CHAMPION Carolus Clay stands over Zora Folley alter be knocked out the challenger In the 7th round at thelr heavy welght tltle llght In New Yorks ltladlson Square Ger den last nlrht Clay retained hla tltle wlth the knockout In rue ot the round AP ero photo Clay Finishes Folley With 7th Round KO NEW YORK AP Heavy welght champlon Carslus Clay has tlntshed olt the last at llrt Itghtera who could be called wlth klndness con tenders wlth hIs seventhround knockout ol Zora Follay Ar enttnas Oscar Eonsvena wlll the nextsaerlllclal lamb tor the superlast lnvlnelbta ebamplon In Tokyo Itlsy un less Clays legal appeal tor atay tram army tnduttton April It Is rejected Folley 34yearold No eon tender was knocked out when Clay or Muhammad All as he prolers doclded he wanted to pull nllltt The end came at 145 at the seventh round lrom chopplng rlght to the law Another rtght had dropped the bloodynosed veteran lor nlne In the lourth round These were the hlghllght rounds ol bout that became onetelded when Clay declded to open up In the thtrd round Be lore that he danced around the Has vlrtuall concedtng the first two roun to the ploddlng rrnettrorlleel challenger Holley prohlbtllva 7tot the trlgaer chnesday econ musrnno WINNER rnon nun the tltle eatd alter hIs encoun ter wlth Clay There Is no ens around to day who can beat blm know Ive taught them all All remember or the end ol the It ht was rlnhbrlght on the In Alter that Just dont remember Clay hestedty dented In an swer to ouestlon that he had cartled Folley was not carrytnz hIm He was better Ilghtar than Sonny Llston or Floyd Patterson or Ernte Terrell He was allck trlcky and good boxer Folleye greatest eame alter he was floored In the Iourth round leltrlght eombtnatlon to the jaw dropped hlm an hts lace He sat up wlth startled look at the Ivecount and was up at nlne LANDS IIARD RIGHT When Clay came alter lrlm Folon lought back Ilka wounded tlger Although he may stlll have been dazed he Instlnctlvaly ttred hack wlth both hands and hard rlght sent Clay to the ropes Ila hurt wlth that punch snld Clay superbly llt Iongshot tor hls ttrst shot at at 1111 pounds over hle slx toot three Irame Folley welghad 202 Clay started chopplng away In the next two rounds wlth streams of Iett tabs to the bleedlnp nose and the lump un der Foleys lett eye HutI In the seventh lolley scored wlth good rlght to the head that brought roar lrom the crowd at 13750 The roar had barely dIed down when Clay let loose wlth Isle llnIshlna rlaht that dropped Folloy tor the second and last tlmo The elkloot challenger blood spewtnglrom hls nose tell flat on hls stomach He rolled over slowly at the count at seven wobb ed to hls loot on rubbery legs and then tell back to hls knees Referee Johnny Lo Blanco alnnalled the end Thls was Clays seventh tltle defence wlthln year and hle nlnth In all Hls record ls zoo Includlng L3 knockouts Folloy outloer hls elghth defeat and slxth knockout loss as hls un beaten string ot 12 was snapped He has won 74 An all day snowstorm hurt the gate The gross reeelpts however of $244471 broke the Garden Ilght record at $239959 Natlonal and Internntlonal ta ovlslon swelled the reeetpts Habs Down Leafs Rangers Tie Game By THE CANADIAN PRESS New York Ranger would ra ther llxht than swttclt place wlth not In the Natlonal Hockey nae atandlngs There have been mmbtlnaa around the NHL late that tha tungara were on alr way down but they havent elven The Rangers Iou bt to Us with Chtcsgo EaekHawlu In Chleaso Wednesday nlsht whtle Montreal Canadlens da Ieated Toronto Maple Leals In Toronto slvlna the Ran era sole possesslon at second paca with do potato one more than the Canadlens and beats Vlc Hadlleld sparked the hen era wlth two goals Includ tag tyln goal at 735 ot the thlrd per od Rea Flemlng scored the other New York goal The Hut Iamlty took care ot Chlcdlol scoring wlth Donuts Canada Detects Scotland 76 In Curling PERTH Scotland CPICam ada wlll be alter re at vlo lory today as the our top teams In the world curtlng cham lonehlp advance Into strata knockout pleyott cone petltlon The Altle Phllll Ir rlnlt lrom Toronto whlc came lrorn behlnd Wednesday to detest Scotland 78 In the seventh and llnal round of the champlon shtp meets Scotland agaln thts afternoon In one eaml llnal round The undeleated Unltad Stltu rlnk goes agatnst tourne plaoa Sweden The llnal wlll be played tonlght Canadas llnal round vlctory Wednesday laahlaned on the last two ends agslnst rlnlc sltlpped by Chuck Hay lett the team In second place Scotland placed thlrd No perlect shots by thlrd John Ross had set up Canada tor two In the llth In the 12th Hay trted to draw to Canadas shot sock and mlssed by two Inches enabltng Canada to steel one tor the vletory In other llnal rounds the US detected smtwland 1N Swe den beat Norway ao and France daleated Germany 10 In the stxth round eerllor In the day Canada whlppad France 174 the v5 defeated Sweden rs Swltaerland downedGermany llrd and Scot land deleated Norway 1H 107 Amblerlde Drlve run run other WlltltElt Mr Wayne Kelly Apt 707 Ottawa WIN MONEY NMIISTIINOS rttrrnr Hrs rarontntrer otter lt IlllllllllSl FOR GASOLINE Oll AND SERVICE spam mmnmumrmmseme Hull sent two goals and older brother he by seem the other hle and ol the seas three short ol the record he set tart year one IWO NAB Jean Claude hamblay led hlentml wlth two goals and Ralph Backstrorn Ilenrl RI chard and Jean Bellvoau scored one each Ron Eltls scored ralr tor the tests and Bob Pul ord got the other Hadllelda tyth goal came whlle Chileng mayt Sta letogr was easy pen ty the thlrd posted The play lead lng to the tyln goal was started when Itan er delenceman Harry Howe passed to Rod thbert In the rlght comer Gll hart relayed It to IIadlleld who was parked to the tall at Chl cago goalte Glenn ltall Bobby Hulls aoal came when he slammed zsloot shot pest tannen goalle Ed Glseomln at me ot the second parlod Stan Itllktta the Hawks Ilast centre was held on the score sheet In hle bld to set record or most polnta In season He has an ttva short 01 the record In season set by Bobby Hull last season httklta also needs one asslst to break the record ol 59 asslsta In one sca son wbtch he set In teaso5 Alter allowlng Dcnnls Hull to beat hlm wlth hIa two goals In the Ilrat pertod Gteeomln set tled down and turned In brll Itant pertormance as the Hawks blasted hlm wlth 48 shots New YetIr had at shots at Hall 14 sarnrn rlnrtv Supply Llrnlrad AXa BRAD Hurfll FAOTORI IIRAIII Economy Grade rear toner 47 $327 2x4s39 MONTREAL Canadtens new In Ralph Backstrom In Finland Deleats Czechs In Hockey VIENNA CPl Ftnland dc leatcd Caechoslovakla today In stunnlng upset In the world hockey chlmplonshtpa The Czechs harlng won lhalr three prevlous games were rated wlth Canada etrona ehallensers tor the tltle betas delended by Russla No brultant goals by tuhanl Wahlsten late In the llrat parted rocked the Creche They gave the Elm lead Pekka Kuuslsto hevlng opened the acorlnl at that at the ported The Creche came back wlth thelr only eat when Jnroslav Jlrlk score at the teaocond polnt ol the second rlod From then on Flnns louaht ttaht delenslva actlon TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mam ohm Spruce Plus any quanth No Interior MAHOGANY OOORS l0x6v6419 24166554 16 66 417 24 66 576 20 66 534 26 it 66 591 FREE 3Bedroom HouseSl52900 Cottages From $59215 AllPrteeo Approx 15 CASHWAY CENTRES TO SERVE YOU Daily am am Saturdays ll nmA5 run COTTAGE AND NONSE PLANSI by walling tor rebound that GOOD FRIDAY MARCH 2n 4x8 LUXURY PANELS SAVE 24 TO 28 12 311 I6 I6 Daubleeoat Whlta CEILING TIIEEFJLE toore norm as sets cm to lengthtttetvsnlred PLASTIC PIPE 2V2 NAILS EAVESIROIIOII $197 $594 3117 senvrrte THE BARRIE AREA makes It look easy as be slams the puck post Torontos gonllo Bruce Gamble durtng Na tlonal Hockey League game In Toronto Wednesday nlght Montreal teammate stands never came htontrcal led to at the end ol the second pertod CI Vtrephotol CLOSING OIIT Retell Secllonl SALE eontlnuae Thls cloelng ol the relnll sectlon Is to scrvo you better In our etudlo por tlon lllany Items stlll tell as DUNLOP 7280930 CAR AND TRUCK LEASING ATTRACTIVE YEARLY RATES CALL 7266474 entree DRIVEACAR Essa ltd Allandala IN OBSERVANCE 0F SALE exrenoeor SeltStorlng Comb Storm Seroon newton nouns 99 61 each or ZIOs ITlttek Our Lowest Prlca Iver For Thls Doorl Ills DOORS EAON $21 Raa 5656 to $696 em acadian ASHI malabar TEAK Caspian WALNUI Prtnthttawbmnlnsl EACH FROM OUR YARD AT THE JUNCTION 0F HIGHWAY ll NOIVIH0LD No II AND HIGHWAY OE WHITE Caahwar Lumber Box on Barrla retouemotoo AM PM EKIJAYS alum PM sAruaoAvs