Barrie Examiner, 23 Mar 1967, p. 4

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rml gurusnus allov HIS WORSHIP INM ta Cooke takes idoser look at an oldlsshioned coal oil lamp Is he dimmer harming popislsrity oi antique treasures with collector Prter Myers New Centennial Coloring BoOk Is Genuine Canadian Souvenir NIAGARA FALLS Ont CPI housewtic who got tired oi iunky souvenirs has written and published souvenir centennial icoloring book that looks like bestseller Mrs Jnek hlchce who is also idotng hcr own promoting says slie is getting 5000 orders lwcck tor her Sspage bilingual coloring book She says she is not surprised ot the response She took things into her own hands because she was convinced there are practi icully no Canadian souvenirs lor ichitdrcn worth buying have three children and it made me mod to see so much junk on the market was par tlciilnrly concerned with the Niagara Falls region where so many souvenirs are sold and because its where live So tsat down and wrote nbniit the places oi interest and tound wondcriui Hungarian artist Leslie Takach of Montreal to do the pictures Mrs McKee once worked tor the Ontario department at travel and publicity which gave her some knowledge at promo tion and an interest in history She draw on that and on knowi edge oi bookkeeping typing printing paper type adverbs ing sales and management 25000 SOLD when got all the things togelhcr to make the book went out to sell it The Niagara Fnlls book has limited inter tcst because it covers region llcople welcomed it because it lhas educational value About 75000 copies have been sold and it is being murdered tor the tourist trade Mrs McKee says she planned 30w centennial hook to teach chlldrcn something about Can ada its history and what each province is noted ior The book took about year to produce The Quebec French was done by Montreal trans ilator and teachers edited the whole text Ooa of the worst jobs was ito decide what should be used in the book There are so many Itntercatlog things about Canada that it would be easy to let them runaway with the pages no nunon READING EDMONTON or Monica has straight blonde hair and tround pink cheeks She speaks distinctly in the indulgent tone that liveyeabolds reserve ior tanswering adults silly quest Itions Two years ago hionica could not say her nameEven repeat llng aAaa or apple was triumph She attends the school oi the Edmonton Aphaste Association but she and her iriends call it Witlrs Ungers schno Evelyn Ungcr herscli the mother of an aphasie child is founder and director oi the school In lose she received the na itional Readers Digest Award if or developing rehabilitation Fervlees lor the handicapped Her small olilce ispiled with lctters lllioflllflllDfl sheets ior parents drawings by pupils Visiting student nurses wander tin and out The browneyed woman was accountant until her lniant in Gordon new 12 developed aphaaia after an attack oi ispinal meningith RAIN DAMAGED aphasia is the inability to use apoken language because of rain damage or defect The phasic child has trouble talk ing reading writing and per pa coordinating his move enis He may be diagnosedas re itardcd or deal because he can not understand what is said to im These kidsllve in is defeated 150000 to sell at 59 cents To Easter Egg peculiar to the individual hen as the hen has laid Henca the pro duetion from one flock oi chick ens may vary widely in the dif ed An interesting point is that when the Araucana is crossbred with chicken that la brown colored eggs the dong ters will produce eggs having light to olive green shells depending on sent the owner with colored eggs oi various shades oi blue green olive green brown oli pastel shades oi blue and green will be found most atten While brown eggs have their color mostly if not entirely on the outer surface oi the shell the color in blue eggs pervades the whole shell structure and shows on the inner suriace with the same intensity as on the outer Dont rush out to purchase these chickens however ior garld said Mrs UngerThey they are hard to come Mother of aphasia Child Pounds School For Victims run and they iall They hear Pnnt touch that Youll drop IThcy dont know that they hi can be right You have to do velop that for them Yet the undamaged part at the brain can be trained to do the work of the rest The lingers worked with their son at home learning irom hooks and developing ttielr own equipment When he entered public school they decided other aphaslc children should have special iacilltles The school was founded be cause at Gordie not tor him Newspaper articles brought 14 parents to organize the Edmon ton Aphasle Association in Jan uary 1963 In September church donated space tor the first school and the Alberta Council or Crippled Children and Adults provided iunds sonnet caewono The association new numbers more than so with Mrs linger as president The school has tour teachers with volunteer assistants It is beginning to overflow its six rooms on the second floor ot business building The to pupils aphasle or with related problems are grouped ability into four classes kindergarten readiness beglnl ntngand senior Grade it In one preschool room child was teaming to control chalk drawing loops on the blackboard In another iouryearnld pronounced his name alter scvv ernl tries lnton recording mn ehtne and soulrmed with de gimmick ftlrs hches says she had sold 60000 books when it had only been out week She printed She has also tiled tor patent tor centennial game and has two other colorln hooks started on Canadian wild lioiv ers and Canadian wild animals Chickens Answer litany talk like to iollow the European custom oi coloring eggs at Eastcrtime However the Araueana Indians oi the Gut fo de Arauco district at Chile in South America dont have to go to this trouble They have breed of chickens called the Araucana that lays pastel blue eggs according to Professor Hunt at the Department of Poultry Science Ontario Agri cultural College University oi Guelph The depth oi color in an egg shell is believed to be re lated to many characteristics well as to the number of eggs fcrent hues of blue cggs gathers the intensity ot the brown pig ment present Thus flock with Araucnna blood in it may pre white or pink Generally the arvn enanuarnn rtgiu Mayor Cooke oiiioiatly opened the Centennial Room at the Manure test this miner Photo THE STARS SAY nmnunra FDR TOMORROW hi planetary tnilucnres should make Friday another more or less routine day Dont engage in unfamiliar undertak ings and ion the time being put all the launching oi long rsngs plans Some surprising nows tn the pm could prove most heartening however FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you are currently in cycle which will be unusually propi tious or work requiring lmaglA nation and originalityat which so many Arlcns excel This does not mean that creative workers will experience series oi dra matic successes but rather that by enpltaltztng on their talents and trying to maintain reasonable pace in their en deavors they can by years end be certain oi the recogni tion toward which they aim Their best periods inspiration ally speaking will occur in June August and next Febru sry Those in other careers will be governed by good planetary in fluences during the iirst 11 days at July throughout September the iirst week oi October mid Novemher late December and all at next hiareh For all Best cycles for Itnsnclal matters is the last two weeks of July the periods between vSept is and Oct and between Oct 19 and Nov is It would be wise to consolidate all gains then and prepare tor an excellent twomonth cycle ior fiscal ex pansion beginning on Feb 1968 Personal in should prosper during most of the year ahead but unless you determine to avoid it you may experience some iriction in close circles in lata June the second week of September in mld0ctoberi and midDecember Best periods for romance hisy August and next January for travel hithune late August and early Saptem her and the month between Doc 15 and Jan 15 child born on this any will be endowed with line mind and unusual artistic gills Thc days between now and May FOR BARRIE COLLECTOR Search For Local Antiques Leads To Newest Venture Dy EILEEN DIXON The idea of having Conten nlsl room to display his collee uon oi antiques was not spur eithemoment lsney lor Pater Myers when the doom the an tennis Room were ouieislly opened to the public it was the result of savers years oi pllnlt nlng by the collector The room has been added to the Treasure Guest located It Market Sousro and opera by Pater for more than In years It has slws been my idea to hue somct ng outstanding Ive been thinking about It for years he said The room has been modelled sitar on old tinty which Peter has at home setting plea of the 19th csntury sit tng room ll titled with tress ures the young collector has been saving PIONEER TREASURE in one corner at the room stands on old pine corner cup board designed around isoo to day loneer treasure The col lector has willow and ironstone dinnerware displayed on the shelves of the top part oi the cupboard The dinnerware which was commonly used in that era lends itself well to the old pine wood The window is decorated with swag drapes oi rieh Spanish brocsds In shades oi red and gold and trimmed with gold silk fringe Pater cant remember when he iirst became interested in collecting antiques lls doss re member thst his father and mo ther often chided him and col led him innit collector He began collecting old towel ry became so interested that he then started glass calico tion The glass led to other items and soon he was well on the way to being collector ANTIQUE JEWELRY In his collection at sntlgus iswelry there are two very In teresttng pieces grandmo ther ring and grandmother locket With the birth oi eoeh grandcth another stone was added to the piece oi Jewelr Peter says it the grandchd was born in September up rim nnnnrnaimnuim rauasnsv much m1 Dalston Residents Celebrate 45th Anniversary At Reception Iiiietiime residents oi the Dolv soon area Mr and hire John Lavender RR Barrie wars goats oi honor at an lotonnst reception on Sunday to mark their 45th wedding anniversary The panty was held at the residence oi their son and daugh tainslaw hlr and him Merrie Lavender of Florence St Dar rie indict supper tor the im mediate iasmtiy took place bo twasn the ailerooon and even ing receptions The bride the iormer Myrtle light to hear it played back Ilia eight classmates clapped and laughed and the teacher gave rn hug They build their lives on praise Mrs linger said in Grade room she stopped to wnteh an intent little boy decide where to mark his workbook These children are lost in space Theyll have troubls writing between two lines or walking on board just tour inches oil the ground Four children have left the Grade class for public school Mrs linger said the pre school program is unique among the schools she has seen It attempts to enroll children at age three because the longer diagnosis is delayed the greater is the childs lrustration at not being able to communicate These children are not medical problem but an educa tional one Mrs Ungers husband Abe warehouseshipper makes the schools equipment balance boards brightpainted puzzles and peg boards She mlmeo graphs exercise games that parents can play to help their children at home Gordon is their only child and the school has become iullttme iob Requests for help have come irom Vancouver Winnipeg Tor onto and Caliiomia lied It exciting to watch these children When you take child that couldnt say one tword couldnt its his shoelace Beslby and her bridegroom were wed by the late Rev Ir win mlnistr oi Dalston Metho dist march at tihe home oi the iorldss parents the late Mr and Mrs William Beelby oi Dalston The couple have been farmers tor the greater part oi their married lite in the Dalston din trict and at the Sunday open house they renewed acquaintan ce with many of their neigh bore and irtends and members oi Olowea Womens Institute oi which the bride is member MEMBERS OF FAMILY Present to celebrate the no carton with their parents were sons and dauiditeos and iamil ins Ross oi Tmnto Morris oi Harrie Gary at home Mrs Thomas chase oi Brampton Marlon Mrs Alex McDonald of Dalale Burnlbce hint Thomas Spencer at Richmond Hill Elisine and Mrs John Campbell of Toronto Sharon son Eldon and his wife at WINE EXPERT DIE MOSCOWtAPl Georgi Agsbalyants oz who put Soviet champagne into mass produc tion died Monday Pravda re ported Thursday Agshalysnts scientist wine grower and edu catlontst wona Lenin Prize in tool for developing method of producing champagne by an In tomated coastanbilow processi 6th Anniversary Special 20 OFF PERMS cur ennuieasiyummoiniiz in their New Eiopo 91 styling We and listen styl nacho jarinf couldnt hop and now is doing Grade warkintwn years oinlrytmuomnnnv from their children 5am stone recorded the birth sis As collector and antique dealer you are always on the lookout tar items lied when walk into home look around to see it there In any older items in his search tor sotlouu be came across what be considan to be one at his most prised possessions French mantel clock mad in Paris Its not really but he ver seen prettier pier All the rlétnfsin gilt is still on and It trotting cider 11in clock is dated HISTORICAL NOTES The collector tries to attach some history to such piece oi iurniture Sometimes we find certain rtlrlea dliitcult to trees but to have good reiorones books and can usually tell pun ehssers when the place origin nted The home in which Peter atdes with his mother Mrs Non oma Myers next door to the Barrie Public Library is titled with sntloues We live in what was formerly the old Market Hotel which was operated by my mothers mustard and parents Part oi the joy of collecting is restoring the article really enioy stripping down furniture and reitnlshlng it lind its at wnys satisfying to see the line old wood underneath all the lay ers of point For exam to we had an old rotten and air at home or years which was cover ed in leather When neat to work on it discovered it had been made by the Dougai Rani ture Factory which was located in Bsrrie in the Market Square dustng the 19th centuryfl NEW INTEREST The dealer notes that many young peopls are becoming in terested in antiques and show special interest in lamps and colored glass try to hand pick my iurnl hire because feel that an nations is something the buyer should be able to use and an joy as well as get pleasure out of owning All old lumishtngs are not besnttlul and some are not functional for todays living habits he notes New York Qty were unable be attend but telephoned message oi congratulation to his parents Party guests included the cele brants ten grandehflnren and the brides cousin Mayor Rus sell Neal and hire Nest of Mount Forest Other guests nt tended from Mldhurst Guthrie Dalston and Barrie Mess iPEA TABLE wedding cake decorated in pink and white and itankedJiy pink tapers was the focal point on the lace covered tea table Ten hrmors were performed by the daughters oithe gout of honor Tea usistants were the daughtersdndacw oi the cele mnfi no ed Amon racev was crysth and silver sandwidi andsolish they presented by Clowes Wit The iamin present ed the couple with melting chair The biddes oorsage oi pink and whitecamatilorrs and unlocking boinopntere worn by the bridegroom were also gifts aeronlitoo lay em Compsre As Te roan gt nwonsroansnn Arm saovn sin men lelntlep aIIlI 1er Inuit Invit Your Inspec tion No osumivs envenomed nssnniwn ocean smann sansisetins oasssstm villains runs hareiss Exclusive Farrier vrho snskes and sells turn only Harris vTosnnto Dunlap II gt 7M Hearse white Peter values his collie tion and says it hold special meshing for him he considers the friends he has made In the antique hisslness proctor and valuable so any or his col lsctloa This is the type oi httllnoes that is challenge you are new italbed tennis and studying lame Whiting Mr and Mrs Monroe oth sntlgus dealers in the em have been like guiding light their way to help me every no While his Benton oi Inttfiuu no doubt has than ue Peter considers th ends he has made and will make through tutun business venture to his greatest wealth Speaker Discusses Symbols 0i Easter Mn It Adams explained the origin and mentor oi many oirthsrtuter symbols She also read poem entitled If Easter Be Not This at the Much meeting of the Evening Circle oi the Womens Association oi St Andrews Presbyterian Church President Mrs Don himhsll chaired the mealng which was pinned withdevotlonsl nerdy monks and two guests were present Director the Ontario Plow msns Association Del Jerme outlined the history at the plow ing match and answered many pertinent questions posed by the women The church organisa tlon will have concession at the all match to be held on the es minutes and correspondence Wow isrm at doe Coehrsne nii train rs an ed by Mrs Smith Campbell who presented the speaker with oerttltcsts for centennial rose rummage will he held in the church ps or on April it HG arrogant GAMMA tAPi Otilclale reported Wednuday an average at rive deaths daily in small epidemic sweeping the syn and Montfsrpur press of Indias Ether state when lb vere drought persists lo Gays town stone the otiielal death tell this year has reached 33 Uaoi ttcisl utlmstes place this iigura at more than 300 Oiltelsls slid the epidemic was cursed by combination oi malnutrition and ths drought my nnnunmt wanr nos PHONE 131 WORLDS fINEST GLASSES our mini rirrras WILL ADVISE YOU ON THE coeoua ls SWLE MOST source in vou SNACCUM SIIVICI glutdilating In to mum 5ir GRANDV OPENING We will be celebratingour Grand Opening this Saturday March 25th Kerwin 38 Maple Aver gadéiore 72683 SVOperatorslTo Serve You OMARY ANN SMITH 05Hch McGUIRE eNoaMA COHAN eiovcc Love OANN MOFFATT Free Daffodils For The Ladies in and see our new shop We will be pleased to greet you with daffodil Why not drop FREEuDOOR PRIZES PERMS special name arni sunscanvegl Mrs Serenice AustiniProin 38MspleAve AllPotmswillbe offered on 4A25VOFF

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