Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1971, p. 4

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the theme drummer PubliIhId by CInIdiIn Newrpupen Limited 16 Hayeld Strut Emil Ontlrto Kerry LImhle MhIlIIrunerel Manner WItlI Editor Emertttn Monmouth MmqinI Editor WW II mt HGIO WI Agreement Now ossibte On Nuclear Weapons President ttldurd Nixon had good Some day halt bid to come Ind Pre neon tor the uorld last week AI re Iident Nixon believes that time has arr wit rain nith the Soviet Union be rived The eonierence will consider Iver said In Igreenient tI possible between pun at ottenu Ind dodenco to the the inn super powers to halt the nu oi Ichlevtny enient Previoualy cleIr weIpon me He believed In tn ttuIItIns wool consider deiendve weI tertm part could be Ilgned by the and ot poor only mathurmnuded GerardQSrnlth mmmmmdlmlt it in Vienna to tensive negotta um mm 01mm 11 dent IIth the ttu on precucly what or cm An reheatingehhmhhtri prtnslbytwieremiios rm Ia et leIdIrI Ira IIIu eI II they pm downward tame dildtfilhttltttiitdttttl ninfrrglrdfhte Innouncement be mu bm dgd Wm WE wnmu repar sputum II gumogs Helium mwhpglh Wgmgigonl ere as orcptimlsm ray ev ii Eth Id the Amman mu mum mm mm Ida WI mg that wittwut In ment the Iron me they have hewme iItalistie but th moot continue ch nation believer it hopes tor return to me Ind trutitut It must keep Ihreast to malntatn the uid negotiations are no less strong toda than rbatInceot unlearirr ThtIhI lb or th dI tth balnard Imt cy ml In gramme Rant one IIIIiIew woe IIIIoItter Inga Ind thImh Ihelterr and the Ilarmtst IttlttIIilleI ure ruo re on my emergency measures org am my Mm mm mm nInIIip bum on no lion olticol Ibmd Ind nunututuriny tlons thnntdndnlo lheOttIIemr IN WWW mm liE WORLD treaty the ttdncIliI it Ippltnntlhlmhirdiu my by Ha1r Today Gone Tomorrow mm new new 1W The rIIInIIt lira Peiha 5le Beatles started It or II now let thelrhalr mulch and re or 1p QMbItdrltntltluhnttlmr canted it only the mlnlmurnd anon on tlre mm ltImMnIZ ml withld tedIrIl InimirrItioh ot In on III They burst on the entertainment are prospecti tor In apprentice mm with shoulderlength hair and be barber WWMMDW nohduhrdpone by their ton However what has been loot to Icls mwmb 122925 1113 Iorial my bad Iet univemi trend it Ion has been won by nyle longesth mm by on mu mm mcur Ilsa Iounded the death ltnetl tor thou tinned hairdresser II opposed to barb By ruiur new but been tnIiIIIiIrIingr To to II um mm WW1 mum Sham yum whhomduued on Mum pm hat there MIth NI Mm IIIquiyta Mb 521 thro 1W MI II on 33 NowadzoyII Ire thtIrqurlhgrtIrTiIom myrrh dm IM Ind Imp bonnie mow Emu who were than tar4 run tlonI win no Ippmut Iltocliad Imment nun eboc CIde than It my time since the Se IndIcai massage5uc atull treatment 11 r1 crummy ldIot 1m tond World IWIY in Toronto tor tn mI as much as sshpin dys AnIIr SIdItiurquruidmr Iid that Inna rat on gwwhmup tglf out out oi power mumI who iotlhwed th So bu 1111 W11 We 11er 11111 1mm 511m estimated one third oi Ill ban ch 15 myhly thieo same Imoun III II III III Emu III men wtshtnl us in lItIturI Inc II It nlmou um mm robot in the city are either bInlnu would be PII Front ruch hI pentap In in power Itruute 1blI In over bloom downwind If the revetment other province oCInII ptor Ialo or out oi huIineIs The tnbor lain ha that evtIhlI when dktltuf dlu ItIII In own III nI fartmm MWIIaIonIINmiewer than 3000 ttInow utmost eight your since tony NW mmdymmm IIIIIIIIII III mIImIiIgIIIIIcIcIIImt IIIerIIvIIu Ingram Iotitdltly issued hair became truhlomhe mod the lit not yet eItIhtththI 111m 11 min 111 be merit Ivbt wu lined mm mm Ilmpty thIt In IIreemenLII young and the mteoymmwi ythIt my mm II III II IL 11 do my to mummy 011m tooloh tIoIIeriadtolnItIndtheroIto Imhutblrwi mime my 111 mum ment nmmry beam bu esI In over ma In at tel chIri at Im 1pm IerI landlime vicepmldtnl dfyg WM aim It the barbertng Ichool oi TorontoI oomplela mum 1m 11 111 cm SITES amt 15er new Wm or he comm Up but mm maduftunwhmd ff 1MrlIgllttn II totem 2310 to haircut or only he surprtted to bee an even greater trend uruuiuhin tor the MI or mm IIII 0mm 20 cent againrt the nomtal charge in to vng and too on krone romrs rtmtrur bet in most barbershop ot 0250 tor haircut Armed with thgu creations it would tiiddie that expert nit It Some oIIber polntr tn the gelln odlglgnIsdzflIlII Ineemen In men and 8150 tor shave But the customer be possible tor young man to be llllL thu sIdIt mid must he ht chance on the ettlolen ot the 111 oblh hold the rtn until tbo ed Ill like tot night harhIIerIII III rlttutmt$otltetfm mm mtpm Not Supplied By Soweto mu rrliI tIlinrhttl amalgam nuttfu ecaun oust oun men mil mm who until that or thereroIIitI oiled sure whmdythgyrdowoyemi be III uh IIIIIII mm mm mm gammy Mm IIA WU MM out regularly tor ast10rt luck and aid ihe Sdmla Observer then ISIdIt hello mun Erwin 73$ $53111 manhhtttii it titrlmlmtulordttnttimu dltlhlhiltlhvlrduhblhm bimeelt Idme iithidleliui ex routIvernement du bee trIda tileII IhroIdInd trom Central Diropo tr min thn propIIIndI vehlclu Ind 411m $17M maybeoiur out In Wu mm mum toy thIt it bu turd with It ry mm bi work were required be mild tht be In th undill tn IucteII over the yam tore IoniI bllIoced Ippropdp Ity nortbepep IttrirI brmbest VIEWS ten leIder Ind thIi be bId Quebec Irt Iirtlnl Prime MlnlIter lnIt ploy lI the mild ot In IiII Ichleved been Iceepted II NuIIrI Ion mnhmlmuw mil hm Item to crmItI Mitchell Sh tlull tenor lunler sum rum Illmtlonrrlthirr quutlun III et int In SWAN KNOCKS to public aervrnt or anyone elIe in the lob the dam in berImI um Wm WW PM tioru tritenndeIIdIIIZII Witt oIiiI IIiIIiil 1w 11 51 how thIi queItldn up be in by the swim tIo em reel ournal At 111 very 15151 11 was 11113111119111 identied Iillh it mm MY Ile In It on WWII o1 tha ottIquuubee Imemnu posimin in in Puente Cant is in Manr best irtend niiur nun not mm mm gummy 5W mm John hr 33391 with lulu Wm rm pump at 11 ppm thI provth and departure demo trouble so we understand iur oh posimans best iriend So who cIn HI Icered dIlomItl Iuc lradIrtnonld Breihnevputter mleioyAbItIneed torment Itrueilnx the uorlt oi the local dog cat blamgalettercayrlgrmrwanttnutokaw mm erpbcIIiy IudcuIiul ward tbe propout in Ipeecb iiiiiemon thnImntIdlth IIIIEIIIEIIImIIucrnIIIITI mew WWII peace with poodle gm IIIIIIIobIlIIIIlhlIII lIItweaiereldeI on pruned UN Charter In proud It Inn in thetr mom And Mr inn quirtly er it new that the postman and toot upon Candim Prime hunhirr lholnluultnoi Gum Iodll Irtlvltles acted the 101 9011111901 111 mm 91111111 and Itll lltltl Th Rustin lrudeIu in three dIyI oi otiidIl AIIemh ibI ItIodIrdI mold hot MuudeIInQIour ly when the straying mutt to tan er srcouos snvror PM WWW him iattatnttomwthhweeh 501th proud thI troop conduct Ind utiitte 1th no er thIt III 01 mum postman MI Ia 16mph mu Mercury Trudeau nld ihurIdIy tint reduction them well 1th tederIi permunelei m1 UIthdlttlun mnpungrln IItIIIheIdIIItheII pondieIIin his maltbdz iuut tdhn expert chess player achieves his or mud while It the rude lime 1ht111111111311 1131 nmmm it mm III III wimmm ear 01min eroouncrd on with theminimumnumber oi moves hulllhdhlnuellwllhswlnttd The 1mm IIIIII km wmplamd SI do mum dIIIIeII he 0mm Am Iqu who CIIIItIlldLalIl otilclIlI Ilio Iti gunk ghee Trrwnnel IIII to ledttll htr LII slid II II whim man linger on It In Iththtu ItIndIrds In no the postman hauled heiore hlIII SafetyLeapue Chanihg IneIirequent mm to weItneu At no time III troopcommltmttnniroper the at Mission meIbp Iupertorr on conduct unbecoming iy in heavy tratilr wth the dim oi 5311 delutoldlnwhlttorumorwhlt Thtyniilntlurpuhilciiyhr tmu on his ilec un rxrrcrnmcnwn charge Some oi us however might tlnd in low seconds writ oi had drlv it mm WWW Wm SIdIl had one on in mi 11 011pr c1 Iuph human response very becoming that my with lll port tram nuIriI mum mm w1119I nmmmlh 11 11 111m 11 Iron spun Ind their run durod It It in term In mod in In mow Dun JImleion III dam tthymon timer in Europa III viIlllnI Morrow MW NW won We hede unebal the put broom moIt hour the dirt on my ltrfwlw Wuammcmmmammwwwmwmm tumble In blI rlvutl Inuit They bIVI rIlted In recent culllu thl troop reduction 1mmplon mm om III mm mm tor Europeln Iectirtty pom tor Preddvnt Nixon lll ml to the Common 11 W1 I1 Wm any15mm rontrrenu But detIliI oi 1th For it ll All very well to thI waned GI continence but been ii to inerchn troan Ind Soviet 91 other prur Irked Ibout increqu at am the air Ind the West huebeeo dim pulled back tram Europe 230 dll IlmdTI left in the phlltlno at thin to but the Soviet troopI would Id 1111111 nlm the pwibllity would nth mtwhm eIllrtor cuetul prepIrItlon be to lturslI Ind would but my 91 pp MM mm my mm tore Itirh ednlerence no take new to Europe it nmuy hmie Ontlrlo Inuricnn troopr would mn mmmmw iIcer Telephone 72qu At the Untied NIIlonI the So drIu mm the ochn Ind Ie vlatr Ind their iriendI into would be more dltilrulL quuy hrlettoutIi Atrch hlI homework thoroughly be dour put the when in penned Second Clue llail An tnturx oi both Ihout toreIIIndiln thIlten eIl tlv tr tip the voluil mmm mmm ll Dr ttetltiruilon NumberMM wohwm m1 1me The soyleu IerI nt them It 11 it Izdumlnhll tIltH Thom l0 Wu tier ot liilmiailmiIl Senirlty can be expected to presI their intie Promuidli Yu hut vIrytnI torcrr into worktop ury Current ttellon Iin hll only SundIyIInd deilnitlon oi Humor and point reIiiriuI tint it could be herd areIoInI whith III worthy unl party rovernmenl thouth on thiI Iub1ect in worm 1191M mull mm WM in W0 extrtem boll It the yrdrrm will be dlI MAN WHO Shiv Ounoymmg twirl muted llera In In meter polltcht mm mm All um looted out on rusted AMERMAID thtlltttttllllhll titilil7lltllta Wimom Iir mm 1131 try Ezekiel htptuhtete buqulptlon rater dIlty by rIrrlerJdcweehtLluyelh typmayimm ottll EMIW 13 known the Federal puny D$LMHW an WIN mm at imorIt IIiueI Ind mm leather 1ournIlirt llltllwimmlhh mum Idrnirnimfrni rude but nu birth Ind white iriIeIIIIdI Still it mil tirtitliiiiiitiriit hut iitlmititiinl thin hh titllt hut Chill STORY mmuimbtvnnnr ero II II ltr NniroblKenyIttII perwnIl mm 1111 8mm New 13 nt CandI moo yelrly Illl immmwp IIalaIlmIomlxenyl llltltleedlMilitIIIlllehpzetto human tellltlltlllhlp hi the hero1 he mm my muwmw nyIitII tribumrn lian 111111 cm 1111 111 lntlannlel hut mun WW WW all itltli mm Intlmlm Iurh hoped lilerIte wlia the in pump NItlonIl Advertlrlnl oitlteI Wmul mm WW 11 lhlI Molt tI AtrlrI Ind lI both on um um rn ert 15 Mtttllll mm WNW utIleIder dedtutod to Kenyan my 11r 111mm 11 pollileIthI bewildered teenIII nun uhb SithtthrteIi tinnirr mu tldllv iory both AtricIn or ntherwlra can not rent oomprnmlnr MemheroithCIoIdiIn FreII gwflggfw munw 10PM Mtltlllllm WW IndltIIuthorIilll Iitirrnttht nteIe IIereIl modernatpeoplu Ind Audit huIeIu oi Clrrull term Will llh whoever Iupporir trouble or who hlppen to be in Atrth Ind tton ll1 vlnlurre In enemy Ii iree Itninltn tor blIek equality chmrhtlcllltllotlmlmtt donI but who might be Inywharr leIIlmeIIillIttleIdItnoItllllI 73 By no MINA glIIIImIII Bdmi any Am MIMI III Iiniulinl tor In Ideal II well pupuum 0111 111mm TndIy the hunt toutI tilel cmmy 1mm 11 1101 mm numb Am med 3ka er lntlttIIIper credited to itor nieInI only one moo the monopoly at them km in MI by my Mlh The hunt IIed PreII or Rutter leIder oi the lied ltveru min the Welt aver Iinee it VIII Wk mum do mu mm mm 111111111 pyle Ind the the tout nm pubilIb to trip Ind Northwerl it tllori tabliIbad by Kinl ChIrteI 11 It STRO dlrltedto vindleIttn Km an unltormty I1th 51 111 Joan Alexander thmlil In ll hill MAY ll 1W Errland to thin llowever that 6mg Qynm 1111 111 pp wuh p111 km 1mm gumm tmm when tnuie on only ile run on hotly conteIted by the EmlllFXNMI Ihnm iII AVlVldLV mlIlorHtwvrrtiv my mm old hie iIiher Ippeered in the Nnrthvmt Company Ind otherI Ate Tom YDWNCOWEI IV IIYII1I2IIWIWIIC mom or titIl AirrIInIutunumy ID Itrlcittn whiten in their lllt ItII IfInddlmlmmmm timelith at hiIIdry by hei tut untilth lch Ind NtrweIiIrI mwmmit 31 IIIMMIMIIlelY lInIdI clIIlIIni IIInd melIlIiIrtImIi IiIll Ire eIoidecIybeiorIrcpatr1Itlun by WWI It tubrut the Modem nIy no ImIlrImItad in mi Alterthlt thtowtoourtmdywp t1 Ie enitn IuIIII tII Ipr wrien not poll In mid tor deIiht toliowlnl the Atrlr my mm 111 campy 11 1pr mm 11 111 1m 11 mm mm unillurIl Idvmer tlIea or intellectual lrIderI Ntruth Inlutlon program in But Airl WWW 17111 115 pm ppm 111 11 1d 10 m1 mmwmmw titt Cdpyrlrht hIIlIirItlon NW miller ot the help berIuII be he the peoplI who lived In the mepmaligg hummus roldltlptdol women LumumbIJihoIIJIivnltehi cI II turrIl ted llllJmhnl IthrI that man zip1d her mid rtrlIltr It not woollen miildn the Seine mum to buy their IupptlII IiirIlpItl In it IIIIIrittIniIthtItoIhItohI duem nu outfit WM IImIilIttIIin uwlhllhlo ibI trunlt III

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