Barrie Mdn Chnitmos tofu Your No 234 it are run 5mm 23 ii Brownsville Calii the soldier the Army lost for to months Tuesday became acivllian Ai OAKEANBrCalifi AP lVlthout comment the United States Army Zliesday released Jan Smith the soldier it lost lor to months Smith 23 spent an hour and 10 minutes going through the se paration process at Oakland ï¬rmy Base He emerged plain i1 specl Smith and walked out oi the hose to crowd otwsltlng tele vision cameraman and report ers ltra great feeling and the first thing Im going to do now isï¬ry to gottajoh here he rnasrgiven soday leave in 1965 alter hasic train in Fort Hood ex He went to to Browns out await orders He got one iriesi sagehtelling him to stand by for rders He waited 18 VllSt vorcd law rconic beforerParr liament in nearlya centuryfwas described by Justice Minister Trudeau the Commons fines productat clot that ha been building hid by atecommons comm tee bodies the lac oot inarriag inc Tltlfleflll introdu ng sec 011273 ton being separated from the Scrvice at the Oakland Army Base he wavedhls discharge papers and headed home AP wircphctot LOSE Soldier months Last June he donned his nearly new unilorm and came to this army base and asked for discharge Youve got to be kidding he said an oiilccr told him fNo replied Smi said the army at rst talked of charging him with de sertioii then with being ahsent without leave No suchaction wa In the meantime it put him to wok runner at the Sprig Franciscol resi had been paying his Glenda 23 $9533 per month allotment and sendingSinith himself an $1850savings hood every three months thequestion came up as to whether he would have to Davhscktiie allotment mom Sihllh didiit get hisréguiar pr vates pay becauseAha wasnt at the post to sign torit iseccï¬d9 Réading orrvvDiVOiCe Bill ond reading stage said the gov erninent must stud the eiiects oi the hfllon marriagemnjm portant aspectwouldhe the co tiniii consultation the sexuality RohertMcCleave ext congratulated the in tonic riage breakdown as grounds or divorce yearold woman who had died rr Ontario CI Second Heart Operation is Reported NEW YORK may The Co lumhtalltroadcnsting Syste mrc ported today liiat the second human heart transplant opera tinn in history took place todny at Brooklyns Malmonides ilos pitaL hospital spokesman would neither coniinn nor deny he re port but sold hospital state ment would be made at 630 pm EST The reportcame tour days after South Atrlcan surgeons rc pluccd the sick heart of Louis Vashliansliy 55yearoldgro cer with the well heart of 15 RGE Jimmy hedge aid Ciitical GLEND LE Calif AP iho next mo days will tell the story an assoclate says at singer inie Rodgers who underwent brain surgery Tues day night Rodg éritioal condition itiaging was halted by the oper atlon which lasted 41 hours odger fund ht and unconscious hy an Diego Freeway early Friday morning apparently attache in etch ll haelhllclsen said the singers wallet appar ently was intact and robbery NDltE Laurendcau loll Davidson Danton co oi the yal com th time Nielsen said Attcrthelattack Rodgers was treatodEt tflzutuienext day was taken to hospital wh he complained ol headaches and amnesia NEW YORK ol shouting tors marched on the lower Man ttan military induction cetre ay round at protests imcdat closing the go an her reading ring our homeone group marchc up Broadwayw police pounded cadence on cades Men firmed Lies predict Wednesday December 767719677 mission on hi Eu hiculiuraltsinpare shown tie the streets surrounding he tre were ï¬lled with oilicers number11f them mounted The protestors divided up into largc roving hands that swept throughï¬tlie slrceisrin the area oi the centre at 39 Whitehall Street harassing police and ch Las shouting leaceh ulated that mayhave led to thecoliaps ot asstoot Universidadd An mendauons at their groups madeit diilicult 421 Killed In Highway chident attic Examincr SEE PAGE TWO WEATHER Cloudy with showers or wet snooflilriu Low lonlxht will be demes High Thundry 35 Complete summary on page It VNot Than We ForLCopyl 24 Equal Rights iidvocated ForThe French Minority mamCr plea to English Canada to give its Frenchspeaking minoritythe same language rights Queber has extended to its Englishsplashing minority Other provinces should allow words long is hoc and even in certain parts ghthcld cxplain recom report vlherapid ovemeiit oi the mate their number but it was to reporters there it the the groiip gathere Battery hetorc down re porters spotted about 200green ainclothes PDlCe march began buttons provincial constitutional conier or 100 years was made Tuesday by royal commis sion on hilinguallsmfand hiculturalism Holding up what it called the Quebec model it said Ontario and New Brunswick should move todef clare themselves officially bilingual provinces recog nizing both the English and French languages in their legislatures public service schools and courts debates and the provision or ap propriatc services in French or Frenchspeaking mhiorttics llccognltion or the right ot Canadian parents to have their chlldren educated in English or French implementation dupend ing concentration oithe rota norlty population DECLARES BlLiNGUALISM rDeclaratlon that English and French are theoiiiolal lan guages ol PariinmenL and at lederal courts and administra tive oitices Amendmcnt oi hrovmcial egtilatlsnr oriemnvetohstacl to lhe use ol both Finch and English hy local govunmonts nactmcnt of federaiolih suit when the Frenchspealilng element oi their Porulatlons reaches to par ccnt lhc report about 100000 rinted in both French and Eng ishl The lmpossihdily titliving full lite in French outside Que ot Quebec is certaintly one cause of the present crliis Canada the royal commission named in ISObag report iirst at 10 to comcout7oirlts ourycar t7oooooortuay Th ago he commi tittitnnryr part that the gulihetween Eng lish and French Canada was deeper than most people real gt Davidson Danton told press conference pits rtlesse ol the rcport Andie Laurendeau the other cojhalririan said mm and more Canadian an recognize the seriousness oi the situation Prime Minister Pearson la hling therepnrt in the Com vmons said the federal govern ment lolly endorses its principle zoi linguistic and cultural equali ty in all parls of Canada it would he suggested as an item or discussion at the ledcral oh seciiiuourii énca here lllVJmltlBl fttfjtle movie 0neo thorcports mayor pro posals slotthee bll hdingual dis cts any the ofï¬ciallanguage alias up 10 fper cent then population These wont have outs and government service in the mi oority language lt identiï¬eth suc districts lrom the 1961 census4a airï¬em completely ilingual lcapi areainvolv both hiw HullQuc lt new izction oi them our Nova Sc tour ne each men tions pért oi Canada icceptaiic by aliprovinces enough nch both languages in gislature ine nitric deaths wag reported Driving Week to brlnthhé coount onto