Amos ioo Ehso marine dealers gathered at die Ooalt tinental Inn Miaday ior the annual marine oonierencs Marine dealers irom across the province gathered In Barria yesterday tor the annual Em marine oonierence Close to tilt dealers erdiang ed ideas on marina operation and hair to invrove their aer rice to the boating public One at the most hotly discuss ed topics was dockside disposal Iaeilitjcs to handle waste irom pleasure boats Guestspcaker Paul Sperm oi the Ontario Water Resources Coagulation pointed out to the marina operators that the reg ulation governing sewage con trol in pleasure boas didnt me into being overnight but was being investigated as early as 1957 it was ielt ot the time he said that it something wasnt done problems would soon arise iin other waters oi the same scale that exists with pollution in Lake Erie He said that opposition to the iie IiuronIa Numismatic As sociation will hold its sixth an nual ocin display and banquet at continental Inn on Satinday April Hank Millani oi Peterbor ough noted authority on prim itive Indian money and holder oi one at the best Canadian col leotions will address those in attendance Mr Millard has addressed similar shows across Ontario Iha show will be open to the public without charge irom noon to pm and irom 530 to to pm Highlight oi the evening will be coin collection competitions open to club menibers or out alders an auction oi coins and oi Week llprilZ To Chamber of Commerce Weak will be observed throughout Canada April to As is cur tomary the local chamber will participate in the annual cam paign toemphasire the impor tance oi the organization In the community in coniunctian with the week the Barrie Chamber Is planning its semiannual membership re ception to be held April at Community House irom to pm LOCIII anan connacriow it was reported incorrectly Monday that car driven by William McKeever oi Ferris Lane Barrie struck parked vehicle on Gunn Street Satur day The vehicle Mr MeKeev ers car struck was not parked hut rolled driverless out onto the street as he was passing No charges were laid In con neetlon with the incident Look for this label sponsored by Imperial Oil ua FROM LEFn horm Brown dealer sales tor Sine me County Paid Spenst who addressed the marine dealers regulation which calls ior all pleasure boats owned by an 0n tario resident that have sleeping accommodation be equipped with marine toilet and an ap provcd device which will store or dispose oi human sewage sprang up soon alter It was publicized FOUR APPROACHES Mr Spcnst noted there were tour approaches which the OWRC could take concerning sewage catering water irom pleasure boats do nothing In ctncrate the sewage treat it chemically or follow the rcgu iatlon Ilio OWRC ruled out the llrat course because sewage entering lakes rivers and streams was rapidly becoming problem and maid not be ignored With regard to lnoinerating the sewage he pointed out that en ergy requirements to do an ade quate lob were rarely available on most pleasuure boats and the Coin Display In Barrie April display by outoitowri deal ers This will include nine boursc tables Cola books Journals and ap praisals will be available to in terested parties also without marge Tickets for the banquet and tor the draw tor Canadian gold silver and regular coin set will be available at the display DEATHS cows hInl At the ltoyi Victoria ilaspl Barrie Thurslt Vicious Hotpllll Arne Therm day March as 1967 Matilda Shra beloved Min of the late John Cotes late or or non si Barrie mm sister or Altos am this curroro Carley oi Brim Resting at the pe hick runeni Home 127 Bayileld si Battle Service and committal in on Eillllfl Saturday at use pm lri tuimcnt later in Banla Union Cemetery MDT Dllu Maliti Retired om pioyee Elton Ca At Tor onto on rouxam lunch 1w DliAy Moiiatt Smllh belwld Ills Icr nI Catharina ill Jr DIV iyi Strand Ont Dunc Kimoist at West Marii0 Conni Barbers Mr Ill Bli ley t7 Willawdl and till lltl Seymour Emit At the lfllil Funeral Home 2M Yonge sum Toronto service Saturdayrmom ina ll oclock Interment Jam Cemetery Ill llbtl oi flow on donltloru may be lent to the Canadian Arthrltte Swillll BIRITE PRESCRIPTION SERVICES SHVI on Drugs PHONE 7282429 For Fast Pickup and Delivery At No Extra Charge 30l Blake St Barrie Shopping Plasa on how antipollutlon Icglda tlool tor pleasure boats aticct them and Paul Harmon oi the Dcpmmcnt oi Tourism and laiormatlon allied to oritlla Marine Dealers Hold Conference In Barrie danger oi the would probably lead to cancellation oi marliio ilre insurance policies He said that treatment an boarii with chemicals to reduce the bacteria oount and discharge it late the water would soon de ioat the purpose because test have strewn that the songs soon becomes bacterialaden again and bake Erietype sit nation would ainntually result is obvloin answer to the WM was not to put the waste Into ttio water In the firstiplace lhe idea is to contain It in the boat and brittg it to shore and treat the sewage in the same way as municipal sewage is treated his tool boaler should be able to get rid oi sewage at marinas it there is sewage aboard he told the marina operators The thinking oi the people in charge at the regulation he sold is that when the boats are properly equlppod on June 196a there is going to have to he shore facilities to make the thing work Ii It develops naturally he noted everybody will be hap py with the situation 0n the other hand the gov ernment oouldtry to have mar ina operators install suction pumps through iinanoiai induce merit lIa pointed out though that there are very low occasions whera the govenunent pays someone to comply with the law oi the land He also said there was pos sibility that the government would have to go to compulsory legislation Mr Spense pointed out that the government was not trying to force the marina operators Into installing iacllltles tor the removal oi sewage It is hoped they would do It in their awn beat intorma as well as the boaters Each month more and more people are taken on the stall at the DWM to check on pollutants being dimde Into the water ways Try Again Iodciy To Save House Another unsuccesqu at war made yesterday to Tomato doctors summer home which tipa perilously in Lake Simcoe near Keawiclr with one side resting In the water Workm tried yesterday liters mon to wiadn the noetorvy irama house out on pilaltl oi wood but the winch system up parently broke down Iccordln to provincial police st Ridges Latest re it is that another attempt is lag planned today The plight oi the expensive summer house at Dr Bernard Leibcl began Monday when workman set out to transport Orillia To Make Strong Bid For College Applied llris Orillia will enter strong hid ior Genrglan College at Applied Arts and Technology briet to be submitted to the collage board at governors April lays the looqun near Drillh oi Simcoo University 13 maior reason why the community col lege should be established there Barrios college ioundiag com mittee under chairman llobcit Story will also present sub mission to the board oi gover n0 Oriillas briei suggests that the opportunity oi sharing iacitities between Simcoe University branch oi Waterloo Lut eran University and Georqu College would be distinct advantage it boys libraries recreational and athletic facilities heaan plants and town services could be shared Dairy Partners3 Welcome gRï¬Sél increased milk subsidies are iustliled by rising costs to pro duccrs In this opinion oi Dalian dermcy well known Medonte Ayrshire nattlcman new iedcral dairy policy an nounced Wednesday will give iarmcrs an atiactory return at 5475 hundredwelght beginning April the start oi the dairy year it amounts to itscent rIisa irom the nations average IIIRM PRICES MONTREAL CF Agricul ture department quotations Eggs Average wdghtedfrlee wholesan to retail In one ozen cartons extralargo at large 522 Amedlum small 378 WINNIPEG CF Contin ucd demand tor Canadian bar ley irom shippers and exporters dominated opening trade at the ylnnipeg Grain Exchange to ay Rye showed ilrming trend trading at prices higher with May at 135 Prensa Netet W©©ltW©wlillb Will Remain Closed 0n Good Friday For Your IosterySliopping ConvenienceWe Will Romainopen ThurSdoy Night Till on iEater Special Hor cnoss BUNS Only 64c Dog Fresh Daily Erom Our Ovbnb an New THE HARRIS EXAMINER IIIUMDAVMARLE II lll thl hous irom Island Grove near lieswlck ll mile over the Ice to the Big Bay Point area it only got no yards train the east shore when It began to sink through th ics Alter raising the house on tim bers and wheels crew irom Goliath Construction Co at Bah its bad lust started putltn It across the lake by motor red sleigh when two wheels went through the cracking ica Meanwhile Ontario Provincial Polici Distrlct Su rinten dent John dark aid house had to be moved Pointing out the timid it would create ll tell to link he said It lust cant be lllt the With lineages hi mum area as an molly pa academic run or such courses an economics Englidi and me thamadca would be available Students would also have read and convenient access to bot schools minimising the trans portation problems the briei contends itsya Slmcoa University would provide the iuliest eoep oration possible In the accom modation oi transtar students who started or community college and decided later to transler Earlier this week the Barrie District Coileglata Board oiler ed Ealtvlaw Summary Schoxl as tummy or new college winds is stated to cperrin temporary location in Septurbor with permanent alts to be mabiished inter pride oi Stioalihough Quebec and Ontario iarmershave had additional provincial subsidies to tmprova on that Simcos County dairy iermers genarbliy welcomed the subsidy increasb slthough some arguad hoalUIyeeonomy wouldbr all segments iair return an mlrltet conditions has is rather than irom tax pay ments One spokesman delend ing the Iubs sold it Is not much diiierent tor taxes to make up the dliiersace to give iair price to isrmers than for them to pay interest on cap IIsI expenditures dont believe subsidy is unreasonable White at Warminster said lheiarmerl deserve better break In the present ec onomy Ii this subsidy will help bridge this gap tor the dairy inrmar It Is good thing BOMBB DISCOVERED TERNI AP Fittean unex Ioded Second World War aerial ombs iound under the tracks or the Tarot central railway sta tion were dug out and dis armed Wednesday by ltaliaa army engineers anioaoiaa Bdct ain rlka lleiit divisional com maridcr oi the Salvation Army Impressed With Salvation llrmy Work In Canada Brigadier Eliot Ilnrrlkn last night told meeting in tho Sai vaiion Army Citadel that he lies higth Impressed with tho iacl tiles and work dono by the Sub vatloa Army In Canada Brigadier Burrlka is grad unto oi the Salvation Army 0i llcers Training College in gas Nigeria where he in pr catty Divisional Commander There are live corps In turtles Canadas two or three gener ation head start In Salvation Army work it has onperlunto means iaciiltles and personnel that wouldiprova vnluoble In NI geria Describing some oi the duties oi the Army In Nigeria the Brigadier stated that on per cent at the schools In Nigeria are run by the churches in Liiges tho ilvo corps or the Salvation Army are responsible tor the teachingnot about 4000primoiy school students Tho Armyi also runs courses to educate and rctrutn turmcra lnmodcrntcchniques nit MilI culture as wall as running Mela to help people who have name to this ultlcs irom the sur wark Brigadier Burrlka is nearing the end one month tour that has taken him through mast oi the mitior Canadian titties irom coast to coast Itio trip ivas planned as nurtoi the tint vatlon Armya annual Mission ary Appeal which la period at selldental similar to Lent Guests irom the denomination throughout the area were on hand to hear the 21year veter an at the Salvation Army rica cribs Its undertakings In his nat Ive Nigeria The Army is active in countries throughout the world TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE ï¬llMid new slogan unusual trail at Lagos Nigeria dials with Captain John Wilder oi the Salvation Amw Citadel ilo pointed out that because oi rounding aijaa looking Ifli Thegwonderiui thing about Dry Rye is the tact that It makes every other ordinary vyetaste unusual Thats how different the taste of Grand Prix Is Voull suddenly realize that Grand Frix is not an old whisky with Barrie on the facilities and work done by the Canadian Salvation Army IIIIIE rarii Town at the EMBASSY This Week Saturday March 25th lRAGGED specs Special Easter Holiday Dance Wednesday March 29th MISFITS come and dance to their swinging sound Door Prize oeeeeuoeeeiiooooéinoi SPIIINii IS SPliIIllii TheTastee Trout BLAKE sr flPlitiitiiiIIll Milli zi Ready to serve you with 50 flavors of Milk Shakes Cones Sundaes or Banana Splits GRAND OPENING SPECIAL BUY ONE GET ONE FREE ï¬ne You Tried Our DaeIlelous Hamburg Hot D0957 OOOQDOQOOQOCOOOOOOOOOOOO Vdull know it is new whisky with new taste dry taste full rye with evary shred of sweetnessremoved When you try Gland Frtx Itcoiiid make your favourite rye taste OHGrand Frix couldbecome youriavouriie rye GRAND PRIX THE WORLDS FIRST DRY RYE out or wmuommmictmowwvm