EDI limit The iotiosrinl story was submitted by Paul Schlemnier director the Kent sui Uninrsity om ef sports lolormelion KENT Ohio iorrrier star llnem with Barrio North Coile gie senior football team Jim Corrlg ii last week we the res clpicnt of dialincliva American college football honor Son oijir and hirsP Corrigaii 129 Feet Skeet Jim is sophomorl It Kent State lin rersity in Ohio As an outstandv lag deicnsivs tackle thehmie youth was selected to the tild Arnerican Conimncea first all star team one at very few usophomore to earn this remnb on Corrlgall described ll an amiable giant who measures air iecl th hichos and lips the scales as pounds is in ievoriie It the Ohio untv sityiisisonooitwoCanI diam on the vault football squad The other is Nick lot sophomore ttnsbarim from Niagara Falls who made the conicronce second allotr squad despite mining the float three games there have been low exciting deioniive tackles to watch in college football Kent State coach lice Strung observed but JIM CORIilGALL in UNIFORM SPORTSCOMMENT Sixth Place Flyers NeedToGain Ground sy CHRIS Aviorr COLLINGWOOD KINGS make their ilrst Visit to Barrie Arena this Friday night at 880 Cal Pattersons crew who have precarious hold onto third place in the tight Senior first division racerare in small slump of three consecutive losses The game is equally important to lack Dytes Flyers Although the muchimproved local entry cur rently in sixth Elace have games in hand on their nearest rivals ey have only three oint cushion Flyers hava collected 11 points from games oak vitie Oaks are next with 14 from lit outings tied With Woodstock Alcans who have played onelesa game FRED HICKEY became the fivepin bowler this season to collect three games of more than 300 on the Hjamanguumiasthnursnayzshunp Men lot loop Hickey struck for 317 336 and 339for thetop triple so far of 991 The Barriesectlon of the Youth Bowliii Council who are in action ehch Sunday morningat empview have had their share of excellent scores this season Next Sunday December 10 three local YBC re resen tatives will be competing in provincewlde aster Bantam tournament at Hamiltons Sherwood Lanes Brenda Mastersrlo and Steven Nash 11 will make the trip along with Master Bowler A1 Broadiootl THEBARRIE YS MENS CLUB once again is or ganizing as basketball house league for boys and re gistrationis scheduled for next week Tuesday Dec mberlhandWednesday December 13 ento boys between theages of 12 and 14 both sign ng sessions will befrom 630 to pm at the Gro St YM YWCA building at North Collegiate and no late registrationswltl be Further lniormationcan be obtained by co 35yearoidfgrad oldlap mm ers who spends much of hissunimer layoff on the got course last weekwas apprinci at la Swap Stewart went to Rangers Earn the expansion St mouis Blues along with centreRon Attweli in ex changevetera nit Red erenson and tough delt fenceman Batc to iNjio NHL seasona the earr sgh Wingerhas roduced227 oats Hones that his season wit seven goats Afte With Toronto Mapleheals Stewart was ll He eithnprotected in ï¬le Lo rï¬iclifEmit Francis was th obtainingsstewart oradded dept noting them has av aged 15 is as spent much as at LC is scorer standing Leagueptay will beginWednesdayJanuary 10 Jimmy was certainly one oi them He pqu out 100 per cent at all times and loves to belt people around Toledo Ohio coach Frank Lau ferbur whose Rockets won the conferenczgdlampiouship noted that punter 19 Corrigalit was all over the place hi our game iiil3 for Toledo liehit our quarterback harder and more often than anybody else we laclt ad This ldd has got to be one of the great ones to come into our league Corrigali earned praise wherever he played but none more than at Kent where he walked oil with honors at the en null iootball banqusL Jim earns ed in hicsas the most edicient dailnr ve hnernan and the out snphomore player Coach Strang summed up the feelings of his followers at the banquet remarking he is de dicated hardworking and won dorlul young man You cant say muchmore than that about any rnsn The Barrio youth works equal lyhardin tiisclusiwinandhas earned similar admiration from his prolessors With an unruly shock or hair standing up and hint of blush Corrigaii ls concentrating on die leagues beet tackle Last spring he wonaiunawaidasthebst dressed player His trademark was jersey that lapped out side his pants and an ankle wrap that reinsed to slay tied Some revealing statistics wen long ow towards his selection to the top league allatar unit lie captions nosnii WUIS AP Bing Db vine is back with Si Lotti Cal dinak the team he helped build into world baseball chant ion and then watched from ew York Cardinal owner August Busch Jr announced Tuesday that Devine had been hired as general manager to replace Stan linsiat who asked to leave because of business and penna at matters Johnny Murphy was named action general manager at New York lieu replacing Devine Devine ionsilme mtmber oi the Cardinal organization traded for such mahistays oi the 1967 World Series champs as Curt Flood tau Brock and Jul lIn Javier it was while Davina was general manager that the Mixed curling Set For Playoiis First schedule oi Barrie hiri ing Clubs Sunday afternoon mixed league has been com pleoed with tour rinks having qualified or playoifs in the semiï¬nals on Sunday Dec 11 Bill Tract is drawn rs Emuson Swain Mei Brass vs Hurry Waik er The iinal for the newllarry Young Trophy will be played on the night oi nil club finals Tucs day Dec 19 There was iulidraw ol li rinks in the competition which began early in November5kip Traci has Mary Wnse Jim Media and Lorraine OBrien on his rink Swain has litre Marion Smith Bill Hamilton and Mrs Billie Tribhle Brass has Mrs Brenda Wiles Dale Pratt and undaCampbeli Walker has Mrs Jay Hamilton Bob his son and Mrs hiarieA Merriam The next tvio schedules ai ler New Years will be or the Brass and Glenn and Queens llctei trophies This is the ï¬rst season the league has had the luxury trophies ior every schedule ed on 29 others die recovered one fumble deflected seven psa aea at the line at scrimmage and knocked down the 099051118 quarterback 12 times You can say all you want bout him but hes not favorite or something special to our quarterbadr one rival Mid American Conierenuevcoach said As matter oliaci hes so good hes damn nearly illegal the coach grinned Thail nice oi him to day Corring blushed butim not asng as be lvegot Cards Rehire Bing Devine Cardinals developed players like Tim hicCIrver hlike Shan non and Del hiaxvllL Devine stressed that be in turned to the Cardinals becqu oi personal considerations rath er Ihan ior economic reasons Even as general manager of the illets Devine lived in the St nuts area during the oilsn eon lie went to the nleta hi it the result of smisbble with Cardinal flifldnil hlusial was in Acapulco ltlexi co vacationing with his wile when the reappointment oi vine was announced Busch said Muriel came to him list before the baseball meetings in Mexico two weeks ago andvulied to be relieved He said he couldnt do vote iuil time to the lob The death ol hiusiais partner in the restaurant business Jul ius Biggie Garagoanl was letter tn hlustala decision Busch indicated Mule v1li is main with the club It senior iioeprenident co lliNIO llunsvillef Callingwood Parry Sound BARRIE Orlilia Peneiang Braccbridgo Llai Nightl 5cm Parry Sound in Bracdirldga Putins Guinea Thursdly Colllngwood at BARqu 330 Friday Oriilil It Coiling wood hracebridgs at Huntsville SundayCollingWood It Parry Sound Penetang at Bracobridge ggt == WL It 32 84 i5 10 3233235 have Reject Kusner JockeyBid LAUREL hid AP Kafhy Kusners application for lock eyI licence was denied niesday by the Maryland Racing Com mission Four commissioners rejected the plication olvtha itayear old Olympic rider lrorn Monliton lid on the grounds bill would not he proiasaional er EldredRinebari commic aion chairman toid Miss Kusner during the commission meet at Laurel race track there is no provision for amateur standhig in racing and it is not in the bestllnterest oi racing in main taln an amateur andlng made 590 solo tackles and resist iot to team Everyone knoWSWhofdftï¬k9 funny what on or iii hilt untsville Trio ets Pts Pace Aiackoircports sentinby wine Georgian Bay Junior hockey league members has inwered nilielatscoring statir tics complied by Wayne Parka oi Drillia or six missing games iour oi them involve Barrie road ilipo As result the league stalls ties are dominated by Huntsville Merchants Ooilinguwd Ship builders and Parry Sound Bruns wias linnisvilies Jim Kelly continues to pace the pad with goals and It Insists tops in both categories for 39 pa ts Teammate Henry Grey Li so on behind with its goals and 11 or lists three up on Huntsville an lain Jim Riggs The Hughes brolheit iotlow in louth and ruin spots ahils Jr Following are lhe aniline Smith is the ban Parry Sound point producer Barrie ACs who dropped Inn 114 verdict in Huntsvilln during the weekend currently ocruPY iourth place with 5+2 record and three points uoron trails Stock Biol Mia mume action tomorrow night at Barrie ena Second place Coilingwood provide the 330 pm opposi lion Leit wingerrilon hayweit is the top barrio points man in the incomplete listings with eight goals and tour assists Brent Smith is oven in poiaLs with sev en and five Centre Cy Atkinson Is the big playmnker with six assists to his credit KingSLTï¬pped BY Orillians By inE CANADIAN Pnnss Lastplace Orillia have be come the giant killers in the On tarlo Hockey Association Senior seriesend it all began with mowsiorm sOrillia wan liar second big game in row Tuesday nighl knocking oil thirdplace Collingwood lilngs 31 on the sanronsriix Ontario Senior LI AP Kingston 13 iii 74 Gait 12 Gt 5775 Coliwood 10 66 6021 Toronto 70 st to Guelph 59 56 ill Barrie 60 ol Olkviiia 55 6214 Woodstock 61 7114 Ortliie 54 7a in Believhle 77 at 6611 Tuesdays Results Collingwood Oriltia Beilovitla Kingston Fridays Games Golingwood at Barrie Oakville at Guelph Kingston at Betteviile Toronto at Woodstock twogoat pcriurmsnco oi Ken Knapton Nell Forth got Orti iies other goal and Deva lie Comb notched Ktngs only mark er tn the only other game King ston Aces consolidated their held on first plocs by edging Believille Modiawka so in over time The snowstorm that blanketed 0rillia last Wednesday night forced postponement oi game agalsinst aecondplacs Gait Hor ilil Rescheduled iSunday night the game was won 54 by Orti iia and the leagues cellar dwellers have looked strong ever since Thawina both on home ice have pushed Oriltia to wiitiln one point ni Bellevilln in the In tcam league Oriiiia has to points on five wine while Belle vflto has won five and tied one for 11 points Each team has lost llegames in Kingston lion Earls goal at 734 in the extra period sewed up the victory Charlie Convery scored twice for the Korea Dave Jones and Wayne Brown got Bellsviilta goals VAccs now lead Gait by three wink league statistics not including last nights game Eracebridga at Parry Sound LEAGUE LEADERS Jim Kelly liual He Gray Hunt Jim Hunt hi Hughes Cell ilughes Coil Smithi75 Phil Clayton tiunt Clark PS Glgniic PS BARRIE SCORING llon llaycrait brent Smith Louis Kelly Cy Atkinson Ron lloggorth Gion Martin Denotaa peniii in Disputed on TiesiorLondon IDNDQN Ont CPD disl pusted goal by Brian Murphy at 58 of the third period gave London Nationals 55 tie with Oshawa Generals in Van Ontarior Hockey Association Junior game niesday night Murphy standings the edge at the Oshawa goal crease whacked delcnceman Guy At lcns rebound into tiieglova of Oshawa goalie Bill Yco Goal ludge Ernie tllnrann flashed the red light declaring Ycos glove was inside the not when he caught the puck Referee Sandy Proctor who had signalled tor afaceollnn the play consulted the goal judge and lot the goal stand it was Murphys second of the night fiho Nationals had blown 41 lead and fallen behind 54 mid way through the third period Allen Sutherland Barry Boughnerand Gerry hrndbury scored the other London goals Brian lllorenzrscored twiceior the Gcnerais with the others going to Fred ODonnell ios Robertson and Ivan Boidtrsv snow wankers The turties normal pet is one mile in oils hoiua AIIAuosonis PHIiliSm