï¬ning Service mansion lilo pm CYc Iii pm Bible Study Gods kingdom will be taken troni them and given to the Gentiluhinladil 111 60 DEN TEXT Malachi 110 REV CARL BULL BA DD PASTOR lgmoumd guard outside the The iaraeii military governor oi the Bethlehem district Lt Col Yermlahu Esited is expect od to Welcome the religious procession on the outskirts oi Bethlehem The hiondelhaum Gale landmark previously associated with Christmas celebrations will have disappeared this year The gate linked Jordanian and lsraeli sectors oi Janisaiom in the past flirtation Arabs irom lsraei along witheeoraa oi tourists were allewm to pass téirough the gate on Christmas re Now all oi the Holy Land is under israellcontro Any Jews from acl intend ing to travel to Bethlehem to watch the Christmas odebra tions in Bethlehem will be turned back by military authori ties so that pilgrim and wor shippers will not be hampered by curious crowds WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN no Steels Street 773415 91 MARan Roman Catholic es MUUASTEB ET new SUNDAY masses mm Ian i°l5 mm 30 mm SUNDAY MASS pm EVENING DEVOTIONS Wednesday at 730 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYSI MASSES 73M ern 600 lull tUtHERAN cnuacu OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD no Steel St Rev Joseph Motltoria Phone mom Sunday School 945 mm Bible Class 1000 mm Divine Worship 1100 mm Radio Church or The Lutheran Rant TV 971 THE LIFE PORTAL 0F PRAYER Ralph Mackenzie an 81 organist Mrs Norman Tuck Rev 930 CHURCH SCHOOL aWHITE GIFTJUNDAY Nursery Facilities Available STEELE and COOK STREETS BAREIE Minister Rev Richard Elliott Visitors are diwdya welcome JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH Baldwin Lana IS lnnislii 2680 meannesssit 830 AM 945 AM ll30 AM CHURCH VOE THE NAZARENE St Vincent at Grove Pastor Rev Robert Elliott 945 Bible or 11 AM woasnip PLM GOSPEL ntï¬ieuannm Rhondaldieiioe mast ALL WEUCOME W0 cm munr may MASSES an AM moo Ant BAPTIST caution tea at vtneentst nor is neuron Vitiiiunee Church gt Advancement of Scriptural Knowledge FREE BIBLE COURSE Fill In coupon and mail to ASK Box 276 Barrie Ontario Name CHRISTIAN SCIENCE StiEIETY the speaks to you christian Science Rndio Series CKBB SUNDAY MORNING ll 159 Collier Street Church Service Sunday Scme it All Testimony Meeting 2nd ed each month PM FIRST BAPTIST ENIIIIEII HAPPENTON at WDNSLEY Pastor Rev linroid Ailby BA BB Organist Miss Edna Theodore Choir Director Altilae Esther ilcrmou 350 unrhlhlo SchoolClasses or All ARCS 1100 am LOOKING FOR CIIRISTB COMING mo pm Senior Bible School Orristmnsl Program 815 pna Young Peoples Meeting Wednesday woman Prayer Meeting YOU ARE wnwoira AT HRSI earner wvvvvvvvvvv BlillN NINE AClDtISTMAE CANTATA Rendered the toil youth adult choir with in terspersed scriptures of our Lords Birth and Tflnmphi PLUS GREAT CONGREGATIONAL CAROL SING 50 amSunday5ehool and Adult Class 00 up Femlly Worship Service Sermo THE PURPOSE OF GOD Nursery ears and ehildrenrchureh years HI WA CHURCH PENTEGOSTAL mar ST 400 ALL WELCOME REVgtG TUNKS PASTOR Prtsiï¬ierion Church ST ANDREWS ESSA ROAD Wm in Burton Ave Alia dole Rev Ken Heron BA 111 gt Barrie organist new open nu Mr Van Bemert 011ean VMr vBert Churchill 1100AM among men of all iaiths tuary doors Dr Lawm agreed that n1 MORNING WORSHE HOUR in it too he applies Ger trude Steins deï¬nitionoi rose Jew in aliew is means Which ply said in an bitesview bw always Jew Rabbi Plant sees no lessen ing oi faith in Judaism among Canadian Jewry anything there was esnrga as result not rattan anon rostrum Each synagogue in Canada is autonomousymponaible to no superiors and attiliated with no hierarchy fibna aeeul rate ï¬gures on congrega nal memberships are all but im possible io obtain Rabbi Plant armament there are about 750000 Jews inOanoda 90000oithem in Toronto where there are more NWR Rkiflfltmï¬tw ti searching in under way amapg the rynunget Jewish aet or among Christian groups he said there oitehia certain agnodiclem among teenage but they lose this outlook as they growolder Winnipeg with about Jews reported current trend awaytram etlvepar tloipatio mlemg lite Tenor Soloio Mr Hembldea VTHE m5 HEAR 701 Special Christmas Pruentatirm Baniel mirror animatenor Mtrsionlnchnrc irssentadhy th Sundayiehool CHRIST canrgr no common enuncnscnoon ary Visitor We 751 GEORGES Burton Avenue Granville Street spousal cnuacn osodon Street Putieitts rt Ontil Roiy Blplllm mehSehojl Holy communion rnerCoiiior and royal Minister uzv Pnocron an sisterta Minl ten any mavnn Choirmeateri Mr Tniiorrl 3mm TiroNuv Meiers can Wuritl Msmam normalsnos mummumtmmm groomwtntamtuuomontntezi trammwmrm miwflukm umwne 945 Junior to Senior toss urn Nursery turnin Rev Donald French Church School years to adult 11 no em Nursery kindergarten and Junior Church Visitors on New Residen Weleuana anterior canton TRINITY CHURCH Center Street Next To Post Oiliee Decemher 17th Third Sunday in Advent steam Holy Communion 930 nun Holy Communion Sunday School Hoierommnnion ArchdeaconRead GRACE uunra trove Minister cool tirgaulst Mrlq Arthur Goof St ii an rrovitv revue