Barrie Examiner, 14 Jan 1967, p. 1

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Che Titanic Examiner IOer Your No II PEKINGS Herintiua noun or cncy released this picture mon itored in Warsaw today saying it shows young people read ing ltlae Tsngs uvrks while travelling in public transport llT PRESENT TIME Que Wont Intervene In Teachers Strike MONTREAL CF Educa lion ltllnisier Jean Jacques Bertrand said Friday there will be no lmmcdlato intervention by the Quebec government In the strike of 9000 English and Frenchspeaking Roman Catho lic teachers in the Montreal BIEII llut ltlr Bertrand added that the government will not wait until the situation is com pletely deteriorated before tak ing action UP to noW the two unions In volved in the strike and the lug Md and down Son Vietnam to oy and the big American drive in the Iron Triangle pushed Communist losses beyond 450 men lllonlrcal Catholic School Com mission still were in negotiation as far as the government was concerned The strike of elementary and high school teachers bagsn Fri day and closed down almost 500 youngsters The teachers walked out after bargaining which has been go ing on since last June failed to produce new contract They want higher salaries and im plrovemenis in working condi ons Forgetting Bitterness Crux ll Legion To Dieppe Request LONDON CPiCan Canav dians forget the bitteniese of the disastrous Second World War Dieppe raid 25 years after it happened The question appears to be the crux of reaction to Ger man request that 100 veterans be allowed to attend Canadian ceremonies at the French town marking the anniversary oi the raid that cost 1000 Canadian Vils Dist poesld 1th urry er en Itoan Canadian Legions Win gate branch in Toronto was quest He said it wouldbe like dancing with your kit lers r1 no on MURPHY ho is looking over the situation and plans to report to the pro vincial cabinet next week Then possible action incsa Commands listed many small clashes and these other schools attended by 217000 dwemmenm Stuttgart Association or Veter ans ot the German Smnd Infan try Division who taught at Dieppe It is reported that the association wants to honor the dead Western comradeship and unity ans plan to attend ceremonies at the Canadian cemetery at Dieppe Aug 10 Many will be veterans of the assault of 5000 members of the Canadian 2nd gt Division that was designed to blunt when he heard of the re test German defences In addi were wounded and about 2000 ltlr Bertrand told reporters he cabinet can decide on any Aline Nsult president of the Fighting Flares In Vietnam SAIGON AptSharp fight Tho US and South Victor Norwegian motorship and US Nsvy mineswecplng boat collided in river 30 miles southeast of Saigon and the navy boat sank with the loss of three of her seven man crew The request was made by the us dcmonsration oi Hundreds of Canadian veter ion to the dead 600 Canadians aken prisoner The picture was taken in Pc king recently in Vireplioto by cable from Vaisriwi Frenchlanguage lAlltance des protcsscurs esthollqucs dc Montreal warned that the 7500 members at his union as well as the 1500 Englishspeaking tn struelors would consider it 11n fair if the province decided to seek an injunction as the means of intervention The only reason for an in junction would be jeopardiz tng of the students education ltlr Nault told Friday strike rally Only very long strike could endanger the educational process so that an injunction now would be unjustified Support for the strikers has come from variety at sources lncluding spokesmen for the Socialist Party of Quebec and the se aratiat Itessemblement pour lndependanca nationalc About 5200 Protestant teach era in the Itiontrenl area are not affected by the strike In Quebec schools are organized along religious lines The English language union involved in the strike and bar gaining along with the alliance is called the Federation oi Eng lishspeaking Catholic Teachers Negotiators have said that talks could go on during the weekend Fréighters Ram 28 the Injured AGANA Guam AP The Pacific Far East Lines freighter Guam Bear one hold ripped open by collision with tanker clung precariously on coral reef today threatening to slip Into the sea The tanker Esso Seattle rammed the freighter at am just outside Apra harbor hole 70 feet long and 30 feet high was torn In the No hold The freighter with the aid of tug limped to the coral bcnch LAW PLAGUES CENTENNIAL PLANNERS OTTAWA CF Murphys Law is plaguing centennial planners The law simply stated is that if anything can go wrong it will series of silent screens loam rubber cakes and glar ing galies in the last two weeks prcsages year of Murphy Madness Centennial officials tried to plan for every even tuality but this is just asking or it Murphys Law seems to thrive on any planned human activity This was the case Wednes day night during celebrations of the 15an birthday of Sir John Macdonaid here BANNER BOOB whole evening ot praise and speeches was dominated by the huge Sir John Mc Donald on banner across the rostrum The spelling was pure Murphy Television carried the turnout Queens centennial message and Prime Minister Pearsons speech to the nation New Years Eve However no one tuned in the crowd that showed up on Parliament Hill They saw the Queen on silent screen and anyone more than couple of yards away couldnt hear MrPear son The city talked crowd of 1500 into paying $3 ticket for party at Ottawas Cen tennial Centre the old Union Station It turned outto be the toughest place in Canada to et drink on New Years ve WHERES THE BAR One wicket was set aside for the sale of bar tickets That meant 1500 people had to stand in line If they wanted drink which washervcd at couple of other wickets Those who got one found they couldnt take It Into the dancing aren That didnt matter much because the itliilllllltliiilllllllliirildlifloillniiflllilliriw lttll lllillLliilitidlnllliwfliliatfilllllfllllllitltiiflillllitlltcllttihltll sound system kept failing and with It the music The city later alienated Al derman Charlotte Whitton the former mayor by deciding upon foam rubbereaka for senior citizens party Only Murphys Law could account for foam rubber cake THE PLAYS TEE THING Then there was the Centen nial Play product at com mittee of five authors com missioned by the federal cen tennial commission The one part critics enjoyed moat upset the author re sponsible Robertson Davies scene in 1912 Ontario classroom had them laughing It featured lafoot Union Jack satiri cal glorlticatlon of the Ern pire and on hilarious connec tion between hygiene and the evils llgtml The miled playwright said he meant the scene to be gentle rather than satirical Thats Murphys Law tilltoilllMillillllilitilllfitifllflitwllwlllm hormone Ontario Ca Saturday January l4 I967 Not More to For Copy Serving Simcoo County For More Than Century it SOLDIERS ARREST MAO OPPONENIS Scores 0i 0iiicers Taken In Latest Purge HALIFAX CPi Chief JllSA Ilee James Lorimer llsley oi the Nova Scotiu Supreme Court former member oi Parlia ment for Dlgb Annapolis Klngs and wartme minister of finance died in hospital eoriy today lie was 73 Dr Laufer Chis Justice llsleya personal physician for several years said he died sud denly at 520 am in the Ital llsx lnllrmary from cardiac complications The chief justice was ad mlttcd to the hospital late last month nttcr spending several days in Winnipegs lttlrcricordln Hosplsl lie was returning here from visit to the West when he fell ill Funeral arrangements were to be announced later today An austere man at simple tastes and almost spartan per sonal habits he rose from riirai law practice to direct the financing at Canadas war cf fort before returning to serve his native province as chief jus lice Mr Justice llsley who later admitted that his government responsibilities drove him three times to the verge of nervous breakdown was appointed Il nance minister in July 1940 and remained in the post until the end or the Second World War MI 22 YEARS Liberal ho was that elected to the House of Commons in ms and was reelected in 11330 1935 1940 and lotsa total of 22 years in Parliament To insure Canadas part in the war he lied tax upon tax on the Canad on people As min Transport Bill Is Sidetracked In Commons OTTAWA Ci Debate on the governments bill to estab lish national transportation policy got sidetrach in the Commons Friday and Transport Minister Flckersgill despaired at its yardcnglne pace As opposition members sought changes to provisions ior aban donment of branch rail lines and the powers of the commis sion that will administer the legislation the minister hinted at obstruction and said he was beginning to wonder whether IlitEIeVeVel would be commis on Both Alvin Hamilton PC QuAppelle and ND Leader Douglas asked the government to allow the transport commis sion authority to order railways to abandon lines or to exchange anch lines Under the bill aid only be able to recom nd such actions SEEKS IMPROVEMENT lit Douglas said there was no tempt to hold up the legis latio but an interest in improv lng its The minister said the 0+ ciausettili had been examined by the Commons transport com mittee bef presentation to the House and batsmembers should have expressed th elr views about its provisions more fore lbly then The NDP chi said that if the bill is not stre lhened tha com mission will go on recommend ing and that on be all He said therelts nothing in fallible about the railways and that there must lie control islcr responsible for the prices board and the Mackenzie King governments general antllnria tlonnry policy he was the man behind many measures such as rationing and restrictive con Irols although most Canadians generally accepted them as in evitublc during tho long emer gency lllrJostlce Iislcy was also embroiled in the conscription crisis at 19 along with two fallow Nova Seminar in the King government Naval Illin istcr Angus ltlncdoneid and Defence Minister Balaton whom he succeeded as tinance mlnlstcr lie was in favor of conscrlp lion an issue that split both the cabinet and the country and over which Mr Italslon later resigned The Nova Scotia chict justice former prime minister Louis St Laurent and Senator Powers were the last surviving members of the wartime cobi net RESIGNED IN 1945 Itlr Justice lisley was ap pointed minister of justice In 1940 and remained in the post until data when he resigned to enter private law practice In Chief Justice Ilsley Dies In Nova Scotia CHIEF JUSTICE IISLEY lilontreal Hewas appointed to the Nova Scolia Supreme Court in 19 He also served as counsel of the royal commission on transportation before becoming chief justice Jan 26 1950 Children Die In Ohio CLEVELAND Ohio APlAn apartment building was swept by lire Friday night killing four children in one family Seven persons were hurt The children ranging to age tromthree to eight suffocated Twenty persons leaped from the tbrcestorey building my int to The Examiner TODAY Ann Lenders6 City News2 Classifiedl2 tr CondosII District5 Deaths12 Editorial4 Sports3 Theatre5 Womens0 TV Listingsll Weather13 US To Launch Camera Spacecraft WASHINGTON AP The National Aeronautics and Space Administration said today camera equipped spacecraft will be launched next month to take sharper look at the most promising potential land ing sites on the moon Lunar Orbiter III will carry the wideangle and telephoto cameras as it whirls around the moon scanning only the most promising of the potential Apollo spacecraft landing sites Ilihotodgrlalpbed by Lunar Orbiters Ell DORION Que jCPlAn in quest Into the deaths of 10 youngsters ende gFrldoy alter two experts gavvlspeciai testi mony intended t9 help core ners jury mak recommenda lions about sat measures at level railway The jury ea 51 mind that the Oct col bus and freight train which datmed is lives of the 20 young own was academia Civil engineer ant Hotte said lt would cost least 31000000 Replacingvi Dorian Crossings May Cost lit Least $1 Million to replace Dorloos two level crossings including the one where the collision took place During the special session Jules Fortier corral counsel for the Bear of Transport Commissioners said he calls matesthe board spends 15 per cent of its annual 015000000 budget or maintaining and 1m proving level crossings in Que bec whne 40 per cent to spent in Ontario The reason for this Is that Quebec does not ask for more he 1011 the liteme 1W Blaze soldier home trom Vietnam and two policemen caught some of them mailman rescued three youngsters from fire es CHPB Doris Demore mother or the four victims was in another apartment while her children were in the thirdstloor stilts She smelled the smoke My children my children she screamed But she was driven back by the flames Killedrwere her three daugh ters and son Evelln about Maths Gwendolyn and William Stadamire said 10 families 2d childrenund 13 adults lived in the building There were individual acts of heroism as motorists stopped on the busy street and reacted quickly Two detectives Russell Sabst and Robert Tonne said they caught 12 to 15 person jumping trom the building including two infants dropped by girl from the third floor TOKYO CF ChinEse military unit has stormed hideout oi military officers op posed to Communist Chairman Mao Tse lung and arrested scores of the oillcers Jul pancsc newspaper reported to day It appeared to be the that re port of violence within Chinas 2500000man Peoples Libera tion Army over Maos purge of his opponents Peking radio reported earlier that on acute and compli cated struggle involving small but influential group of antiMaoists has built up within the army other Japanese reports said President Llu shaochi the top anllhlao leader recently dc nianded bciore the Communist central committee ii retraction of his selfcriticism widely publicized last December The reports said the diamond could Indicate that Llu was con tident of maintaining his power and that he had launched counterattack against Mao and Defence llllnisicr Lin Palo HAPPENED IN LANCIIOW The Peking correspondent of hleinlchi Shimbun said the of fiuns were arrested last Tues day in Lanchow city of more than 150000 700 miles west of Peking on the Yellow River The correspondent quoted wall poster in Peking and signed by the 1501b banlru Regiment Tlia regiment is stationed in Lanchow The poster sold the captured ofiiccrs were black military elements loyal to Gen Lllt Chihrchlen ousted by hlaos sopportcrs as director of the military revolution commltcc and No man in charge of ideological matters In the army The olficers documents wore reported confiscated Corrcspondcnts ol the Yoml url and Sanka newspapers quoting wall posters to Fe king said President Liu had de fended his sending of work teams about the country last year REPORT CONFESSION Posters put up by Maos Red Guard supporters last Decem bcr said Lin had confessed at central committee meeting in October to dispatching work teams opposed to llIaos purge while Mao was absent tram Peking for 50 days before last July 18 According to the Japanese re ports today Liu said The dispatch or work teams was not erroneous It the dispatch oi work teams was erroneous the cur rent sllualion left in form but actually leading to right The ooyearold Llu ltlaos comradeinvarms and close ad vise during the fliinene revo lutionl had been considered Maos succcssor bcfore the purge developed last summer Lin Piao now is thought to be Maos heir Mine Explodes During Soccer Match TEL AVIV Reutersl mine exploded today during soccer match at the village of Dishon near the Lebanese border killing one Israeli youth and injuring two others Nine Die In Philadelphia Blaze eimnommn AP man his wife and seven of their 12 children died today when fire swept their narrow titresstorey home in the north Philadelphia section of the city Second Major Fire Hits Sudhury SUDBURY CPI Fire swept through stock valued at $50000 in the basement of downtown furniture store early today Toronto Man Dies From Burns TORONTO CPI Samuel Jung 74 who suffered burns to 73 peroent of his body last Monday when lighter fluid accidentally spilled enhis olothiogignited died in hospital today mvmmmzmmw Promo EXPLOSION intents NINE MEN Nee conversions in or which severed this aloe it nice were using inches in the pipe when the ex The area some taken Brooksme oorrdtesfmmfliesoeaePrln cesntsaboltlmmilcseastoi 61th

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