NEW HOME FOR no newme homestead in henna try lnsdt him day Originally located near muoitdhiamhoyhood Saskatoon the province plans ilwonto news in BRIEF where John Dictenbsker smut QUEEN non FRANCE Ellubcih plans to make pri vatn visit to France In May Buckingham Palace said Ncsday night The trip 1s scheduled ior May 27 and IN ILOAD MISHAP FETERBOROUGH CPi Gcorge Volly Rutherford and lrcne Borccky both at Camp belltord Ont were killed lucs day in headon cartruck crash on Highway tour miles east oi hare PAPER STMKE END TOLEDO Ohio AP The long strike at Toledoa daily newspapers oiticlally ended Tuesday night Contractrslgnlng by the Toledo Blade Publishing Co and nine unions was com plelcd at evening ceremonies his plans to resume publica tion Monday foreman began making preparations Tuesday night All pickets vanished or the ï¬rst time in 148 days SULPHUR PRICE UP NEW ORLEANS AP All Increase In the price oi sulphur along with quota system or purchasers was and uesday by Frecport Sulphur Co one at the worlds principal producers Freeport Sulphur said it was increasing the price long ton2240 poundsby The company also said it would restrict established cust Misunderatanding Cause Reports On Expo Lodging MONTREAL CWJean LI coste director of the provincial lodging service said Tuesday discrimination could be prac tised by persons uttering lodg ing tor Expo appeared to have risen out ot mlsuaderstrmd log The matter was raised in the Aims of Commons Monday by Stanley Knowles oi the New Democratic Party who asked the government to see that this unCanadlan practice is brought to halt Mr Lacoste said that persons mug35 qulred by the lodging service to sign term which states that they commit themseltu not to practise discrimination In ac cepting paying guests misunderstanding oi this iorm might have led to reports that the tnlrs reservations aservlcs asked those renting rooms to sign form asking It they would accept anyvisltor regardless of race or religion he said Mr Lacoste said such form discrimination laws of Quebec Parliament At Glance By THE CANADIAN PRESS reports that religious or racial wanting to alter rooms are re would be contrary to the anti omers to no per cent oi their LONDON WWW QUE bass tonnaga orders starting month mzrr ttttitt TUESDAY March 21 18 External Martin announced that ca reer diplomat Charles Kitchle will succeed Lionel Chenlsr ale high commissioner to Brit era met cabinet committee to press or higher milk prices La or Minister Nicholson announced formation at an arbitration board to deal with thcbdéspute between railways and ahnocrait workers The Commons deience com mlttee voted 13 to it in favor at key clause of the forces unlticatlon bill setting up single service opposition Leader Dicten baker charged in the Com mons that us Ambassador alto tiatterworth helped Otho Liberals In the 1052 and 1060 elections The Commons justice com mittee asked that auto satety standards be put in the hands oil public board The Commons gave third reading to Bank Act amend 4menta by vote oi iii to 40 wnnuasuss March 22 230 pm Business ot the day was not announced The Senw ate meets at to aim to de bate Dank Act amendments TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS VFHONE 7732414 Alfairs Minister Almost 1000 Quebec tarm The Commons meets at IE PENBAKER HOMESTEAD coreworalandlooatektn Blrrtelliirï¬jrvintirebadrv the Wnsonna mat in MM groom is Maura builthng as trim to the ionnet BUILD DEFENCE LONDON Reuters Work has begun on new NATO alr deicnca warning system the military electronics project undertaken in Europe the builders announced here tlrrns about Hughes 00000000 CANADA GRADE EYISCERATED YOUNG TURKEYS 5111 108 TABLErkllE CANADA GRADE MATE Yilllliii IliliKEYS H594 CANADA GRADE EVISCERATE immonuut entertain enema DOLE FANCY SJCED PINEAPPLE LihlVSDEEPBUITHiED trasrsatss Jennmucous YiNlP GRILL WSWMW Dill PIGKLES Pnoouczloa CRliLiILOWER DEi MONTE FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL an lé CAN N0 GRADE 19 or Tins pnoouceor vat can no1 own cairn srnrrs CAN ax FANCY ensure no also Delicious APPLES PRODUCE 0F UNA FRESH TOP nuucucnnnors ézf FROZEN FOO iHE REAL THING FROM FLORID ORANGE 89v GREEN GIANT FROZEN Itt VEGETABLES OLD SOUIH OZ This 420 we SIZE TIN 38¢ tic mastic 43c 759 lit Ti 53 33 53c SX CANNED vHAMS 11 lb Tins 29¢ 29C 49E 29 ï¬x FEA TURES UICE mvlaotel let eomortlum at six aded by the American Aircrait Co was awarded contract in Decem ber to build warning network irom Norway to Turkey coating 10 $1 VITAWA CPIA number larelmtralned doctors an alt ting out the Vietnam war in grads mtg avoid tiltie United ta ar amenary committee was tad Tuesday As soon as the war is over theyll go back Dr Augustin Roy registrar at the Quebec College at Physicians and Sur geons said its was answerinl lion by the special Sena ornmona committee on immigration which had heard brief mm the Canadian Medical Associa tion Dr toy said there are about 1000 iorelmtraintd doctors in Montreal but test would remain in Canada They use Canada as stey plan stone to the United states he said Some had emigrated to the UN originally Irom other countries but moved to Canada or couple years because at visa requirements Some at these were sitting out the war dratt hare Dr ltoy said He said they entered the 115 Eiaa si sbroadiodeterminailthqan speak my English or Prenchtogetslongandtoflnd out it they have enough to knowledge to work Is Quebec Among doctors writing Mmtrui now there were 121 Item liaiti 77 irons ladlz as from Egypt ullrom the United States it Irom trail 77 tram the Philippines ram lebac Mn i0 trorn Nora and even one tram Vietnam ilir oriikow asked medical association oiitciats why the Orv taria College of Physicians and Surgeons reiqu to license to dian and Pakistani doctors lForeign Doctors Sit Ou Vietnam War In Canada Dr Denna Carmen at TORONTO CP Montreal chairman at the IL msn CMA W105 said he was not going to madame or defend Ontario flaming Pub tices HA1 TAM In More than do per cent price at cigarette to government law and duty museum1s msuasv arm as It To Table Region On Prudential uducu lllmlarm CARRIER MISS YOU WWMMMMD 7282433 AMA quolihlsamwflllabdhcï¬ talewubylA THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVBYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS shunu Aoour DUMMY mamiaeunymnpmzdumwduaaw Bqu mom Masainah bun dbrqsuWTBEqu 159 mmgrm iGA mm 572 Mng miksflds mast mes clifntoulqutigiddududsflmflï¬hnmly Shurhuusunus READY TO EAT SMOKED Wren nsrslss 33 EAWM Arrtr ducked NARGA wrsumc WEli lDNNS iOll RETURN iOlltE 23 oz Ells iii PRODUCE 0F USA CAN NO GRADE VINE RIPE TOMATOES manner sauna IGA WORM AND smiiii PIE EIIE NET 16A SUNNY Wm 39 cures stress 55 somelama 255 on 119 W0 mums MORN COFFEE oven cm RADIO cAsns AVAILABLE AT CHRISTIES reA maner MARKET segue rcA mes YOUNGS IGA iW sowss IGA moon mm armsnesrca locum steammuseum Clllllfllkll1 rfï¬t