Barrie Examiner, 14 Jan 1967, p. 4

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THE MOROCCAN INFLUENCE This leopard silk jersey by Donald Brooks is an adapta tion of the Moroccan dicllabah The inset shows in true NewlyWeds Plan To Live In Orillia Gravcnhlirst United Church was the scene oi the wedding of Miss Pamcla Taylor daugh tcr of Mr and Mrs Len Taylor at Gravcnhurst to Mr ltlurray Franklin Goring son of Mr and Mrs Goring oi Graven hurst Rev Robert McKay oiiieillt ed The organist was Miss EI enllor Fisher and the soloist was Miss Lola Reesor friend oi the bride in marriage by her in lile iitiliC chose floor noun designed on Em The high rising as accentuated by skirt oi ligoda with re lace appliqucs which to chapel lrai nlliiicli llillbux held the fingertip eii oi silk ll illleTI Sll carried Colonial bouquet containing while carne tiaas mums and rcd roses The maid oi honor was Miss Colleen Reesor The brides maids werc Miss Barbara Gor ing and Miss Susan Goring sister of the groom The flower girl was Melissa Taylor cousA in oi the bride The brides attendants were dressed in red velvet empire line gowns with pink chifion floor length skirts with over shirLs all in chilinu Their head pieces were red velvet bows with short veils The flower girls dress was identical to the intdesmaids They carried baskets of Shasta chrysanthemums iniersperscd with miniature carnations pink roses and pink carnations The best man was Eruce Mc Millan The ushers wera Scott McMurray cousin of the Motown groom and Charlie Withcrcll cousin of the bride The reception was held at the Holiday iiause in Bracebridgc The couple will make their home in Oritiia The brides grandparents Mr and Mrs Frank Goring reside on William St in this city Ont Teachers Demanding Pay Increase TORONTO tCi Teachers are demanding pay increases although they admit themselves that teaching standards are tail ing the Ontario Trustees Coun cil said Thursday statement issued by the council cited report by teach ers showing that more than half of Torontos high school teachers have less than five years experience and many have only summer course train ing in teaching methods Yet thcso same people are clamoring ior 20 to Zapor cent increase the council said Commenting on the state ment Robert Beardsley presi dent oi the Toronto local oi the Ontario nd School Teachers Federation said big ger pay cheques are needed to attract better qualified per sons into teaching km TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 71874414 MRS MURRAY FRANKLIN FOMNG diellsbsh lvorn by Moroe can nonun on street in Gas obianca CP Photo By iDA JEAN KMN Statistics In iasciaaling or they give the overall icmre 196 survey reveals at the median ago of ll bride is 213 but onethird oi them are less than 20 years old hlrthcr statistics reveal that at the married gills between the ages at is and it 394 per cent have It least one child and 128 per cent have two children So flux in the has The letters reveal that many young mothers have serious weight problem Lets try to help the unhappy young woman in todays letter am an overweight nang mother actors my first lid weighed l15 pounds now weigh 175 nds have two sons one no years old and the youngest six months am only so years old and am tell long to get rid oi this ugly unnecessary tat ive tried so hard but have very week will when it comes to losing weight Friends and family tell me how small used to be it makes the tool so sad its no ion to be tat when youre young am in hopes that having your protective pattern included in your new calorie chart will help me ill try like We never tried bciorc she promised GET ENTHUSED Let this be new beginning Get cnthusissUc about what you can do ior yoursclL Vhat strengthens will ior doing any thing you want to do its in terest having goal believing you can succeed and picturing youlselt attaining that goal You need new perspective You have been rearing children om THE BARRlE EXAMINER SATURDAY JANUARY 14 19677 Return Of Fitted Fashions Forecast ByVUS Designers NEW YORK CPlThe shape oi things to come in womens fashions is shape Forecasts at the American Designers showings here this week indicate that designers are returning albeit cautiously to titted clothes Says fashion authority Elea nor Lambert Daring prophes ies of titted clothes with belted waisuincs have now become definite statement in important collections Designers hope that the tech lon world now is ready for re turn to shapes even the ulti Eric at natural belted waist Adele Simpson conserva tive trendsetter has several belted dresses includin red andvnavy check silk With com panion jacket Geoffrey Beene repeat winner at Coty ash ion award showed doll wsisted dirndi dress in woven polka dot cotton as his most prophetic silhouette ior spring The dirndi has skirt fullness irom marked waistline LIKES WIDE BELTS Christian DiorNew York liked wide leather belts One rode on the hips oi navy crepe dress to soltly accent the waist One designer even placed envelope Plant Dish Garden For Winter Project Even though winter will be with us for quite while ac tive home gardeners can still find an interesting project to planting dish garden Hortl culturists with the Ontario De partment of Agriculture and Food slightest that by selecting plants carefully youean create scenes to depict various parts oi the world Some you might like to try are desert scenes tropical scenes noodlond scenes and mountain scenes An attractive desert dish can be created through the use of various cacti or succulents Containers ior cacti may be quite shallow but should provide good drainage as these plants do not like wet feet By using various colors of stones and sand interesting de signs can be produced For all scenes containers should beat least four inches deep and have good drainage Put about one half inch of email stones in the bottom of the eonv tainer and then add about one half inch of sand For small containers arrange three or our plants with the tail ones in the back and the short ones in the front Do not add any soil to the container un til you are satisiied with the design Then remove the pots And plant them careiully Use lsoilllnixture of one part good topsoil one part peat moss and one part fine sand For tropical scenes cover the soil with moss or line terns pockets on strategic slant or an optical shaping New and top spring ash ion are scarves as dress so cent or part of costume look Designed by the individual de signers to match or contrast particular outiit the scarves can also be purchased separ ately for general wardrobe purl poses Silk scarves by impor tant designers such as Pauline irigerc may cost almost as much as the little dress you bought all store rack Continuing from tail is the military ionic its in the dress uniform tradition rather than the battle jacket or campaign style oi the last few seasons There is also redwhiteand blue theme with many or the de signers Pat Sandler says tlag waving used to be corny This spring its chic PANTS STILL POPULAR Pants sluts continue in popu larity with the top trend cout uriers The variations run from slim that require ankle zippers to manly ellith trousers Jacket styles vary from fitted Edward ian elegance to casual baxli ness Many show definite shap log Pants have also gone short Jacques Tificau even includes bloomer with tunic top Many Toronto Firm Given Award TORONTO GP The Gar ment Salesmcn Ontario Market presented its annual Judy awards Thursday night to Ca nadian stores and llirlms se lected for the promotion of Ca nadian fashion The tour Judges ooamnendcd Unicorn of Toronto store that specializes in mod styles tor young approach in tough Lilys an Oekville specialty shop and Bartlet Macdoaaid and Gow Windsor depart ment store each won an award collsistlart retail policies Debeteen Fair ol Ottawa won in the childrous and teen spe cialty shop catego Harridgcs at Toronto and cattle of Toronto each won in the single event retail promotion cate gory Malabar Spontlawear Ton onto won in the manufacturers category for helping retailers promote Canadian fashion Co Etta oi Toronto mccivod aJudy do the childrens wear teen manulacturiag iieid lwo firms imperial Tobacco of Mbntml and Robsonbang lather Goods Ottawa each wen Judy or using Canadan fashions to promote their prod uc Sacks oi Sarnia Which won an award last year won again Emlyctiwhve promotion during are actually jumpsuit com KEEP iN THE TRIM Serious Weight Problem Found In Statistics 0f Young Mother since you were 17 Without be ing aware at it you may ich as ii tile is passing you by This does not mean you do not love your husband and your children But you icel sort oi loss won dering where the fan years went to They are not gone You are in them right now Think in terms oi uhat you want to do It is the imagination that makes the world seem new and imsh to you every day Iiuris desire is at the spirit Go back to you doctor Ask ior his help and believe you can achieve shining succcss ltcre is note irom young mother who did exactly that LOST ll POUNDS know how overweight young mothers tealthat its almost impossible to be their trim young selves again May susccst that the ilrat thing to do is to go back to the doctor gained 33 pounds with my sec 0nd child and lost only to pounds when the baby was born Since nursed her did not try to diet ior live months lost seven pounds and gained back iivel Feeling totally discouraged went to my doctor thinking something must be wrong He gave me checkup and found nothing wrong except that was eating too much ior too long He gave me pills ior one month only together with pat tern of eating stuck to that pattern as though my life do pended on it in three months lost 25 pounds its absolutely wonderiui to feel so trim and to be able to wear everything in my word robc again hope this will en courage other overweight young mothers to take heart she concluded APPROVE FARE HIKE MONTREAL tCPiClly coun cIl Friday night approved an in crease in bus and subway fares scheduled to take cltoct ian ZE The new taro schedule will increase the price of adult tick ets irom 20 cents to so cents each instead at getting iiva tickets ior 90 cents buyers will have to pay $1 or our plcte with jacket Cuddlccoat introduces some startling inno vations such as yellowcuffed minipants salt collared white blouse and fitted navy blazer ltiost important single ieaturc ior spring is sleeve length Little sleeves are back The only long sicevcd solidarity was in culled coat dresses Either you go very short or just below the elbow although this does not always apply to the costume where coat or Jacket oiten tops sleeveless dress Costumes are probably the mostim rtance influence in most co cations The skirt jacket and blouse may be lnal mast clashing colon Coat and dress ensembles are more in clined to match or use subtle contrasts Finally skirts stay short but arcntaay shorter The story circulating among the 240 edit ors here for the collections is that the miniskirt now is called The Belt Pastor Addresses Emmanuel WMS The Womensrltlisstonary So ciety of at Baptist Church held the iirst meeting of 1967 Jan The meeting was under the leadership of President Mrs Langman who read poem of dedication to WMS members Thank God For You ilhankoroa lettella were read by Mrs Langman from Mrs Reine Pretk Hanover and Mrs Gray ivyland Penn for do nations received from the Mar antha Group at Christmas Aiter the singing of the pray er chorus prayer time followed with Mrs Sommera and Mrs Stubbs leading Mrs Murray Farts of Brad ford sang lovely solo entitled Shining Diadcm The speaker of the evening was the pastor Rev it Hol liday The theme of his mes sage belng the Challenge at Mo therhood in molding young lives ahdoi how Otnlistceotred homes are happy homes Miss Beth Huddleston Quito Ecuador closed the meeting with prayer Refreshments were served The next meeting will be Feb with Rev De Loss Scolt oi Faith Baptist Church Whitby as speaker always really to scrvoihe ck Phone 7285951 Member at the Barrie United Appeal 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