00 T0 GOOD HEALTH Need Booster Shot Tetanus Toxoid By JOSEPH MOLKER MD Dear Dr hlolnerl Would you explain the dillerencc between tetanus toxold and tetanus anti toxin also any side citrus pos sible length at ellectircntss etc ilany oi your readers IlfltE never known the real uslulness ol theseG The only way to appreciate the lull uselulncss is to see what lack at such protection means uhat happcns when person gets tetanus infection or lockiaw The convulsions are horrible enough to see even it the patient reeovcrs Locle used to be much more common Now most schools and hcaith departments insis on tetanus immunization and ctcryonc lti mditary serv ice receives similar protection The danger however recurs TELEVISION as immunity wanes as ii will our the years The way to be sale is to have booster every two to ï¬ve years But because so many people have not done this it is common land wise practice to give booster when person suliers suspicious woundone which is clogged with dirt and more particularly deep puncture wound as lrom nail or long splinter This is because the tetanus germ thrives in the absence or air FORMS ANTIBODIES This vaccine against tetanus is tosoid Like an other vac cinc it causes the nod to incur antibodies which will destroy tetanus germs it they appear Tetanus antitnxin or TItl tor short is quite dillerent type at injection When tetanus infection de Pronouns BUFFALO HARRIS BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON SATURDAY DECEMBER l6V EVENING on erllntstonu lwaler Polo llIlttckey anotboll ouisr ma llthtll People zMovle tun ff mm ow soon llDennls in Menace NSWfl 520° Vtflelson 1Itr1 lzhllihll obv nick 15g tv Sportl Plum tcimon aoo Emotion otlnt saurr Bunny Kiss mill llSuw sy mu IM zcortrtmu with LDeath Valley Days Lorne Green aCottrgr Basketball vIron iinm IISllnl lozllo rt 3213 in oer arr or itilibllues earner and logo lltt Ich 1itotla tAdtDntnle at Don Juan tIttovio Two lmeal 00 2a emitNewt wrrtner snort Pump srmt Hockey tun Hilnlrlv smnrrne Show 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ciun Fllvnkerr halibut Chlllldee dFootbali osrnotners Brothers 7Cuslu zWalt nlsner Chinel asorm 3Hlshback 1Way It Is 1Irinr Talent Menu on ma srnl ltdllovle pronton s41 Alive IlGentle Ben no and aEd suulvan anoss Caldwell Leo Sullivan lino 7tinvle Hanna tlhe 49th unI onrtrr ilLosl In Space thisslnn impossible 95 iirryton Plaz tizoo ii Nevrs Weather Spam nrelert peell LNewI wratasr Sports zum oritltn JHuman Itllllll LhlnrfltcrllnLlw tIuovis all Distth tdrsnnis 9Trlktng Point an Cocklesitell Heroes 7Movie tThc wua Heart Lemmire Lassie bkflottanta aanm auntr 11Hth Channrsl esrurtnars Iao tieanl ztvtndow on The tcourarelrur vorid 4summer Semester 7Wludnw on The erotration Brother itSoectrurn MONDAY DECEMBEI Iii MORNING AND AFTERNOON sesonrrn Ior air Pennl Itelops and the germs multiply they throw all highlywlooooos hyprodixtsthe toxin It it this by product rather than the germ itselr which does the damage is designed to combat this oxin rather than the germ itseit Thus it can be used silt it is too late tor toxoid Toxoid prevents the lntection bu it must be given time in whith to build up the preventive powers TAT is used to ï¬ght the inlec on once it has been in troduced into the body The pa tient in such case has plenty of misery in store but the urgency is to save his lite Another problem is that Mir has in the past been made lrorn horse serum and some people are highly sensitive to it so disagreeable allergic reactions can occur More recently an immune globulin has btcn developed prepared tram human blood in stood of horse serum hut serv Ing the same purpose as TAT Willi it reactions it any are of tar less serious proportions The thing to keep in mind is South dealer Both sides tulnerahie NORTH our VQIOBB exerts traa wzsc mar AKQIM 475 63 3764 Qng 51072 41an serous SOUTH seas VAX2 0AM 4x Thebiddirtg South Wth North East to can so Pue to Pass to Pass 51 Pass it Opening leadkin nt spades Part oi the skill in dummy playconsists ol inducing your opponents to make errors in de tense and the more opportuni ties you create lot on error the more likely your opponents are to make one Consider this case where South is declarer at six hearts The contract cannot be made against best delense yet there is chance oi bringing home the rsiam it you set thetrap plupmly Lets say you win the king of spades with theace East tol lowing low and draw three rounds at trumps West discard ing spade You then cash three rounds oi diamonds West dis carding another spade alter which you cash the All of clubs in that orderi Ynuinowlcad intv spada loward the nine and West who has the 310 must decide which one to pin It he makes the normal play oi the ien You make the slam East wins with the jack and with only olubslelt load one This permits yott to discard spade Itnrn one hand and roll in the other and you have your twelfth tria li West is smart enought to put up the queen when you load the spade he deleats you but than you have lost nothing by OFFICE HORS that result the an dial is the important thing it prev ents Reactions or side dietto lmm it are as uncommon as they are with any ol the stand ard llequeflly used immuniza lions But remember to have an caaional bootter Dear Dr tlolner Would you believe my large toenails ore greenish or the skin under them islJ Could he hllght be an ineipi ent lungus lnlection Sea der matologist Could be dya train your socks or shoes Dear Dr llninuz Would tat lng hydrbeortisone our times day over an extended period cause any growth changes in the body suth Is hands loot elm This would not cause any growth changes it could cause water retention however This could make the extremities or other parts at the body swell and thus feel larger It would not be actual growth only the pulliness of accumulated fluid in the tissues CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY Beckett having attempted to lilmtlam him You tried and tailed Actually West ha difficult play to make and may easily go wrong From his point of view he should play the ten it he thinks you started with the JN and the queen it he thinks you started with the Ho starlcd with the dis he would the opening lend to indicate douhloton spade and on that basis play the ten or course West may also reason otherwise and go up with the queen in any case he should he put to the test Greene Not Aware Ol Complaints OTTAWA CPD Agriculture Minister Greene said Thursday he is notawarn at any com plaints trom Canadian turkey producers that government us turkey exports have not been ellective mons to Allred Hales PC Wellington South who com plained about1lhulioodrotsls turkeys into Canada Mr Greene said the govern ment had fixed dutyyon im parts it this was not working the government would review the situation Says Embassy islet Pearson said Thursday the Canadian embassy in Athens thsreported that Canadian eit zensin Grec innodlmg stances that would require their withdrawal The embassy report described the situation in Greece Thurs day as thin Mr Pearson told the Commons in reply to Davie Fulton PCltnmioopst JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK NOW HENHl West may reason that it East hnve signaled with the tack on measures to protect them lmm SEERET AGENT x9 He was replying in the Coml lit souy MYCOLD lM SONNA FEET ARE KEEPING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT and there seem to be no cirwma OLONDIE TWELVE Bucke weent or cameo ooKINa EM Fier DUPLEOF PAIRS OFVVOOLEN SOCKS WEpiacmetï¬ To HONKIMG New MGMIWlLLYOU opesir ifltvln You purvouu DATES LIKE Aura or nun HOUSE 70 vaue HUSBAND cola DRIVERS rive POINTS VHECSVELIPEED RCQd 521sclflme VII oMuvie WhiloIadmlreiyour determination togivaup they KEEPNQYOU gt Vml HsFriendly Giant Hillbillies Illemmllb llno nestled on snr nr my use oftobaeeo Rocketsnlnr FAWVGrmnm 11 Mirronouai 7Telnntatlon an tchpiatn Kangaroo fem PM The warm gigmolter noon peniversity nt thl tiggttgtï¬gwn gt Air Fm 1M lLove la may 115anta Time 749 you amp solondar rntno litLaw 109 17Diallug or Dollars I167 21m Boone Confidential LHousdlldy sactood Mornlrtl IDrelm Girl gt lConuct 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