moim tor Say Laboratory Cost Justiï¬es Dental Hike lieier ence to increased laboratory cnsts imtilying tea hike by dentists in the province is taken out at contul the Ontario Den tal Association said in pre pared thanthuwiay The statement wasrelensed allowing meeting lionday be tween me ODA the Dental Lats oratory Association 01 Charts and the Royal College or Dental Surgeons on in increase ex pected to be announced alter Christmas Dr William Spence ODA préiitirtri unii last Whl $1 on men Lheboerd increase will be Introduced by majority or pntario dentieta Dr Robert Clappisnu chair man at the ODAs lee schedule committee was quoted as 5th tng laboratory costs or dentist mm 40 per cent in the last two Venn The associations last ire schedule Issued in 1965 was based on 1961 ilguros com mutants The siatenenl Tuesday said it would be remarkable it dental laboratory tees had not gone up in the last cw yenrsDental costs rent taxes licence lees andthrch rialstrarc nil increased The conlomplnted Increase In the DDA schedule however is reflection at the TILDEN TRUCK RENTALS LEASING OUR SPECIALTY HOURLY DAILY WEEKLY YEARLY economic climate at the prov Luce The relationship between the dental proiesslnts and the technii clans is harmonious one based on mutual reï¬ned and in Independence Anything which mars this lntionshlp such as suggestion that the dental technicians are being itsed as whipping hnys to Justify denial lee lmmasu would be ttimrvlt to the puhiicvthe statement said tint companies lllE BAka EXAMINER WEDNESDAY DEC m7 ll hummus RISE Oil pipeline companies In tseased their net income per cent to 3361th in the ï¬rst nine months 011967 trom SM 310000 intha some period oi I966 it was reported in Ottawa niesday report by the Do minion Bureau et Statistics also showed rte Incczr ct gee pipe totalled 700000 tor the some period up 7118 per cent lrom the compare bte i966 total or $400000 CONWALI AWARDED $2193500 contract has been Bttsmsss BRIEFS awarded tor construction oi teachorl notion at am Unhl rersity Si Caiharinus Public Works Minister ltay Canon said Tuesday in Toronto The threestorey structure will be built by Frank Lawrence Cou structionCo Ltd St Cathar ines uhteh pubmlttcd the lowest at to tender lllllZAT HOLDINGS GAIN The board oi grainwmmis sinners in Winnipeg Iuesdl nlt ported an increase In ihle Itoidings oi Canodien wheat in 405300000 bushels during lit upek ended Nov WARD 3RE4ELECT ALDERMAN FRED SMITH AN Aortvs nuerrss MAN FOR AN Itcnvs crnns BUSINESS 10 runs MEMBER or COUNCIL Ward vote at llilicrest School wire as vote at Prince or Wales School Polls open it and to pm son INFORMATION CALL nonhuman 11901 LONG WET WALK ill VANCOUVER 0R AFTER Passengers hoarding the Princess at Vancouver terry bound tor Nanaimo were loted ul ON LAKE ERIE PQwer Plotnt tMayAï¬ect Bay TORONTO CPI Long Point Buy on Lake Brieï¬whlolt supports more angling titan any other unto at Ontario may hove to game ï¬sh niiecled by pluuncd thormui power plant the chic ol the provincesllsh andwildltie branch sold Tues dos Dr itD Clarke in paper to the Ontario pollution control contorertce said fwe lynru our lingers crossed on hat lho eItecls will be when the Nanticoke power plant opens The plant burning coal wItlhave the first unit open in Wit and the rest by 1974 at cost oi about $243000000 tie sold the branch wos can named on the oitect thewnrm orator ls going to have on the game itsh spawning areas that lie in its immediate path The hay is about termites southwest of Hamilton Most of to the rest or Loire Erie does not support lilo because of pollution Dr Ctnrkfï¬oid the pinned power plant was only one of Lateral ways mun was altering his environment He said that loss at iish and wttdlliehecause of pollutioncoutd indicate dan rs to humanliie Clarken biologist snid cures or pollution otten were worse than the pollution itself en the tanker Torrey Canyon kc utrand dumped all door the coast oi Englhudrthis year Pooh Ierian Church orrAwA or Otiioiais oi the Pr shyterian Church of Ca said Tuesday they favor tltérnpeutic abortion in certain hut th yi also advocated to dicttn delegationmarlst main point the Commons with wet wall Tuesday at ter gale loree winds drove high tide over Vancouver docks flooding car pork and said ramp CF Wirephotol the detergent used to clean it up was lethal to aquatic lilo cmEs srunms Earlier Dr Iturris head or the pesticides scctlnn oi the lrdcrnl agriculture departl mnnts research station In Lon dun 0nt suid studies indicate pesticide poisoning oi iish and witdltte is highly unlikely hiost compounds generally used are virtually tnsoluabte in winter Neorlyerery case of pesticide pollution had iiEEll traced to misuse or mlsappitcation he said Dr Leppard senior physicist with the Ontario health departments radiation protection service said flntario iiydro will rice the probiemot disposing oi used not bundles trom its new nuclear generating station at Pickering near Toron AllllER mm itiAFIltCi SililllttllS MAXWELL itilllSE Tltu used tuetgstorugeflhny planned to hold the bundles wtti hold only seven ygars storage he said Bundles could be shipped to Britoin or the United states tor recovery of plutonium valuesnr erocovery plant could be built in Canada liydros JAMacre land trot around the Douglas Point nu clear stationnenr Kinoordlne has storage beydaig enough to hold nll the inolthatv will he used in the plants liietimeflse on lltDPlEAt arr grusun mouth It Itltti EAGLE Favors Should it he permissive or re strictivé flhv Wayne Smith assistant segrotary of the churchs board of evangelism and social action ivute morality should indivlduols in matters such as birth control But abortion was diitereot nlteritle is involved and heahh on Jttce sis shrdymg three private hills pro rposing hrnadcr abortionrluwrhy syhntittng copies of resolution the er Insseinhy toamnpd the law with regard to worth to make therapeutt ahortion in when the co pramrhar the responslb ty or the es lie said the governmentper haps responsibility aiding agencies to strengthen andsoi marria rough counselling Spand reinitlnn we can Flam clip and orangntlitia adwhan checking mtmngusntntnemui Sunvlted lay me osmwa wï¬otrsm uunro wnnlv dlpnl nroï¬llnin indmm APPLESAHEE MINCEMEAT PINEAPPLE SARAN van IIIIINDENSEIJ HOURS CALL 1187 7285699 For intorrnation or transportation PHONE OR 71341 With Bhristmas less than three weeks my tesilra loads are toxin lntltotttlon that at IRA We Really tiara TUMATD JUICE court FRIJIT stttnie silt lintlr 259 TRESII llltlllill ms Slit ppm till i=f35v plug to appear on your shopping list Itrltill ls aware ol yoni needs and has aide selection at candies nuts cakes pickles and relishes and paper goods to help you in planning your meals Just one more thiEiABtE sum iiflMDtEll MfliASSES WESIDNS DIEESIIVE Mtlttttt CHDIPED WALNUTS gt lttflMlSflIlS SlidAitliE strolissn BLEACH owns ClitltSliES BITS IBITES ERESI REG or MINIFLAliflUR i00THPASiE WDMEIIS ffltttlltï¬ CAUlIItOWER Till uutaf not ctlsw titf or Site Eiltl She Podu or use Send ln one monuments mom to