Barrie Examiner, 27 Apr 1971, p. 5

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is ChoSon 0erere10pmcnt Clinic Adaman le latest delin an Martin associate on Monosaunas sacrumnines mummdwmumymees mutesn or competitors and Mr Gregg wu one at panel summon ground and schedule that end home to do the shores were all in July The brown areas so AnAthatonDoyScont beencboaeeioiotnaunad lonScoilgroup whichwliibb est la shown in photonrph Photos SilicOit ranmn County Fair Judging Rules Recommended with scans to tail loin held each year ks stmcoe Cotmty area interest was shown in dimIAIIm about iudgiag at intro to members at the Ontario An aniline nlAgrlcuitunl Sorta es hi Gregg ol OnL said that Judges at loco tetra ehoutd talk tono one never minds with eabiblton ring saaaho sun all contents and at renewable bot each day its added that udges mid enlyperinrrn eiiic calls it so rosini rather than hasasscd by cool committee members or otb are associated with lair nl experts called to discuss the improvement or larger loin and ambitions in Wit lie Hid courteous welcome to patrons eltlclcnt parking controlled sup rd in their ior visitors in gct iactnrs contributing to sucresrc Ital ialr Discussing livestock classes bis Gregg sold Eliminate those who dont showrup on time it throws oil schedule and shape results Set Mano tor startint and stick In it Dont let the eahibilnra and competitors rim the ink this the lair aura thorn When questioned on whither hncs should be levied on those arriving tale to class its Gregg said it would dcpend on the cilrurnslenccs You cant line man whose truck breaks down hundred antics iron the lots he said and tell such decisions up to the local corri mitten The terseatlon inbred by Department oi suture and Food reviewed all types ni tutor and exhibitions hold In Ontario Other auggnstinns presented at the meetings were Promote exhihlLs where topple are working live eahihlls willirsw the crowds Keep midway noise down so that all results and timetable schedules are heard clearly Conduct ilicsiork and other classes to treat oi the pond steal an that as many Is poo olble are the animals Use the manor Droildrd to build and maintain clean wash rooms and sptclator tarttittes Dress up every leirground bloke the lat holiday outing ior palm Staggor everis so that time tohla is easily maintained ll mnduding an evening pro gram llnlsh alicrnnon events in lime ior patrons in gel homo and then return ior evrntng shows Bacterial teal Ontarios caulrltswer prnduo ers lace dliilcullios with aicoi spot diacase which has serious ty aticcled inequality oi sub nionllnl number oi those ege irblrs grown in Ontario Quan tities oi diseased cauililowers have been downgradcd while others have become upmarket able says Dr John Sutton bot any department University nl Guelph bacterial leoi spot is rrongnlh able by numerous Irregular llghi brown urras between the loot veins which that appear dur us ty with dark brown margins brtvme popcry and airy shatrr glvng the icai reggcd appear but The discaie that appears on tit uulrr leaves which are also more estenrivrly ailecled than inner leaves The earliest sigrn Oi disease an minute brown uaurou scout out itSit run was leaving mt sata attend urns ever on plans with aorta ll innit is me world Score Jamboree is an an lather lohn Taylor at ereo beyswbe have on Stephen Vendor liners oi hstonbtninessmanondinasncs Angus also is included Rob msculicnisi lbe baricrio are splashed irnm one lost in obtain or by spaiicrlaag rain or overhead irrigation water Once they re ter the teat they rraritiply by the millions and destroy the spotted Irran tbsp main swarm oi the dir easn bacteria are inierlnd seed and overwintered debris oi din eased routttlnwer iron the two provision seasons To help mantrul the discern oooaeedwblchbasbeenpeop rrly treated with hot water to sale the seedbed wbuw no cauli llowers cebhages broccoli or Snore sprites he been govern aringt pr see ten oons Alternatively the aeedbed soil should be steamed or ltarral gated mp routine also should be practised vStunhnsOIilomr Several Ontario cnsmtieo have experienced an irregular stunt ing pattern in young corn plants during the iirst in weeks lol lowing esnergrnes Stunting wu observcd in itiddleser Oalurd Simone liaidirnand Durham and Victoria mantles Dr John Station botany depositional Uni versity oi Guelph soys it Ls like ly that the problem cotton in other Ontario counties as well The shooting disem to tile ed by two tamgi tiktehoderma Peniciiham oxalicwnt common and nbuntdaoi in Ontario with The symptomsboth above and below period are mails evident Stunted plants about in inch es high are lound among nor mal plants about to lret high during the that in weeks rites emergence low stunted plants ioilnwed by low normal plants and then more stunted plants in the individual row the usual pattern Stunt ed pllh are usually lound in large areas oi llolds with 50 per rent or more plants ailect ed The leaves oi such plants are commonly the some green as nonslunted plants the attlnl ed cornwhlch remains green usually acsumes rapid youth alter to weeks ttore revere ly siieelcd plants turn yellow or yetiovsnrown and do not tas uallyrecover Below ground symptoms are tight to dark brownrot usually prosenl on the mesodotyl the part oi the plant between the crown and seed The nacsocotyl rot may be enroll lesion or may extend as tar as the crown Severely attccted tnesocoiyls are markedly shrtveled with green or biuegrecn mold enmnwnly lound on aiiecled areas Exten rive root and crown rots may drvclop on plants weakened by dccay oi the niesocoiyle three stops can be taken In control stunting nova Dr Sut ton he suggested sowing high quality accd its also od vised iarmcra to avoid planting too early Corn seedlings grow ing under untavnrable conditions such as wet cold soils may lack vigor and me than especially susceptible to disease tie cautioned iormera to avoid depsuy reevn Bromine damaging the seed Appropriate need plate selection arid proper corn planter adhastrnent help minimise kernel damage Dr Sutton rare plants grow ing lrovn chipped or rsorkrd need are much more nascepliblo to the root rot than plants growing iron latest needs Even minute cracks to the seed cost alveolar Ign resold growth and disease development hmgicade seed bedtime madly in use do eiiecllvely control muosotyi Testing 0i Sheep in tent at breeders with total at LO ewes participated in the Ontario Sheep Perinrm anon Testing Program hoists weights are taken at approxi mately id and ion doyn oi agv elmssh awe dim the mo program anon lambs were weighed at on days oi ego and am et in days oi age As anticipated there was con elderobla varlall on in mulls The average weights at 50 days varied iron as pounds to al most so pounds The average weight at in days varied irom St pounds to kid pounds The weight oi lamb ot 50 days pro duced per ewe varied isom boat It pounds in pounds With the this exception pi Daliolks an Doraets the num bers in most breeds are too small tor the results to be con oldered representative oi breed averages Perinrariance In at coarse the result at both genetic merit and environment The wide range in perinrrnance clearly indicates the great opportunity most Ioveaeepwtlaatyiealhdo srncon COUNTY NEWS CRMGHUiiST Triton la larilding new emits elation Alien Craig went in North Bay with the Eaatrtew students on Saturday Mart station with hlr rad hire Sinion wrrw its and tire Ray dark and hire Jean Aborn oi Ellington Connecticut and Mr and bin Alton Slnlon oi Scarborough ANNUAL Cralgburst Worriens institute held their mnuai Milli at the heme oi hire Ruth Greavss Ap ril an in her comment on the motto the deeds oi today will greet you tomorrow lira Ped liaghom owned Our deeds still travel with us iroasa olor what we have been makes us what we are Eleven waearalm paid their Ices andbirallJerisrnisanew member canvrnera bad reports ready and the treasurer Ire nuanced arrioil yrarend hai In West that all Oro Worm ens institute loin In project to raise money ior the new Ore Alena was speed to motion was passed to donate at in help eqsoip mmuaitty aoilbsii teams Mules governing entriea in the Stream County Quill Rug and hail Fat were put in the bands at lowlandlured Ilrl it Kendrick who have been ap pointed to coordinate local en trleo hira Jensen and lira Mir ton were appoian lo cone rnitioe be make prnngersaenin tor to dinner Mill in June lira Stntnn brought up the mat ice or this community cooper aling in collecting historical mo breeders have ior implement Since rats and gain In sheep to puiticlentiy heritable to respond to selection it is important that breeder be able to evaluate accurately the periormance oi his ewe tinck so be can cull eltectively and oi bio ewe lambs and real lambs so be can set not the best replacements Obviously good records are necessary to evaluate both man agement and genetic merit in any ttocl For lnlnrmation concerning the Ontario sheep pcrtorrnance too ting policy contact the live stock branch Ontario depart ment oi agriculture and lood Parliament buildings Toronto Ontario Goldwater Passes Recreation Grant COLDWATER lSlaiiI grant at can has been approv ed by Goldwater council tor the local recreation committee to aulst in its program Reeve Ernie Miller heads the village council with duster ilor Mn clerk Proposal ior iraiilr signal tights tor the main Inter section in the village at hints and Gray streets isrurrenlly under study ioliowing discussion In council NOWPLAYINO 7PMA9PM iineiqulsiteandbeautiiullnl toilt iilatlrslotllagssho odrudro Mormons MIIIIWWW ii WWW ei mechanical maln emng Univeaady et Walsh and lliliana M1 monaster uaing vyaialrlo eensaltant MMMM wanna roaxamso experienced emanationiowdidiscsaaamndm tit devetosme tiartlandtm IamyKaIlamem averm hiliston Editor Will Be Speaker AWN tSlalii bitter oi the Alliallaa Herald David Willis he been invited to ow talk to ysrnh at Presbyrg iaa Young Peoples rally in be held In the eoietoaia oi Dont ing Memorial thigh School on Saturday tiny The rally is to open at to out tit Willis who came to Al lislno ii yeorl ago said he will donate the nahiorl tlieapon nobility oi Youth he todayl World design manniactaariag Ignorin tone and admins Thorn tr registration rcc ol lsr tbelunrh participauoe in tho scanner and prints rem waiting session with panel mom bers Domination toms and ad drltmaol tnlnrmaliua are asaib able tbrvagh leral lsdrntraai morals or rorsirnluinnca or iron the Technology Section tario department oi trade and development Yongs Street Toronto It was unpainted mom the Cool mowed Trophy lot in tile rnmLI include 0H Al ricialialal Protects modeled Buddth Elwin tor last oi right prom all at which re mutated with score rr oi over lit Competitions were Openly itaigaeg tour years AC Inter Club Team one year CNL Wag Cam petition one yror Stephen is member oi the Castro ltoe Jun tor Farmers ior two years member at the ill Demonstsr than from In rare and 1m went to Cil ha iron llin esreiltvs positions have been president oi Ekdrltli Utah in president Eleniale Swine Clair er an 13 er Dairy Cub Codi thawa ell lien and is slim by the mach tomaly Mrrnnrial ie the late Cool hopped star astral and prograssise tartar or at Gown Mill and dspiomo gradaan oi the Ontario Axllswh halal allege Guelph TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE Illitl terlal lra Om eoiaractis peopl bus trip through the United ed history ei Ora Sales laorwiluag as tar as Cal bin bi mtg reminded morn ii nrnia here at the badging workshop Mrs it Neilly held quilting sponsorad by tho lnod committee oi Darrin Agricutaual Society to by the United Church Women on itaoaday at her home be held April ll In tho aiternoon his and Mrs ond Smith at the Federation oi Agrieul were guests pi bir and tire lure Boardroom in the Coup Koeoahaniastrr Sunday building Comprlrnt and rapes blr and tire Robert Rail to tented Mm witll demooastrrto were mum on ihursd Lt bow air are awarded in the April tit THE ilESl AMElllliIlii illid various classes oi baking and 5me oilheiiiliord UCW were borne prepared lends visitors with Churchill LCil ior IlIE Still this ihiini3 ITSONEHEiLDFAFlLMiA in Sinimatdecioved all armibsir Eula mrslins tiles vacant and asked ilrs ti COLDSAVAGE AND CHILIJNG COMEDYlLoawm stereos mtg to alum the election oi niiicrrr which resulted as pi lows Past President hiss Saninn Pros Mrs ledhngc CATCH saw manythtngs that need to be said again and again Alan Arkins periorm anceesYossarianisgreett lymLtlANDY will PROGRAM iiira unit was hunters to the Unitrd Oaurcta Women on April with to present him it Nellly presiding ltnli roll was any wrrvd by an Easter tradition in annular land this llargarrl ieiiiy was in rhargc oi the Eas ter progyam with lire Hughes reading scripture and several oi the members helping wrathhthe singing birsl troll int ctr es sirncr ivia wt tees Nome Economiu and tour girls their bomeirnm lillllh ll Ktrton liistnr miierenl countries while the tool Research and Oment were in Kingston cnts hiss Ellsmcie Citizen ahlpaid Education hire en WEISS ACCEPTED an Qtull and ting Fair will too Agriculture and Canadian Ind Oad be held In North Colleg usirres hire or Dele hu My gates to District annual lira this year to SlitrhrrylI Anyone 0m mumm wishingteenler an Item please Mrs it ltrmcken loarcn cora contact his Don Kneeshaw 3712 mm Mn Hmdu PM Conga uiallono are eatrndcd Iuw tor Friendship lbraa ln Ii se tn the tiedents oi Dradlesd romannun mm Mdkk hum 1M7 higher intro werelniheploy mimemat Curator bliss Canon nah muggy ihtthttuamitrhi Wednesday itii Saturday creating hills SAWYEN this past week Mr and bin lion awe and mmeliocal studrno Involved in ll and 0mm mm pay were albie Trn rr latters parents lir and tire Isul Scrub Eric Saunter Jean Earl Dales tor the ester week end TRY EXAMINER WANT Am llernld Pnrriit toll April 10 on PHONE Tiatill Datsun1600Pickup its all the truckyou need at half the price youve been paying For around hail the price oi an ordinary truck you pet truck that will get up to thirty miles to the gallon cruise at 70 and carry ion at anything Evan elephants For around hell the price or an ordinarylruett on get 96 horse overhead cemsheil women it steel or dspeed all synehvo shill heavy duty suspension dual brake system and whitewatls Dotson thick is built ior ionooo mile rctiebllhySo itth go long way and do lot oi work without causing oi oi trnub without costing lot oi money The Dalton 1600 trunk is all the truck you need ior hell the price youve been payln which is one reason why its North Americas besise ling imported pickup the motelorynurmoney trunk DATSUN 1000 PICKUP Ionaloe non pain and Vaonouvwv Toronto Montreal author local arrens linemamthcll In It applicants extol ham Vcer tin Cunt Secglkeas tits Tntlon Dirt Director Mrs it Under Pti0 hire Lraig alternate Dist Director Mrs llabdy branch duectora ills Cream es bira it Jensen Convener ol standing commit THERE WAS CROOKED MAN Plus RABBIT RUN Rename IMPORT are more Street Barrie Ontario Tel llMiOl in spots scattered across the list each with narrow yrllow halo Itastrrinl ivni spot ls camel by microscopic rodshaped Dd torie probably Preudomonrs Wafoywn him ensairline navalrweoaaaaoaiaasli PRODUCT 0t NISSAN There are more than 1000 Doioundenlore across Conrado and the USA

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