Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1967, p. 8

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FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prim paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals remand free For fast aerle PHONE BARRIE 7137751 Collect or ask for NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 54130 NO CHARGE It hours day days week All Inuncad Ontario license No 296C Nick Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CLILIRCH Farm Supplies dc Service Care New Holland David Brown Butts BURTON AVE Irams CASH TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN Delaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line of Dairy Farm Equipment Suppca Barnc Holly Hwy 7250633 curt IIULK cooler aI cur alas over soon bales of cholcl my And over Iooo er mew D11 Bowlee MI Bradford telephone no 77M alter pm LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CIfAnOLAIS Elms for nta due in err bled Ilcreroru Telephon 78 ILABlIm for no mun Giant And New Zeaea ILnuu Contact redeem Acm llllnednl mores after one per FEED SEED GRAIN UANTflY or nay for no lied Eraser Alfalfa klephom rrtosn ammo me or BARer huyua as feed cm harley contct OConnor stances Distrth Cooperall am MIe mean Exam mu for sale Altar and mothv 100 square baits 40 vii saved lclcphone 7n AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR cARs FOR SALE I963 VALIANT door scdan slant motor outmch tnanmiisslon retin lslrod in gleaming smoke grey Llcenco EISOBE FEBRUARY BARGAIN PRICED AT ONLY $1395 MOFFATT MERCURY SALES LTD ill ESSA RD 7285558 VIAU RAMBLER I7 Gowan St maria 11$ hloNAficlgu Beanbag and mom or re than eornudmrI Tm arisen rear cIItvaw four door sedan automatic MIIMEM wastem backer unite noon tan fluids lmmmdate maroon re vam mm cream or tree more awesome oondiumivpbm 736559 for dab8 195 DIMMOEILE for Ill good Hm condition radio slid header mm tins Telephone 718466 arse AUTOMATIC Mme Pen uac Sutton Walton and urea Hon do so In uchauge for Slddoo or Snow Caliber For nIrther ln moon telephone em Ira vousswaom 1000 am in mmhwwmmo arm lor furthor details 1962 nimClmrr lilnmtclal Sedan curry powered Including power none neat one owner beauty In 58 P0ch two door It will dca muchM emellmt mm were somewhere at tcrum IJflmfl S4439 T21 phone Honor 190i MINI lllINOR for sale radio new Whitlwall tired in AA pondh and Best offer Has been used as mini car om moving Telelt phone Mimi 15M ACADIAN Beaumont Sport Deluxe two dood bucket $74 dark blue light hue utters mo Wheel dis at more macuh OWL TRUCKS TRAILERS condition rim mm WENIKE use among gor 1313 Al IIan MOW read tires Teimuglllpfi 1951 crow lTON stake nuck for sale with Mr floor in excellent ndltfon Million my 1969 OHIO Ii Mn Pickup 00 box lgaemlaaaiaumhxv tJd 1PM rvra ee uy no euxo heater bIIaclr hoaher Kt ulln overflle sisal mow tints It th Ix tae wlml Private muse AUTO REPAIRS MOFFATT Mercury SERVICE DEPARTMENT Equipped Stalled To Service Any Make Of Car Our Expert Mechanics ARE STILL ON THE JOB TO GIVE RELIABLE SERVICE TO SMALL CAR OWNERS Moffatt Mercury Ltd 81 ESSA RD 7285558 MISTER TranSmission Ltd Automatic Specialists 33 Diminl St lid3M any AUTOMOTIVE SNOWMOBILES UARCY SKIDOO Rentals Sales and Service Bell Ewart Wit MOTOSKI WEBSTER Sales and Service STROUD 063815 23 ShddoO Rentals uuoua sanvrca Enjoy swinging family day outdoors the Sklddoo way SKIDDOO RENTALS AT CONTINENTAL lNN Special rates to to pm daily Sat and Sund to it up Reserve now TIAi121 W0 atom SKID00 INSURANCE availablealong with all oihcr types STEVHISONS ll Dunlap St 7161le CYCLE SPORT Sales and Service Pioneer Grain Saws SnoJst Snow Mobiles Honda Suzuki and Yamaha 728$77l 69 Dunlop St HUSSKI FOR i967 re hp 5395 105 hp 3695 ROLLAND BOATS LTD Hwy 11 Orlllla mm tramno In on zoos for further details MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS sane RENT RUSSELL CHURCH MobilemHomes General Glendale 20th Century Homes Parts and Service Cash or Terms up to Years 170 BURTON AVE moose PERSONALS BE FEMININE Superfiuom hair removed by Electrolysis The safe scientific mthod 01 Certified Electro lyslst is available for consulta tion without chargo SYLVLAS SAIDN Fred Great Square Bernie Ont 7200380 mums Dead or Rare For mi reopenu mam AA YOU Itle mullIII problem am want help Phone any him HMS norm OLD FASHION Team and Eitllh rude Parties rune Trail aerate or clear OUTDOOR SKATING pleixll rider lights and music Cedar Park Lite $nme Elmo snack bar Ahconouc naturism AIAnen xnlly Group want to hel you Ill 03302 7736 W03 Bolt ll FORTUNE TELLING Do you want LII fortune told by mud lf lo elephant more for Points meet neurosuron arm Rides size ml Weekend ntdai hymparedlntdnfudlmmmaleec emit at am aunt Manner mam Inrl HUNT CARD Atwoo Interested Ramjet El hugeiflplt him56 use fttesday land nndmsatumtv error pan mcoam sax returns prepared roe rams business or Individual Kidd amount we Durde at West telephone mom for Ippofsrtsnent day or evening HARRY Mm minus of Yonge St Demo will not be Willa for IIIIV debts Incurred in Mam Without my written cosi aelrt from thin data limity l0 IW forward WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School lhorough training In all bran ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY 51 7283901 NURSING HOMES FIVE IIAPITES NURSING HOME THORNTON Ont has an attractive private room vacant large clothes closet comfortany furnished Also aemirprivate available lrly service Reasonable rater Phone 4504604 my exams warn ans aaorra Iranu mourn VALENTINE SPECIAL ONLY 55c Ladies Slacks or Mens Trousers NU SERVICE CLEANERS 728247I Pickup and Delivery PLANT IA Ind sn TO HELP WANTED MALI HELP Young Man Required For interesting position as JUNIOR REPORTER On the Staff of The Barrie Examiner Ilhls is an excellent opportunity for oung man to learn newspaper reporting inciu photo MANAGING EDITOR Barrie Examiner Bayfleid Street COUNTY OI SIIIIOOE Appllmtlona will be received by the undersigned up to pm February oth 1961 for position of CARHlAKIIR and BUILD lNG SUPERINTDIDW for the Gmty and minds Barrie to indrrde County Court Home Ontmty Ad ministration Bulldinl Regiiry Office and Juvenile and Family totm Building Dulce to corn meoco March lat 1961 Applications must be on forms obtainable at the Clerks Office Salary conunepsrnte with oodl lfimtlons FILED HUNTER Ooumy Cloth 0mm Am strut en arguing BARBIE Ontario SALES CAREER WELL ESTABLJSHED Barrie District Brandi cities for large international firm desires to contact Local Iron to to years of age for sales executive position No travel Sales exper ience desirable but not neces sary Salary enticedmission ar mpgement offering stable cur cer with substantial income and opportunity for advancement Group benefits Including hospl tollzatlon life insurance and pension All inquiries held in strictest confidence Successful applicant will be gvcn cd or titude lest Vrlle giving quullfl cations in Box B56 Bands Ex airliner PLUMBING SALES Established territory in Ontario New car and expensoa Salary dependent on previous ealcs ex perience Ambitious married man under preferred Apply in writing only to MOLDEX LTD 155 Vespra St BARBIE Ont Attn ltlr Hardisnn DRAFTSMAN For Expanding Firm of CONSULTING ENGINEERS Candidates should have at least years experience in the Mun icipal Engineering Field Apply in writing to REID Ir ASSOC LTD 160 Duniop St DAM11E ONTARIO Automotive Mechanic Must have class mechanics licence Ford experience pre ferred Excellent salary usual company benefits Apply to CHUCK LAMBERT BAY CITY FORD Market Square Barrie Phone 7287381 WNch Alimon part cw Damepmmlm fiagfim mm at area New amid hlxhlcr 1ng commune Phone no Do YOU HAVE butklnl RonLl IN or Immune Expcltmuf Camer titmrmliwllt£ or Bummer STOP WASHING than our iroun watoirlng Wiltonqu WRITE Wantodsthatget resultsl Examiner Ad Takers will be happy to help you write your olessliiul eds Ib place your next want ad dial 710W direct line to the Want Ad Dept DOWNTOWN Zapperiou St Barrie FEMALE HELP ran sheLE My Imam um WWW EOUHWKVH um It home BAXbut Its3 moths Lemon ram and Wellfnnr tea loo Victoria at um merit mmm Mather tor um hottest duties In Toronto mm after on Net bears MI sternum uourro om lor um nouns Iiir hfikhurldouzh and board code horde rertn 5961 or enemar ulna mom muffin mun time We and was Inn application MALE AND FEMALE BOYS and GIRLS for BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Routes available in Barrie and surrounding commun ities Application forms available at CIRCULATION DEPi 18 Bayfield SL Barrie OR PHONE 7266589 EMPLOYMENT WANTED mixture airfillable fl dailan bane meu provided In Anna ma Teicphone WWI YOUNG may more dust of gmmmufludcgm luau no phone mm urmmcan Butcher wourd Ila partill wewwe or rm da wee or WOT Talvphorrl tenure commander yum ow fun withDaIry Ind Indultfld offices titshes Position Out of town willlnl to move Plnu write Box Cl Barrie Exlmlnct mam stratum mart wtehoe poo ition min bookkeeping tum work Mull momnxyoiruez rig no or we sIoClmooII IiIANIIGEIr can experience with auto and rtdltltrlal com ny dcstm tlon out of tow wan to mm Ito nlmhmfr Bl Butte ii LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM GREER JOHNSTON late of the Township of lnnlsfll in the County of Simcoe formerly of the Village of Long Branch in the County of York salesman deceased ALL persons having claims against the estate of WILLIAM GREEK JOHNSTON late of the Township oi innislii in the County of Slmooe formerly of the Village of Long Branch in the malty of York Seiesrrran whovdied on or about the 13th day of December 1966 are hereby notified to send lull par ilculars of these claims to the undersigned solicitors for the Execulrix on or before the lbdr day of February 1967 after which date the Execuirlx will proceed to distribute the said Estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice and the Execu trix shall not be liable to any person of whose claim she shall not then have notice DATED at Port Outdlt this 12th day of January 1067 ELEANOR VERNA lOlINSNN Excedrinix By her polititoll EMAIL ROCHE MILMAN 39 Lakeshore Road East Port Credit Ontario TELL MORE SELL MORE when you place your jArticlea For Sale so In The liarrte but amlaer Keep these points in mindstale What item II Brand name 5le Ale 77 Color Conrlltlon Specllicatloal Acceslorita end attanrrnenta Prlce Pravloua usage Upholrtery Flnlah Make it easier forVino prospect to buy Remember the Articles iorSela classification la the Peoples Market Plact include ea many of than im portant features as you can THOUSANDS SHOP THEM thouInc sixfoot him wood wail today blocked Access to Lenins tomb In Red Square NEWS ROUNDIIP TORONTO CPI The On tario legislature Was told iues dny that Prudential Finance Corp ignored orders from the Ontario Securities Commission first to stop selling notes to the public and then to stop aelllng them to its own notchoidcra Donald MacDonald lcadnr of tho New Democratic Party made the allegation in declar ing that the provincial govern ments neglect in enforcing on dere againat the firm allowed Pnldentiul Finance to defraud more small investors Make Request DIEPPE France iCPllcut oralThe Royal Canadian Lo glen has requested French uu lhorltlee here to refuse Ger man request to parlicipatc in ceremonies marking the 25th Anniversary of the Second World War Dicppo raid officials hcre said they rc ccived the request Canadian government spokesman said the request was passed through the department of veterans dilalrs London office Mora than 7000 Canadians took part in landing opera tion Aug III 1042 at Dleppe It was murderous onuday light More than 1000 Canadian troops were killed and 2500 taken prisoner bythe Germans Could Cut Costs UliAWA CPIThe coat of producing television programs In Canada coulrl be cut sharply if more Canadian shows were sold to foreign networks the Commons broadcasting com mittee was told Tuesday The Association of Canadian Television and Radio Artists said the CBC and ClV networks spent nearly $00000000 last year to buy American TV so riea but did not even try to lsell Canadian programs in re urn More Charges EDMONIION tCPl Crown Prosecutor William Slain ton said Tuesday four addi tional charges have been laid against woman already charged after the bodies of three infants were found in food freezer last fall at Tofleld miles southeast of here Mr Stalntun said Patricia Brown 22 had bear dra ed with two counts of cans death by criminal negligence and two of failing to provide reasonable assistance for childs delivery She was committed earlier to stand trial on the true other charges referring to placement of babys body in freezer in November ml and in Feb ruery 1065 Miss Brown is free on $5000 ALL TAKE COVER ihe Remna ancient siege engines could throw Empode boulder 1000 yards MONT SANDS DOMPlJT OW Moscow Mall was oooItruct ed last nllmt Otllciala said temir would be clored for re pairs until April Closing colt Station Destroyed FORT MACIMD Alta GP The CPR atallon in this com munity 20 miles west of Leth brldge was destroyed by fire llleaday after three or four froight cars can derailed No lniurlca were reported Witnesses said locomotive was switching 20 cars on deadcud storage track near the station low cars asaed through the deadend ht two perked automobiles and truck pushing ell thrce into the building and fire broke out Used Pressure CORNWALL Ont tCP John Boots 26 said Tuesday the federal indlan affairs do parlment used behind the scenes pressure to have him tircd from his job as band see rotary oi the St Begis Indian band Mr Boots said members of the band will hold demonstra tion march on the offices of the band council and the federal government agency in St Reels village to protest the decision by the St Regis band council He claimed support of 07 to to pcr cent of the 2000 band members quarter of Idiom live away from the rescrvo town to dissolve the band coun cli on the grounds that it does not represent the wishes of the people Mr Boots said At The By PRILTP name They are laughing in Wash ington at Britains preten sions and her special re lationslrlp with the United States and only British poll ticians seem not to notice The anecdotes are many and pain ful about the British nrlnialer for instance saying to Ameri can reporlars that the pound sterling was sound as the Lib erty Bell When it was pointed mntohlmbyonaidatlrattire bell was cracked he amended his metaphor The ound has the strength of ibraltar which also has cracka these daya It matters lot to George says high US offlcloi refer ring to Mr Brown Britains foreign secretary and to Her old that we let them speak our mind to Russia we could do it ourselves but that would li Wllaons fun and thats all at is left in the special relationship betwecn London and Washing ton Not quite fiIe US finds Britain uaelul in other ways but all in endeavore that are obvioualy being phased out The US would rather not at enouuouocfmsanr EfR Ros sucRr INAILEDEsélIIRReLIsAWHOLIVE III THE can NMAETERN cHucKoR cRouuleoc HIEERNATE some chu GROUNDROGDAY fggfiyfiflgtess THE WEATNER is Flsherles Minister Roblchsud Were going to petition Ol roREIou lliillllls US Laughing lodded with arrival in lfos tow of about I00 Orineso stu dcnh en route home to join proletarien cultural revolution HEDARD ROBICRACD Changes lici omwA CPIChanges in regulations for hunting deals were announced Tuesday and anya they will be enforced to the lettcr by an enlarged force of fisheries officers The regulations set down ape clllc standards for clubs and firearms to he used by the huntv Sealers may still carry galls for personal safety but they may not he used for killing Ieala The regulations forbid the striking of real anywhere but on the forehead and emphasize skinning must not begin until libel is no doubt the seal is ca British this stage take over from Brit ain the subsidizing of Singapore Aden and other eastofSued burdens it is not only nurse tlon of money but also of step ping Into imperialist shoes the propaganda impact would he be regrettable for the US But Indonesia did notgo Commu nlrt Singapore is less impor tant now that the US is de veloping installations in Aus tralia and Thailand Aden seems very unlikely as strong hold from which hostile forces would threaten US or Western access to Middle East oil which mailers little anyhow In Europe Waahlogion cow in Britain defender of ortho dox NATO docirlne but such orthodoxy has lost its signifi cance when the US through the nonproliferation treaty it intends to sign with Russia gives up the idea of using Ger man force as shield against European Communist aggres sion which is no longer the bogey it was LENIN TOMB OlF LIMITS Ill RED SQUARE The tomb had been rite of Chinese demonstrations tAl Vircpholo via cable from line cow say Prudential IOnored Orders Atomic Plants WASHINGTON AP The US government reporting rec ordbreaking activity in the nu clear powerlicid in 1906 fore cast Tuesday that nlomlc wer plants would be fur hing enough electricity by rm to meet the nceda of more than 27000000 Americans Ilrata atrrroet triple the esti mate for that approximate per iod made last tifIbIild more then It times the electric power ciapabllitlcs of it was power pants IIow re or open Ibie In the United states Refuse Invitation GEIIRDEN West Germarry gourmemlooluwmn lbaddn mu Germanys erha rightist National Dm ocratia Party laid Needy he would refuse future invitations to the United sum and Brio old But he didnt My what hi1 attitude is towards Canad where planned and cancel vialt made hire Meet eleva troversy Van lirsdden acid be earr celled planned visits to Canada and the United States after the CBC and the New York Overs Icaa Press Club wither invi tations Von Thaddenr party baa been branded aeoNerl by its opponents TRY EXAMINER WANT AN PHONE 7282414 STDITK SPDTTERS Seenonelalelyf Astork that il When the sterkdenarts its tlmeforthswalcomeWe an Hostess to arrive with its for baby and helpful Infor mation tor the new mothsr But since the atnrks out numbertlra HortessesWul come wagon needs spotters to help out Be stark spotter in our neighborhood our oat cases will appreciate your help and so will the new mothers To report stork sightings call mm outdo an and black onmora female Gunman arm who answers to the name GOLDlE She points it Ib and was lost about two woelu Ila inthelllbpillm Fink please contact Albert Macht lttt Utopia Ivy m2

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