Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1971, p. 4

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hanges Are In Desrgn For newness the announcement oi lsniied as In Deglgnntergogevemeuth mm the two muni slitles In ivltne with Barrie sud Iiidisn as work 0r unlit IreIs oi Simcoe County ibe change should have let bene tidal eiiecis in the county In eitus tnaie technss oi dire intment and irustratton felt to end Coiling woodEl igtge twlgdnitilels had been vegu one essecree one srees presumably to attract more tourists but not industries Obviously were mint It deci stop which wont have mesut repllldlin creasing growth ior lisriie and but little ior them Furthermore lour iris ex Ilrm todtetdusltsis would not necy esssrtly iotlow the dictates oi benevol ent overnmeol they would where the bite end the scenery eckons Iberetore ltsrrte and ldtdlaud would condone to Inot their ehsre oi the travel bnslness In oi industry too There Is an element oi commonsense in designating Ortllis Collin ood tild Ilnd and Barrie as growth tricts Pre oi industriel TBneci De lopmeni iinmta thithnhnh gee sndorgivable overnmen newm eslnorttsirom etc IIMIMEManVIb on orders out ch rmed circle Ce Benin and Orillls ould beneilt immensely nterestingto see the raaotlon irom Investors once this rites irom this term oi government isrgesse it will be issdnsting to see bowdhe make out in the decades sheet in th struggle ior populsilpnisndtndustriaI leadership in the county Orttite oi coursels tooiar important as community to icitoul expansion ilkettsrststt is progressive in outlook sndhssare utetlon tor bin helpiul and ve to new ind industry Planners in list meek in terms ot re wtli not come deernlghh viewing growth bury it yeIrs But this growth will come with increasing celert once the government niskes pro eettve investors aware rot tax in cen IIes Ind iorgivsble losnsWlihout these two beneilts theDesign tor Dc velopment would be an empty phrase DOWN MEMORY lit EARS AGO TOWN Barrie Examiner Feb 23 1961 Ross Cowsn Ind mastic Giorgiqu demon strated new method ior oaerecovery by eslndlsersr Hamilton principal North Collegiate in address It Ys hiene dub predicted Rutdan would soon be uglitiu schools as tangusgeesienslun Bertie movies moved into ttrst place Central Ontartoliockey Lesgue with in overtime win over Georgetown ere Bob Garner scored ntng Ken Robertson Itl ewcisiik outstendlug its stairslndli liine Duncan es vs illsurlce discloses elected president tierrte inheroiConimeece tiob Sen Iutend Eerie Little becamesteepnes ents Dr Decidtlsrrick Shenty Bay ointed velertnarisn iorWorld Health gsntutlouinienlmairank Taylor Berrte elected to executive hhebs Shrine his niu Caldwell gnerIl dieimien py over success srrle Winter Garnivs creditedCharIes Wadges elicits as treasurer Ind coord tnstor at special events tisrold Forster sesttor snnoriiced Ippointmcnt oiloe Pstmer to Isles Itsit lsu nIin oi Toronto lauded Berris Kiweuis Club or work wildcat children and Easter Seal cs lloiu Club Iunounced new spedvoutdoor swine sow pool lnttsnie oii Grove St be reedyior usethts summer tinBruce Johnston elected president lisrrieVetersns Club cArt eeshew with Bradford rink oi Bmxna ttoss Hughesasndlten Wood won tiltini Garneris atannuaillonsdisirict bousplel Ittierrte Curling Club It thud lltdtttlle eccoptedioh II Illiidtlilltiltt tosrtterri stive otheterbo ugh 32 he hesitoo record in pie gs teething since turning pro your ego Dalton Emmy and Cert lllesr pulled 12 lb ieke trout ironi Kempenielt Bey liaon thlIrdIiluete usmed In hou orsry dileisoithi ewe tribest Chris tian tsleud temp ordon High School won best lay awsrd It GeorgisniBay Drama Fee vs held in Orillie shire Eileen Peters ooh Cert Stewart Trophy as best direc or OTHER EDITORS VIEWS MEDICAL SERVICE GAPS OIIIIII Packet end times recent exchange Involving letter writer to this mm or and city doctors may have given the session that Or illia has poor medical serviced ihis is not true Ortille has mod erii eiilcieut hospth end an excellent medical centre and large Itsii oi doc tore Our medical service his improved iiiihieiiiiribiy in recent years with hot pitxl additions the medical centre itseli and with new doctors including special ists brought to tiils city through the eiiorts oi the Oriills lied cal Society OrilIla has all the services that con go this size could normally expect to Ive We do lack some specialists notabll pediatrician and psychistrtst wht population this size could conceivably support still can never expect to have the diners PARK dsclltties end the human medical re sources oie place such as Toronto end for some operations end tresimen we still always here to rely on Toronto hoe pltetsd which Ire among the ilnest in the wor The letter writer somewhat unistrly puts Orillieiia on the spot byasking what the IN doingnspportlngmii thing as he Lescock Homewbeu we leek these medical iscilltics The two oi course have no relsilon and do not stand up under comparison As municipality we can preserve our heritage but theres little we can do as munch Illt to bring in spe cialists The Orllie edtcsi Society has done all in its power to do this end his succeeded to large extent But short oi kidnspplng theres llltle even they can do to get psychiatrist or pediatrician tor the city even though hey more than anyone else recognise the need Davis Willi Consider Govt tIieOIganizatiori ly DON WHEN ner William Devil is sworn premier Iorms his csbtu out expectedly on it will he Interesth tn ses will his intuitions are on rezgsntsetlori oi soverruueut mint on which Illcsiidl mangle dates the intensity contest loos oh oigovcrviuieot meets didntetrevs Ihls Is pm eh Ide II ersls havehsvn owersIth shun inn should iheyhsdtoediencetoput tittde reorgsntsation dLeased iecoudiy just at be in hinderiln into notch detail so to but what they thought wss wrong with 01th sgulctloegb of and nukes his tlrst meter Imam if his do There Ire too many depart too many detlncd responsibilities thet there was II HI lid VII in WEI In if noediorsreriovetioooliho ml ilcsion oi mpurielbilltiee odor the euriscs it results in toeltlcteocy sud huresu titseompetitors but he crstlcvl ty 0m pwm besvuln IFM the il probebty woiitd he num iodtuii th ottheeaudtdsteshov berotdecpslchonru timer and out down let could be prectleel As hes been lost one cons it creation the so to ow III or con tends to not In WWIIIH btstes government tor eerv Glued iu NW diamanteneutron edsitslltosocheiiicielil in soy society there In only so meoy men Ivsilsble who cut cope with isrmceia sdmlnls tretlou And under our way oi tonne menbtberete no sseursoce that It Iuy time there will be the oecesse number oi such men sotessto tie the iced government Ibo president oi thI Uh esn pick men icons the privete sector Vt our tesders beta to choose those men and wosnen who honor to have beta elected 31ng shag men at em rouse detect opsrtmsdil 331m turn out to bseeu seeker tbtn ini vthst we hevelnow tit We Ill oiitciaix Ind prowl sci tar as teseu more proieeslcnsi civil servieo west how already there is some system they thvproieuiodsts Worm Itod srm too mourn worm Laos DIIIICIIIIIGS BeingiStrssed new er ossnn sure mu the No min lsndI ioscce sortie currencie niIln breadses inatocroastheiielincgconslsrIts hesitant munitionssues tbIUultedIieIuaI lien onanllnotbeeIel usst lestIt timeendw be this oi coursewss mown ho iorw he said it when he first tniksd oi the Leos Itlon howeserDeieuee actor nirddldnotstress cu itemiwaylhehw uov intercession mete theldtiiieutlies Is it an to some extent In Cambodia Very soon alter the LIotIIn be it beanie that the Vtetnemue iorcerwouldlg out cieIr lcrou teens turn lteeli into hurries Ilhwlrt the lioChl scd rilds dhihnn one ess eldeoihsos thootberdownebe Wu deionce now use thet the esuom side near lbellend Ibisecood western branch wucreated whensir attacks by minted guer In tniil Show comm anvil nlIEnrIsssw is on river It would mate the heel poeslble pipeline tur Communist supplies the south lost with determination and technolon tinned into highly deiensibie most One bank oi the tieho would be in the hands oi the be sue ration to II tablllh thetrheoootrot over Ill itutwiliiheboutthetnIrti crsit we with telieo inufirufimht snIlsircrett rnieeiielsesee within North Vietnssn are do signed to keep the Ozmnillltllil trom snoittl litmlllilellmlii weepous into hosthey Ire currently needed It borne Dollar Is Strong NQTWeakness Is Indicated IUD JOMINIEN ceases Press Mi Writer th highvilyin CInIdisn dol ler ts lilting thtu peniiy oi being It far with the United states doisr end there ere no that It wil weaken thaneerhitine hienetery erperis cell mm at the Genedtsn dollar technical position which means they do not believe an curetely reects the strength oi the Censdtsn economy to part It reects weakness in the United States economy One oi the pIrsdoxes oi the situation is that Canadian eon sumsrs have not been tIhins Idvsutere oi price diiiercuces ior ioreign goods that revalua tion crested the Canadian dolisr was vsl WIN no son Erection it he tichl Street lie Ontario telephone sinners Second class Melt Itegistretlon Number blot Iteiuru postsge guereuteed Daily ausdsys and Statutory liolldsys excepted dubscripiionretee deity by carrier we weekly elm year ly single copies tic iiy mell Barrie 1120 ycsrlyr stmcoo County tel yesrty Balance oi Clue tnoo yeesly All other countries can yeerlyi hlottx throw oli sieoo yesrty Nstlonsl Advertising 0itlces at University Avenue iorouto eeo Cethcsrt lit tiontresl hiombcr oI the aoedien Press and Audit Bureau at circuls tlons the Oeoedtan Press is ex ciuslveiy entitled to the use tor sepuhlicstlon oi Iii news die stches in this paper credited it or theArmisted Press or tioirler Ind also the boob news published therein The Harris Extmiror clsluu carnisot in all original adver as and editorial nieteriai cre ated by Its smuluvrse sud repro thtsnewrpsper copyright Registration Nuns her sortie register It tied It the rents Ui go or take one ccntdntll and oi lest Iy when the govern ueot allowed the dollar to be tredodiseeiy tn tnterusttoust citrseoey markets The dollar closed It was cents Uh Noisy The increase in the veins oi item it hit it ry Itbapo bo cite and merchandise sold by sdlsn exporters will he more expensive Jspsueee car importer hes said sevslustion meant prices did not go it Is much as they would thI ed the doltsr not been revslued IMPORTS CHEAPER However the cost at imported oods hes is reduced in rela on to domes products the on Buses oi stein unreported cutter this month that Cenedss lsiternetloriel hel Ince oi eymerite was $501 mil lion in last three months oi mo it was the tlrst time since this that there our smplin in hi mi Ohm million in itIIIIIIIInce oi psymsnta tor all oi mo the strength to the loieme llonsl position cImI from men chendise trIde The iourtls uusrtor sin his in merchsndise tredewas million and toe the ear the sinplus was met rollion The strong merchandise trsde It us use psrtisily oltret by dei Its in other sreu including spending by carediens ebroa Ind iorelrn tourists here The nonmerchsudlse detlct wss tits million in the test Irier ot mtt Ind 165 suits on tor the year eredhe tars tor shortterm loans to tote Idventegs oi the higher rates Some miopesn countries nolsbly BritsinIrs beviog stroller problems Ind monetary sources vs hesitency to so cent us otters has developed the higher vstuo tor the CI nsdiIu dollar weakens the cum petlilie position oi Csusdisn ex ers industries that sui ovy losses wens mining sod tosest producix Including win out piper Sharp reductions in interest rates height stimulate new mend oi inetloia but continues ttoti It blah dollsr value might icopbtdlu econisnle growth Finance hilnlsier Edger Ben son hss said he believes vstue otteuntsUhJstoohlsh but he her she earned sionetery Iulhorlttes hi other countries that the doitsr will be repelled the dollar traded st about or cont US ior prdldniifnl po riod lest tell it and currency exports have is the vabie the governmentmu here to user it it hopes to reoeg the dollar betors the end oi the yeer aIiII THOUGHT But God eeld little In the tool can stair thy sell Ihsll be repulsed oi thee then whose shall there things be which thou best psovidedi tho uitd leoplewho busy themselch with laying up earthly treasure are Ipt to discover that it his coatihem Iieeveii tier ought to use their means to the spread repel In thewinntug oi the Toe sthnulstlre oiiocis on Imports provided the lie creasedveiueoithe oatin Cs nsdlen dollar were outvephcd by heiltsncy in domestic con sumer ndttnre and capital inuestmeo the DES sepost stI v5 DillLAN morn Him interest rates in Clit Ids Ire pert oi the reason tor the pressure on the dollsr The prime ratethe rote bsnlrs chsrge their best customersts Mt per cent iov motor us banks while it Is seven per cent tor most Censdlan books There hes been demsnd to convert the toilets into Cardin dot MNT Vlllt GRAVES MOSCOW liieltteri chi Iulhorlttes miss this year denied Soviet diplomats per stun to visit Social soidt greves in china Tess news Igency said May This said the Chinese lorelgn ministry had senued permission tor iii to live Chinese towns tor ire Csneds hookeho III trectedsomodsa ttoritb th It mnuttasthst Ire irons monies the iltv hi Volume Iii contains stchredateshttltir Dilut oh This recommend selected research when it both ot lessgeoeral interest then Volume Each her one through tint hah oi ssio copies and now hav log tore reprint the 10m French iIrqusI eopiu oi snob are not all sold Unlike th specie mos is ilament committees made he iswspeclito rsooiu ineoistloos to ltverninent Iii thousts it noted nisny expects oi the medias struchneood per iornience which Ise prshlI oi being Immense considered that these tmprovunenis can only be Ichlssed by the sonic tsry action oi the proprietors oi the rsrlous megs sinee Ind brosdcssg stetionn Thus the committee expresses whet it sells exhortetions wish hxl wishes and express oi esrnut MPHin the more their employees and their rues tomers Homer it you went good to laugh note one rocosomere station to the commentthet it llidtlH tollls study ot ed vertleiug in the media to ilnd out whether its roaliytrue thet Advcrtteiol lithe Good lhtuli II in net II study which woud be notch dearer to chair men Devoys heart then his now completed choreon the Mess htedtm Vimdiatriiien touts desu hien hu en with some so hesnenoe the Senate stress ing thet one medium the CBC spends tar too notch money and is one oi canedes most complicated problems he tion each unit oi drculetlttlt test that i3itt HM $30M in both our del lsngusges it employsi nesrlv isopersons loans tnchsding an editorial stall pint Ianisge mm em caneda betnsbouxht by one home in every three end percent ol the Canadian Ws stock is owned hy disn residentr llme co the other bend much more In Iiien product thihiimihhhh me item it hes only on lulltime Pimps in Canada must whom eetl sdvertising end mote dmehilon its sdverilsi revenueIrmny tIken from Called magazines fuat plac iron ore lion ln list to $95 million ddldhih revenue ot cases per year newsstand rice oi which do end It your door raises mother point Our oiilce handles more tbmllsdmd oi time business opersllou to the oi aesriy tl million per yeert IIIIIIISIIIIID til min biheiisoi ttwnusn uioscmr JIMWUN diittntrtuttcniiusuinav tiiitltilitlilDtiitlliDliItEitWhitth 5i Wm IMWITMIWEWBMWWM WWWWIMWWNWWWIMWM MIMI IlllsWM WWW artc it till WNWM mil Wiigvllfrmi MlIillfflllM gIIMIMIMIIM MW HWMMI siloswords outwit tlooei wreathpiecing ceremo nice at the graves ot soldiers on Soviet Irmy end any do Feb ti the soidlerI were lliied during the Serial iier Iiest cm pelsu eratiut Jspen to the See osd Worii tier ii as letr112 his momentum iiihilt WtiitilitttilitPli WSW 5de rm11owa Woman Immune

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