to FROM BILL RIIISS Ilodrli IeIr iilli Bier de drol then It hi tell collec tion opening In New York Al Jen putteer lloor lentil Needed In Buying Storing Cooking Asparagus Only item ntldliey to mid June an theoret he Ontario uptrrguI th choose trait ouIilty uprr IguI loot tor rtrIiutt men iby if GRADUATES 11w none little at Sin Arree Mills Grove Street ml the ill Richard tilts will reeelvr hlr iireier Arir rioyrte In Gcoyrhphy um lrude It the Spring Con oration to he held It the Un rerelly at Windsor Airy ii IRll liille Lt mdunle oi nrrlo IILsirirt horth Colleg lo lie Is married its the too or 7er Grrdner daughter lir Ind Mrs George tdnur Little LoIe Rood Kitlie hos accepted position In he Environment Study Inrl rlrnnittg Drhnrtmmt oi Dell ireIhoiI IlIJhIhouidedIr druiwithhrll Ileeru tll red hltd reel tiIih Illlil and peanut how IAP Photo ItIlhI1heUnyhudIItlhIil III or hlaioh green Ind Unhi rioeed Gmrlly thieh IlIlhI Ire more tender thIn very thin owl ante which on Ipt to be git Ind ItrInIy AI Ian my heigmhued or by hunch arch wrth oi the pIah IgI when removing prim Elah pound will give tour Irre iota For trtuitnurn time it iI builorervoupmrtuuoooo II poerII alter ruliing or en liiimuri nltee wrter red the ith In the alum lo trap the bright men enior cool to In unear rred pun tor the lirli to rnlnuler then eover Cook rhotrt ii rnlouier until lust tenderno longer Remove riIilr mainly to prevent hrerng the tips ArpIrIgus it very verutlie It with hollandtlse IIuce butter lemon Julie or vtnIi lrrile or on ioIIt topped with crisp orumhlrd hIeoo Ind cream or note or rolled to hIm Ind topped with eheete IKE ODD PACT when Site in rlgtrelier who are Ind oiher Iriicier were not err iront the croiren in prlron It Mridsione EnglInd the var ihnrtdo It the trail other In Mont WHAT THE ESTHELIITA tRIAR It to APR II Mill good tiny ior making hog iernt rornrniltorrtir hrndling In ILIIAIICI limiters ATR II to IIIAI tr thlml uiirrai happiness Indlaried JIIands Ind inmin highly rob vgortlel IhlIy ii to June ll iGeannII You may here the opportun lly to promote rmtlvr piece at neri JlINE la JULY 23 Clar Irrt line dry tor geitlnr to the root oi InirIrIelrI huslnesi jpruhirtrts MJULY it te AUG 21 III jVoar poem oi prrsuuion good rrood now grrrt doy tor enli idgt IAUL it to hliPI 13 Virgo Unrxprclrel IdvontIieI roan rd through remrnuniiy pro rat AItPT it to OCT 23 LIMII Art rsoorlrliy good day tor rrrilte worhrrl iillru Indicol on it to nov iBeIIIIIoi Youll he given chance to don IIId It in In Inride Ioh pulled oil by inmIIrI STARS SAY dirplry your Ingenuity htIitI the most oi It NOV ES to DEC they lilIrIIr FIvored now Boo Inter iinInEiIl Interetltr Bul ln or Irillnz DEC 22 ll JAN It iCIIrIl than You run give In er hIIIrrtlng liit lo new proth now JAN It to FED it lAqnerien Your tnowlrdgroi rurrent It lrlrr boosts your Ilotk with utitiiu PER 20 is MAR lPIrreII ltld morning huncher good Also allow up Intide Iniorrnr lion Irrnooonore Meier plIn elIr inilurnter non indlrrte highly godualive Ind gIIniuI dry ill the prrrenlrger in try or ol roop ilve froerr oi mrgniiud bt ol Iueh thrownin manure There II tendency howeter to lump to conclusions or act without lorethouglti lo th Iller noon It be alert ttrrtrtrnntsrnvars 55 5E egaiggi Eggis term her Into the hind oi norm the doesnt lenttohet know heelute irn InLIIttn it lorelee ll NY Ad By your own Ihniarion hm hamlet who in im Iv tee children Indulumdioyouleiynrleu irw twohli deiIlII rpoil your rnIrrtIgI You rmh roe Ikh hidda RIDING TUNES Deer AII Mani 1hIt lei low who LI hrIJIhy II httu hut lIilI uleep In rnovirr II the pohrr table and In the mid dle oi eonvemilons might hm Deer scrum Botderdesh narrole Ills wile reported dIIrIr it you didni Iaioy thrt thhld undergone Iiotrtrrh aororu iUBIlE SUPER SAVINGS Mhmaihroom ESSE strontiumMinutemen tom Tuna Fish 594 Etllml Or in Peanut Ilutior 89o PRATTEN FOOD PEATURESI ti Dl Pm MM Pies 351 ItelrII or ilnI Lro DIr IOI Plan On Juiee 249 Onion Itingr Sic IUP EIILE Lh IIg Peas Etarrots 45 BEST IUY liourrh PIrrIItant Colerrl MARGARINE EEATUREI DrLoee CIhI htirrI DUNCAN HINES GOLDEN JUBILEE SUPER SAVINGS III or Pllnllo 75 Lh liII Ila OPP PACK Lituld Javox Bleach OVEN PRIDE FlourAli Purpose 69 TI Phg 45c II To Pig 259 It Or Glut 55s lOLTlI 99c nnrrort ntsrrnnrtr Bailorhorns MEDIUM AND TODDLER FlashaByos the PACEI Lax Liquid FOR CAIIP OR COTTAGE INSECT REPELLENT OFF SUNSHINE FRESH PRODUCE ootonrt itliE BANANAS ortrtoto mar anion cIt MeINTOSH REDS llilPORlED MILD GREEN ONIONS rotorrurwrera ALLENI PURE YITAMINIEED APPLE JUICE IE3 IUE vice For Nag MIWIIMIM IoIrrnItllsLiIeurtIIn id rentnmtlm with mom egg Ea it ii 52 ii Ir rim Ihieh Itn not When evrr we go InywhrrI hlI to Super Cabbage Continues To Grow SYDNEY Aurtrrllr then ierl Portuguese Ltnrningnt Anionti SInloe her In elghtiooi him thhIre In hi brah yard and run it till it 01 TIN 3$I IT 07 PIiin KEILOGGS RICE KRISPIES REST IUYl IIICKS Assorted RELISHES our turn ror outmv Ii OZ JARS 389 It In utlllx do hH rarity nee ldonithlnhlhleisrightae nymienuneelgdnlprnu Indtmenmhunmde miMitoey Deer ervyr Your gth ungan personnel rhorid noihe goingntitopeoolerhe doesnt how men lee IAould Enoch tt elllei IIII he ntiurndenrood History Of Trinity Anriim Churrh In men dimmed history ai motty Garth It meeting in the PIriin HIII molly Pm drnt iirr Jrhh misled by iin Reid Secretary motor at in meeting Devotionr Irre Ihrn by tin Domitian The Diurnal ion at the rmling Milli et rrporu ur en by him Sell ilrrnbrr Irrr Inlormed oi the women and iirulirtng oi the Shrrriog ilrntorinl plum the rrleure promm VII incur nod Ind doartten lewd or penm III Ipprovrd Arrrnge rnrnu Irrre mode tor the Shut ln SundIy uhirh wtli be held In toiher Street Untied Lhurrh June Plans tor rioeirty pIriy June were mmpleinl Chancel Discussion 0i Trinity lirairhh udYIolPrrI Mn Bonhitk Drrnery meeting In inner ACW personnel itl meet was Ilfidlby Mill Sun Shun oi the Twin ACW out The Dorm group we rhrm oi the program Ihirh trip Tonal lirs ll MAI Sir Stuart Sin Mt In Mrs It Stall MM ih beginning at the cancel Go tn the eeri lmr Pmrrtlntiom were made blrs Donhim hirIIR trnsnley litre DIN Bird Ind Ilirt iiey Livirtuioninr iilly rnrr write Stewart song Irautnpontrd hy Aline idI Morley Roireshmanlr we rermi in omltule the IV SPECIAL SAVINGS daringiho mandrel may COIDEN JUBILEE SUPER SAVINGS 58 Puritan ll 01 TIN PREM LUNCHEON MEAT lEST EUYI YORK FANCY QUALITY PEAS or CREAM CORN FREE 49 Value Inn AND nurrr ootnnrt JURILEE CAKE WITH ORDER OE ill OR OVER 49 Ii 01 TIN 5$t Beans SAICO IIANDAIIIN Oranges BEST iiUYt Tomrto or YurtIhte Condrnsed AYLMER SOUPS lEAiUilIil Gold Sell SOCKEYE Salmon STUFFED MANIANILLA LP OlivesClub House 65 CANADAS FAVOURITE Fluiie Shortening IIRINZ BAKED with Illnerd lirrl Iti OI iInI hi Ohll PACKI CIntreLird Slide Kill Sire Punch Detergent BEEF OR IRLSTI 49 EC 0r TIII 49c ISOLJIP Stews to Ihg 38c 5$I Id 01 TIN 29 It Or Til 10c Th 65 GOLDEN JUBILEE SUPER SAVINGS VALUE CHECKD ME DURNE Ni Mrd thrI EhIIh Shinieu liult Portion SMOKED HAMS 59h CANADA GRADE lrollrr EirI Nevrr lrorrn ioh Lb Avg FRESH TURKEYS 39th Millions your linrnI SrIIIl Prirnmu IrInd Head Mill Millet Sieaitetter XEHEESE BACON SAUSAGE IEErle iJITPILh liclh Still Candies Peanuts Raisins MIldCuIrd Shrimp CLUB liOLSH REALTN AND BEAUTY FEATURES is On ntt LlSIERiNE Bonus Size 99 ertgrt hide III or SHAMPOO 89o CutId PIIriia Economy sire DANDAGES 59c Iaprr Dry Anti PrrrpirInt or iin NEWI SECRET 99c WE RESERVE liIE IIIGIIT TO LIMIT LY we QUANTITIEI Lit 65o LARGE IUNCIIEI 225 ItEliiiS ASSORTED LOUISIANA SMALL itrguIIr SauceMixes trim ting 3$i SUPREME BRAND DLANIIIED 01 Cello 49c hirNAili AUSTRALIAN EULTAAA Lb trlln 79 iii Dr Tits 55 tIritI 45 MEAT RETAIL BULK AND WHOLESALE MEATS DYCKS rttronrao lltiiM nnxrco no onion TOMATOES It 01 CELLO 39 CHARCOAL Liz 59o DRIQUETS Lb 49 tooo tsa cotttrrt sr MARKET