Barrie Examiner, 28 Jun 1971, p. 5

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sweet Evans Gives Report On HighWay Projects Ininronornamn hm dimd OuiIrlrI no Ital vey mm rIsn eh Involves utlmeled II It fire Brigade unit ANGLE tStelll Orelie line Is In Annie unit to the drebrtrrdebubeeu it SE iii 233 E3 73 vecaied The Dre brirede Il Thornton wes IIid Ia be loo lIr Ivatanedrr quick ennth lie 11 in Iistaace In many emergencies My mm ten are min IIauI mtrencereed line uid tbirl return eybltb mm pn the eerie spirit New trandIbsIlniiIeIenlllIthy Ibieb in the action taken Volunteers should erminuelente ill between 0am end the work In High with his West litmwa tin Chamber Is busy thumbistth III Coilingwood some road construction In oownawoon inim as Ei gs 73 155 355 ss as DE Ire neibtestepr Ibtlaroiir uremia AITUUI IVAN It uuslideyvsrceptnindaymeo Iii northweetrrn Ontario IIC corn mm Ellen bl Ibl Kitchener Wilde expresswey Iiae ward uer re let can op laid out dont do all like what tail It you with my out rnln isle rbuod nolprolllo biiim Dutmood lseIrrled wtbytbeOi nodthsirib or at Commerce which Is heed ed by Albed Dube avers orricri alternations Msmucmv Warrant Olltoer lose ii at Ahllll Inrtriitie Cpl lisddeu I7 oi Pro Itott on the operation ol rInIrsI purport rnecbioe Ill during summer concentration Iorceunithelptn with the normality the militia dirt in It Canadian Forees lists Peb Iwst Wlilllit Ollie Kore two is member oi the Novel CIuIdtIri Regiment regular tIIinlnr II will soldiers the Col lladdeu who Is neither ol the lirockaIIe hides llore then Lilo rreu County Water Safety Classes Begin July WASADA DEACII Stelll The Point at Wersge llescb ls been one at tour locations where the blotter Densely Water Iiiely summer progrsrrs wIII berlri on llendly lily this evtmmlor instruction II to berln II pm Ind continue until The times will be con IS Beech ltecreeiiou Ntlillll correct Iild the county recrea IIurt bosrd Ire IaI sponsors IT II It the same time lhe Victoria Item peels recreation Ind community that bond II eon Vporetlnr Ins orin lbbbli tInslru worldwide Beer Lake provincial park and Irda Stroud will soon bin Lloyd oi Drills II the corner lar Ibe lieu Lake swimming commit tee and tire Erch limit at hit liroud lee the lligbwey ll lemnilnI committee Icenerds beach Collateral Al IoeIItlouwIIi be Iolnl sponsors ior Iseorvt series It sleeves starting July iv and eoniinui telulyhtiblrwiilbebe dining the mentor It Inneerde leech and New IoweII Conser vetlee Irli while Iitrreeen lilllt ihhi on area clerics will be opened on lion ill Allrllit It Ibttenhsm con servrtlen area and ler lerl pork duriur the merrier they will continue until hidey Aug list Alternoori slum will beheld on the same date at Goodyeara beet berbour Ir Dillard belt Evert park and lhtienhaai other etIsreI alert It Julio sonl lleIrii Denis New Iow ell Initenbesn and on Inks or blender August it The lar iiisr two will hold morning scr Iious and the others durinl the Iiirrooou Nerve lislpb Nilton et ret IenhIerI II ehIIrrriIri el the Strip cor County recreation commit tee with Peter CIvlll dlroetur oi Ibe enroll rdcivetiorakvlce First Train In Midland Arrived On July 1879 NIDLAND tSlIIIl Ninetyv woyeIrIIraoulu lthelirei irIIn shunted Into II selected Gear in remains lor the annime III rellwly coni party ltecordr show the etiiclei deIe pm July till end newaplp er mounts reflect great en thusiasm over the economic prone tie with the cheaper lraaspar Ilion IvaIIIbte Tacitoi an hIrbour once ceil ed lIuisdIyI lin IlltlIIrid re own European Tours Reported by Writer surge of mountains divides Norway Irum Sweden end the bnundIrIcr Ilihquh decided are herd ta Inltow on map There seem to be more loresls In Nor way and the city at Drio aur Itarilnr point In his country is beeutliut Again we murl use separate currency and Iunda riust be exchanged beioro any purchases Ira mIde Cuhlers at hotels and sluros will make the charger all based on their value oi the stalls The bill equivalent to our duller II it Itroncrs which ill Narwey are bout live lor dollar MODERN IIDTHIII lrsvelling about In so many countries hll given or II1 insight at hotel accommodation II we were the auihority behind the building at new hotel we would be inclined to send our archi th to Sweden to era the can Iiruillnn oI their holctr Plumb In and bathroom llrlurel etec lr rel equipment and lurnlshlnre oi the rooms Ire so In ahead al any at the best hotels In our country For the eurnlert and Interment ui travelI one readers how IIr behind our ho ins are compared to those of burden Norway being kingdom has trial In rcrldrnee It Oslo The Government It Snclslllernoerst Ir Although iaitir Ire high the average belie it per cent oi he come its poor or urrry or bar Ivrr srs Iitviiwl In every Indli lltiilll ie cIretl ior arm to hutlnl It lrmlly or Iririrdr are unable In like cm at that is tell Pensions and Murphy solved Its name tram the rail wa liver which also orgsnlsed the Midland Lend convoy Ind nlilled II blidlred CI Inl er the word city wee dropped AFTER ALLANDALI The lint train run to Midland mind some to your alter the they lluo wu extended to Alisndsie ruvldinrIIII trans porlsitan ed the wry irom Ihn onto the tint test run oi the Northern IlethI line Iralnlrom Toronto to Collarwood arrived inuisrii Maris uteri insurance Isis care el ev ery person the liotel we are ItIying III II university rrrldenrs ior over soon students but stirring the summer in used to scram modulo tourists lloorra are small and each twnrhrve use at one bithroom Tourists come and no to his trade There Ire some students in residence com pletlng ruminations With tree dry ior our tour rroup most spent the day in the city centip where the many lien or welcome the tourists mne porleilan is underground sun way and II the rapid trenI It transports us In law min utes irom our hotel more then Iii milci irom the downtown rm to tho heart at the city CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST roullncntIl brcakllit Is Included In the hotel room ren III It may consist oi coilrv lilti roIIa Ind tam or II desired It boiled III III plenty oi ood butler English Ilyla break rrlr included baron Ird copes realm and lust lilray hot swtil nerve the most In the room oi the guest or this ScIadiuevlar tour same ol the hotels Included lure rbcors Ind dimers In the room rental but lor the rural pert there meals were sslrsr Our tour conductor an Iron days wee beipiul Iii Irrinrlnr Ipoo III lotus such II art Sunday Willit we yrd scenic tour and picnic uncb beside been tltul Islte Norway is the concluding point II the tour and we or we will be back ir Innislti the time this column tr published In that community on Dec it till OrIIIII recently marked the tooth anniversary ol the llrri run at Northern reIleIy train to the Like cauchicbinr community which wu then village Oril ila eliiined town sthtus In Illd Inii became city in lies The you till way In Import snl ane lor Illldlnnd In eddi IIou In the extended ol the re way line It also marked this communl llrst year Is an In eorparet village SImurI Fras or was the lirrl um and coun elllers Included Samuel lieu lrIacIr Nurdan Themes Ruby and Dear ochre with storm lent rIer WRIIIIIIND CINITII Like other count communities lildlend war uriiberhir cen lrr in Its pioneer era Early in duirrles included Copsiend and ions lumber Chew brothers ueorylea lily siiook nilIIr tild lIud In his works Georgian lily En sarlu Peirce heuIe boII Company Tim and door NIII and Son ltldIIrd limit or Camper illnde boltllnl Works re rr Boat Works Cen IdI Iran nirnece end James llIvIeIr Ind Com any first IkItIrir rip and tell IiIr builtitnr war erected to tut or Dominion avenue Ind third street Iuwn status was achieved bi Itbo toilewinr gentry at new subdivisions Itorreli wire the ltrIt msyor and his council Included II licnriull reevr Nltiteilbllr steroid ihamIs lIaIIIre lioberi Irwin and Noland Little iorrner member ol Sinicon County council Ihaiiiu blcCul Iauh is the present mayoroi Ill lend rleti oi London Windsor and summer conceal Photo Lillie UK Market for Winter Wheat SIIcI poltuiiel lor Onterlo soft white winter wheat In the tilt towering according to otticlate oi the Ontario Wheel Producers llsrkrllnr board This view use expressed by two boned elitelala when they made brlel report on their recent ssIea anterior lo the UN to board It directors meeting heId In lbionie board chairman it It lie Dwnll and neutral seesvinry msauer Otis NeGrrrer repart ed hiiure nice to the Ult are under shidnr ol esuitouiness One oi the errors cltrd win new minimum Import price rye tem wbch comer Into elleel Iuiy this year Ihir rlee II bsiIc and any wheel so below thlt price Iutomallcslly celeb ilibes In Import levy ovrr and rulers the minimum Import pr re Another reason tor the crui ltiliruoes wee Iiiribeied to supplies at IlrrilIIr wheel lerrrr then eIrIiIr anticipated The men rIId er result oi lhcse IIrIarr rim to be ob him will pr bly not be Is blah II IIII year Lions Club Active lit Wattage Beach Wisiaii anICii ilirill With some so miter merribm IIIIl stilts the Wings Beach Lions Ire carrylr or bury social service community program In this area Norrie Miller In the president of the club tor the till ll term the ninth since the club was orrenlscd Iio succeeded CIrI Mitchell in the older other main alitcers Include Ramon Drown Dd Delbert emf Ital Nelo vice presidents lr Witterireeretlry Lynn Williams treasurer Bob tins lock tell iwtrior and Art Noteb Iean Lion timer Directors Include tIIrsnce Wheeler lvd bowler llax Lei elrlty Ind Dereld ltcbensld liay Johnson was treasurer lor seven years plaque was pre vented to him in me lilan oi bis valued services III or In the month DISTRICT BRIEFS SINIIIIAIIIIIDN DAVIS DUNITI tSlIIll Aime hen II is thus IlouniIIui Bruce mt club perticlpetod In title due the put weekend which start tram the eenire of this villete where ri nine Iiirbwey ii The all led he numbers in the blnrbamp ton CIvcs POOL DIRECTOR AIditthN tbiIlil Den Waits will be director In rhIrIe ol operallnn oi the IIalIry rlub pool rt lttvrnlrle Irk which gene tor the rumm reIIon on under July THE NEWCOMEPiS laced ovulychniinhfo tooluimadteem Inn IDNEYI DDUDHDII Added AIlrIetlIIi NM The label lelbllt hvrelers pin III pin Itlon Ind Ieslsisnre In boon Olliwe ere tikinrlpsrt In the on will on IDND mu mum eeivier unseat ell said the general We II were more than one to II they have Iullislvul proverb the rule says terrier me lrrnxler one lured along with other mIoete UPDAT LIQUDI LA Iir Dees report Ilse relerr ed to churn In Onlerlor Ilou or live manned by the prer IiirIeI Ilcretery John ertniko their were desi to recreate prim shim ill aiTy miite lee Ian the Irrltelians feel about present Ilium rune el dinin insurer to Ipecial liit regain II re Ibentier DISTRICT NEWS Til IAIN EXAMINER MONDAY JUNE Ill Essa Reeve Raps At Planning Rule ANGUS iSIIIIl Ier town said the Eras plan Is pre sblpe olilcial plan loo reslrIc ecnleri made no such provls or live lar timer In its at Nerve George Cu to ed with age well known IoeIl mote tar Ind sportrmIn view Iltowlnr only The head oi the township coun Illideeulibeo lot to son but Ink It should be more Ilsiible so he could trsruirr two or three lots to his own children It least raid the retro Tumors wishing to develop their properties beyond the one lot mentioned ardinarii are re quired to meet subdir an rul es under the Metal pIIn II branch NIH In terms dink legal wbIl III as most at The new ruler will permit drinks wlllssu ptrrcbuiiil land buildings Inoclst cuiture in be rami opore rusted outside at eiteblished Iomniunllies or designated no Im not opposed to the over ApIrtrneoI tennis and owners at mobile be Iva to lwitrulelu all or In the bells publnl pellos recruited more tortures lIundiy Mine and the bark and tree ylrde oi their nurtures other key IIqu In rbsnm mentioned wrrv IIeIIdculI at senior eIiIrcn homer will be allowed to drink on the premises thudoar as well Is Inloer drinking will be pertained Il Itdii eshllbhiliom IN lad restaurant can let liquor licence will be rlLuInel ed mat to serve open the dry they rim Ieuvnis emuin Iervitvr Llenr Ie mm Mary Barrie employm plan ior their IIIII with more said iIIniiu It were the result at cons ersblo work and study II the township level be lore Ipprevel wee received Iram Phone IlneIIIy tho oIlIelII pier be came necessary It wee explain ed to remove obsteclos stand In the way at orderly develop Councillors Anthony Gerveli Ind Ross Whitestde also outst Ioned its regulations concern New Summer Hurs III II There LIL to In lri Ird eat It Lie to In Cdoiirrstmisihr lakevsew res Duniop more FAMILY DINING OUT NIGHTS Monday To Thursday SALAD PLATE YOUR CHOICE REEF HAM TURKEY CORN BEEF Cabbage 150 Children under I1 SLDD Complete meei includes Dessert and beverage Soft young gir Il warble ior sortie in with tea on pro vince wide lotteries with large riser Financial Ini tlouunrre Atlalre Minister Arthur VID bIrt up be will consider hiding the emitter ol lunbl irrire and the sine oi the re as well Is the kinds ol Inlullaris Illovsd to one them Mr Dinar reported Ilr IIIIbIrt hrdIeIlsd he poses Idrse lbIl service chsbs be Itiowcd to operate bugs to wide lotteries thew their networks oi IoeIl clubs dont like the Ides ol IreIl produce wide lotteries Dirin 70 near lowlan who were 34 In more then on initi KEMPENFEIDT CREDIT UNION llMITED BARRIES COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Open Me have PI reII deduction Kempenisl tCredIt Union mtWWW Inquire at the office 22 Collier Street 1285 l9l Is behind hard prison bars Theyd do anything for man or to him lib III II Added Attraction iiiibdiiiiis An air Die Hard NOW PLAYING PM PM Iiy iltltiy trill tiit You will not tiiiiiygi IIltIllillV will be added Itl ytuin DUlT leeeIretlrp tsiI oi he ecetiIl zl with ce

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