Barrie Examiner, 6 Dec 1967, p. 4

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Ellie theistic Examiner Walls Publisher William Tolfor General Manager Golda McPherson Managing Editor WEDNESDAY DEC PAGE MQYQI Cooke Deserves Support Of The Electors it is regrettable that more citizens did not offer themselves as candidates to assure elections for all seats on the Barrie city council the public and up araie school boards and the public util lties commission Acclamalions were received by candidates for council in wards two and four and by aspirantsfor the school boards and the commission There will be elections for mayor and for council in wards one and three it could be said that the people were sufficiently confident in the abilities of those who received acclamntions notto force an election However this reason is not tenable when one realizes that home of those who were acclaimed had not run for public office before and therefore haVe had no opportunity to prove themselves in the civic arena Vith elections in wards one and three and for the mayors chair cam paigning is assured and this is all to the good In the inayoralty the voters will have theo portunity to choose between Mayor Cooke and Robert Bent ley at young man who makes blanket charges against the civic administration newcomer to Barrie politics lllr Bent leys forte has been to siton the side lines and to point out the shortcomings of the mayor and council in their con duct of civic affairs The fact that he has emerged as candldnteproves at least that he has the courage of his convictions and is repared to tilt verbal swords with fayor Cooke But these attributes eral may alone are hardly qualifications for the im ortant office of mayor lr Bentley would have been well ad visedio have run for alderman proved his worth on council and then to offer himseif as candidate for mayor He is bidding for the general mana ership before learning the ropes of ci gov eminent Mayor Cooke in an interview earlier this week said that with rovincial election just over new legis ation ai ready proposed will bring swea ing changes in therrrnunlcipal scene ext year calls for an experienced hand at the tiller The mayor believes we needprcper financial inning and must be prepar ed to malie slgruficant changes in cap ital budget forecasts Although The Examiner has not always agreed with him we believe he should be returned to office on the strength of his own per formance and the service he can guar antee citizens in the future To suggest as Mr Bentley does that cosy compact has developed at the city hall is unfair and unfounded He bases his char emfact that there ears An acciamation for mayor regrettable but it is not an of fence Mayor Cooke just hap ens to be man who has done go job in office and his aldermen confreres dont want to oppose him That is their pri vilege just as it is Mr Bentleys to threw his hat in the election ring DOWN MEMORY LANE boys at veaas sea Barrie Examiner Dec 1917 Sim coe Countycttizens subscribed 8402 250 to Victory Loan Barries total be $350000 none larger than $500 Camp Hoare Borden quarantined for diphtheria Many people at Barrie station Saturday and Monday nights to welcome soldiers home from overseas including Etherington Martin Lawrence Teddy Walton and Tracey Pie Edward Cook 21 youngest son of William Cook Little Current formerlyof Anten Mills was killed in action about Nov 15 He was commissionedofficerin 227th Battalion but reverted to ranks to get to France Capt BillingglllthrrBattalion re glorted seriouslyill in England Alex cDonell James Street now Codring ton received message from Ottawa that hisson Pte John McDoneli Was re orted missing Nov 10 same day that his brother Pie Alfred McDonell was wounded Deputation of farmers appeared before County Council to so pure some remedy for scarcity of labor and suggested total exemption from mil itary service ecided to put question of Barrie Colleg tates new building and site beforerate upayers at municipal election next rnonth This is toreplace collegiate OTHERK EDITORS rite now uanoiNefi pain foodpr cluelng value or the province andwilt leadfto even urther diversification Board of Education shingles Goose destroyed by fire on Blake St last year There has been considerable disagree mentaS to suggested sites Dnenow favored is at corner affair groundsuon Elizabeth St at Bradford St as ainst gro erty proposed on Clapperton at op ia Before County Council ad journed clock was resented to Warden DigbyHorreil eorgeCameron and John Shepard each shipped freight car mixed stock to Toronto from Barrie rail yards aying $1675 cm for hogs nds carried off three prizes for Barred Rocks and Malcom son nine prizes for pigeons atGuelph Winter Poultry Show Impressive memorial service held at Burton Ave Methodistfihurch for therlat Villianu Nelson Paddison sonof Mr and lllrs Paddisonwho was killed over seas Bird son of Town Clerk Henry tool first place in Law Society of Ontario examine ons Win ter seems to have arrived here Co cert will be held at Town Hall for henJ eiit of poor There seems to be some reason why so many Barrie young men visit Allandale Sunday afternoons Nine cheese factories operate coe County Mickie Dyinent Co new mill turns out dailyeut ofl40000 parties are all the go in West Essay VIEWS yerold dream It will stim ulate newgrowth to strengthen the economy of boththe proviriceand the mnlly mereformaii By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA How the Penn Ion government was humbled over the OnecentBliL This mild be the title of vivid exi ample ol the slaphappy lmm pefence of the government and of tho sharnfuldisdaln of their prime duty by Liberal llPs especially cabinet ministers The episode was the recent defeat of the government in the House of Commons on an insig nificant rocedural vote re lated to the proposal to raise our normal postage stamp to six cents As this bill involves charge upon the public three readings had to be preced edby resoluti and receive the recommendation of the Gov ernorvGoneral Thus in thls cosoy Postmaster General JeanPierre Cote moved that the House go into committee to considcrthe inl lowlng resolution which béeii recommendedin the by His Excellent that it pedlent to inc so its on the postage rates for letters posted in Canada for delivery in Canada This resolution stage is nor the minister makes short anaiory iatement few hfia offer brief generalcom its normal has been no action for mayor for revt Humbled Government Over OneECent Bill suspicions aroused by the answer Allan ill on alerted the Liberal whips to make sure their oils were at hand to vote The debate droned on all af ternoon At 545 is iran be fore the adjournmentforsiip per New Democrat Max Salts man walked up to the chairman to protest that he he had been trying without success to catch his eye as he wanted to speak There are only two other members trying to speak then 11 call you the chairman promised Social Credit leader Alec tcrson had just begun to span ha is lengthy speaker and could be expected to take his full permitted 20 minutes Then live others so lfax reasoned that he would not at the floor not know was that in the tremalnlng in min utcs before supper thethree other Vpperhcs were unexpect ed completed So when tho louse reassembled at pm he was stting in his office putting the finishing touches to his speech NDP Hons landerStan Knowles stones phoned Maxs office to tell him to hurry down to the Chamber illfeaowhll chairman Britten asked meats and the House carries the resolution pass Normally the resolution without avote MACEACEEN senses DAN GER At 335 on greyNoveniber afternoon the Houseresumed er fiilsonie in their praiseof the that would have been agreed but Mike Stanfnaharp eyeaho ticed numbers he insisted Gill quiet inconspicions postmaster who haeras the House wasisooii asked Conservative House lead crAMlk Starrifth opposition oiud to defeat tli th treatisea CONSERVATION Aulh izod second clas matter Post Office abepart Ottawa andfor pay meat of postage in cash Subscription rates daily by ivmpnperv Publilllail wottun tbc Canadian 3m lire CANADAS STORY WorkedHardToGet Responsible Govt Dy l0 BOWMAN MM landingsdamn pd Ippo not Governor of vapor Canada by mistake was dacribod ro cont story His most ICU ant and critic was William Mechanic the MM Whine and momm who ho mo the tint mayor of To ronto he was mo expelled from the legislature ftvo tinies Mackenzie Kins one of Canadas mltut tors am his rmdaon Ono inertiaIon of Mackenzie written in it was it little redvbnlred man about five feet nothing and axinmeiy llh baboon but be is tho OConnell of Canada The Iltlln redhead certainly worked bud to gt responsible government for poor Canada Ho went to Washington in um to see what support he could get from us President ftchon and lo Brit sin in 1380 to persuade radical members of the Whig party to lupport him They were too bu with lhalr on reform pro lama to bother with Mick earls Gradually Maokenzins detain minlion become dos stlon md led to his down all Sir Francis Bond ifnail had sent mail of iha goVemmsnt troo inzsion irhere theywou bs 1316151511 John Col borna light the rebellion in lower Canada if necessary Mackenzie know there wla for store of arms and am munlt on in tho City uni to rento practically unguarded He decided to capture them LIKE MADMAN On Dec 1337 he gathered mob of she people on the outskirts of the ity and led march along if use Sireet 0n the way be dashed into the bin he rose to bLs feet to alt hut alike stan snapped The vote has been called if Coo had known how to get out of wet papen bog on dark night he would have said Mr Chairman rise on point of duct it Add sane °n° The government plans to in tacch to postpone the vote for mm we be troduce in the Commons next MPsalerted to be ready to votewere summoned instead the vote was counted Justico Minister Trudeau haa Teen Liberals were present to assured the Commons it is the vote for the government mo goveminenti intention to get tion the lone Creditisle voted the hilt approvnlin principle be with them Someone has to fore Christmas support this government As govcmmantgblll it will chipped one of his colleagues automatically receive powerful Then 12 Tories and two New Import from Liberal MPs al Democrats stood to outvote tho though free vote has been governmentand the postal rota promised And theres noll OTTAWA PlLit Ip Iours to stand in the way of the origsought overhaul of Can few increase was deferred lndefl serious obloctlo tlonmcmbcrs Both factors pointJo fairly fasytgidemhbrou hhlho fiommog or gran ml broadengrpunds of divorce This basic ground now is adultery TE lnformanis any the reform bill will largely follow the June lelt To commendaliqns of the allparty SenateefJommons committee on Ewan mm can divorce New grounds will prob ham up ably include deicrtlon wilful the editor column on the co Eng13mm bnfldkdml itorialpanrWhenpossible teller should berutrlded to Ch Whth MTV m7 nivoitizafiaon his mum 5° md mflfi The not may also maksothsi robages toinlke divorce easier in the first major overhaul of divorce legislation inn century lha overhaul bprbcenproni noted by aI handful ofJitlrfor Oneaintbo Conimonx the ill may imd go some eras lie on home of Horn bunker and not it on fire By this time he was acting like madman and many of his sup tm began to desert Th ambushed the westerly out of Toronto and opened it in the hope of learning government also nod rahw Mina tom money it took Mackenzie and bio mob unul evening to reach the city limits They only bad law gunaahloxt oi the rebels were armed with pikes and clubs They met sheriff Jarvis and 27 cliy militiamen who were with log for them Some shots era fired and both sides ran ay as int as they could One rebel we killed Mackenzie then went back to his headquarters Montgomerys Tavern to plno another mova arena one svnNrs lns General Montgomery and Arnold of USAbelln siege of Quebec intLieutenant Governor shncne of Upper Canada began ourney from York to Kingston an open boat tallHudsons Boy Company grant of lands in Canada was renewed for 21 years lavMontreal was placed under martial law owing to re belllon ls under Louis Riel published list of rights moirim irainload of Brit tsh aallora to travel across Can ada by rail left Vancouver for ultras 92 Canadas Fifth pailia ment opened with Sir John Thompson Prime Minister italFirst tiforscless car rlagc appeared on streets of Toronto ismMarconi rent wireless signals from Glace Bay Nova Scotla to Britain Broader Grounds For Divorce Promised in New Legislation broadening the grounds There is group iliat prefers mar riage breakdown as the prime ground fondivorce rather than the listing of specificgrounds as the bill is axpectcdio do lithe bill wins speedy approv al in Parliament there appears to be no reasons to delay it wlamntlon as low promptly moment it becomes law it is thoughtmnny thousands will be able to take advantage of it Robert McClcave Conserva tlve MP for Halifax estimnlel there are 60000 cases of deser tlon that would qualify for die vorca undcr the reform bill Ha was one of the group that kept the issue alive in Parliament ars will rbe under more than usual pressure to adopt Lhe bill because of the allparty makeup of the commit teethat produced lL And be is it is uiaresultoi exhaus tive study by the committee nhldi feels its recommendaf tions are fair representation of public opinion

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