R1 DISTRICT WEATHER New Grant Formula Announced For Mines TORONTO CF Premier Roberts Wednesday announced sseooooo increase in provin cial com motion to mining smunlcipallies ior exemption oi rnlnina properties irons munici OII taxes The premier told the legisla new grants formula will giva designated mining areas tetsi of and tilis year Payments in the Eudbury albarin alone are to rise lull 1450 lo total oi 305606 while the grant to Timmlns will lire raised mass Asked by Kenneth Dryden NDPToronio Woodbine who ther the government plans to rcover some oi the expendi ures irom the tssexemrt comlt oanies Mr Roberta repi ed that govenrment is doing as ensive research in the lieu of resource taxation He said the new scale or pay ipnrnta was based on the report at special committee on min ng revenue payments set up All September Take Over Steel LONDON AP Nationalis ption of Britains steel industry our completed by Parliament ednesday The government wiil take over ownership and control this summer possibly ss early as June The loyal assent iinal legis Jelive stage of the iron and steel bill was given in tho House at Lords without any oi the politi iai controversy and ianiare that ad attended the bills passage This is the second time steel has been taken over by the British government The post war Labor government nation alised the industry in 1930 but the Conservative tu it hnek to private ownership Itter they returned to power in till Tattoo it Hit PiCiON Ont CI The Canadian Military Tattoo i000000 twohour show that will tour Canada or seven months as the Armed Forces contribution to the Centennial was shown to the ublic tor the lint time Wodne ay And the spectators loved it 75 questionnaires distrib uted the verdict was iantsp stir tremendous credit to CInadn tor the tattoo which is part war games part band concert part circus part rude part hoopla and part hat cry The show opens with fanlore truénpctars ill Frenlchmiiriltish cm ress pay gh €ntha walls oi makeiieiiave or me it too TORONTO CPIA resident oi Sudburyaior almost to years hlalvina londe Banger 100 died in hospital here Tuesday ilirs Ranger was born in me on term near Almonte in the Ottawa Valley and married Francis hanger at the age oi 10she started her life in iurn her camps where the that of her is children were born Her husband became bar lgcr will lsnared to Sud ury eorsaoat theegeoiso Stabilize Price OTTAWA OP 1110 Int cuiture department announced Wednesday program to stab ilize prices to potato growers by diverting surplus potatoes to nonfood uses It has authorized the agricul turai slabillzatlon board to oper ate in starch diversion ragsans based on su port love at 0165 barrel ior anada No pota toes Producers will be paid the diiicrenca between what they receive from starch inciorles and the support level No grower will be subsidised son more than 1000 barrels of potatoes Massive Bill TORONTO CPlA massive drait bill designed to facilitate condominium housing in On tario was names in the legislature Wednesday AL torneyrGenernl Arthur hart Under the bill ma be divided inhwmlilitduaily owned units with common elo merits being owned in common by all the unit owners within an administrative schenrelthat per mits the imam to manage their property Raps Govt TORONTO OP Donald MacDonald leader oi Ontarios New Democrch Party said Wednesday night the provincial sovernnrent had evidence but did not not upon it towem anestors they were being cheated by finance company lie told nominating convert ndemned by report of the Ontario Securities Corrnnlsriens Pnulentlnl tabch in the legislature ems in the day speech was released to the ms in advance oi delivery innnce text of MrMseDonnlda the government atsnds JOHN HOBART Having Diiiiculty TORONTO tOPHeaitti Mio dster ilstttsew Dymeed aid Wed nesday his iencln great ditiicuity in contra ting the use oi LSD but does not plan to introduce legis lation banning the rue oi the hallucinatory drug its told ths legislature the iederal Feed and Drug Act pro hlhila sale of LSD except to qualitied medical personnel on gaged to ap roved research projects Provncisl legislation would be redundant Examine Problems OIiAWA tCP Canadas mining indust vilil examine its future rob ems as well as its accomp iahments next at the annual meeting at the Canadian institute en Mining and Metal urg have some serious rob iems especially in the con and gold industries Jean Peril Drolet assistant deputy minis ter oi the energy department said Wednesday night at news conierence heralding next weeks meeting oi 3000 meme bers of the CiMhi The ihreeday annual meeting starts in Ottawa next Monday Counterfeit Bills SUDBUIIY CF Fiityiive counterfeit $10 and S70 hills tha turned up in banks busi nesses and institutions in this area since Feb 27 Police said Wednesday ROMP said the bills are com ing trom Montreal and white at good quality can be spotted by comparing the portrait oi the Queen with that oi good bill Fined In Death PEMBROKE CPI Custod lus Canadian Chimney Co oi Toronto was fined two and mo costs in Magistrates court Wednesday ior violations oi the provinces Construction Act in the death oi worker who tell from chimney st Deep River last October Frank Lawrek 44 ot Picker ing Ont was killed when he tell about too loci from seaitoiding en chimney he was painting The company charged with not stinking sure the equipment Lawrek was using was sale pleaded guilty Deep River is about 40 miles northwest oi Pembroke Ont departsnerrttamer b1 Deraiinienl Costa TORONTO CPI The is lIlurs was told Wednesday arailmanls have cost the Northiand it It more than 00000 in dam during the last year Resources Minister Slrnonelt ly to question irom ll char Smith tLNipissiall said tha costliest derailment was one March which remlted in damage totalling 25000 Will Slop Service NAPANEE Ont iCPlPour ambulance operators in uniior and Addington County say they will stop service March at be cause the new revinelei Im buianca Service ct that takes eiiect April Morris Tierney oi Nspenee spokesman tor the tour said in statement the new equipment required by the act would cost him 515000 to 010000 The other operators would lace similar Stands Behind Fee TORONTO CPIDr It hi Matthews president oi the On tario Medical Association said Wednesda the association stands be ind its reasons or in greaslns lla ice schedule April Dr iiialthews told the legi slatures health committee Tuesday that unless the Ontario Medical Services inauranco Plan payments are increased to keep pace with the higher tees lower doctors will he accept Ing them as tull payment for their services The committee had asked the DNA to postpone Its increases which would require new legi slation to change OMSiP pig meatsnow 00 or cent at OMA fee sch uio MOST the murky will have cool but clear weather today Blowers and snow nnws noonour hurries Ira precast ior parts at British Ooitnnbia Quebec and the Maritime Figures on map Monte expected high temperatures ior the day tCP ercphoto Sunny And Warmer Forecast For Friday Warm weather is the iorecost for Good Friday and Saturday Mimim air is coming up tram the US and the weekend should be more mouse than what we hove been having these not low da The recorded low not night owntewn at the Ex nmtner ottice was all degrees to temperature at 300 am Ma 30 degreee TORONTO tCll Oiflclai iorecasts issued at 550 am growls Snow in southern central sections oi Ontario should end by midday Temper Ilures remain relatively un changed but warmer eir push tng vigorously eastward train the northwestern United states Bliiiiilii Still IlllliiS llpen Good Friday This WoekA Special lg Selection EVERYTHING OCEAN ERESH OFtoundors Cod Haddock Fillets Fillet oi Solo Whitefish Mackerel Pickcrel Smells lobsters Shrimps Scallops Oymlrs Salt God Smoked Eels Smoked Herring thtea FINEST FISH ts CHIPS IN TOWN Cell 7260502 For Fast Courteous Takeout Service Biliiiilh sen rooos AND RESTAURANT 109 Bradford Street worldtelevision premiere The greatest story of love and faith the world has ever known should see decidedly mere springiike weather developing by Saturday Some warming is anticipated Friday inks st Clair Lake Erie Niagara Lake Huron Lake 0n tario southern Georgian Bay Helihurion Windsor London Toronto lie mlllon Mostly cloudy clearing this evening Flurries oi wet show this morn ing Sunny with cloudy periods and milder Friday Winds light Northern Georgian Bay Ai In Timegemi southern White River Cochrane Sud bury North Bay Mostly cloudy today with law snowflurries this morning Cloudy with sunny intervals and not much change llfiflldmpeifllllld Friday Winds Forecast Temperatures Low overnight high Friday 30 55 18 SO 25 50 15 iii 22 45 is Kitchener Mount Fores Viogham Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Peierborough Kingston Trenton Kiliaioo hiuslioka North Bay Sudbury Enriton Sauit St Marie Kapuekasing White River lliooaonco Timmine ssuzaaussannnsss SEEKS DIVORCE MS ANGELES AP Ao trees Deity Hutton aiie lag mental and physical ter ing Wednesday tiled suit for divorce irom lass trumpeter PetaConduit Miss Hutton it asked reaaonable support ior herseii and the couples tour yenrvold dnu hler Carolina She also aelrod at Candoii it be ordered to pay community dehta totalling $35000 This Aural llsssl aaltls Ann Summer RAWN REAL ESTATE 3s ncsi Estala is other Fursr load land new bedroom pIir Ieres raspberries oft lovely tarm situated inst MUST sell View this week snarket full 105 Snyiield St TitSill ¢v Provtnl ther re always first with the best it Pl in bring you In listing An exceptional too am lama Very bungalow with separate apt in basement Barn in excellent rte estng sllll psoiit possibilities School hits by the door This mile imnt Woodland Beach Listed It only 125000 Owner end avoid disappointment This is going to disappelr from the NORTHWAY RUG CO d1 Collier St Is Wicks Beauty Salon trunnion at 7mm ANNOUNO ING the enisrg of its are at It iv Salon BARRTE HOUSE OF FASHION Id Maple Ave Mdcially opened an the 15th of Marchi This new anion owned and operch by Mrs Bernice Austin truly oft era the ultimate beauty sass vices with luxury equipment surroundings and technique iiirs Austin issnrronndtng lien seii with the most skilled and talented staff nvailsblc Tire shop on Dunbp will still be ottertag the some ï¬ne service as in the pnst TIM youra one oi the iortunate inm iiiesinihalrnppytrennyaudcontueton oi ahooetng colours distance and fits ishee tot your norborne under coin pletiont it so you elioarid stop and consider those floors very aericixty The carpeting you doom will have to atenduptomenyyearaottneniiy wear and many unforeseen unexpedcd accidents whistle are inevitable his Harmer invites you to View at your ieieum their outstanding carpet and rug selection You can grnoeyour home tar more beatniiutly and at saving at Northwuy RIVER GARDENS RESTAUltANT Hwy ti Bit Shanty Bay mom Ill rams WAT METREII Report Doctors Leaving Pairing TOKYO AP Commu his Chinese broadcast said Wednesday doctors am nurses are leaving Peking and other cities to work In the coarntry The toiiowlng Churches invite you to worship with them GOOD FRIDAY MAR 24 LUTHERAN cuuncu 01 THE GOOD SHEPHERD no Steele St Rev Joseph MasInsets Thursday 710 pars Holy Conununien Berries Good Friday it use Divine Service Fer Methodlrt church liayileid Street RALLY iatha Bracebrldre Hith 8M coon irnrnAv Robert Wesleyan College Spring Concert Tour liVodoe Grunt Group Everyone Welcoms Sponsored by thI Free MethotIat Church CHURCH on THE NAZARENE St Vincent at Grove Pastor Rev norm Elllock 1237111 Dietrid Wide GOOD WAY RAIL St Gait Chianti of the Names 127 St Clair St CDeVarnnMuilen and Youth Bring the Really tor Day or Bieealns aids and it was believed here they may be fighting epidem CI The New Grins news as mentioned Hanan and um provinces where flatness Ns tionaiiat intelligence on last week reported epidemics of meningitis Ind encephalitis had broken out Trinity Church uCoiilerStrset Next to Post Mites GOOD HUDAY to Ian Family service Nil Devotions If the Cross Malt will FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH St Vincent at Good Friday March 2467 lot can TRAGEDY TRIUMPH of the CROSS 6i Collier Si Capt Mrs Wilder INVIIES YOU While also We SUNDAY Sundny School Ci ere Family Worship ill00 nut 00 Dawn ot Vldory TUESDAY ladies Home league 000 ens WEDNESDAY Bible Shady 800 pm Welcome To Everyone noon iiiilliiY SitiWitiii interdanominalionaii March 24 I0r30 em Service will be held in Collier Street United Church Cor Poynfl ls Collier SPEAKER REV RALPH MacKENZlE Minister Westminster Presbyterian Church Theme TOWARD AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE CROSS Service conducted lay REV DONALD JAY President Ministerial Association mooredb and at Ministerial Association Aaw DRlVEIN in colouri Easter Sunday March 26700 pm Channel sunrave RICHARD sunromearu SIMMONS VIcTon MATURE MICHAEL nervous Brought to you by Ford of Canada There In many young women whofarent to aware oi all that snow atlti piled up Isvnnd Danie instead theyre hearing blrdt sisalIll using blossoms on the trons feeling wasan balmy ea Mesmortwdii No not reallly theyve recently needle wadd ing reception reslrvations and arrangements It the liver Gardens Restaurant And between the wonderful assistance and suggestions irons Mr Ayres and the company at the luelry guy you aaiudnt convince her it isnt iust around the corner anywayi GILES an sauvrceem TSHMI 1M M1 Hayï¬eld Sir its eiyvrnciat so must mm en winter weather Seen pretty rough the peat couple of months an Weili etheoPe thecndisvery closnnthand Justrernomber when you Hurt aheddingthe heavy outer win ter attire tiant the rigors of frigid weather inane been much harder on the tamlly side than ins memory es at the buy on youl The best friend round town to the winterweary vetv icloistlilaeBitbeyhave tiia equipment the products and the skilled stalf to keep it in tlpvtop condition and repair Tirelrmethod of finding detect make repairs for less costly tool St Joan vrnunrv cuvrloll ll Baldwin has It Innlstil Directory WWI SUNDAY MAW 530 MS ll Inr HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE CONFESSIONS Monday Wednesday After 700 pm Mass 11on Thursday After zoo phi nan Good Friday tllll can 130 pm Holy sum coo one part zoo eoo pm MAï¬ Mon and Wed 700 pm Tuesday as non snnvscns Tiuriodoylend em and mi Adoration oi Blessed Ssorarrseutzd pm nddttsht Good mayMm Dominion Service room Stations of the knee 700 pm Holy new Vigil riot lile Mane Easter Stilllay Holy Mass coo 945 iiao sun Aasvrmrorv sen Ewart Holymuddy Conimlona 630 100 pm Aiter Mass Holy Mass 700pm Easter sassyiron Mass Lutlasn not