Barrie Examiner, 26 May 1971, p. 2

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HWY henmIredInd Nrmdulllnntoln Vt gntlutnorrdyhlhmrv vedytttmlrhelutu httrtrvrhthtwodlthnlry 15 mil My ye matrith norm at term on the other mo domed In tout reborn yttho gomntmt III recor gud thtlr bended hy rehatlo per cent It their two td NW lJle DIrII Id Il KIN tor Wm II St the 11 Port Monday nlrltt rII IItI How storm drove It more heneIth oot eIIlI Ibout an Itr DIIII toot us tapped hthe IlIde IIIIItte trytny to II htm hurled In dIUdI Her body In to red lure Itr nui treod emu but are not tout yr In In arm Iterated the eltrt rd netted Ihout mllee to Tot help IOPI An Ippell 9qu by sur Oottrt ot Crude Ivann mntlon to blur the lopeteem nert month when In Inter In the III Im1 by ttr hlrh court with no vhtoetton Imn the deluxe Stnyttu II chrrud Ilth end mount on Ineornr totollin mm between IItd Ind mt 11d vIlh Inning IIIIe rtIto nte In ten return between Ind Vthen Smythr towered be Iore Iieotenty tudxe to 0mm 4m III Myer Rohlnette larmed Out beam the Crown II pyoeeedtny by Indictment In In Intrtnyement ol the III OTVTTIUTIl Church Uneasy trohortro tCPt 1Intted clutch ol Crnrdn her Irttten lo snuitovoenem ieIthIerre Com upmtinl more It lnnttrtlonr ptIced noon the commttrlenlnverttyrt got the Klnpton nonltenttrry Ignition In letter Itpttd by Rev Riordan It Slmrt necmary It the ehttrrht Bond ol titIner Ixm Ind Soclol Servlm the hunt III thIt the term ot 1mm he mm to per ant htruttyotlon ot rnporu thIt team were beaten Ind Irood In InIiIlrr connement whorl IuthortIeI Iller the yot tnhprIIr uTIIl Imutry Itotttd rtudy 3ontlnulnx Ind zotdrihutlny II Men In lmmodtrte count at tho immatures Ititlgh ted to he or two or here te et termo not Itmday me VETdont Relure Rotrem low nan rImo ertlrtu hlttdrell Slurp ettd tuendry ottm wltl not etuty to dluunr Iny oonItttn onmndlny tornutII pr yntlte orwtnen It nert Brillh mlltuttonrt eonler CI to VlrtorII rhntthr added tn Commonr gobto 0mm VIIIdI Ino tteII Ste Itrrlel thIt he he nude or and It the tut con here In Februrry 1er Iyreernent It thIt In on toutbtr lo method ot amend the coutttulldm mothod ht Internent by eeven oI yovermnenll tmludlny Quebec Onlrrlo one Ilfvlm Ind one net Jo Blam if Trnle tttn Itrvln IIItI Nut murmu their ram plated un them In termruwnhtnne Dornlnhl Intern statutes tery hhho IPCW InIIterloot Istlmltu toe mm 01 Plan The Power OTTAWA It twinned thrt ottere hm WI to Impou II buildl Mln Prlml We latehen Sum ptd My ntnwmmnn run Hone meet thrt led gfm mm It hlrodtherlriterunddeslxnerl mm mm lortlrreetrtodrIwupIune Pf oelm to tntorm the wblie Ibont VD Ind erptrtn were to yet 5991 Both SUDBURY ICPI DIverI Ire Itllt Imeth tor the body or John Nordonlet II It reIrhV Mild believed drowned to Eggs The N1 hId beenwt In hoot no Whltereter LII mr Adldn NondIy with Irtend they hId been on eomptny Ind bOIIInl UIp hermit to potke the but suddenly IprInl lad Ind thI non hoyI uted to rrtlrn to irtznre but Nornull dld not anIe No Hike Planned TORONTO tCIt hhor ItlhIrtet Gordon CIrton rald May hIr department not plrnnlor to Increrse Ontrrlor ndnlmum me to Ile mm 65 Ite denlnd rurmtlon In thI IellrIILure by Rex Glrhorn INDYItIrntIton test that he Tlld hrnded together wtth other Ivincltl IIbor mlnlrterr It mlturterr conlcrenre tn ottm thtI min to pressure the tedeul government to too utn Iu mlnlrrtuenwue rItrI me He Said No Discuss Contract MONTREAL CPI hbtnh Tedd Gleuon met hind rIoIed doorI tor rer erII hotter hue nmdry tn dIe nun contract notoLIIttons II lectlny CInrdlIn GreIt Inter porlI Itr Gleason Ind Cooll IIInv pernud Iaeretnry ot the To rnnto ILA locII dutlned to give detetle Ilter the motto Ind tatd reporterr the rttuntton rIr dtseurrod tn generII terror cm ERE Stop Burning SUDDURY CPI hIIyot Joe IIbhro eItd 1min hm lot It the city dun ritt ordered rtmod In Inrtrw Nam rttt be tuned to run my ertnl thn urbane the meor nudo there one menu lollowtoy reeetot ot ERESK EEAII rummonr ordertny the elty to room In yrovlncirt noun In burntnl Ind rmlnl Inuum done Imoke It the dump The ItItrnuonI rtater the III II Ipperr June It to meet to thIrxe IIId under the Atr Pol Iutlon Control Act Ram Problems ounczrtozru IIIUNDIUI DAY 10 1W dIyI of Iterdy rIIn ttId shod Iwry rondr ooded hundred ot basement Ind erred two IIIth to than In thtr run by TuwIIy Itternnon htIyor Saul Lulln ertlmrted drmuo to rtreeu It mom Mondly nlyht LIter uttmrter hy putttte wort otlttltlr otteed dIntall It In timer thIt til ure At one notnt the ttclntyre ttlter overwlod he broke undtrr weter rurrt Into the nrounde It the Co in Lette heed Erhihltton EMIIITIII PORK KOKT IIOIII NIIII PORK HO IIIIIII YIOIIII NIKE IRIIIII It runs nu Itttttti htttttn PORK SAUSth CKS TORONTO ICPI ProvlndII Sooretrry John Yuemto IIId nleedry htr deprrtrnent II In no oorttlnn to mate moot full to In IndIIn lrlendehlp mm In thunder Bryn IlI wu Inked In the Ontrrlo Et Inlure by John stutter UPIhumler IIIy whether Mr depntnttnt would much the money rIIted by to youny Ir dIIn etudenlr III hm to no Mr Yrremlro tIId quutlny 24 Hour Apnrovols 1nd III Mortimer LOW roll to to ty hIInIul mm Iour emu Protest lrmll mint Colt Ltd In It reveta Itleelteet Armle In the Contenlenre nl Your ItnmI MRI EVGS Ztldlld SUPER BUY PEANUT Iumr rtllrhasd Write In In rnprmdhylrnteemm su CHICKEN lEOS tutor or BREASTS want or sun totttotsts sttttttltlltt tun 45c to II Pork Tottderloinnc BURKS SELECT RIIIOLESE SIDEBACO troughs wuttt SHOULDER ttttttl CROPS IVER no It Huctntt SAUSth EODTK HTTP Ht too nuns VT IIITM TNT YNKT TO INT OOIIINKI IR TUIOUIIT IINIU mm mm to tour rrtdr deepen tn nrdbury ll uSItIrdeydIlmodltrIrd Nee rhln Meteor not It IIoogetde We Ibotrd Itet nmmernbur tct Photo drydocl In Vermeer Ilrrhor tIdrrrlnl thI In the Unlled wmulronus sututnthetuttoyurlmln htmnethrllutthenernunu WW GAVE renown PRICES It OEEF WT PNIEES rtrttVIItt TINY DRY COIN CHOICE NALYES Dl SEIT IHIJOUIII grail It gorrrtu Its 49 IIITIE PM to In lirtT PRIDES EVERYDAY Attt um loruwrchwotyrtor ttsnmt Iitttdmm llttt tou 43 Ittssnto nuoszYK qurruuronmrruuk new In 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no2an on rotornee Itttdtttumountc It IUTTEI PIEIIES PEANUT 40 giggly 27c lllNtVEOOLOLN new 46 WW met our DITTIOTKT CNUIKTD 57th Itturncuotcr SIAICK REM STTIE EOIK unozrut22t SPAOKTTTI1 IUIT lrrh ysmhrtns IL 299 utom mmrnctuttouooruurn yum 35 toIIro mt lemme In 346 geltlsrlvuchmttnrro tttrtrslLL25 tsomn 49 hilltva titzts AYIMERSOOP srsml mmou QUALITY PRODUCE SUPER BUYS YIOKVRIUI MIT UIIIII IUNNVI IUYOUIIVII th NOTOII IE IITNI IIIIE IIVNITIIII motto my mum emu mu emu tttttttt tl ttlttt Ittttt that SUPER BUY MAXISAVE unnummm VILBHtI SUPER BUY SUPER BUY IttltuhdtrIIIHIHIIIIIII mutt rm ruleuntrue ICE REAM unrnn19I runeuuru trnuIthII STRAWBERRIES nor DIIL TOOIKPASTE runmuuon Ilttttt slot emu89 Iltltloltler lltttttl MW DEEP OUT PRICES EVERYDAY ANY DAY lutm ITOLJII rxrtor SYllIP usvou town It 879 VIVA HITAIONI mm 359 rnrmr my uomw urLomm 25c VIVA crrueitomsrm 27 Il ttlItllOS mm SUPER BUY yyum torroundc IMJLYI HONEY 39 unt ORLIINY SKIIN APPLES WEYWANAIIAS TI APPLE PIE hornraqt null 88 zen35c

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