OFFICERS at vlcw Chapter Order ol the Eastern Star posed tor the photogra pher following the installation ceremony held in the Chapter Rooms Owna St Shown seat ed irom belt to Right are Mrs William Excll Mrs Frank Toporouski William bcii associate palro Worthy Iiialron Mrs David Darby shire Harvey Baldwin Worthy Chdptet Installs Ofï¬cers An impressive ceremony mark ed the installation at oiliccrs oi Beyyiew Chapter 105 Order oi the Easlcrn Star Mrs David Darbyshiie was installcd as Worthy Matron and Harvey Baldwin as Worthy Patron Retiring Worthy Matron Mrs Jean Monroe and Leslie liosc retiring Worthy Patron wel comed i35 members and visitors to the meeting held in the Chap ter Rooms Owen St Members or Frances Hague Chapter Town to Lily ol the Valley Chapter Oriilia and Unity Chapler Tomo to West Hill attended the cam many SFECIAL GUESTS Among the distinguished guests attending were Mrs Perle Kohl Barrie Pest Grand Matron ot Grand Chapter at Ontario Mrs Irene Gilrny PDDGM grand re presealative ot the state at Deli ware USA Mrt Laura Sher ing Stroud PDDGM Mrs Beal rico Spearn Mrs Freda Wilson Barrie Presiding Matron Mrs Jessie Steers Cookstonnand Melvin hchechnie oi Coiling wood INSTALLING OFFICERS The installation Board con ducted the ceremony and in eluded Mrs Lily Mchu PM installing matron itay Lotimer PR installing patron Miss Mar garet Caldwell ma Myrtle Sproule chap in Perle Kohl Ilorai marshal Mrs Hazel McLean tvarder Mrs Bertha Service scntin Mrs Beatrice Speant organist Mrs HelenCooir soloist Assisting in the East Bruce Ncsbill Mrs Mary Jory Mrs May Garrett Mrs Freda Wilson Mrs Jenn Munroe Mrs Jessie MaiewelLdiIrs Dorian Gigg and Mrs June Galloway Alter the ceremony butiet supper convened by Mrs Ken nedy and her committee was served the engagemen da bier yrtyDorradn mi ced aimed athnnslflx Waco celledfonaoetdateiio dthe war end to tli Nortbfltetoam on the earn powertalks toor Iain negotiations or spears onto Phononn bombing at actcages Patron Mrs Kennedy and Mrs Jory Stand ing Lott to night are Mrs Lloyd Churchill Mrs Leslie Rose Mrs William Wood Mrs Mabel Cauihcrs iiirs Doris Such Leslie Rose Mrs James Dandas Miss iinzel Students Project Beneï¬ts Eye Bank WINNIFEG CPI Brenda Richardt Isyeamid school girl has completed tar Sighted centennial prolth that will continue to beneï¬t Cona dians long alter the end at im in to nicotine she has persuad ed too person to pledge their rye to the eye book when they die Brenda became aware last January that many eighties persons can have sight restored by corneal transplant After watching the operation on tele vision she went to the local branch at the Canadian Institute or the Blind and willed her own eyes Then she set out to persuade other to do the same Amonx those who agreed were school friends and relatives tier 59th conquest was Dave Raimoy coonen airs Frank Waring Mrs Burt Cross and Mrs Har vey Baldwin Photo by smith Studio scarcity Of aHoliy Berries Leads To Poor Holly crop VICTORIA CF Its the berries Thats what sells Citrislmas holly and the problem this year is that the berries are literally law and tar between You have to have berries or youve had it says Mur ray president at the Vancouver island Holly Growers Associa tion Not to heavy buchca but evenly all the way up the branch Mn Murray and others in the industry estimate British Co lumbias annual holly harvest is down as much as 50 per cent from last years iflfl000 pounds worth about $70000I in this BCv shippers who accountInr 100 per cent at Canadian boSy pro duction received stream from 200000 poundslo tonsoi the prickly green holiday teal Mr Murray says the last such failure of the bushes to berry was iriisst It just happened It was hor rible We had to canceigcrders all over the place Canadian holly productionds limited to southern Vancouver Island and the lower BC main landWusFoFlhedimate Temperatures under an degrees above here hurt the plants and temperatures as low as Iivede grees abovevhlackcn the leaves which then all oil Most BCgrowars are only parttime working on small Mr Murray himself basis acres more than Loot lrees And this year he says have no berries on metal CAN as STORED the IiollthilIIIltg star mildNovember and ends just prior to Christmas The leiWes are shipped in spe cial on aloe rsto markets across Canada randrsome have even gnoevtothe Barbados Ha waii and the West Indies Kept out dcgrees temperature in to pound containers holly will store or three months Ron Nutter an independent grower who gets between 15000 and tattoo potions oi belly year from his 44 acres ships to Ontario Vancouver Nova See iia Vinnipctattd you name lie agrees there is shortage cl holly this year We raised pricesthis year Fatigue IsiiCoInmon Problém but only enough to cover in creased costs oi packaging and labor Mr Nutter says The lock of berries will hurt salei or most BC shippers got to look good he soy When you see itin the store you wontberrlcs and you wont goodcolorcd leaves Despite this years shortage Mr Nutter is coniident there is luture in the BC olly indus try Shared ByMany Young Melliers ll yousometlmcs eel tir you have riot in common th other wires and motherspllu ng out any physiological causcsioi course you should see yourdocA tor for checkup at least once year it is possible to do sornething about fatigue sink and thestove youll haveto change that routine Because pping breakfast decreases et eocy in the iatemoijping hours and leads to fatigue we suggest that you lakecare oi the iantily first and when they have departed sit down and onto relaxed breakias To give you that much need edliltior the day you need pro tc vitamins andiroa To tul these requirements have trult al on go and itoast made rom on bed while bread1t you areon diet the egg can be sottboiled or poached As for the bread it contains niy small number hIxeanrlesand is an Alter l7rcaidasr5 comes he at you cleaning You ca duceyour chores by insisting that older children make their own beds Try cleaning an entire room at time it saves dashing back and iorttt vilh cleaningvequip meat At midmorning have coiiee break and really relax or iiiteenmlontes on halt IIGIIIt gt gt och canhe more pleasant if utoaritorgnatotoiani Its good way target closer to the young ones as you chat with themnbout schoolIriends or course you will have well rounded lunch bowl oi rich warm Snupa meat or cheese sandwich or it you prefer salad aecompaniedby rails will dothe trick aneagain you are titling protein requirements and you are getting the Bvitarnins iron calcium and extraenergy treat the broad gt Early in the alternoon taken sho Atlebstonceo twice weclr change your routine Moraleboosters can be1wal shopping tripsor tricndiy vtsrts ally plan at least one even ut= eelr with your band Boredom is major psy chological actor in tatlgue tinnlpeg Blue Bombers bait back The prolect was not without diliicolties Somcthought was nuts ihe older people are more best that and young people think theyhove long time to live and it doesnt bother them About onenoarter at those she approached roitised because oi their belief in the hereafter Some believed in reincarna tion and said they wouldnt want to be blind in the next life Others simply thought life after death would be better with eyes Girls seemed more eager to donate than boyyl guess the boys are little chicken ion CHRISTMAS An urgent need to replenish the Gilt Cupboard oi the Barrie and District unit at Canadian Cancer Society was stressed at the units regular meeting at ended by 12 members with Mrs Jenn Ruth presiding With more than lit clients receiving treatment ls are needed in time or Christmas distribution The local unit is on peaiing to the public provido inexpensive items cosmetics toilet articles writing paper etc all most welcome by the may contact conveoer Mrs Currie helm Dec 15or leave gills at the unit oiiice 15 Clapperton St PATIENTS TRANSPORTED Mrs Wharton reported 25 patients had been transported to and trom Toronto Hospitals and lowers had been sent to patients poited 800 essings 490 colos tomy hagsrand one colostomy irii had it endistribated Seven members of the home HOME CAP litiunicipnl ar eheologisl trounced htesday they have located the sit at twoot the most portant mon Arch oi Triumphand the temple iotbe wargoddoss Bellnna The two structures symbolized the military might of the Romans oturiesj atte Ch McDonaghlvre ANCIENT smsmehran uments oi ancienttitvniegthe prior to the empire dedine iii DECEMBERJWEDjDiliG The engagement of Miss Suz anne Beatrice Gauthier to Gory Maw has been announced hit the brideeleets mother Local Unit iii CancerSocieiy Seeks Gifts For Patients unit attended the District dinner meeting in Drillia Five mem bers represented the Barrie unit at the Ontario Division dinner meeting at the Westbary Hotel Toronto aoucartoannoonr The Education Comntitt re ported iilm and Question per iod had been held at the senior assembly at North Collegiate and 600 studean had participated Films and talk on womens services were given atthe meet ing at the Ladies Auxiliary the vitoyal Canadian ltLegloo Mr Elia Gauthier oi Bor rie ihcbrldezroomclect is the son oltirs Ivan Maw ot Thorntoniand the late Mr Maw hurtoo Avenue United Church will be the setting tor the evening ceremony Dec at 730 oclookr Photo by Lea Cowper Iidiietit Service To Pesto Choir St Thomas Church An Advent Carol Service with lessons will be held at St Thom as Church Shanty Bay on Dec 21 at pm The choir under the direction oi Dori Dickerson organist and ehoirrnastcr will sing too them People Look East member Thou iiian Come Thou Redeemer oI The Earth and The Angel Gabriel The seven lessons will be réad by membersot the congregation ndhymns oi the Advent Season will follow the readings Titsissr TODAYS ENGLISH VEHSIOII Newtiestument tint Pages titaniiypo 7MitliiiN cones DIniSMiJNIIiS Anastyaotflrc Mylhvnthlflï¬gind cmtsn Fogï¬ahï¬tyinllemutdsntord Aiittiem yaw Icriii nook stone as tianndiqnBibleSorietg Bookstore CANADIAN BIBLE SOCIETY BOOKST 1335 Yonge Toronto iiiii BflIiIlI nation in W701 Iron sprouts ecstasy avsnwss rovssavsvouï¬asnsn Jennings