liount Jimmy Ski Clubsouth oi Allan erywtaere lbeturban meatby tolerated percent mediation tndegrtcoitnrnlontaciota Mlyhtthiueedoapunonzodnhzg opnten roe consent on no man onto to olanrtortuerortaocein Elmeoe County arevvateraoilehSInrcoeIeweiiaa ottaera In the vicinity The Notiewera Valley Conservation Authoritys inelastic at time covert ultimate mils including wtterv whine drain Into take Simone Itr main watersheda however lnclode the Nottawasaga River are All tribu latter the Pretty hirer Sliver Creek and Btiteaoe Creek Barrie and net boring lnoirtil Earn Veapn Hound ro are among 28 mon ldpalittea which lie wholly or partly with in thin area and are represented on the administrative board headed by Eugene Smith of Utopia three additional mean berl reprerent the Ontario government which part lar abate ot the budget the authority riocall autonomoua corporation and all Its pro taendpro grants are initiated trout vrtthln Ita own membership Gnnts and tedtulcal nid are provided by the government And lurther tupport Is given In the term at donations bequests and peraonal Involve erour wnter prevention WW prollt lot to conservation and loreat they newspaper subscriber reedln tire dtarge Ireinrt driver wtt one rink too many latte to nuderttand wit the man abould be drerged when he he reuse enough to stop hie car Indorp Uuntll sobriety returned lttlader preacnt law peraon who while Intoxicated driver to the ride at the road Iudplacelhlttgnlltonk tlnhla pocket is conrtdered at having evetliete under his care end control that hrare care and control taker onato entitling deacoiptlonwhen applied to the driver who even retiree totherearaeatwithbta roedandr it another into the law should draw attention ed to 1955 to who knowa trend Indvtte cheerit Down tumour tour to YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner April 1951 Board rautedldV tgebooattoherrteCotlrg to teachers Vanatoue pret talent Bank ol Toronto war In barrio to potent ttrotnar Ititaheil ARCA por tra at Port Oitice and Square to Town oi Bertie llayor tire tier orte Hamli ton received painting on ell Council Delaney Boat linen completed large cabin crulrer which Manager William Delaney had dlrpleyed at Sportsmene Show Jack liaelaren heads Barrie horticultural Society tor year Dr it tlecPherton elee ed president Community Concert Arsoea Ralph Soetfrove announced appointment Alllllll larrta to enter manager II Bert Snetgrove to aaatelnnt general man ya er lane Perkins ot Barrie won rtpir tn cornet elIaa under to at Rotary Festival ot llueic Ii Klogeton pCarol Beaver Anne blorrow Nancy Cameron Beverley Duvet well up scor Inglor llutequertet Pictured Ittop oi Ieraon It Lions Club Petrol Leade lehaaty Bey that hit clu Committee Itruction by to executive rerr Wit It Bill Me ch date were herrlet Doreen Steele Iten Byler Ali liaughIon Don Spence tire Phyllis Moody was thrown giving Inairuc lien to unlor aliere Largest crowd QUEENS PARK olwhidawerr reclaiming ollerldeodyotirer the not under which the Noitawnrrge and do other contention authorities on crate herybeeu In ellrct 25 years It hat been hailed Internationally at one oi the most advanced reaches to con rervetioa anywhere board merits there oi some at the tteerlnwhett well wrrwlaatt aa portend it die Werton Adamo llnllna and governor ot NHL announced Iiidliulormbaito formed In Ilay loco lee authority has been the meandering thepart yearn of cattle eonatdenhta comm tton toward pa lion eontrottn its dmI tecan rome mm donathhttood Nottawaaegr benetlla received With greater empherla given to poliug tioo control the public will be turning to the authority more and more lor dynamic leadership to environmental and management To the earlier conservation concerns with soil management ood control and water conservation have been added concerns oi air water end roll pollution wnrte ditposel design and reseryatloa ol open opera The program rometblng which well merltr priority and deserves due recognition try to out come hone Ienre Welly Nerbiit irna aeverel tlmea intro duccd private membere bill tn the Commons and each time there has been ltvorable comment on It Here Is an have that rhould be above polltlea and more Ind nrcre legislative CenIdIIn tegirletorn mi well note thalthelnwiu Grettllriie was ehaag bore unit the rootlets when Woodaloektientlnel Review Barrie Arena watched and cheered Ir Flierebeat Illerlbotot to In turllor tree lormer editor DinngI nanclal Poet eddrctae lnvertment Frobiemr Butter Walton invented to Kinga Scout at rally In St Andrewa Church directed by Ian Welemen ol irict commissioner president ol Boston would boots up Barrie Fly ere alerting next reason at initial term club IIIrrleIiordonCood Neighbor ended at meeting to local armoury Immediate ob ecttve Ir nit ing loads to help Carat tome recreation lactll ea tollowlng dc orden restore lite oi Lee Neil Elected were Ralph Snolgrove War Ken Walla George Lake Allen Scott Bill Dyntent Torn Ietternll litter leclt Clerk Squad ren leader George It Rodgers Co onet it Garry Lee Ail Harrie iloy Smith William Cratrland hppotntert honorary ptetldentliefrie steel Club Charles Day oi Illdhuret Iorettry Itation elected resident Civil Service Araocn tor Ila eDIatrIci rerton Govt May Create New Land Bank Dy DON OIIKARN WRONNOn lirnt quick treadinml this years nrronev nned one point hit me Imrnta tely On page It there wta thin sentence The Government In hate to create new lend bank gram totllntpointlhadbeen lIlv well Imprearod with the inch hut withoch rererva Once eawihla announcement to at tiratorervatlona direp menl to control land prince and tubttdlre them It neonate end without really Indulglng In Iocltilenai by metalva urchaae at land which It won out on the market at coator It necew Iary below It land and hourlng are at the root at the quality ol Ilia today wiach ell poltllclarre recoruile It the great political goal oi our era ilvr ravernrnenta vary ob vlouely throuur leer oi appear Ing IoclIlIttlc did nothing at lt DI the moat tlmld lip service the one concept that world have ttrtIgtttened It out GENERALLY POIIIWll the Davie government hat olnlted to create new land Ink program war apeacit ol promise rrtoeanlu the coal at land and Itie ar curree Daiarlaelncw ytde IIrm lrIt been one obvitut title can be only to many aotutionp nd obvioutly criti words all needed eolution It can be platitude or it ran In bu been tor the govern more tbold aliort but etlll nuccutive Conserve it will take the tutors action It at the government to tell be which but atoleall Ildhagyehownpahe con nee acre or room program And It hat ahowu bu dnere being willing to oilend that see ion ol the pub lIc which In the part at treat it hnn araunted would be attended by nuch policy the net at the Speech docant go quite thia ltr There Ia promiro ot commit trca with some oI our meal vex Itloua problem such II lorctgu ownera Ip Tote at on can be the old ondcrthenrg ap proletl taut generally apetktnr the speech was much more positive and Imaginative than We are rated to and lo the at taut It It doesnt reflect theolutely new avoid penalizing the driver ml to van ME room as OTTAWA REPORT Single CanadaLeague By rartttcn Nrcuoaron Abaalclaauanowttcea the Centdleta peopleWhatklndoll nation should Canada bet ameidlthaaduallrtncbEnm Itch at In which there be cont nrtel discord and dtaaenatont or dlould It be sin Canada to which all Ca stand or looting oi witty vita oaa battle aeypr arenae tenem oi any particular ethnic lnlboaewonlr thaitonlo laphlhoreoonumaeduptonta the aorpicaa ol Ida beeper Starting at April he will Ilaoaddreaa rto dotht antbualuttc and over tiovtnr rooetio at Vancouver Katerina iA Ill Cllll Edmonton and Wtoalpe be hbldblrn ecbea hate me will be to word at warntar the French Canadian leader ol Quebec with lcderel aid and Iaalrtancw are Itlll ilghtlo the battle oi the Plalna ol bro ham end they will win delete the reat oi Canada ntope them In brlei Judge IIrorsont theme to Oral lint prime palate in Pearson and how Prime Mio lrter Trudeau have been chang tng the llatihd oi Canada They are lorelng the French lenguere down throeta In all communitiee outetde Quebec lrom lleerlt Content in Newlourrdland to Na nature In 50 deapltr the Im meate preponderance there oi illore with to Ipealt the Bartlett ten are ttaey are no we ape ng blindrcdr oi llllont ol the ltrpayern dol ra on this program which ricml lrom the Olltclel lan area Aet end that act in air ortone learned opinion can iraveaea the Canadian conrtllu mum titre lactic Examiner It Iteylteld Street Barrie Ontario telephone Hobbit Second Liane hiali Regittrttlon Number MM Itelurn portage guaranteed Dally Eludlya Ind Statutory llolldaya excepted Subscription ratca daily by cenler our weekly tiara year ly Single copies lite by melt lirrlc Ltd yearly Slnrcoo lltlt DIICIIIIOI moo yearly All other colmlrler Fido yearly htoter throw oil teaoo yearly National Advertiainr othctar til University AvenueToronlo art culture St Montreal hiamber ol the Canadian Front and Audit Iturenu at Circuit unl the Canadian Pleat Ia eltclur Ively entitled to the lilo lar to nab IcItIon or all news dlaptteh ea In thle paper credited to It or The Atloc tried or heater and tho the local newn ubtlth ed theretn the barrio Examiner clalme copyright In all original adver tla ng and editorial materiel crev eled by Ile employeen and re produccd In this newspaper Copyright lieglatreilcn Num hrr onto verletcv at and more vivid government it does give tome hope lot out were under Sin Call tlon end hence wan outside the com he at our Pavllanenl to that MIMI 0F CABINET In bla rpeeeber hlr home will explain in convincing detail how toeorrrct in tact have been the arguments to aupport oi this policy need by the two Liberal ntlnlrtert Paereon and can Whitman blatant so tuna tree cm trail re ere cabinet be la dirtln ed lewyaraed lormar chir hedge and 10ng Intertwine grotaptnthelangtvagadlrpu lha Sin Canada league werioarn IIthereluItoith unardrnoua vote by large Ed monton audience which beard Mr Tbornon proclaim on June tool let ua mgke drive lor the moblllratlon oi the ob Ilc opinion oI Canada that con down In their heartr her people are honored to tire nlempt being made to change the ban character at our country totaling dual FrenchEarth nationality on us went to emphaalte that the Single Canada league le not In antiFrench or Ire lion he told me It we comer Ill Canadlenr to lie ranks and unexpectedly largo numbrre have applied it retolcca to the emancipation ti Quebec treat the ahecltles ol the plate It does not diatcnt lrom the alarm ol lorrncr Etemlcr team that ltuebcc hold be Iitatlre ehcr CANADAS STORY The Law Punishes Driver gs Backed BY Judge uewa that Orlordr It Is making oour but It deer note ea that the Freocbcauedlan lull right to preterentlel treatment over other member at bla com mully ONCE IIUDIAUIACKIR air thoveoo Privy Councilor at Canada tup led Maua candidacy In the liberal convention because he believed tore1 that llr au world eooIlunt the leadizlwol rhea lam at their late rabla ale and ratio them Mr thereon Itllghtln lot upholdlagoi our cont retro pragmaan olalgwghaai Canada were toe the protection at your pay dieguo asalnat the tax levlee oi the huge coats eI bilingualism In the speeches which he will deliver tn Wettern Canada and no doubt later In other area whence will come invitatione he will unleeeh an unaurwereblr attack on both Franco and thit dcau tor their actual lntecura tatlona by Implication he will lay blame en tire aploeleaerua nurencre oi turtle Minister Ilrraer who her reiuaed dad lhoreone challenge to have validity ol the Ofcial gutges Act tented in our to have In mind thereon concluded to Canada oi which Canadians have dreamed In which all Ca nediant regardlcsa or origin whether Britieb or French or neither etand on looting ot lqltlIIIt with one another in the enjoyment oi their rI hit and the uIIllrneni at their uttea Riel Was Successful In Early Battles By not nowrlav taule ltlel and bin military Ir elatanl Gabriel Dumont won all the battlea when the North wett Rebellion broke out In March lint First there was Duck Lake where to members ol the Northweat Ilounltd lio llce were killed and It wounded Superintendent Croaler had to evacuate lort Carlton this victory emboidcncd the indlarte Ind Oriel Poundmalter captured liIttIeIord on April bloat oi the mounted police had been withdrawn Irom Bottleiord to delcnd other arena and tho Ilvllana had no dltlicully racing Into the aeltlemcnl In the meantime the hit oplu who lived there had lnun shelter to the police barracks on the north banlt at the river they watched their homes being looted and burned and then the Indiana dancing around In ellk gowna and party bonnete they had taken they had to atny In the tort until the trial at April when they were reacutd Iorco oi militia and notice it by Col to otter who to yearn later war commending olllocr or Ce nadlan tenant who ought to the Door War Otter ml not have been able to relevn Iiatllelord It II had not been tor an Ntlitl olllv ecr who dinobeyed In order Gen Irrdcrlck Middleton had been real lrom Ottawa with loco lroo to put down the ro bullion hit Ilrtt decl aloae was to order Cot Ilcrein mer to take so membern oi the Will tram lteglnn and drive the Indiana lrom Battlelord llercbnrer retueod to It meant march oi not alien in late winter conditions at mud and aprlu llooda Ont hell hb men he bortca Ierehmcr hncw that they would be ear tergete lar Paundmakere ndt eat It wet exceptional to any the total let an olIlcer to dine hey no order In lhoao rltyn but llercllrncr war right Otter we able to recapture liatticlolll later In the mouth with larger lorre Including the men Iierch mcr hell related to nauaoder OTIIKR AlltlL EVENT ItalCanadians were Iorbld den to go to Albany or New York under penalty at death illiIIrrt lighthouae to Can Ide opened at Iaulabourg Flrat vehicle on nhcclr made tourney between Ilanlreoi and Quebec lireCllircnr at Montreal and Quebec were rationed to borne meat tearPart nlilre revlnga brain were opened tailWhile star llaer Atlantic flank oil Ilaillax with tort ol are vet vimAlberta coal miners went on strike until June to mHloyot Canadian All orce wu organized IliaUS paced embargo on Conatllent seeking employment lttl Department oi delence production was or rli on Iluite THERE someone or $3 rrtaeyolelrc it in 35 r5 Easier5 5E our IIGltT touch Land Of Memory Bargain Place or one noran new voice tart tam orylandletbebeatpleee toe hernias No prices ever go up there nothing In over throwaevty and nothing ever were out You dont have any Irena pottattoe eorte nettingthere either All you have to do It close your ayee and Item bvr whon walru to cooarm rm beard reader or over the bed let the lamlly went up to the world when It could Iilord to move out to the airloan and buvenewhouuwlthape netted room to the basement to throw titer to Naturally It had to comma way or women to then dath oi ele gance wet to emote her clge retire to tone holder In the met led lar bobbed heir spread among the toilet and tor the hrlt time their owniory men had vie ual proot that women do have UIIInAl ahlrta abortenrd too then louod out that women have Ioraatbing even more intending to are neat It wan widely predicted that the new wonder dmga twirl ing lrom the laboratory would cure alt dimer and enable people to live practically ton ver You could tell how extensive any crlatn orenlergrncy war by the number at women by elnndere who rwooned In the arme at their escorts doctor could win repute lion tor excellence by the manner in which be pureed Illa lipI and frowned tool clotely while he tell pe tlentn pular It there war nothing reIIIy exciting going on guy could walk law blockt Irl any direction to alert piacea tn the eaUcd the rum comtry and round to stare interesting dogtl Yon could part your teat In eapenllve reaiainent lot dime and Il yon tail to route the check would atmoat we her an oil in grail Adudrwae an tall bed lrlore than Ive airehot gab trade abate la ward iauoaa Im MwbutuuRmn be thrilled rel walking In later mind chalkllg Ila 05 preve were Darial the tint World war authors do thatnhlt to whip the hirer by Itrioti catty collecting tin lrorn enrol clrarotirpaekegat on on the radio lor hell an hour without treating aonr writ ten by Stephen Teeter or log Carlin It you ehlvered unexpect rdiv aomeonawaa sure II matibatrpeneddld rahlt lust run over your algirt oi entertainment or armor wet to drive Singer malet tore Indapond lllatrttottha crown on bench ornrida county courthoura mating teamed canoneala Ibouttha weather woman thawed erelpere tloo by etaraplng her prelilly and tailor could tyearn without ever bearing one swear in public BIBLE THOUGHT All that the Father giveth use shall come to tract and that cometie to toe will in who cant not Jone mt there are the worda oi Jesus VIII not take Itrn at tile word title your elm to better vortdl lie that balleter on Son bath lite WW IT HAPPENED IN CANADA MmANKPWM roomrow no If th IMII lit Imm electrocution lotwvcatuston tacos in runabout thirtieitliitcrlar Ii Walnut Olltb Ill We IIEIIDED Ill tIROWDtuDNMwWMVH hr AMI We our raretom mg