COLLINGWOOD REEVES HAVE BUSY TERM Collingwoods two liels ltccvc Mei hchean left and Deputy Reeve Mel Wright have had busy term as that towns representatives to Sim coe County Council lhcir suc cessiuleIinrts in getting Col liogwood siIe chosen tor new county home were com mended at Coilingwood Ex amiacr Photo mamas DEC 319 Flower Society At Creemore Plans Activities CREWOIIE sum Annual meeting at the Creemorc Item culturel Society will be held on Friday Jan 15 when change at name to Creemorc Area llor tituiturai Society ufli be consid ered Members at ihc society are now engaged in Christina activ ities which will inclide gilt for young patient at Cmcdan Nur sing Iiome Before the annual meeting board meeting will be held on Thursday Jan in at the home at hir and Mrs George Shep herd Officers Chosen By Slayner LOBII STAYNER Stain Mrs Bonnie Campbell has been elect ed worshipiul mistress oi Stay ncr Loyal Orange Benevolent As sociation tor the ensuing year Shd succeeds htrs Pauline oo ntrs Isobel Founder is the new deputy mlstress with Mrs liar Minesing Beef Club Winner Off Awards Members at Alinesing heel club Harold and Allan Cook and Ed Pridham have been given the Harrie Agricultural Society trophy in recognition oi their achievement In winning the hon ors tor the champion Hi steer exhibit during 1567 Another Minesing iit mem bergiiary Giiicn oi the lilacs lug dairy club received it prize for the most points Allan Cook was the high point winner Inthe beet club class Reta Morrow re ceived silver troy lrom the ltoyal Bank of Canada as grand champion showman at the Bar rie Iunlor tar MODEL OF COW At Cumie Suzanne Cununlng was given the true type model ltolstein cow for her excellent showing or the Oro 4H dairy rlubJuzanne had the highest total points oi North Simch wilh ttloout oi 1000 and ranked tirst among Oro dairy club members in the Oro 4H beet club sec tion Gil Sampson was tirst In points while Norman McKay was ï¬rst among the Oro 4le Swine club members Barrie Lions club and Dre Agricultinnl Society were commended ior their help Diane Tuck of till Barrie won the licest Jewellers spec ial asilver cream and sugar tray for winning the main hon ors os champion exhibitor oi glrls work at the Barrie junior tair Norman McKay oI ill Iiawkestone won the CKBB special for best exhibit oi titId and garden crops KTIVANIS TROEIIY Diane also new the Barrie Kiwanis Club trophy for best ex hibitor of the Barrie Collegiates 4H Homemakers Win Awards For Fine Showihg IitStayner STAYNER Stat Nine members at the Staynen and Dis trict 4H Homemaking club have received provincial honor certi cates endpias tarsuccesstuliy completing 12 projects girls included three from Sun dale IownshipMary Flem Ing Cains Corners Mary Mes Arthur of Jacks Lake and Heather Johnson of Cains Corn ers three trorn Nottawasaga Ann Arnold and Connie Royal or Dunedin and Sharon Dodd oi Avening and Eleanor Beanie Donna Vancise and Patricia Nor man ot the Zion Jubilee club here htothers receivedcaunty ce mates and pins for complet ing six projects These included three from Avening Karen Fish er Heidi Strich and Bonnie ary Runnals ot Dunedin eThnrnpson of Jacks Lake of New Lowell Sunday Dec 10 at pm MYERS 11m YEAlt CRAIGHURST Stall One of Simcoe It tysioldest 0r rage lodge CraigburstLOl 9a 19thzearct wastmmded In 1858 th Thomas Craig the ï¬rst shiptul master completed Dianne Rawo oi Steyncr and Theresa Van Der Kruys at Sun niwood Some 121 girls successlully Aprojectdrentitled The cluhsgir entertains tor which they were given due credit at arccent achievement day pro grarn at Stayner Collegiate 1n situte The members judged plates of fancy sandwiches suitable uiur afternoon teas and gave reason tor thelrychoices They also judged bouquets of finwersar ranged ior ing table quiz on etiquette and la manners prove of more than or dinary interest Club exit ts parents in the our classes while Ner mun lIcKny received the Slow artL Page trophy tor winning the most price money at the Barrie Iunior fair Pamela Iermey received the Canadian imperial Bank Commerce special tor the high est aggregate score in the art Ila 4H call club Four vhn re ceived haltcrs tar showmanshlp were Linda Horne Bill Hurvic Doug Langman and Ron Hewitt galct MacArthur junior deputy Secretarics are Mrs Istath Dic key and ntrs Doroih Bailey with liirs Alma llryce teasurer Lecturers elected were llrs Elia Rumble and hits Flor ence Newton with llrs Laurine Whitley chaplain and Mrs Armstrong and Mrs ltc Laughlin toner and outer guards IllNGO AT ELMVALE ELIIIVALE tStaiIi low bingo will he held by Eimvnle Loyal Orange Lodge No 991 in the Orange hail here on Satur day Dec starting at TOURISTSAT PEAK More tourists than ever have visited Hungary this year with 36003 entered or the first months the year lAST SEVEN DAYS THERES STILL TIME TO THRILL TO THE HAPPIEST SOUND lN ALL THE WORLDI tlatiocc was Sat5nn not ayerings 571nm Mast ornamentation hunnrstnnnnna including I831 Hallie Phone 7284581 ROXY as humor 51 BARRIE Children 90c up to 14 years at age FAMOUS MAYER vuratnr Fri and Sat $200 Free IAstSnsbentied cted by heirloom and their anifmcnnoni To Pick Council rain vear asPort representative to ty cmmciilnaputy keen John Brady is the second coun trout election he held on Monday Dec polling bqur the am or merit cm at executive FOR FURTHER INFORMATION IMPERIAL 72W in not hang 7283440 3551 our SAVE 20 ILB BAG MAXWELL House CLARKS FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE SAVE 10 BICKS 32 OZ PLAIN 0R GARLIC DILLS written 73 BEST BUY SAVE I2 FINEST ORANGE PEKOE RED ROSE TEABAGS 75° SOLID WHITE MEAT OZ TIN SHORTENINGIN DECORATOR TIN CLOVER BS slalg LEAF 30 TO PKG SAVE FACIAL 49c 48 OZ TINS 99° SAVE do LB PKG KRAFT CHEESE 43° 60 TO PKG SUPREME WITHV JELLY CHOCOLATE MALI0W5 BOX 3335 299 ROYALE TISSUES has FOR 89 ALLENS INSTANT I5 COUPON INSIDE TEMPTING MEATS CHOICE YOUNG IMPORTED5 LEAN LEGttIiLIIMB JUICY THICK CUT RIB EVERY WEEK 4549 coonsn MILD or PIECE BOLOGNBA LAM mirthBASKET FREE ONE OZ PKG COORSH SUGAR LOAF WITH PURCHASE or COORSH CORNEDBEE Quick 13 0i 44 01 uuAKER oars CHICKEN NoonL thTON soups KING SIZE REG $127 VALUE wear nequ wrruruncnm orm summonses ornatexcnvmtss 175 ll wisrbn at Site esAvsAT near Hire tsunami saline rumrvs to nus 2n 53