eatyeiuoe lllll IIAreINOI Reiving Jobs Study Says iieved lhei hoalouetnen do not burlecaxalaat woolen wortiny native at reducing or chromed wutlodimaedrtreoulrootltrtdtthehome bathepenonaldedoetlnnot no oi Idea IdoItieIiweeItdntnItl eepthleIndeouutaIbIIitm wile eIilv tor routine dndee Iodhuodvt abortion IotIInd Prolhoeenaaeyethcnir much truth In obecmiiona that and poIIIblI alum women were the lield at businua hlnharl Iliii Protester Applies For Grant evolutionize Education In ronorrm car to Iily oi Tornado protester bIa IP piled tor aim prorlnciet feat too pilot Icheme which aIyr would revolutionize hlsbecbool tducItion wblle lot the problem oi unan pioy PhDuaiIuItee mt Robert toru so Isolat dhlh which unemp cl doctorel deereea be ellowed do teach plittinre In blpb ichooia Ind IIeo eIrryooIre IeIrcb It uoIvIrIttIee Some oi the provinces lead in educationlata vae ex saed entburiann tor the pro at hill the pilot Jetted prob by current vInciII reotrletlcoa on deep rpeodlor Anodueatioudepartmenl Ipokeernartalidthlaweektbe Itv beta considered but ie not the best loa new Ideas which root money decIIIon oanroi Inxane cant application will be taown next month llia olesoor paid in In Inter Ivicw thde week that under his glen the leacbiu IIlIry oi hD plduata enter the program would be paid by the Ichool boIrd involved while the cost oi research work It unl Verslty would be covered by In Iutlng reaelrch hands thepoeitlon we Ire propon toz is only to thou inth eLLcus aaaurv more will be cloud tor Mottde WEDNESDAY MC llIl Underline Management rimslorourv anti DUNLOP Ir 9an roii EASTER many women not Intrmled humiliate an or noeom pichted mlomer contact cl mI bk edit my women MW and the low name Lumlmmmlmtine wort la tor many anar rtcd more who Ieet only to Itpplemtntlhe lImiiy lame to Na etude on taxation Doulu tiillrllI oi thI Uni verettyetthrmtoaeremanted women working It hoine In Im In rIu any Income Ilihey attend labor marketth arealan menor liIrtIe raid that it tub the wet Iet on the cerv kca at tree It would IIrniy remove the Min III In maklnx aim Ichotti teaching nuum career he Idded fin addition to their no the candidates also ornui eourIe reordremenll at 0n tIrto Gotten at Mueetlm Prnl noun donated the en llilll eatery coat ot the pilot in leet at about $9300 ite vI cendidatee Dr Glide Biseli president at the Unitme oi tomato called the propoui IImpII but very lIvothle idea Dr Hm director at the Ontario institute ior Studio in Education commented It could have cod elleet onthahidtachooieitihnua teacher would be penoa to the lorelroei at who happen Ina tor both atudeata Ind teach are believe the Ilot protect it very pod ldeIFbot there will be dililcuitiee because oi the abortIII oi hands It you received IupplImInr In 1070 you may qualilytor Increased payments after April lot 1971 that time the maximum combined Old Age Security pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement will be raised 10613500 momhlora eingle person or merited person whore husband wife is not pensioner and to 025500a month for mauled couple who are both pensioners 32750 each Wedding Photography From 3995 to 39995 the complete lntermatieta eel PHOTOTECH STUDIO mam new yMereh10 orrii norm FIRMS 300 wrrti rear NYLONS Your replenelnid Ape Securityoliloe II St Thomas Policemen lire Charged With Assault Matti ilichaei iicule lhomu linden Wayne iiow Itd JIet Johmton Gordon and iebaei Van Becket Ire cheered with making to null Harry Donna it and John inland itoida Iiodm Ind Hand In lieu char with Isaiah auxin buddy to lionteltnr and the other three policemen Iil charged with Inuit cane Iae boddy harm to Ireland the Iliad Iauuta to bare latter piece March I1 It theritypultcwelatlon lhe polleunen are to appear Aprlltllaprovladalcoiaeihe nice day narrator and reIInd Ire Icheduled to appear on charm pl being drink In ggg died llunwhiledbeelba iarnahine plIrtwavnity Day rail Janenihalhahopeewill Ieimiiarmalartm ner Cancer can be it you did not rIcIIvI Iau lenient Inlm you may now qualify for one as of April at 1971 becausorhc amount Income you are allowed has been adjusted upwards Nearly 300000 more Canadiana will benet from this change The new maximum Old Age Security pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement erI be $13500 month lore single person and $5500 month tor maniad couple who are both pensioners 61 2760 each ISSUEDBYITHEDIPARTMENTIIOFINATIONALIIEALTHA rue HONOURABLE JOHN muunoimmisren entrepreneur or church 789 Don Mills Road Don Mills Toronto Ontario Phone 416 9666000 You have already received an Ihlormetlon booklet and an application form for the supplement If you think you are eligible and have not already completed and mailed the application form you should do so now The increased Guaranteed Income supplement to not sent to you automatically You must apply lor It each year For further Inlormation or assistance in determining whether you are eligible Ior an Increased supplement IwriteItha regional Old Age Sacurityoliico at the address shown below uowctrane