NEWS BOUNDUP MP Shouted mm EXAMINER WEDNESDAY DEC 151 Down Over Stamp Issue arrawa or must pill was shouted down and de tinted leave to introduce prllt vale Conunoas bill Tuesday that would have removed the Qucens piclun trom postage stamps Fernand Leblanc inMont real Lauricr proposed an act respecting Canadian stamps to the Commons in brlel explanation he said It is time Canadians oi botlt English and hutch descent cut the umbilical cordot their mother country and became real and into Canadians colt operating vwiur other ethnic groups in Canada Gordon Churchill PC Win nipcg South Centre asked tor clear indication of what this bill intends hlr chlanc said the aim would be torcplacc the Queens picture on stamps with styl lxed maple lcal Baker Fined SAULT STE MARIE CP Joseph llossi local bakery owner was lined $45000 Tucs day on two charges income tax evasion Rossi 73 was charged with understanding his income her tween i852 and 1966 to total at $107338 Nine similar charges were either dropped or dis missed Clair iiarchand special pros ecutor tor the cheraldcpart ment of revenue said Rossl evaded income tax payments ot $10073 He said it took rcvcnue department researchers nearly two years to compile the evilt deuce used in the case Wants Holiday UllAWA CPI The 115000 mcmhur Public Service Alli ance ol Canada has asked the government to reconsider its de cision not to grant icdcrul crnA ployces holiday on Boxing Day lucsday Dec 26 In tailor to Prime Minister Pearson released Tuesday Alli ance President Claude Edwards says granting the holiday would provide most suitable liable to our Centennial Year Treasury Board President Benson told the Commons Mon day there will be no holiday tor the public service on Dec 26 Hemoted most lederal employ can now have in paid holidays and this was as good or better than in private industm Was Authority LOSANGELES AP tamer coworker says William Arcbeid was an authority on insulin when he worked as an attendant at Camarillo State Ho Archerd 55ltyeanold grandfa ther is on trial charged with murdering three persons with inatlln injections Evelyn Briggs tcstitied Tues day that she and other hospilal workers thought he wasmore thoroughly trained than we were Archerd is charged with mur dering his iourih wile Zelia Winders to his seventh wite Mary Brinkcr Post Arden so and hisfnoph Archerd 15 hr Church Observer mNAND MBLANC May Bring Aliment TORONTO CF Fluorosls in humans is unlikely to occur from eating vegetables subject to fluoride pollution but drink ing highly contaminated water could bring on the ailment doctor told the Ontario olluliou control conference Tucs fly Dr Stallonl Brandt oi the National Centre tor Air Pollur tion Control in Cincinnati said in an interview later person would have to eat at least tour crates of contaminated lellutc daily to begin to devclop lluoros is Mistakes Goal TORONTO tCP Manpower department oiticials said Tues day the missionary who accused the department or depriving In dians in northwestern Ontario oi sellbetterment vhas mistaken the goal at the new federal re training program One spokesman Paulllarris information oiticcr tor manpow crs Ontario region said tier Richard Ferron Roman Cath olic missionary was correct in reporting that enrolment had dropped since Ottawa assumed responsibility iorthe program Father Ferrari said in an in terview Monday that standards set by the manpower depart ment arc impossibly high for in dians and the training has no relation to basic lndian needs He said Indians who spent part or theirwintcr learning skills under the old program now do nothing butmakc home drunk and get into Raps Israel HELLEVILLE GPl The plight ot Arab retugces in the Middle East is even worse than we pessimists predicted last summer Rev For rest said Tuesday nig Israel has failed to keep ha promise of July topermit castbank retugees to retan to their empty camps and homes in occupied territory on the west bank ol the Jordan Ki said the editor of the United Hike Spreads PITTSBURGH AP Tho new wave steel prlcein creases has spread to two more big companies and may mote into two more product lines boasts of $5 ton on cold rolled sheets wcrc made nies day by Republic Steel Corp and Armco Steel Corp Armco went lurther also increasing galvan ircd sheet and strip by st ton lnduslry sources here lecl the boosts on cold rolled sheets plus the two other items raised by Armco will spread through out the industry Seeks Halt OTTAWA iCPiNDP mem ber Grace Bloclnnls called on the government Tuesday night to halt Canadian arms ship meals to United States and leave studcnls tree to protest the war in Vietnam think the government should act now to cut out this bloody tradeand usevthc word hloody adviscdlyIwhich is blasting the very llle outrot the pcople oi Vietnam the member tor VancouvervKing sway told the Commons She read nCanadion Press re port quoting Transport Minister ltcllycr as telling student group in Toronto Nov tto be carclui not to become too great moratlsls over the Vietnam war Policies in Line TORONTO iCPi Education Minister William Davis said Ontarios education policies already appear in line wilh recommendations oi tha Royal commission on bilingual ism and biculluralism The report made public three day by Prime lliinutcr Pearson recommended that education in both French and English lan guages be made available where practical French already can be used in Ontario elementary schools where the size of the French speaking population warrants it Premier John ltobarts has an nounced the government is mov ing towards establishment ot Frenchlanguage secondary edu cation Dismisses Charge TORONTO tori Masts tatetlug pastor said Tuesday lot of persons would like to blame David Depoe 23 at the Company ot Young Canadians or an incident in Yorkvilles hippie district that lad to mass arrests of sitin demonstrators lBut dont go along with them the magistrate said have no thought in mind that he was the organizer oi this He made the remark in dis missing charges against tour of to persons because or prob lcm otideotiiicauon Crawls Into Tunnel Leading Into Bank MONTREAL GP Georges lacmay Tuesday crawled jute tunnel whichled to the vault oi Bank at Nova Scotia branch in downtown Montreal Lemay is on trial tor bur glary and conspiracy in the lhelt at $613605 from the bank branch in l96l through the dark tunnel Tues lay me on trial judge de lence lawyer and two Clown prosecutors Judge Jacques irahan had announced belnre Tuesdays session that the trial would con tinue at the scene ot the crime for part ot the day at least At one point in the descent into the tunnel in the noteaha cloned bank building Lemay unhandcuticd and wearing our ails gave Judge Trahan help Eng hand in removing oemcnt trap door DRE COVERAUS judge and Down prosccu Stephen Cuddihy also wore khakicolored coveralls while detmce lawyer Martens hlaran do was gorbed in black sports wearvouitit principal Crown witness Jacques Latole who hashecn under crossusmlnatlon tor more than two weeks was near by on stairway The group later adjourned to tirstviloor room in anothcr building across the street from the bank branch This was the room which Lsioin said he rent ed under an assumed namcdn June 1961at Lemays urging Laioie has already hccn cou vlctcdtor his part in the hur glary lie pleaded guilty and served oncday sentence alter spending two years in jaiL Laioie testiï¬ed earlier during Lemays trial that Lemay set up command post in the building across the street trom the bank and remained in com muoicotlon with alleged ac complices until it was reported that aholo had been pierced in the floor oi the bank voulL Four men have so far been convicted for the crime Latoic Roland Primeau who got is years Andre Lcmleux who got seven years and his brother Yvon Lemicux who got our years Lcmay was captured in Fort Laudcrdalc Fla in 1966 alter his picture was lashed on tele GEORGES LEhHY 42 charged with burglary and con spiracy in connection with 196 robbery at downtown hlonircal bank vault is sur rounded by foot as he has vision screens around the world as one of the worlds most wanted men He escaped from hliami tail months later but wits recap tured in August 1965 In Las Vegas Nev luck at tunnel during his Sessions court triol nrcsday Thiovcs ustd an old sewage tunnel to get close enough to the vault to blast their way in CF Virephotot Tu ys visit to the scene of the crime was unannounced ale though Judge Irahan Indicated nadier in the trial that lirst hand examination of the hank robbery scene alight heuncces sary NELSON er carom WARD Time Talent interest Government of the peoplebythe people for the people WASHINGTON AP sweeping meat inspectionbill appears beaded torcongras agreed Tuesday outertns ot the compromise measure to revamp thesllvyparold ted al meav spectipn law it is designedto extend feder al tandards ithin theizuexf three years to 15000 plants now covered start 55 tub monolith flumfon or match double sets good imprint DDUBLE andcnlouredrpapert sues in $330 to naplri coasters avail desclectlod you may Prices per hundredshccta aivatopeshom Gilis napkins Personalized Give pleasure thatwill last all year long this year give Sunheum 6Day Automatic Percolalor Model No Beautilul slim silhouette Twist took top Signal light Keeps coilee serving hot automaticalty Popup basket tor easy cleaning $1795 Sunbeam leice Toaster Model No T65 Controls precisely the toasting cycle whether the bread is thick or thin the result is satistnction the lirst time Cushioned toast liltStaycooi handles on 52o ion YOUR on VACUll Sunbeam Deluxe Vacuum Cleaner Model No 66010 Features Pi hp motor all steel body attractive atyling Adjustable power or abovethefloor clean ing Syear guarantee on the suction hose Complete with attachments rsttrcooaieasniredgeurnbr choice of type styles or xtints or tullyname gold al name orimprinting of your choicedone in gold or other coloured inks Prices atartirom Booksnotches with matching imprintarealsn and To Be usur nature Christmas in ne ary to 430pm Monday io frisky Rolls quietly on nomar widetrack vinyl wheels easfly changedA upersizo dust bagandyml gel 510 tradein allowance for your old vacuum cleaner hsubnsritArioN sunbeam Deluxe Mlxmlster Hand Miner leavyaduty motoriEx ytralargejultm beat in CLEANER DAYSVD nbcam Controlled Evendleat Fryalan Model i101 FPMgtSC Exclusive sition tiltdesign vented cov er Extraleg tiltstry rpantor drain excess iat flips out of way whenfnot inuse Vriszzss it inhumane st ouster