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aImu In My 50 oMom bMu wru Moor mora Goon 51mm mm nil on illnil willom nil WAY NOVEMBER 15 MORNING AND MOON um 1M bthh Avl Hm r1 oBuuuo nouno 5H Mk 1m mo roomn LIZChurch sonic 94mm lEnllwlnuo llFull will DPenhlopc rim uo ncromva Lu 5940 no H152 4rm no rem snu on ononuo none haveva lullno IJa 1c 7Dlscovcry Wm story DIIudwns Bay souCount uhmu Heohsn Ctkndu Men on mu Pro null zwmo Tomorrow iPmlorullign Hound mm uYouua on pron Chi Alter 15 74kg 7mrecunm iiWrima ew cm 71 uld Aalwers unongom sun Wmm 7Suridsyjurpriu warms zltcx HumbIM moan 1UJF FRED 11 mono ka IID Liv 170 ll zno Football mm Iznn 24m ea rm 500 BillII sHernlo or mu srnnnal bPro Footorn 1unvl DAulourd Hui 7Mwh Tammy Ind Th mnu cute Docum motIn scarlet mu Finder IlTomnnow Tody xlniuy Gnhlm SUNDAY NOVEMBER 15 EVENING LLaui 21o Tocoon HEALTH Delicate Problem Has Many Causes By THOSTESON MD Since polyp is growth that Dear Dr matzsnn For sev eral years have had is burning and itching oi tho rectum have been told it might be hemorrhoids bowel and other things cant Ive taken medicinal suppositories tucks and solves Ive had proctos and anascnpos wiper and lower Gil xArays Nothing cvor shows and still have lhc problem lrsmd or ova and parasites Could you llth moiE Will try Mtcr the tests youve had at least cnn pass over lot oi possibilities But there are Incidentally Ive its nous rather than the rcotump There have been duite raw reports of Ipeople being sensitive toilet tissue solved the trouble whcn they Another possibility which ai iccts sumo people is matter oi hygiene Oiten thch are ioldo noel material nnd moisture nc cumulate and cause irritation Hence cleansing with cotton nnd plain water niter using tis lnco dry wad oi cotton ass us the anal opening to keep the tissues separated and to absorb mois This simple method has 6le Week our man pm Football Mnwoua nvrm run ouovh no mo 22 12min ro so 2War1n or Disney LNGW Whw We omiivenic L3 Cm 5w MIX that italics cn lion uns 1llr1em Euriu irldthmm fmm Overhaul crossbow no as ma Fun to coorc Fungi mum bnd Hulllulu Under Yum Yum 41 an Am Sullivln Tml usod plain while turn lane 14m mill gMwhoruno em PM one uni3 Nmnln 3131 Gram umisom ru Her Lucy oi skin in that area in no Movie Hun mm For your MlzCormdy specll Nancy kkl mph hairs cm arrymommmm lzuaner Minx sue oiten helps Then um Muemon Ptd Mo on 11 lWoek FunA turn Tim Conway Mimi We MD lILMI AM In sum me Home MDIII zChumii Inviuum who Kinsmanm might think Mo mm who are hit at emotional Dear Dr Amiheonowho com lalned oaths mw Wow my blocking the door you alwoya= Mind lesson gummy helped morn pcoplothnn you Beer and other alcoholic drinks can causo auch itching in some individuals Check on that Allergiesto and or soap also ossiolohut try the coiton For inrxuut suggestiontho itching and misery could he an manifestation unlikely nslt may sound to you know oi case or two whore psychiatric trculmrnt solved the problem in few wccks Thoslcson nervous is re movnl oi polyps in the nose hcipiui in case oi sinus condi tion what type of surgery is in volved Do tho polyps return nitcr rcmovaiJC thn sinus trouble is caused by polyps intcriering with drain ngo irom the sinuses one oi snvcrai causes oisinus congcs Lion rcmovni oi the polyps is the logical answer This usunliy is quite sim lo surgery in the doctors oiiro rises on is small stern quite cotton packing visible scarring Polyps may may on recur later Dcnr Dr Thosicson am been rest my throat nnyndvlcecREV CJH the is the only solution who with singers chccr ions You may talk too loudly which let you talk with 1ch strain little else you can do MAJOR EXPORTS products and clothing and ALI FULLY gt 309 LAKE 51 hit like gran on stem snarepor loop often is used to remove it Youll probably necd the nostril tor day or so but there is no preacher and when do lot of preaching like rcvivnls Bible conlerencos elm my voice gets hoarse and if dont stop and completely lose my voicel Would appreciate With excessive use tho vocal cords lose their vibrant qualities and give outeither hoarsencss or complete loss or voice Rest The same problem can occur lcadcrs oven some rabid cheering sports too long at time micro phone and sound system could your larynx sip of wnier now and then can avoid dryness and give you at locst momentary nusc which might help There GlAANTEED or or on Among the muiar exports oi Jamaica are alumina and bnux itc chemicals containers iood SCOTS 0F BARRIE Inmolis or condo alter snics BEEN LOCKING ii in was now PM MUGGS SKEETER ggxigqe gglgg ggsslgiigggg LAINED KICKS Aem hg MMEDWE ATTENTON WEAK ngggmlhm mom MAth rooms Wmmms 7253506