Zwnetteea or Pinto wirinmurio cnsroor tumou polkeman ooeoirtoord lntha MW which it thirds vrtovo uncertainty it Mull immanent would try to work out whim with other provinces At one the his all Mr to used the phrase ii tha charter is not accepted The charter eomprisestha pro posed constitutional amend ments The grime minister said that gram1y Mm attests to ggeoled amendment as the provinces Ihtntltnbdlstgn our in no out authority in the iicid oi iamily yorath and manpower tralntnl aiiowancea Premier Robert Banana has said there is uncertainty about Joint hirindicilora and that Quebec wants hill iuslsdiction in tho iield el social security hit inideau Innonn that CAPSULE NEWS Higher Home Insurancelorecost Liter lhe planted on so iara omee yesterday and cans ed haul Photo commotion theioderai malty accepted the proposed natural tieeatdthohacons Emmtagoodmmprom Otiawahadmodeaoumber 9t important concessions So bad the prorlncaa l7 Men Die In LA Blast 108 ANGELS AP Catuorala mining eliteiai says there could be some connection between the devastating Teb earthquthe and tiery natinal $1 explosionthat ripped earn an under tunnel apparently killing it wortrrs Dr tendon ii Olhesholt dep uty ehtet oi the Caliiornla dirt alert at mines and geology said tho its possibly could have distvn undergroond iornaao tions and caused seepage oi the deadly gas that exploded Thane ay uyTORDNlOmtIOll an inle umwrrrsrs Associattod aroma aoseaneapcctopay tunson home and contents insurance policies he MW Sevrage Threatens lllgonquin Park TORONTO it lakes in Algoraouln Provincial Parharo being threatened by raw scware irom large commercial davel iimtsat tn the part apotunen line Irieem redeemed mentor tioaa Iald todey Malta Expels lilllO Commander maroon tart nuns new neutraliat prime mutate has willed NATtla naval commander tor the Mediterranean lit hiormed We confirmed tod rhra to room In thy tow M1 towud the oath Atlantic lhtlty Organisation sy but he said the action was ard the admiral and his halite lilheria Indians Want Bullet Money OAWARY CF headers irom tire Alberta Indian hands Are to meet today to ionnuiate plans toe getting at back years oi bullet money iron the irderal govemnrent and settling other claims The arnmrnritlon may was prunisrd to mato Nor in am Iarm Income Drops 76 Per Cent OTTAWA Ci Net iarrn income aner operation expener last ear dropmcd rent to amt million irurrr tease util tloni on Bureau ot Siatiattsd mortal today was down nearly onethivd irorn tit pest rt tlltt million In Simmons Ltd Plan Six Stores TORONTO tat All it Norrie said Thured oislxaev stores to he com admonition itasald the In Bremen Wanna hauled ehalmtan oi sinuous the coarpany plans Mmm ed in tilt aorttnl totem Til rIt would he in shinning centre Benson Reports 1011 Tax ltENYORKilTiaance hint iea present elieetlnl the medial theme at tiniledStates rui denta will continue hp told the WeldedAstoria dunner Earlier the Canadl mints ll told press cool that thetaxhillhlehihrthetlnt limo tasee capital gains was declared to increase the laten tires ior Canadians to threat in their own eonaim but rest to drsconr age ioreign venture To the taxation xpeste who came irom as tar as Calumla and the Bahama Bunsen pledged continued clinrta to he seems rt eo so not tional loan which he said cannot be rv solved by domestic legislation but which has been an area at irlctioa will on dnbtadiy continue it some time to than known dovernrneot has lest REGINA it with the late at one cahinet minister attii in doubt after the New Demo erotic Pams devastating unset victory in Wadnudaya Sashat chewaa election liberal Pro mler lines Thatcher has an nounced he will hand over the reins oi government neat Wedmday The announcement was made byrhir Thatcher in terse statement alter cabinet meet ing urrday ietlowed by talk with Allan hiateney tha the yearoidlasvyerwhn led the NDP uprlslnL Would llevise Quebec Charges MONTREAL near rero conviction record is bring in pressure to bear on Justice Motster Jeroma mowers to drop or revhe some oi the lesser charges pending ainst individuals animated II political apping crisis dilast Octobc titles as that live oi It pen sons charged with seditious oi team have Ired ior trial to date and live have been acquitted The conviction record is al moot as had in cases involving ehargcs or belonging to or oth erwlse supported the terrorist Front de bastion du Quebec Sta at seven such Mutated charges Income heian jury Io is have been thrown out anonapron nurture cadmium Dr on motor Unlvti jmcmhatsrmtnsuter tinnlolallmatwlmm allyai Toronto biologist cam daytmodtcai teamaporasor Canada to detmmino human theuoodpreaaarrootolettt ed by the Train inion the ahiiityto hmdiarsondertha mampedtwinthetita searehnarnriationotcantdn tosrstacmdttlmaamerlencedhs lathoriialyiatareae owners dzlvlng thorns NIP Photo gm Ndfdult Iiasairance Promised Cor Owners TORONTO CF Noiaull automobile hasuranca may be in all0ntarin auto mobile policies next year and indications on it will not cost the policybolder more money ior at least as maths Arthur Wishart minister at nancial and reds ai lairs tntrorhrced legislation Thursday in the Ontario legisla tura which would maha the no ltuit lestura mandatory com ponrnt at all automohlia policies written in the ptovirscwiatter Jan Noiauit coyeraie pays brne no in tasea oddeatb or disebit lly regardless oi who is at suit in an automohlia mishap per son could Ieehadditieosl dame ages through eiviiLcourt action as the aehaarre not tnchrde damage to pro Norman hianntsgj president oi the canadian Underwriters Assodation said Thursday the body plans no increase in auto nubile accident beneht prem iums ior one year liter the pro posed legislation becomes eiiec live hir Wishart told the legisla lure the proposed legislation would give the people oi 0n tarie automobile insurance cove craze that is mmti to nine any where on this continent Killlihi WEEKLY hiaioe provisions oi the bill in ciude Disahdity benets at to per cent oi total earnings oi ens rt pioyed persons with maximum veetiy henetit oi em up irom $35 now Payments wou commence on date at the disa bility The minister said the new rate would exceed mast Manl7 Shot In Chicago in Meant To llarm President CHICAGO Renter Secret servicemen and Chicago police are reported investigating whether man shot and killed by police Thursday mixht might have intended to assassinate President Nixon The man identified as James Beavers it oi Squire WVa was titled in gran hat tie with police in downtown Chl cago during the evening rush bqu low hours hetero Nixon arrived in the city tor speech he will deliver today The thicho SunTimes quotes hlgtrrantisrrtzhicago police oilicer as rayia iTaero is no doubt that lieaverveamagt to Chicago wide the denite ins tentton oi attempting to do some and hi bodily harm to the oral mum benefits in British Calm his and Sashatthensn Diaahiiity psymran at 35 week to the spouse or principal unpaid housekeeper raiding in the household nl accident victim providing the spouse or house keeper is not wage earner IIyrncnt it $5000 to the principal dependent and HM to each additional dependent In the event oi the death at the head oi the household Beneiits are paid it death o6 eurs within the days or the acct dent or withha two years it the disability has been continuous Gordie Howe 15 Among 25 Awarded Medal Of Service orravra ice tioetey player Gordie Hove harness driver lierve tiiion Int Citiei Dan Gear are amon as per Ions Iwa dthe meda oi serv ice oi the Order oi Canada today maximum oi so pcreona year may be awarded the medal which is ior merit oi high degree in rrranydliiercnt areas oi service to Canada or to humanity It tam iioee ti Syearaeterarr oi the National lioctay league plum tnr Detroit Red Wings Fl lon ltyoarold resident oi laehuio Otto holds the world record ior harness ram won in one yeareat in me cold Dan irom rr oi the hurrardRo Ierre in North Vancouver IO hss won international praise as an arms Gotcth limtse also an nounced the appointment at two iormar rnrtnclal premiers touts Rohir ud oi New unans wlch and Stuart liaison oi hith itoha to he Oompanions oi the Order oi Canada Nina other Companions were nIrned Companlorunwho rank above medalholden are mild ln nrunberiotht atanyonatima The award is ior ouutanding merit oi the highest degree as peclally servltw to Canada or to hunranlty at large NOW LiC CHAIRMAN hir ltebiebaud t5 premier at New Brimswlch irom rest to sort novelsaa oi the Car oadiIn Ichon oi the interna tional Joint Oommissto bit Garaoo Tl Manitoba premier irurn rod in ates vvas irderal justice minister irom told to 1151 Three idrmer members at the Royal Goon on the Status at Women which reported ear lier this year were honored hire John Anno mach Ottawa chalnrran became Companl ol the Order at Cap ada she is metres iournai ist and broadcaster Service medals went lament mission members Dorothy Cald well oi OttawaI homer public servant and Etaie Gregory hiacciii Thronlo aeronautical consulting engineer Four prolessora ol the Univer Ilty at British Oulmnbia re ceived awards and president Dr Waiter ll Gage ee became Conudni htdais went in Prol Henry Anna so rlean emeritus Prol pinning as Dr linrotd Copy it and Plot liarr1 Warden its at patiusts under the medical can paotrlna was tntromanrd Thursday in the Ontlrin lensin lit The legislation prunised week are by his Lawrence atso establish claim hold to her appeals hnm both doe tors and patients ior overcharg tag or other shines it provides that doctors must notify patients month ahead at line in wrtinx as to whether hill the plan or it prohibits doc ttag many cases at pa tients being charted as little Is tivo cents or medical service hir wreneo told news edniereraco the legislation is aimed at eacoaagtng docton Io iota in direct billing system provided though the Ontario Health Services mm Plan as menu yin res adrau 0E1 pm only on cart oi dotted bills The act tomes into eiiect Sent hlr lawrenco told meat oi the diiiicultiu had Press Case Moves ram United Stats mom Ooent ermine ribtam Times that it step into the cm giet over Eta oi articles as secret taglaa oi the Vietnam war innnediatei ahead loomed lpsn EDT radiloe Unins the Justices act helm then tho Washington Post will be able to publish what it wants But The Time will be tree to resume publication in Saturday editions only of material the lustico de partment considers sale ior puhtic lion tinlihe th Post The hiring will be barred irom tBlIl In oi the lie in the e1volunae war Itody the justice depart ment eels should be kept secret in the interest at national recu t1 IhaTlmelihldthacourtlnl petition ihursda that the re id ItIIlut imputed the U5 Ciro cult tourt in New York City lmpmes an lasupporlahia ho dirt on tree press The halite departmant it as maiotprovisirarhrthehitt FINAL PIWIDID The penalty the ohms Wt bid Ibo martinis altercllnichm tharitt tothoiivw or tlakhthommap Wt mitotbamtkApatlllthu rhoumarldaatoapooet Court mmmetrnaroanarat MMmheiamsar oatheshrds5o General len it Griswold arguedinaea theaters stay tht tires would deanIge national security and thaconductoihxeignretatbns beyondrepair US Senate Votes to Extend Dralt WASHINGTON AP Tha United states Senate has voted to extend the drait two more years sweeten soldiera pay it hither and chart In lndocbina withdrawal plan disowntd in all varrce hy the White House Rut Iiter seven vreehs oi rio bate ihe Senates ntoit ap proval Thursday at the dratt es tension bill may well he too late ior Wants toitntah ilaal ae don belora the current Selective Service Act expires neit Wednesday at mtinirht MONTREAL PilllTY Arrests Quebec MONTREAL Riot po tls moved in rants through the narrow cohblutone streets oi Old Montreal early today clear ing out small clusters oi the tens or thousands at hientreal ere who earlier sang danced and dam the nidtt away in celebration oi Trenrhllanadas national holiday The poilremen hails equipped with helmets and twoioot wooden truncheons moved to alter arrest oi the 30000 St Jean Baptiste day reiehranh had tell the historic section on the citys wateriront Some minor vandalism int chrding hrnten shop windows COME non WWVVNWNK was reported and police said they made at arresu most oi theirs ior dntuherress Thursday nights massive street party armor the areas atone buildings some as old as the eity itseli capped the an anal weekion eeiebrations Mooring Grebeca patron saint Nestled between the financial dhtrict and the harbor historic Vleux hiontreai came alive with masses oi young and old TAVERN WIDE OPEN Bars tarerraa Ind retiauranta opened on to the streets where hands root and traditional Thenchthaadian kept the crowd alive with music biased ever ioudapeairen solo by the divendloralndlo Mark Holiday in Quebec ity as most oi the red oi the peondco the holiday was marked by sin liar relehrauons About 10000 Wehecesa rim vadcd the Laval Unlvasity campus in submbara Sta Ploy where cultural carnival at lm music and street theatre vvent into the early hours OI today in addition some room spee tsrors looked on as tha annual St Jean Baptiste panda wooded its vray along downtm St Jean street on Masters sot l0l$tl7355hll IDNDOM tAP iltianl Death at Actaeraa and It other Old Masters were sold at Chains iiea auction house ior recrard whim Although the total was the highest in art history tor one day auction it tell considerably short of the in million one not pert had predicted The Titian IMO look dealer Julius Matinee more lie rem to restate to ttahtr