Barrie Examiner, 23 Mar 1967, p. 7

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msmmmmmlrmmnrmn MALI HELP RENTALS ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE APARTMENTS FOR RENT BOATS AND MOTORS ARTICLIS WANT mum MATE Contact MR GIRARD Soles lisnsger ART CLOSE Chevrolet Oldsmobile Ltd Newmarket Phones Local 895237I Toronto 3641868 ROOMS TO RENT nmlnllxa 00 in not Iocwd with Dlrt 35 man was MAILIT mud TumIMI iiiI TMan Srnsuntnsisrymnssflsrd ARTICLES FOR SALE 6AUTOMOTIVI MOTOR cARs rcR sALI 10 Hlll WANTED I964 PONTIAC ATION go Im Car esmen MOFFATI MERCURY mm Well established General Motors dealership rlrvith Inew prEexmlsles Sixcor showrogm Ideal coat on ce ent rtun on remuner um nun yronMo ra am otlon for right man InpfiropidIyYXpandlng area wflmfifg Ill and am on Car supplied Company benefits mm em Dillnumerous Ireindict DOGS AND PETS no em mom can Ilaakin MAMBEJWEE mm lomoHIIHM Um AWIMCEW gmyx Imm Jim mgr INTERNs Ififi°°° FOX MILLER RIGHT AND LEFT SELFUNIDADING BOXES me omefirn sELFPROPEUED FORAGE soxss Euloglfilflsfi 22237 ms elgmvgifmmwmw INFORMATION FORAGE TIIRFSHING Mo Wm FORAGE HARVESIERS ADOIAILI tutor Hearing Aid Batteries All Sizes Authorized Zenith Agency FARM WAGONS FORAGE BLOWERS HESTON SWATIIERS Complete Feed Lot System MOREAUS FARM EQUIPMENT ANTEN MILLS come an lo Inn rm um Islnoon Ivy um ms coed smear psir new norm lamls Ind It old lull Nth anmousnn int One months mum Ill rm or Isrrn And Gsnien Bquipmerl No it Hwy Scull mssao Hlfim NWT To our Went MA to mom Illlp In will WM All for 15 INTERNATIONAL HARVESIER DEALER ONTARIO ml in or sols gainfingonh ml Mn moor winner un Olld tron on hotToma emuuon sum Mr NM 36 Illllfly wm umrvd Interior hlephoue CARS WANTED TO BUY THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE nu VWIHI In sinus no no tmsn Is me so of us who no st but If in intent hm MALE FEMALE HELP TOWNSHIP OF 0R0 Appllcnllom will be received the MHIIITIIHE up to 11 ocioc noon Monday April 8rd 1001 tor person or persons to not so Csreukcr oi Bnyview Memorial Pork and to operate Refresh MacKAYS tomtier mm mm Horne menl Booth tor season oi 1901 Telephone Eimvele 752KB FARMERS MARKET PHARMACY lPoHnerIIr coroners 68 Dunlo St 7232 03 ATTENTION USED LUMBER FOR SALE IN ANGUS All kinds and slow Iso piy wood windows duo Insula tion fluorescent Iish IIMIe urn sink basins toilets show ers tube also osbesios insci hrlclr May be seen at the turn ber yard in Angus Highway so Open every night untrl pm and All day Saturday Ask for Mr Robert Boiianarc Phone Mose any time ATTENTION TOBACCO GROWIIRS FOR SALE One locomotive mm boiler 13 lb pressure Com Berta ram Eran Ltd 403 Blah 7250254 Used refrigerator rouge auto matic dry and ilch dish washer McFADDEN FURNITURE Sr APPLIANCES 7289288 Highway North NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD The house If line madam DOMESTIC AND nflORTED snowman Reumsan all elm and prion $5 Collier St Phone 7261311 WRECKING BUILDING 43 Dundonald Windows Doors Plumbing Supplies Lumber Reasonable Apply on sile um mm no um Hinds Wu RM Sides 47¢ lb Drvkl road lurk ISO Collier Wort vRt years nu load corral on For Waldo lumen Elephant ML Imam matIon hair in cabinet yint no ucn be be wrenJIoOOnI mienc sr olmwono II vs PWIAN BUG with unarmed ammo wt 12 or an ms Telephone mum umemw cone keys so nuns sun In mo 14 Also yourI In nut brown emit sin wonbiz Teiephons Ml WC rim cuwm or ull used once ror mum Tur azuim telephone anytime no two Illa M12 NB QUICK SA We IA mmloprdln rnbo LorineI 332 Bed swivel Rocker omer nrticlu nu and purchased moeiu An prn mm now owns of sale lose an Lox Topme Professionsme only menu uu new Tele poor so cu Wood Timur older model men armors uncut workinl nonnlenn In nae Apply so OIrzwy Im or too pm usw snownwwsn rol nil point rum In teed air in aligns lnlolmallon Le one In tram mo sun to 12 pk wruu Emma 21mph un3°nr€innm rmtm emu Evans DALLWON neiuu Vscllnns Clem no oil rm horns ry so monthly Typo write reduced no mmmfmuéflnfi Ismshw neulc Clovers end Grasses Machine Mixed While You Well Fertilizers and Corns Seed Grains DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultry men sre choosing Dekalb Pullefs MALTING LBARLEY ON CONTRACT Started readyieiay and ORDER EARLY For SHEETS your poultry probiemscall CO CRAIO HUNTER IVY TELEPHONE 23R4 POULTRY FARM urn UNIROYAL TIRES STROUD Milli WELL TRACTOR TRACTION NEVER KNOWN BEFORE HELP Enrol the Greatest AliSoil Testing Program in History YOU WRITE Inwantldlihstm murmu Takers will be happy behoipyonwritayair shuttledd1 leninns mmtwantnseor mullsdimninooo tiIoWsotAdDevt m1me 59mm firmly mommm Keepetheoaurovndeopoulorrnnxirmnflcflmewom momma wear No Whack STRONGER lbiiiiy See Your UNIROYAL TIRE DEALER For Expert Service FERTILIZER is our business remember AERO FERTILIZER service wed AERO FERTILIZER prices AERO FERTILIZER quail are the Huronia no BRADFORD mm snos There Are More FARMERS KITCHENER SILOS so com ATTENTION than any other THE REASON For infonnaiion and prices HENRY DAVIS ivy 3M Allister 97691 Tie sedion your convenience to SWAP TRADE or SELL divested Minefield midi es term sentiment perv Vloesnlvionildmlee 00W For Want All men accepted until Ml Alliston W60 Look For Simcoe Farm Market Every Fri FARM ER GRAIN Running Shori TRY OUR Bull I4o Dairy Ration $6900 per Ton Bagged $7200 per ton l6 Dairy Ration 7200 per ton $7500 per ton ion minimum load The above deiiveledfiprice is effective from Models Sept 1967 Ltd PHONE 43erzsr STROUD Thorn Mobile Feeds vauudmoodumdertdp PLIlingpoweIneverlnownbetore WW Elnrplmpolmflivedewnitollnnmdhredlonbem mtvednttheslmlde penetroioeolllikeehiileandhoid WII Telephone Bulimia Uniroyal oonstrufionl Utmost straw and tie Fertilizer Ltd was saline AULT 8$I798 DEAD HOOK ill prices psld or do erppisd csttlo and horses Smell nntInsls removed rm For tut service PHONE BABEIE 7781751 Collect or tor NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE 24 hours any days wee RE Foxrnend Ontario Home No I936 Nick Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies It Service Case New Holland Avid Brown Belttv 11¢ BURTON AVE 72H OAsII TRADE roams In so MFIIAIT III since cn be seen mutt girl HEIDI ml of Jth LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Every lug extra braced rem centre in shoulder Slow even 31 Am Dill lor ule IMAM mm cow or nit au 3711 your old Tomaw BBOIIXM Yew bot Imttotir°m°n mm Cookllm MAW In of leW wrth for Dale No Ind one year old ldevhom 719312 BIN may mull MBilflI WANIZDX In to IBI All other Axes who ll mgr vflceal Whgvllfli Dmrl or as MOI mrsmIrD Mull Shomwm Bull Ier BIC BM Ind Ralnl SWIMMd 140MWusyoo MIL Yuriin thm IM Ital Willllm anlord Dre Oil 763414 AUTOMOTIVE AUTO REPAIRS UNIROYAL TIRE SALES SERVICE Department 1mm Modnni In Your sat on the road is our usiness 7wFreel minnowsanme Check OFrorl and filament and wheel balance new nbsorbenMulfler ofisuirnservlrosodrnotor tuneup Open Monday throutr Saturday 96 pm Friday till pm llOBRADFORD ST CARTER Bod and Fender 5pr Comp eie refinish dc repair mm setmam IMOWAN 51 7284571 MOTOR CARS FOR SALE PROFIT SMALL Business Great lhsts we mu ROY Gnome AUTO SALES 67 RENAULT AS 50 SIu cllml will as not us Tolvphou TRUCKS II TRAILERS SI liTON PICKUP lmelullw bk for Miller Hornslion M10 9M 7M RAW Ill CHEVROLET ton Lrllrlu logs excellent cessation new lml II Ind Imus all no Renown no of mo MIR 00m TIWOEM ms only men YIseutdo ru Itooc miles never worm with lrnlll hummus temper ILD gynmdrsote TLW rm one usaus == PERSONALS BE FEMININE Superliuous hsir removed Ivy Electrolysis The Isle sclenllllc method Our Certlliod Electro toilet is svelteole tor consults tion without chem SYLVIAS SALON Fred Cram EL Benle Ont mm MILE Il iii WM Lin TIMES lion wnmn Irons srrts cs MAI uotIon lemon rioti smon mow Tomnone issuer min ficogouu Illlllllll1 AlAnon afl Ml In MI Emit men Eon III Barrie sw HOLIDAY BOWL Snack lllr lurid Innmount win now Wm snr Mil My link served Wm 00 newth nANIrORTAriIm required pm to An nw am mu to lesve mic $730 In lsis phone PM Ifler ppm INCOME TAX return yrs INC 0r hm Mm or all Kidd Remnant us Why It Wm leplwm mm or Appointment HIV or mnllll NURSING HOMES FIVE MAPLES NURSING HOME THORNTON Out hss an attractive prlvste roorn vacant ism blather closet comfortany Iurnlshed Also semiprime svsllabis irny service Reuooshie rster Phone 4mm =5 9L°ST tr FOUND wilan LOSTMans bmwn lost Sound mm in MM 5I°inn Rowing Phone new IO HELP WANTED TEACHERS WANTED VESPRA TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD requiru tor Septanher i967 quaiuled teachers irl graded classrooms Including princi pals for positions In schools close to Bsmie Revuod salary schedules In oiled Please 894 ply in own handwriting stating no qualifications experience and address oi present principal to Bert Mew Beliovue ms sonIo Telephone no EMPLOYMENT WANTED on new Eonmlom loamx own Inns Mmml nu Box sauna WANT ADS SELL 7232414 RENAULT ID 1967 betterm lleencsnnd windowrwasirers madam door lock Up Aromatic unmrission also available RENAULT Ill$2075 BUILTJN CANADA Botkflnmclngcenbesrrsnged PETER KLEIN MOTORS 341 Bayfield 5T 7283926 lXFDCTANI Mm sum somth undo no vsn or better And no mum no Conlut uu unrest norI Cs nsdiso Heunud Poles office or write so the commissioner Mrsl Csnsdisn KW PORN Others Onlorto WNSHIP 0F DRILLIA rsqulrcs De uty CIerkmensurer App time will be recde lor ths position at Deputy CiexirTremrer tor the Tour ship oi OrIlIIo up prn to Illordl 30th INT iiiunlclpel experience preferred but not essential SianInl sslory 300 to 500 subisct to qualifications State in writing are eduoetlon end usillioltions to TO SHIP OI ORILLIA PO BOX 159 ORILLIA ONT OLA Will Ill News Took 01 mm SE mm servlos IteltMl literalInt liiiisl he nest Ind courteous Asp lisrwy mm aan owners ll 100 Boys ITO WASTINO Lime M0 mun wlwhlnl tumIon ll you luvs 11 to to hours wssiriy you could no mungI to no am income For MMWIIII wnu Vicksn her 5000 Burns FEMALE HELP be MI smut mud on can two ellildml In my own home dlyl Milli lily Ile in For tir lhsr OAflLHIIOrl 1W ml BABYlflm no In Benton lorvgmohildnn Em glitzy limb or washou est Imnns IlaTontoth LVme to son as Elm ram IIABYlflm walled only week in norm Do rum Store Inlun mom Il Ibr El pm May srrrrrt required on etc my Point flood in Pllmwlcit some em in by tile on Wk enumn Ind mu oe no Items or could iv in dsys weekly motes um one run CLERK muss tillUM BM Minn one Mt nee but DIM pmmlml end 14 rd lo lurn Ir sentisl III Mfls Mull R214 ALIILADE Wm or drum Emmi so not new wronmrmr it VI Nil pIrLIflIIIl toy mwdufsfllu nunsm norm Apnean It mg Will axonfife or WW loo TmmWIfAm two Hill IT swrrcnnelnn is oom sor Anytime duties our Meir IvyThornton Touan Corn roman mmlnl Sanitary Mm Ion or Went Ad Section Iooeptod until put Applicsnts to sieto snicry sx pected ll TUDiiOPE Clerk RR Oro Station Ont COUPLE to opemte Yacht Club Restaurant and Store on Lulu Slmcoe APRIL OCTOBER IWrite Box 036 Barrio Exam IIOI MON on coo is to wont gold dInIlll NWT end kitchen lam write lax CM Duril Am rlvtns psnlculsn VACANCY IOI supervisor enn Imo Workshop or Adults uslilluiloru maxnon mi mar in hlipim Innatemess list all IWAMI tI rs If lllnkln IIlsmy or na I2 TENDERS DEPARTMENT OI TRANSPORT TRENT CANAL SYSTM PEIERBOROUGH ONT TENDERS SEALED TENDNI WM she underrilnod sod merit In eovsrinl conmcgon no Loelt Elm MTIXIEIIM nmlo DW or lluin Dillrlfiao pianosr Im angst $111310 In IL on ulirlIewInl lulfionl sir Tudors Buildin IslIo gm etmt mum Hm lpstltloluom me now Tsrsder Iioculrienil or an new he sme on Ippliution to ma undml so It Roan III no erI mum nl 1mm onmm Strut Muhmm emuIo upon receipt of untried mans or moo In In to in Receiver 3111 OI Ill II In no or In not be turned Egon mfiu in lhll elich o4 pm and sumum Ill mo condition hit mm rent Cons In MIMI Ioer TOWNSHIP or ORG Tenders tor Garbage Collection and Maintenance oi Dump Tenders will be received or modlo collection of garbage and main tenanco oi township dump or riod of one year commsm May 198 to April 301369 Maintenance of dump include burning and coverim oi gen base Weekly collection of pan bags in designated areas Irorn May or 1961 to OctoberIo 1W Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by 11 oclock neon April 1967 lowersy or ngéender not nor else see TUDIIOPE Clerk Eli ho Station Wani Ads Dont CostThey Pay PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANT ROSE HARRISON Cirruled anhntl Samuel lion CA Tm In Dlnkruplc Collier Si Phone Home INVESTMENTS PETER WEST use REMMMAT summation It Nesirlit llzomson ond Llrnliod Thlopllone EsrrIe 7284413 FUNERAL HOME STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME lUmIOK SERVICE AT MODEM Convenient Tarn would EL llrfll mun PEIHICK FUNERAL HOME VelmaImmuqu wmmwco nuns MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON run Plsno sInIIIs Theory Purlis firms or sxsmtnsuon the cyst conservetory In Music Toronto All rsdu IM ARCl Modem Insihn Studio meme st 1mm THE DAVIES oi CANADA VOICE PIANO DRAMA 117 NW 51 UMBII ANGUS III ROSS BA no CL Ennis mom Registered Marlo Touche Instruction in Flint Inn iiim lilo tntorin In lunch LIIIll liar lam mm OPTOMETRY Noel Obggmhgwn R0 Clowmon at nmls Phone mom QSTEOPATHS Townsenurnr DOCTORSOP OSTEO ATHY Fred Grant Siren Burris Ontario WWW rm mum WATER cum

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