spent Courses PeriThe in E2 econ E2 gig IE TRAINING IliII Jere iiIrie Scott well been In the tlcld oi voice Irate ieg will enedriet threeweer course in Voice mining in path Idultr Ind children He yeIrI liter Scott hes rung with cat DWI ldhtdicIirs at music lestlrsle Ind conduc Invin ItIonI serosr Censdr ice the hoyIl Conservatory oi litrelc iii Trmto liyrile Guerrero wellknown ior her technique Ind uriderv ItIsidliig oi the pine leeches neede Ind lin Sledslr right rod on Ipectsiist with the hey II cemetery In Thronto will instruct pieno music semlner lrntn July it to lulyirr BII Ineed study is listening see lng Ind shoring with experts to pirne tnstrtictloe will be oilered AIM conducting the pine srmlt lnIr will be Proleseoc Gesbrsd Wuensch oi the Universt ol Ceigsry Ind lioliy Scisier oi th hoysl throumtory to cor on For drildreii truth to to years PIrII Schrnibcr hi the Univer riiyotcuepiiwuuier em week study oi relive Irl eitniiIr course tor the is to ie will Iiee be open DRAMA CLASH DrImI butts eIn psrtlcipete in threowrcb come in the productioIIIIplItobcop ended by the ii on TheItrI Oemprtty both It the college Iiid the Collier Street United much Iuiiiinriuin Also theelre me well lot Smother beelilrldiindtslheel toilese ilrs sinith instruct illI timing eIeh Il deeoirpr end orth dyeing Ind mules will be oilered ior those within to reorder the chill oi these Ioektz Ind pioneer Irtr cEtlAhllU WWI he thou who would like II see terrible oridcncw lee their eilortI Robin Hopper oi Toronc to will opcrete threeweek Iernlnlr tr ccrIrnicI The poi tcrr wheel hII sornIin Ienilrlly snicinigrd Ior some centuries This berte tool or Inttrtrmcnt IIorig with the oil oi urth Ind ilrinl lIhtI will iocm buts oi come ior be ginners lnienrirdletes Ind Id vInccdstudcntn lnrtrucllenwiii be pivso in the my methods oi poiteryrnllliig pinch coll slIh Iod throwing II well Is decorrtieg techniques Ind glare Ininnnstiori hissing Ihernoons rittdchls me continue In the my building studio red in the eve nings thI the use oi the wheels well CInIdiIriI In rudiorlsuri concept cottne oilered to help rcco ire select rcpItr Ind II tin dorneItlc relieve iurnilure will be bounded by Leurle Ind Joyce ieylor collectors Ind desiers In OInIdlInI turnlturr ior it eer Dona liscltiilIn eoriiriirnri cItton red one Instructor tires as Colic will eperIie hre Isl uctton ior rIdIo Ind televiIIoe course which will provide In insight into the equipment Ind chtnlottu tired in prcpIrlsg Ind presenting en tertsinmcet Ind Iniosrneilon whenon It recreations DISPLAY IT recruitment Anyone wbothnh photo guphytshnt Irilerstthu nntsceninure Icoiiec tioeoi snobs or diaries It the mic nubile ilhrsry to June Thirtytorn birch prtn Ind white prinll Wt oi lhI reection grihered hy the still photegnphy section oi the NI Iienli Pilrri Berni In on view They represent curssection oi contemporery CInIdIen photogrle included Ire ls oi Yoosui limb PIul Belch nicherd Jones Ind IrIiith Eglingthri BIrrIe lib Recommendationislgnored ThI cotme boIrd oi rducn tire on reversed recumsnen deiien irom Its Idmlnistnilon tor the purcth or line school blurs Ind cheese lender thrt yrII not recommended Both tenders In question were irorn Pclrson Bus Soles In Til busy One Inr term provided ior Ford chassis Ind record ior Imus stipulated Dodge eheasis PliErEll Will The sdmlnlrtrstion recommend ed buying the Ford buses be am most ol the robue lleet operrted hy the bond Ire Fords report to the burnt raid the greet meteriiy ol bus operatecl In the county have Itroeg preicrcnce tor the Ford chllt The report esid there III strong edventsge In risndIrdis lNklii ol hcmsie lllieiemil irrlty with But the be rncndmrnt trorn vicechslrrnrn John lirlhrlleugh lo Impi the lower tender llr hiclhsllough srid the board could not hisiity the Iddcd percent cost Ind ind the Idvantsre in sterling oi pIrtI Ind iIniIIIIrliy with the mites is not rtgellicsni Facilities lor ttrlnIhie relrrd rd children should be hosted In podtypo sintclure In the new pnd IAIIllI Street school In hsrrle recording to report herrd hy the bond The bonds Irivtsery corrupti tee Ior irsInIhIe setrrdcd chII drrn recommended podlype mommodriion wtsillng oitlcieis Ire impressed all the eruny oi the work and pier Inoiher displIy In the tell and pcthsps In lhI er Phoiol bend on the pod rtnictuse The bosrd hIs Ilresiiy Ippmr ed Integrrtion wing or In telleclurlly he upped childrrn In the new lkillll school The children now Ittcnil the Igrd King George School in Bessie The report csttcsi lor the elusion oi turning aids lor msn uII Ind hoiuehold stills in the Those would include stove relslgeretor wuher Ind dryer sewing mrchincs wood working benches and hand tools No Iction wrs trees on the report The board is still In the csriy stIges oi plsnning lsciii lies tor the Letitis school CITY NEW cor ilAiiliil mnsMTQItDAYMhi 1rItII Deepiie Minor Bouts Oi Adversity The Future Looks Bright For The ledcrel government rso Spcsliing or university ior isee he Joined the stall oi The By JOHN hiclvhlt EIIIsiIIr Reporter Tndsy Georrlee College grad uIth idl students In Its iotirth ceduItlng clIts number which is below protections rnIdI when the college we establish Id but number which Ilse re iieris Iierdy Innurl Incseree And the tutors looks bright tor the Irers only portsecoodIry edueeiionei lttriiiuliolt Aphich lions Ier enrolment up up or per cent red the college expects roe uililmr students ice the 1911 school you But Georgi Ilong withilhe other torrent colleges esteb Him In the isle oor Interrer 1y lieds Itseii in intense compo lllen with other Ieclnte oi pub lic cducslinn ior itI portion at previnclri lunds PUBLIC INEPTIEAL Arroer the province the rev Icgcr Ilre Ilnd themselves in the position ol hsvlng te lusttly to In Increasineg streptleIi public that lth Ire ncccrsery Ind vitsi tints In lNbeillKllidllll chetn GeorglIn College hrs received In rhere ot this criticism in re cent months Nonclhrirtr Georgian prest dcnt Robert Crewtord IcctI tree irom this type pi pressure Is thrroliese hes delinilety been Icccptcd by the commun Ity It large iir Crewiord bsses this so cepisnce on the not that the col lege inch the cducstlonsi needs oi the re tori GencrIiiy the colleges Ip Ilcd Irts Iitd icch nniegy hers is conceived to till void In our modern cducI tlossel structure consolideting Ionie oi the tech at end edcs training retivtiieI thrt have been lunctlonlug Ior severIi years he said The hreId purpose oi the out legs is to serve the needs oi the district by altering pregrnms oi instruction that Ire Iourht by students Ind poorest in the ncedr ei Industry Ind business rouuiiisr From this IiIniipornl tourism unilrcrourics rtsnnIyimcnt here here cstsbllsiicd II the twin qun lotions oi the endemic pro mote It Georgien Collcre lor eithtttpic the college op error twoycer resort opcrn lion program dcrl nod to pro vide ngdunth will hecti gmuuii in both the business no recreslienni usprcts oi the hose pliIIily Industry The colich ii Io oitrrr wide verieiy oi irri lime prorrsiiir to urslsl lltlhiils tIliiy organisrtlons Isi thli re gie eithepregrems oI piled Arte Division IiIo reflect the lrnportence oi the service in dustry As resources management II ni prime importence in the Geor giIn my region tuiirtime re sources technology progsssn re lated to the eIrih Ind wetrr scl ences hrs been eIthlishcd As can oi the rcseurcer Ictlvity Goorgisn College stIti Ind stu dent the cIrried out ground wster Ind dreInIge studies end one Iselsicd muniprIi groups with emIli plsenlrig projects in ternbcr rm munch Ind rcrvlcer option will oilered to students oi the thrcoyeer rivil technoon pro grsm This option is Needed to provide trehnicslly treined peo pie csprII ot assuming respon IibIIIiy Ier planning prengrIt mlng Ind supervising road Ind highway construction Ind mile lennnre lN TIIE REGION With these pies In mind iir Crewterd thIt college niicrtngs Ire generally designed to preplre the Itudentr Ior roles in the regionsi economy tte hrs thert Ihrltt ior those who rnItniItn thrt community college predusles tend to be un ticsemployed by Iceepliiig lew pIid pmittons We Ire more than sItlItted with the results oi our pisserncnt progrrrrir he rIirl Ind our ngduItcs are oh lIInlng employment to iusttiy their being in college llrepioynhiilty oi yrsduetes It try criterion in the estrhlisir mcnt oi new pregrem It the college iAbor iorce reoislrc merits in the region Ire rurvcyv ed InnuIiiy in Iddlilon student interests considered with survey ot dusting students In Irce high note conducted on In InnuII hurls N0 wetsuit sitter According to ilr crewtord tlyhlenlng oi the rovlnclri purse strincs ltcy ovelopment be tns the Sim limit on eprndlng lmyusid tor rsch lull time phil sccorydory Itiiiierit enrolled or the new school year will not restrict the development oi icon gisn Coliesc with Ill community colleges bring plured on lormuiI tinrnc Ing wills ngnlI hued on Irturi rolhcr thuri protected student on rouncnt lir Crawlorrl muln ll trips that this will piste no dli lorencc to our operetions lho Li ticorylon president espectr some rutvuitrhlny iu ovoid illllllldlh line In college opcrItIng In liirge hirirtwiilen IrcIs hut he sees Georgian continuing to op Into It we see III In light oi Its rriettvciyunquo position It dIry Institution In In stone reveremile II comprising iour counties soil the districts oi ituslioiu Ind Perry Sound itvI college locations rurreniv ly exlr the min cempur In itIrric second lIcliity in the Bertie Shopping PIIsI Ind rent pqu in ortiila Owen Sound and Penelsngulrhene hi0 DISTINCTION one distinction the gcncrri preh Iic otters hits to mate thrt between the lulltime cou eeol lered in the businesr IWlIed Iris Ind technology diviIIens the Ipecili cwres oilered in the Continuing Educetlon Division Ind the endemic upgrading Ind shill irirlning Iur Idults under the liInpower lictrrining Divi rion From the colleges ItIndpoint the core progrsiris centre rrnund the tull time students iiuw un dcr son in the 19th school you In the ttrst division These Are the riudcnis In th two end threeyerr progsrms enter the tub mrrtct Ir lieorcirn Col lege greduetss Ind ultimstciy riermlnl the colleges reputr on Perheps ihoufii the Continu Ing Eduretlen Dvlsion gives the college he greItert lmprct Ir community oriented Institu till Appleitlrneteiy moo IreI resi dents this Ielr participsted ie verleiy leIrnlng Iliuetloru iiiisr courser oilered on tee bhsli rover everything Irom eel lere rtcdii courses to rpeclet tn tercst pingrlmt trom Illde phn tegrrphy in ruling to co voried programs oilered by th Sum vides guidelines Ind budget im III tor the Adult llrtreining DI vision oilerIng courses to up gredc the educeitonri level It the worlrlog iorce EQUAL OPPOATUNITN OverIll these mice recited the colleges opcrsilon Ire do timed to give em rceidenll eouIl opportunity ior education But equal opportunity to lie Crewihrd doesnt mean cstsblish leg the community colleges It junior colleges that Is rervlng II Institutions irom which students con readily trans ier to univenitles Our basic philosophy remains to provide vishle stimulus to university supply purepro Icssionrty or our tcclinoteptesl society lir Crewiord Id We IrI denitely not stop ping steilon on the my to uni verrily offemily Golcondaiii newline iunbikes eorgian Simses County the Simone Coi tere Poundetion has purchIscd lend Ind hIs islen other steps toward trying to Irhlcve ihls goeti llr CrIwiord rays lhst be her dsllnite reservations that university It prIcIIcIl step It this time both Irum the stund point oi the number oi students who would be served by such an institution Ind the cool to the lawyer When It comes time ior university In the lion It will rIcIInIthy supplement the exist Irig incrtlonsl structure in the region tir Crswlord sold in the meantime the Georgian president cortiidcntly asserts that oil ceirrniuniiy rollepes ere rnccling rircuis oi their students end he snvissgcs Georginn Cub lero extending its operItIoriI In to widcr Ind witlcr rpeclrum with community service It the essentIII IeIlurc CCM malt hrneyIIirewtthtanpcrItiweI Ineringtetheblstiihurelue cert tr the watered In Berrie and dllrisd Ins midst wul mnmu Sinith Ind coir trIl DntIrla will continue Illill ssIlsy Ind wInn todey aaaaaauaa GQGGGBGOS 33313333 65833833 SGSGEGGB aaaareaasn Action Deferred On French Pupils report on Iecomnsodetioo oi ltrrtchAMIling Mild lrorn Slidired It two in retoolshs Pusetengutrhene us into Sundry Toronto Sunny Ind wrrm todsy end Sinidsy lliph todIy neu it lhw tonight out it liigh Sundry In the midm Windsor undue IlIIriIlton North Bey Sudbtrry thl Si their Le Die Lite liurnn hiIgIrI Lite Ontario lllliMli ten Bernice liey Sunny In sent but lnr interim when presented to meet Ingoithecouiilyboerdoiedir Ilil The reptxl aid lildIInd children In being irsissoorted to Ste unis Ind St Joseph schools in Fencing in Ittend Kindergarten to Grade nInspnrtIlioe rents the board age It ltiio deity or sInIy Iunn Sundry rrioetly cloudy rw showers or thunder Iihsms Ind turning cooler ilighs today 75 in laws to night to to to lilghs Sundry id to biontsesl Ind OlthI Sunny rticuiIr mslte Cundtes ltritts School which my my Sunday High cirin Iccepted In hit opeerrpscr tcsching arm 13 an night so High Sunday 73 to It iodIy TIIIrhi SnI ilIsI Low Illth 75 TI 75 re ii to Windsor SrrniI St Themes 75 TI TI 70 75 i5 TI to Tl d0 hlount Forest lhirighsm OriliiaEditor is Promoted tment oi the Mill Psc ct Ind lirncs editor loch llIsshIII It relies grncrII mori Iger oi the newspeper us In eounced yesterday Mr idetIhIIi will tell ever directiir or in rules horn publisher Ind gcncrII rnInIser Jemoe LImh who retires June mh hes been msnlgcr oi the Ictet tor the post it yerrs end her becn publisher since It become newt pIper In tear ir illsrshIiI vetcrsn oi tr yeIrs In the sprpcr hiismeis begIn hi Ireer with the lnci et Ind working in nest Iy newsroom positions In Moury Dsliy Stnr Is repor lrr Ind Islrr become an critter on the news dork He returned to OrrIIII In two to succeed the lItc Iclrrs Is msnuring editor ol the Pocket on its Icll crs iIrslh hlr hiurshull will continue to serve Is Iiiitor lrrsb lirettgnuche SALMON to AvallIhiI rinw Iii AlittANl Air Conditioned Open Ii Sundsyd Why It I1 CLOSE liredlurd im i9 Slang thehotonei sitfunfor cltsawhcle lineoisensInypriccd bikestoreveryonelnthelamllyse everyone can get in on the tun oi sittings bike Your CCM dealer can help you choose the right ones and supply you with oil the necessary equipment And set member CCM still builds them the way they used to Ind backs them with written warranty Mustang Msvauder Is still the one to beat Hlrisc satety handle bars stick shill bileliat seat with sissy bar and racing stripes twin iremeenddueibrekessevcrythlng that spells action And action headquarters is still your COM dealertire man to see to get your Mustang and Mustang Club Racing Jacketi him let this ycsr Bhsrd ricechrinrun John lies Osllouglt Isked tor more lnior sullen in the report lie said the bosrd Ihould Anew bow messy entities or being served red whet mutant is protected the Septenehl hit Hemliouph also Isled ier corn pInsee with the IrIrIpI dolly cert per Willi the county whether Issy not In Irettehie to the stridth III were the pupitteerhe is in the hilldguei chem Thuch William Brown rid 0h IIIII Ilse noted when why Itudentr In Gredes to were being served when based mo lion list July to Ititherire the trensportelinn provided only ior Kindergarten Ind ngdee one two and three The expanded report is to be presented It the nets meeting oi the board DENNIS TASCONAv BA LLB BIrrisler Solicitor Trade lierk Ascot htembcr oi the Ontsrio Ind British ColurnhiI Bsra llslii T0 ANNOUNCE Tlil RELOCATION III OFFIIIZS EON TIIE PRACTICE LAN Tilt 43 DUNIOP ST P0 BOX 45 SARIlIE ONTARIO Arse Code 705 7267 trait Opening moot LW MR CHEESE SAT SUN ONLY BUY LARGE Find it INCH It Reguilr Price GET SMALL PIIZA INCH Mede Fresh on Order Phone 7167973 Silusied In Gesoilne Alley It Crown Motel 7267978 its tight strong lean machines ior longrange cnrislng end highspeed spr ing Great tor ten and cries cisetoolOspcedderaIileurgeers caliper brakes tront and rear teeth or recingtype saddle taped bars Test ride the lOspecd Grand Prix and Gran Turismo or the new speed Formula at your nearby 00M dealer eveiyonel