nonhumannous hmmu or none Mairth lanolin new with ine thod Ini etlmInItInI union by IIIrIItn IIumInirm troni dim II IIIlI model will ml the oompeny om moon The eniplnyeeemrd II hen 60Tsizggesisr than To GhorlsfSecidothGE Idenilweentotthepeo Wu hII become penuIin ell United For me the unstimulen IbeliolnlueIieeeIIIeinIrI ed by the Tut thIt elliple nnr thin yeIr hm Ii iurpueed the Intel tnr IIII yeer II II Illa enerhd by cori CGE Hiring On The Mannie Initiator enI be lined ion or nay not be tour Inherit up mommy Beale oneeeononiie In unlit done paint Inuit tilt One at BIrrIII leiIII Indov fili mature in Iddtilen no tie it limit Milo new not Insulin In their title month THEM told yinenIItthInlInttnm III III ImponIeI were Minnow Foitiuai Tickets Up$wing InIuIIIInIIntmd ii and low at thin conimted rhirplywith We peek unployniun at more ITIII Loon Mhnm min pIrtIctdIrLy Ior Ippitmee here mul in the rent Inn hddttlnoll hIrInx Some employee Iltti remein on the eornnnnyu recIll lint wIIIIny tnnretemd you op Ioliin am Genereily women wine Mlhiidr at the employee rhli The Immune plInI in her rte undertone vIrIety It epnlieneee Including Irons try InI pens htthe Ind IoIIlmh uwetJIrlIrIer Ital we tainteen Plated On Sale Iundrud Irttete miny with lnternetlonIl reputullom will exhibit It the IIurouiI Teet IIIlnIIbeArtIenthouvlc HoIIdIy weekend Ieroeeehehny lern wit urine tIetnI Indrmier kiln coni petitions Mtoyelher IeverIl thouiInd planet It Irt Ind unit will be ethtblted tn Bertie In III lint II III II expectod In become In IniniIl event Ilhe IIIIIvIt Melon mom iIIrrII KIwIitII Club Ind II AXIOM IhFee Mod Idvnriee lick et toe the mat heve been mum term III seldonl er axiom In iii rut Annular IIvtu euurInnI uh II Ilr Sendone AI Byere mum at nunn Immeduiucheque In Itr Seednn Ind IIIII tint with thelitreuedtoluolmiktnll the may could only men themlhwmntml min Idea Al nunrterly winner IIr Sendonhulehineetowlnn tree milieu trip to Floride In IIIrnh he run teleinIon or minim Ibe mi euteevtnl Improvequ In the tint niiiner MIITIIIIE FORECIIST TORONTO IIIrillI Ioieeletl Wettern Like lnr Wind Ioulhwuleriy 21 cu IndIy ihitilnl to when hiesdny inolIIed thundereinrmr Iodny Ind tonlth Eulern uh superior Wind nouthwut to hate dey in lIted thunderetnrnu LIII Him Wind mthweii In it hintI FIlr but phone It InnlIIed Iernnon or evenln thiingteritnrnu new In Ind mu wMIAI It on todny God periodI Ilth chum ot Illenioon or evenInI thunder Iioriiu Walern on Ontario Into Brie Wind mthmt l5 biota IItr lolnted Itemoon hittsmin ti ohmic win oIIleon to to II hell Ihllliix In northwest thin Itterooon FIIr with eliIIee It tmlIted Illn noon or main thinrderytornu NAM DIRTVRTION Pipettein Park In West Vir Iiiiil II nImrd Itler the SpireI Ilbe bush Geriidlnn one mm um NONI 1m dun FTIIIIETIIIL LIII St CIIIr IIII Erie Nin IrI LIII Huron listen LIII OIIIrIo Inulhern GeeerIn tins TodI Ind IIieIdIy erm In Itiirri with tel eloudy IIoIIIed thunderstorm the Ilternoon or event at bolhdlyn TIILhIodeylHo Inn IntiIIhl out in Tim dny In III North Tiny Mutiny SnuII Ste IIIrle eutern Like in Ink Iliihorloii northern Geortl Bey AIIoiiiIS IrnIIled thunderstorm bemlny rnIinly Iunlu IIrnI Ind huiiild Inter ter Itlernonn man It thunderntonn thII Ittemoon or III Winn Ind humid IIieIdI with IrotItId Iltunoon or eve thuiidenlomr Illnh todIy 75 In It Toll tonlxht to Is my with liid eo per Ibowen ortnundenbnnen In In lehdd Ind Saul the in nu Ind humid 11 why to law Inntdtl our on tIln neIr IIuIIoh IIIinIItnn St CIIhIrtner Toronto 5538853558 mama ITIIIIIoI North Dudhury Dillon lliiiiiilne Kepqu til OtIpIeIu White River ssasaaassaaissss==aass 81883888888888I28=E33 333SBBIII Math pIrIde Friday NilInt tribune In the 4M the OIiiIdiIn Prom 0m the Candle InIeIII knee Service Ind the Canad IIn Forte Security Senken Three rm IIIIiston Tiurt In TrioCar Mishap Sunday IIliee member In AIlliInn lunily were injured In Elb eir collision eIin SiindIy morn iii on County End is lbwt tour mile north II Tim liar den Imtld II will In Ailinlnn vein the driver II one one Ruth Eleluor SIIYIF her hushnnd BerIrIin Ind OIIIUITEI PIiillne Polite IIId Itre SIwyer hId chest lnIurIeI her hiisbliid Ind lhe memorinl penile It StelIrI Squm an win the Inn It Be hnIdiIn Im School It In Ielllnnee Ind Securily wed tnd The weend tonitnued semen liITI rnuod at mewII Ind InciII eventi Above the min at honor piyn Inhirte In the deid 1n eernrioeini pIrIy II the inn twiIl Wide Included Intelligm Ind neeimty thlei diuditet Iullered rut Ind bruises The driver pl mood veh tale Bernnrd bilge It Weston esenoed injiry DIrn In the when lotIiied Ihoui From EATONS EATONS IlIIorGenenl innif Nun hue Borden manual Oommodore no mun ith III Sound Reasons For You To Choose Hunting Aid ICoiantIe line It heIriny IidI In our you IeIreIt Olliuhly queiilitd hearth Iid Iuliologuu to help you um OIIte moot Idvmed Identitie heeriny Iid InlormIlIoo IvniIIbII Police hm ohnrxed Ilr Tb me will Impnlird drtvinI Ind IelitliM to Me breItIiIlneri test In eonmllon min the mini Ippointment EATON VIKING HATONS Oirsoiul deinohIIrIIioiu Iiid competent hearing test by Oepairn In Ilmoet III nines Irid model II III II Chaltnlee ltd cumin an be meutd It or throuh Tiuxlllle coinullilion without ehrrne or obligation nu Proposed Withholding liction inr roitouio tun in pmth oi the NItIonIl Fm en Union IIId Sundny be In not releulny Iny detIiII on pro rmed wilhhoidtny Ietlon by Imietr Welter IIilIer IIIdIn Ieir Interview Irnm hII home ITIII lite million ItiIl Ihldyint the pin The IdeI nI IIrnierr withhnld Inl their predueln Irene mIrIeiI Hm when CInIdI until they get higher when III been III tered Ibout Inr nub lithoo Linn deelnlonu nude The Intent development eIiiiI tut leek train the OntIele In duItrIII Ill Shippers Iho poo poted urike However the NFU emotive quietly drew up plin ntleriu Illernnitm In Itrihe Ind the nutter will be related to union IocIiI tor did EATONE IIeIrIII Md CIIIIIIIII IVIddey Jane Mine IntuitI OIIATONS eaten at Good Sliisi It Hemwlmr my on Money DEMONS IIIII it Herring Aid Service 10 YOU thrth eur Invelitu mudunti Ilr mitten will be II the Inn IeeI II Telephone niroun mm III who er EATNS by cum5e eHad HEIIIHY Wiiiiiti AND WISE WI my never be wealthy but no certainly be healthy Irid wise Iliiiply by Joininx the Perdine IIeIlth Spa Soon to open in downtown Borne the PIrIdise Health SpI will nIIer mmyirte Incitltiu to beta you get In ihupe ltldllhy thII VII Ind better yet youll hIVI tiiii dotny It So be wise live PIrIdise roll today Ind Int tuned on new Illmnier trimmer heIIthier ynut TInIInIIoIIIIIomIrenuwbe completed with rues eel who will olItelIlIy open the lei III Prominent linen the nonIii uhihliI will he IOWEIII ol Iiitinue Ind clinic urn lion Ileanaom my region July It IIrcn retention Antlnie Ind Cillaiclcml will the NItlnnII CIuIIcIde ol Antique Ind Cluilo eIrI will strode through the city put the opentnl ceremonies Atlhreed do rimt eponinr by the Ilenln Kennel Rub he held eIoh dny It the Mr mom OIIO hundred breed ol urebred don wti he ohm in unettnnll collide tttnr August IITIIII rhlckin button will he conducted by II ery Olub It will OD held It St Vincent Pirk Irnni no mo punt Other IIIrIelInnI Inheduted tut Grin Holiday weekend enm plement the lintyii EIrrIe rummer motorcyell fuel III July II he on Ienxe 01o utility npe InnuIIly highllsttr the Bertie author It Coiiirneme Stunner IterIItI Nun Ind other who Include III lirentlordToDiop Torgiveness Day BRANTFORD IO Pi RrIntlotd police mu no loom Iorylve Irrlnt motor Iiti one dIyeIeh week they the been ITOEIII Ilnee IIII IIIrch CIIIeI George Kerr iIId shiurdiy lhnt ftnr lveneu IyooI day at Week When lnntotIItI involved In wiliior petIliit Ind IrIIlln Itteneu were let oil with wernliil lutend ill ticket thI not IppreelIIed hy public Ihere wunt one person Ihn hid Iood word tor It not even one It ITIOtIO who Iere Ilnoedt Mined Inil not on trtr wa without IirIIII Iild WIT Till IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII This young gentleman dyservesto be well equipped mentally and physicallylo tacethelulure Blue Cross can heipthrough one ormore oi lheir5 family Health Care Plansforemployed groups Doesnt that tell you something comer Blue Cross OniaiIoIBiue Crone Don MINI Ontario BARRIES out couture HEAITII FITNESSSPA iocAilo IN THE HEART or DOWNTOWN Soon Youll BeIIIiloTanioy min equipped breIdIoerned union liini Iue then IOHQI IIKIIIIIIII My tr proportlenlll rnnrhgt Inn Bentihil IemnerItan limited trooIrIl leinrnlu poot ylllliklii pure hot nilml Ihlrloout Open Itr rnol IInIen IuI iIeeI IloderI nhewer Im IndtylduII chuylnx booth IIeIIIh JuIeI the end vi Leone YOU CAN STILL euitou on LOW muse PRE0PENING mes CALL uow FOR FULL INFOMATION 7262112 OR VISIT OUR DISPEAY SHOWROOM AT 65 COLLIER ST Mildmun om hum IIII IIIIdIy omin em on mun IIeIiIh on not III In IIIIMIIIIJIIBILIIIEILIH NI Ilium CeianIleI lined Watch For Otlter toentloiii Opening Mme Onleite