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VIII IduIlIy MIL more It on erbmmmmsdll cousin the dilute lot the beller1hue to Illllllcl lhouph oI miner nln shower the III nine prose tbrnuxh Ill un Sunlzy tonight In the Barrie Iron donate Illa expeeted Sunday mm Sunny with cloudy period lodIy bluntly clarity with silence of shower Sm dIy Wlndu south on on sundry lllpb to Low tonlnit 30 lllpll 65 Windsor lndon llornillon like St Clrlr Lake Die southern uke Huron Ilium Sunny with cloudy perlodI lodIy clouding oler Ionlyht chInee ot shower IIto Ionlzhl lllld SundIy Wind south to Sunday IIIrhs today In the low the We tonight In tho Ion 5m srndayr hlphr ricer ll Norlbern Luke Huron lilo Onlnrlo IlIliburton southern Grortlnn Boy Sunny utth low It yperiods todly Mostly goloud on Sunday with chInto not shorter lindo south to Sundnyglllghn lodIy nonr Ste 1an lnnlthl is to 25 Sunday high to to IE Sudbtlry North Bny northern nGoorgiIn Bay Temouml Sunny with cloudy periods hooray lluelly Irony lonlsht rm nnd Sunday Sumo thin or wrt snnw on Sunday Ind southerly wlndn It to lIlph today Ind iThree Council Waddle Ialnulttln nlphthlbomldtoupperuv OltIrII Iron reel Iodny Iunnyuilhnblybnlulwto nlybt to lo sadly cloudy with leer periods ol wet ml or rIln Inter In the bllh neer Ill azaguuussaaasusssgaaasz St CIIhIrtneI Ibrouto 1mm liltebener Peterbprouzb lllllIloo North Bey Mbury Enrllon limmlnr liepuslrulng SSblerle lenn White River Gernldton limonee uuuuzgaasasuzzsuuunugs aazauaaussscaaasaasssssag Corninitlees To Meet llt City Hall Monday TILre committee It mllncll lllnantu clly tlerelorrmrnl on public works Illll meet Illondly Inlsht oIIrIlno It Incity boll The city development romnut tto will meet with member uteeonsullinzlirmbdtiredu Imouoruesiooomneun Ieeeed tor Illegally who needle Into Kempenlrlt III while repelr vmrk III belle oi curried out It the month Street Itollon Gore Ind Stor Ctho Irenn commhslun on the pun In tcltyo proposed second lee sun jterohrglnulnp or pin 11in Ilnenm rorrunittee ls rrhedulcd to meet to enter luns ol the Ports IIIem tiun Cuntmlsrlon on the develop merit ol Sunnldole Pork also be tinnlo am pm The public works mmuttte letpocted to hear report II meeting between cue Ind Slob Irle Ibo eltyn oomnltlnl enun oer fond llIynr IA Ooolo Iud Atd Rots Ardzer hold recently llloiroowr recommended Io the publtervorbo eomnuItee tht rte Idvued the city on loot pro teel noun Ottltls Blottd lnwlth the modern concept It Winn pro grunting Lorre or null IndI nVI ort One of the most beautiful things about it is that its Volkswagen lot ol the ugly Ihingrthntmn happen to booulilul sean cnnl hopper to Ihlrono Become thin beautiful sector is In lIo englno cant lreogo up in wiiiren Or boil over in summer lllr cooled by uirIA It doesnt have an ugly thing lite ucnrhurolorloclng nrlloodJnrlnod electronicluel lniecllon It cant brook your bankroll with hip goo bills Because the III got nlniosl the some mileoge or the Vollrvrngenbonlle Ndrlneo the III lethe lintblg Ldooroedonbuiltwlthnllthelegond ory lussinorxnl the Voltranen it shouldnlbroolr period Weeyenhoyeorporiololoclronic ryrlom townlch out let rueh things lW Dime Asoriornltlroeehocluprnd not only con woopot unoll trouble bolero lI boson ba trouble but VW Diognoeir mole sure that your carpets only no service it octuolly needs gt So in the long run you bundle vani KoryInhhslonMolorslimitocl EmIOwATOOWmsllIWteolll SATURDAY lillllMEI ENU completely Different Gourmet Menu Every Saturday It HolIdIy Inn 530 to II pm SpeelIItIII Selected Ind Preporod Wllh Greet Care by Our Chet CANlJLELIGHT DINNER WITH MUSIC Appetizer Huitre Rockefeller lpoached oyster on bed of spinach topped with mornny sauce Soup Le Consomme Julienne thin strips of root veg in beef consomme Salad Salado Nouvelle Orleans lgrnpelruit and orange sections bananas and grapes with lettuce Enlreeo Toumedo Rossini Beef tenderloin steak with Pole MaisonvSauce Madeira Vegetables Pommes la Torre Boulanger Stuffed Haired Potato Dessert Miel DewMelon Fromlour Wine Cellar Valpollcella Folonari in Iboue to Iinenl require blll ollereFu ly Domino 930 to 100