Barrie Examiner, 14 Jan 1967, p. 3

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menVTHLV qV awa Famed Swiss inventor and oceanographer Dr Jacques Piccard and Premier Bennett of 130 turned up to gether in this picture receiv Fete Grandma Major At Her Home In Ivy By AIRS WILMEE WILSON reception was held Dec 18 al the home of Mr and ltlrs James MeDermott on the oc casion ot the Both birthday of Mrs Mary Major Grandma Majo as she is known to was 90 Christmas he has charming per sonality and kind word for everyone Her pleasant smite welcomes everyone who calls to see her and she is loved by adults and children For many years she lived at Honeywood and was stress maker and to this day makes coats suits dresses as neatly as come from any Parts shops She also helps in making cos tumcs for programs in the vii loge She prefers the trendle sewing machine to electric tie sldes her sewing she has several hobbies oil painting crocheting knitting making mats and quilts and quilting She has good hear ing and eyesight enjoys reading radio and TV and keeps up to date with world events When her health began to tail she sold her home in Honeywoud andrhas lived with her daughter andsoninIaw Itlr and Itlrs James McDermott since She keeps house now while Ittrs Mc Dermott teaches at Ivy school Friends and neighbors called to extend congratulations Her daughterJnlaw Mrs Howard Major poured tea and Mrs John Watson her only grand daughterI served the birthday cake Friends attended from Honeywood Toronto Barrie Penetang Thornton and Ivy Those away for New Years included ltlr and Mrs Henry Davis and Mrs Eaten Davis with Itlr and Mrs James Henry Aurora Bruce llIcVanel and Mrs Harald Arnold were with Mr and Mrs Keith McVanell ltiiss Grace Dunnill in Meaford Congratulations toIvy villa gers and surrounding farm own ers for the way they decorated their homes for the festive sea sen The AYPA of Christ Church held successful Neiv Years Eve dance at the Orange Hall Mlss Rudite Jansons Toronto was chosen Miss Centennial and Miss Elizabeth Jaanieson Thorn ton princess Mr and Mrs Jock Hirons and family Scarborough with Mrs Earl Hirons Mr and Mrs Jack Arlitt and family Newmarket with Mr and Mrs Don Ham mend Air and Mrs Bill Parr Milton with Mr and Mrs Bot Parr Mr and Mrs Parker Cameron Parry Sound with croWrs By MRS KEITH LEES Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Don Bell tnee Helen Fras ert Coldwater on the blrlh of Sh daughter at Soldiers Memorial Hospital Jan gt Craig Moore visited Mr and oMrs Leslie Moore last Thurs day before leaving for Vancouv er Mrs Lawler Sault Ste Marie is visiting Mrs Mabel Everett Safety program by Mrs Moore had as the topic Safety in the home barn and on the 9farm at Ciowes Womens In stitute Jan to Mrs McLean was hostess Motto was given by Mrs Sheilswell Give we man an inch and she will think she is ruler Contest was by Mrs Wright Plans were made for pot luck auppcr for Feb 1716134 be supplied Four season shit to be given by ladies following supper gt Mr and Mrs Tom Partridge and family Barrie spent day last week with Air and Mrs Partridge TillillLLlNG PREMIER 0P 30 ed by Victoria newspaper as normal publicity routine of Ittlami Florida hotel which said picture was taken last Sunday during discussions eon cerntng development of contin ir and Mus Earl Reid Mr and Mrs Ken Sutherland and Gary Toronto and Mr and Mrs Jack Wilson Barrie with Mrs George Wilson Mr and Mrs Don Newman and iamily SIMCOE UTOPlIt By MRS ALLEN MILLER Willard Dobson was in London Thursday attending banquet meetingof the Badger Corn machinery company New Years day Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis hail Mary and lack Hirons and children of Scar borough and John Ellis and family of Edgehitl Dr Barrie with them John brought ski doo and with plenty of snoiv the neighbors joined for rides on the latest in winter travel and fun MEETING Saturday evening well nt tendcd annual meeting was held in the Community Hall The fi nancial report by Mary Mc Master secretary treasurer showed busy and successful years operation with several improvements made and plans underway for centennial year Lou Truax chairman complo mooted the board for coopera tion with the centennial com mittee to accomplish the many improvements and protects un der way for 1967 The most lm portant event will be social evening to otfieially burn the mortgage After 10 years of events mainly the weekly euehres this goal has been reached NEW FLOS By ItlItS WANLESS Holiday visitors with the Hulh damdy included Mr and Mrs Pat Cullen and sons Toronto Gordon Hath and Mr and Mrs Lambert Lennox Barrie Miss Linda Hall spent several days in Collingwoed hospital where she underwent tonsil ectomy Mr and Mrs Archie Wanlcss and family visited recently at Cobourg with the laiters mother Mrs Cowper and with oth er relatives at Port Hope and Coldsprings Sympathy is expressed to the relatives of Miss Martha Dews bury who passed away suddenly gt in Stayner Dec Ill Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bartho lomaw Brian and Judy Hawke stooe and Bartholomew Guth rie were New Years guests of Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn lttr and Mrs Archie Wanlcss were in Guelph Friday when aron returned for her third semester at university there Sixteen members and one vista tor met Jan 10 at the home of Mrs Archie Malcom Mrs Ger ald Kin who was in charge of Home Economics lE PHONE 7284081 irmous FLAVTRS ROXY DUNLOP 5L Wr HARRIS gt ROBERT WISE rat leeward rmw By HELEN GILLIES It is six months stars the first council of the whale vil Iago met July 1966 By whole is meant the original village Pius that part of Sunntdale Township known as Oakvlcw Beach which had been annexed new oaiaiut mining of Reeve Gena Longevin Deputy Iteere Fred Male and Councillors Ruse set Pogue Art Gordon and Sid Martin was elected Since they have been in office they have held it regular and 11 special meetings Regular meetings are held the first and third Ines day of each month and any taxpayer Is welcome to attend According to the records this council has passed tea resolu tion and II bylaws litany of the resolutions were routine but many resulted from hours at in Somo of the resolutions that directly affect the taxpayer are as follows that Reeve Lange vln sit on the advisory board of the department of Lands and Forests regarding development of Wasaga Beach Provincial Park Grieve Robinson appoint ed as council solicitor retaining fee set at Show then account to be paid as services render ed to date this has amounted to $25 radar machine to be purchased for use at provincial police in controlling speeding in the village at cost at $12m grant of $500 to Upper Canada Zoo vilbage no control pollution of river and collect local busi ness licenses purchase of four ton truck with onewuy snoiv plow $1177255 3300 each to maintain outdoor skating rinks at Oakview and Wasaga en large municipal ottice 349150 installations at Chamber of Com merce building 5150 Council members including Reeve are paid $15 per meet Ing Municipal clerk $5500 per year secretary $60 per week The works department employs foreman at $95 per week and COUNTY NEWS read MIND on GuarmMOUNT ST Against Food Poisoning Mrs Steve Rawns contest was won By MRS FRAWLEY lttr and Mrs Shean Cooks by Mrs Sam Allen Mrs Jim Kenneys draw Mrs De ville and Phonse Heltzner Dril lla visited recently with Mr and ental shelves The premier was reported in New York but his whereabouts were kept sec ret after he failed to return as scheduled to the BC cap ital ltlondoy tCP Wirephotol Toronto with Mr and Mrs Jennett Susan Arlitl with her grandparents Mr and Mrs John Hammond Miss Rudite Janm Toronto with Miss Uze Kursis BHIPSTADS SJOHNSON saunas JUNIORS IIILF PIllOE IA mm man Wadthan pan sat sin nlll Backer donlationl of $110 is to given nivae board he Mrs hwlor if hChk £1le mi Mr and Mrs Stephenson vis DmBma Pmes 55 ith Saturday with friends at also to be given the Mental kastown Health tund Mrs Alex Finlay gavxe awrerliogt of theEISecrle ares or up in more thich aha Mrs Sdmith and Irs an ass atten ed Mrs John Charlton an 1Paris pro MRS ICE vincial secretary was speaker Jimmy 01 pradmd Four importnnt dates to re We few gym ring mg member are Jan 25 the Veg Mata Gilmore 551 Gil etables with Flair course at mm rm he grandpar DGBMI 10 IL cute lite and Mis Harold Bell omz Jaw 30 My as branch at Fennclis Mr and Mrs Dog to entertain Sunshine Club Com lemming mam were guests munity Hall Elmvale Feb of Mmlw mger also WI Fun Afternoon In bazaar and 01 emu Dante Mr and tea in the Community Hall Feb Mrs Norman Gilmore were in 14 regular monthly meeting at Mam Jan mi Mm MrS Kinds pot luck 11m Brad can and dfldren Cooke at 1W Ville and Mr and Mrs Jim Mc Neil and children St Cathar ones spent New Year with their pafients Mr an Mrskla Grose and Mrs an Al inson and BARTMWMEW children Ottawa Miss Marietta On Jan 12 at the home 01 Atkinson omewa 5pm few Mrs Lloyd Bartholomew the days fly their firms and ArgyleOre WI meeting wrtl be Mm Afldmm out mm It at Im M°tt° reply by bers of thclamily with them Itd Ntrma Rae ngramv for New Year day were Itlr and Citizenship and Education can mm Atkinson and ugh vener Mrs Gil Lloyd Hostesses ye 5nd and Mn Don vml 03 kisiin and family Mr and Mrs Burrows Mark Stephen and Janice of London spent Christmas with Mrs Laura Roe and Mr and Mrs Norman Roe Stephen Bur roWs remained for week Mr and Mrs Russell Reid Rath burn ltir and Mrs William Bell and family Willowdale were New Years Day visitors with Mr and Mrs Roe Sympathy goes to the OBrien families in the passing of Wil liam OBrien Sr in Soldiers Memorial Hospital Mr and Mrs Jack Banbury have returned home from trip to Florida By MRS SAWYER Gilford Womens Institute held their meeting and annual social evening in Gitford Hall with large attendance Euchre was enjoyed and delicious lunch was served The HiC met at Anne Saw yors Jan with 14 present Sharon Constable gave paper on the Moderator oi the United Church Rev Mr Lockharl The group will hold church service liallnutlaaaOIIII IlOOXOIFIOE OR Ill MAIL enroocrrsaninnsosrmts tor aduIts at Day NAME ADDRESS CITY Iv Matinees Weds Sat and Sun Evenings At pm Admission Prices MAIINEE Weds $125 Sat and Sun $150 EVENINGS Sun Thurs $115 Sat and Sun $200 tension thought and discussion Many Resolutions Passed By Wasaga Beach Council up to seven helpers paid from $159 tn $1 per bour Men called out after hours are paid over time at their regular rate For many yeah the village owned its own hydro system AI soon as possible oakvteiv hydro will come under the some sys tem It Is at present part of Oratorio Hydro Wm Bead Hydro Commluion consists of three elected members and the Rceve They employ two office clerks and secretary Board members receive $10 meet Ing secretary 880 per week and clerks $60 and $55 week The Volunteer Fire Brigade has the following annual rates chief $750 deputy chief $115 captain $125 The brigade operr rates on point system under which members are dividing 83100 per year SNGMDrBILE Last Sunday WI Iucceuful day at Klondike Park About so families 01 Snomoblle club were on hand to receive badge showing the club lmignla The weather being so fine business was postponed to order to take advantage of the perfect day and 2t machines Joined In proces sion and Iollowed the trail which are marked red or blue according to length This is Ismity sport Saturday afternoon and evening is the social time with cards and games for those not interested in aiding skating or smiling Mrs Betty Patterson operates the coffee shop Churchill Woman Marks 95th Year By MRS II SAUNTEH Congratulations to Miss Bar nett who celebrated her asih birthday Dec 30 Miss Barnett makes her home with Itir and Mrs William Akerl Todd Sturgeon Barrie is via iting his grandparents Itir and Mrs Edgar Menu The GA arc busy preparing for their Variety Night to be presented in the Community Hall Saturday Roger and Donald Sturgeon arc participants in Barries Beagd Growing Contest Pam Allan and Douglas Kell delegates of the HIC attended the Toe Alpha Conference con cerning alcoholic problems in Niagara Falls during Christh week Mr and Mrs Bonney spent Sunday at Toitenham as guests of Mr and Mrs Walter Spicher YOUNG Mr and Mrs William Kell entertained in members of the Young group to skating par ty prior to their meeting at their home on Friday night Mouric Hell vicepresident presided Mrs Kell read the story The Gold Rush Samaritan of 1398 Singing was led by Miss Beverley Kell At centennial committee 0110 STATION By MRS CRAWFORD Mrs Pcarsalt newly elec cd president of Oro United Church Women presided when the ladies met at the home of Mrs Moore Itlrs King brought an introduction on the work of UCW followed by skit parts taken by Ittrs Moore and daughters Barbara and Marl lyn In yearly reports it was noted Mrs Goodliff had sent cards New rewnunendations Jimm finance oomnitttee were brought in by chairman Mrs Howe Mrs King program chairman outlined programs for the year indicating centenary evening is planned as lawn party at the home of Mr and Mrs Howe in the summer The Feb 15 meeting will be held at the borne of Mrs Gilchrist Congratulations to Oro senior hockey boys who defeated Won der Valley +3 Jan andllast week defeated East Oro Mr and Mrs Alex Dori Doris and Carol spent New Years with Mr and Mrs Ron Jan 31Feli DONALD IAOKSON WORLD CHAMPION will demonstrate his Olympic winning routihe at all Toronto performances Tuna Sold Out WotUIutn pm the is Sat pm MAIINEES or 530 hammerso pm$un1 55pm Prices $200 $100541 $500 tiaxincl Box Office Maple Leaf gardens MAIL NOW FOR DHDIDE SEATS Mill in Maple leathifiehs please enclose stamped selladdressed envelope Enclosed is cheque MO Totalling ease pnntl olnnnvmlmmulmI MAP LEAF GARDENS 60Corlton St Toronto Out Atkinson Hamilton SPECIAL MATINEE rerunsoap altrrrhsisnumi prllnxlrgravtSMD HO Carlton St Toronto meeting last summer the Reeve o1 lnnlsttt ex rcssed wish to have towns tp band Perhaps this is one thing every village had in the good old days and does not have in modern times Churchill had large band that was much in demand Not long ago Down Memory Lane to The Barrie Examiner contained an item December 1090 Chur chill Band engaged this season for every night of skating There was skating rink situ ated to the cast of the present curling rink Wilfred Stewart recalls that Churchill had two or three bands at different times Phil Delahay who worked in Wallace Sloans blacksmith shop was one at the first leaders and later llerh Willson The band played at gar denparties that were held at the and often at private homes Mrs George Baxter rev members attending garden par ty on Wallace Sloans lawn tnow Edgar Sturgeonsl This was the first time she saw her husband tobe who was member of the band that provided the program that night On the Twellth of July the band led the Orange men as they marched from Chur chill to Lelroy to board the train to go to the centre where the Glorious Twelfth was being cel ebrated Occasionally too they were in attendance on the mid night excursion on the boat The Islay for dancing The boat would leave Bell Ewart go to Roches Point and alien as far as Big Bay Point George Lucas has loaned the Necdsmulr Committee fine picture of Churchill Brass Band taken in the early years of this century when his father Fred Lucas was amember Through the courtesy of Wilfred Stewart and George Baxter the band members have been identified as follows Thomas Sawyer Fred Lucas Robert Grose Jimmie Reid Sylvester Reynolds Charles Fitzgerald Robert Mal conison Robert Gamble Carlyle McCullough Lorna Gilpin Ed ward Sloan Bert Wiltson Ar noldCross Isaac Morton Fred Grosc Noah Grose and Roy Beatty Would anyone having other pictures of the band or infor mation about the band contact the Iveedsmulr History commit tea or any member of the We mens InstituteI lthPERAL TheySayTha traditional from The Battle For Khartouml CHARLTON IIESTON as OOIOOII lULlAN amusranv PRODUCTION new WW mm lULlAN BLAUSTEIN ROBERT ARDREY BASIL DEARDEN camera ICOLOR UNIIEDARIISTS STARTING TOMORROW Connery Jamésadnd In the Smash Doriblb Bill GOLDFINGEB AND DR ne lrimcd in ToNIGItT Scan DISTRICT NEWS TIE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JANUARY ll INT3 NEWS OI COOKSTOWN By MISS MtMASTIIR Mr and Mn Ken Coburn Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Gordon Patton Order of Eastern Star held euehre in the Masonic hall Jan There will be euchres each Thursday in January Rev and Mrs Jack Adams and family Peterboro were guests during the holiday sea son with Mr and Mrs Flt dey Mr and Mrs Fildcy have recently been guests of their son and daughtervinlaw Mr and Mrs Doug Fildey West dale Hamilton Miss Frances Donaldson lor onto was weekend guest of Mr and Mrs Ramsay She plans to soon visit friends in Cuba Mrs Bill chlls is patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Ivan Pratt on the birth ol daughter Jan in Stevenson Memorial Hospital ltlr and Mrs Ross Wilson of Windsor and their son Norman Wilson Detroit also Fred Wil son Aurora were ln town dur ing the weekend owing to the death of their sister Mrs Mary Tassic ltir and Mrs Don Wesson and Mr and Mrs Williams were in Allisloh Saturday as guests at the 50th wedding anni versary of Mr and Mrs Charles Strongman Itir and Mrs Villrcd Fildcy ANTEN MILLS By MRS SCOTT hank Coughlin Is progressing nicely at home after his acct dent Dr Russell and MN Boyd and family Toronto spent the New Year weekend at Mrs Al dens and Wilsons Mrs Percy Muir attended the 90th birthday reception Ior her uncle Dr Robb of Etob icoke on New Years Day Misses Susan Itiuir and Ros ariiie Downay spent few days with Mr and Mrs William Per cival Weston Mr and Mrs Hankin are on holidays with friends in Cal Hernia lltr and Mrs Babe Adams left Saturday to spend the winter in Florida Quite sad note hit us all when our little red school house was closed over the weekend Pupils are being transported to Minesing where they have built two more rooms Mr and Mrs Frank McFar Ianaand daughters of Toronto visited over New Years al Mrs Edith Newtons Terry Coughlin Detroit visit ed at Frank Coughlins recently Ern Carson is home from Bar rie hospital and is progressing slowly Sympathy of this community Is extended to the Carson fam ily in the death of their sister Mrs Clara Wright Ikrrmto Mr and Mrs Glen Wagner and family returned home Monday after visiting relatives in Delhi over the holiday ltlr and Mrs Ron Wagner and lama PANAVISION 1ch son have moved to their new ome who tow monttu ago told their farm have this week moved into town Mrs Wilbert Trotter attended Presbyterian tn Essa Road Presbyterian Church Bar rie Jan 10 Eighteen members answered roll call at the meeting of Wo mens Institute in the town hall Health was the topic with lira Kelly Convener Mn ti Lund presided and it was do cided to enter float in the parade at the towns centennial celebration in May also to op crate booth where centenntaI spoons will be sold The lnstl lute will sponsor home and garden contest in town and dia trIcl to mark centennial Mrs William Riley gave the motto pancr Current Events were given by Miss ltIcMai ter Norman Heskcth Barrie owner 01 Norman Shoe Store gave an interesting talk on the origin of shoes different styles through the years and also spoke on the proper fitting of shoes The speaker displayed several styles that would be sold this spring MRS DAVID McFItDDEN Alter several months illness Beatrice Louise McFadden wife of David McFadden passed away at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Dec 27 She was the daughter at the late Mr and Mrs Alec McFadden and was born in Cookstown Oct 23 1399 Sire trained as nurse in Sol diers Memorial Haspltal Dril lia spending several years there alter graduation She also nursed in the first hospital in Alllslon inter going to Toronto where she served as matron of the Mother crait Society for 12 years She was faithful member of the United Church where she ploy ed on active part in womens groups and was member of the choir She was also mem her 01 Pinecresl Chapter 0ES Besides her husband she is survived by brother Mellvtlla McFadden Services were held from Hughes Funeral Home and were conducted by Rev Mflroy Interment was in the United Church Cemetery Pall bearers ch Art Kidd Hopper Eldon Nelly llm Ar acid Gordon Broad and Gordon McFadden Flower bearers were four grandsons oi her husband Friends and relatives were we sent from Toronto Drillia Elm vale Creemore and Orangeville RCAF ASSOC WING BINGO Evary Monday at 800 pm SPECIALS JACKPOI $290 SHARE THE WEALTH Admission $0 14 HIGH ST Above NuSarvlco uneven OLlVlER asme name Jansen RICHARDSON Cleanlrl SHOWTNGS AT mo and 900 Charlton Heston is looking down the thmat of Inner Life

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