Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1970, p. 5

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Earl Woodrow of Baton right was Judge at Eastern Dania championstdp Holstein show at Ottawa Winter fair Shown Irom icIt pal Iinanceszeneraily are ex pected to rcceivo major altar lion in tho coming Stayner elec lion compslgn materially reduced but ratepay ers required to pgy morn taxes The reduction about Rom now assessment uo der the provincial manual res Value ed out to 1996 mills wlth the commercial rate no mills for public school supporters Separ ate school ratepayers were tax ed oo rote of 1963 residue tlul and 2175 commercial isnwnn nxrausrow roquislllon on stoynor uner the new County stem is also ox pecfed to race vo attention Carl Cumihers ol Stuyner is iho ward rEmsentatlva on the county Qwhlcb tho new lower ansion is the latest example has been emphasized The tax rate increase overall for residential ratepayers this your amounted 30439 mills portion of tho iocreuso over which the council ins jurisdiction amounted to only BEETON MAN IUDGE AT HOLSTEIN SHOW calmly dairy daring55 Deborah The reserve funlm champion SIAYNER Stall Munich Sinner tax ratca have been rates cams Tbs 1m residential rate work Subsluntlol Increase in school ool board improvement in services of Month ol mill Mayor Elmer Dorlty well owu businessman ls flnlshlng ErPrepare POI Vote In Sunnidale Area SUNNIDALE Staff Wth Thursday Nov 211 choscn as nomination dole looal interest in beginning to be shown in coming Suunldnlo election prospects Tho nomination will be an ove nlng meeting with Sunnldulo Cor ners hall the location If an olcctlon materialim it will be held on Monday Dec Rcevo Lloyd Pridhurn is corn plellng his 10th year as hood of the council Ho succeeded DRown in lanunry 1951 Recvo Pridham was elected for the 1910 nrm by occlomo pic Avo Duniop St Ciupprton St Collier SL Owen St Welling ton St Steel Si Nels Blaine Stan champion Holstein winner Oehrn former member of tho utilities commission and coon ciiior Is completing his first twoyear term as town rceve H1 coils for economy in tax spend ing at the county council have received lttention at Barrio improving Bailey Cmek in Tec umsoth towmhlp or sources purposes by better drain age have been advanced Authority ho had it consulting Iirm make study ol the pos sibilities and report at recom mendations for planned pgo gram for this gcncrui mu is awaited being run to propertyown ors the study area This is important to the study as it will considoraiion In tho recommen dollops the questionnaire bus beon nsk cd by conservation olllclols NoRiHr Terminal Mu SOUlH Terminal san the quarter hour commencing leaves the terminal at buses continue running in the evening until the last bus 12 the terminal about 945 pm The East Route bus becomes the South rou the West Route bus becomes the North Rou The industrial Route bus runs dolly except Saturdays V7115 745 and 815 and 415 and445 pm The last bus Tho North routo bus leaving tho terminal In addition to It normal roulo makes bis ninth year as head of the council Jimve Pete twmyeor terms include Dr Ives Kenneth Kerr Allister MacDonald Harry Mothers car Bellamy and Pearson Spati man Named in honor ol Silihland Stnynor pioneer landowner Sloyncr will mark 11 tooth an niversary us an municipality in um it became incorporale on village in 1511 and moved up to lawn status in 1888 The 1970 county levy on Stuy Drainage Planned 111 Bailey Creek BEENN SthIIl Plans for The Nollawllsngo Conservation 1mm questionnaire is rovlde ideliocs us to what dusir and will be taken into good response in answering tion Elected at the polls lost December were Ed Culhom who dclcotcd Custer mnsndro in tho contest for deputy reevo and also Duncan McCort Martin Boyer and Garry Dull us coun cillors The latter recently ro slgned when he went west and Stuart Smith was appointed in his place Sunnldalo is in word four for county school board with Mom ice Patton oi Essa tho sitting member le school nomination will be bold Monday Nov 23 beside junior Murrnyboid Leader Bonnie 11 ls shown by her exhbitor Clipper Brenda with Harland Murray of Martin is Druids John Ferguson the bait town Out Tax Structure Gets Attention At Stayner Members of council complctlnl incorporated and Germany Mr and Mrs Kenneth Sleep er ond family Guelph spent the weekend with rho Iormers pm outs Mr and Mrs Sleeper Congratulations to Miss Eon nie Duckworth Centre St who blrthdlly GET IllICE Franchised first food outlets will make between $5 and so bil lion thia your in tho United celebrated her 12th Nov 10 Mr and Mrs Duck worth received word that their nepbuw Dr Dyco Duckworth States Toronto had passed owny sud dcglmn SAntUSiay marlin Mr nn ll uc orth and John wont to Toronto Monday their respects Sympotby is extended to the Duckworth fumily Mr 113d Mrs wort rllngevi voted the farmers folber Duck woltb Lind attended the humor ten and bake sale at Angus Uu to tho ltcd Church Nov Mrs Molcom McGeorge re to pay Duck Royoi Victoria Hospital Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs James Weh and farm Couples Only lly Breutwood Rd in the death of their son Terry limo Wclr Dorrie hospital Norman McMnstor Woodstock ls visitns his brother and sister Ward four also includes Tosor ontlo township son St Grove so Buyviow Dr Burton Mulcastcr SL Olnppcrton Collier Avc Millme St so nayrlcla st Dun Maple Ave 52 unyneld St Slm gmbggunad 15 lop St coe SL Terminal hp St Maple Ave Terminal Terminal North South East and West route buses run daily except Sunda these routes leaves the terminal on Maple Avenue at Simcoo Stree 645 pm and runs continuously 645 pm returning to the terminal about 715 Straot from Grove Strut Tho East route but leaving tho In addition to its normal route mo from Nsplor Street Those are run daily oxcopt Saturdays institutions illlow Mr and Mrs Victor Mc Muster cm or mm BUS ROUTES Effective Monday November 16th SCHEDULES ma EAST Terminal sinu coo so Dunlap 5c Blake so Shanty Boy Adelaide St Mu John St Nu llolgats 5L pier St Penctung so Collier WEST Terminal Mu ple Ave Ross St Well ington 51 Donald 51 Anne St Letitia 5L pro St inniSili St Snnnldale Rd Welling ion 81 Toronto St Grove St Built1d 5L ililln 51 Patterson CundiestFcrrlsln Rd Min 52 Anne Baylleld SL 81ma St Terminal DISTRICT NEWS 7112mm MAY N0an is 1170 Simcoe Centre WI History Traced Back For 68 Years Midhurst Wyebrldze and PM Emsrorrlmul Simcoe Centre Womens Institute has been salvo for 68 years which data it back Iii the miles in the county it was shown by old records First pruidwt Ivu Mrs Wii 131m Putt of Pbdpston who was followed by sin Rae in um Airs Rae held ellicc un til 1907 Early tnlonnnion about the Emcee Centre diltrict was meagre but records mport district meeting at Penetsngul shone in and then another It Anten Mill In 15 Branch es represented or the 1905 meet lnc wero Allomrood Eimrslc Bdmvnle New Fins Minuinz Elmvsle By 1311 Iour more branobu were cranked The latter in cluded Wind EM ts On and Silver Mania report of the loll district on oual at Wang Beach showed braozhn total membership of 311 to 190 the district meeting was held It Elloval with bunches represented mem bership drop to was report ed In 1x1 membership was boosted lo 303 members with no tire branches at Dalston New Flos Edenvale ver biopic Grassland Wyebridxc Perleunzulshene Alicnwood and our Dalston ted having araulns Sil DISTRICT BRIEFS and Saturday Nov 12 and 11 it was announced in notice received all the Ontario agricul ture and food olfica hero NWDAY CONVENTION GWIE Stall le 0n tnrio Soil and Crop improve ment Associouonwilihold lour day convention at the Cultiseurn at the CNS grounds in Toronto opening on Jan 27 it was on nounccd to members of the North Simcoe Association WOOL PROJECTS STAYNER iSluIIl Work ing with Wool is the theme or lH Homemaking club achieve mcnt day dates whlch will be held ot Stayncr Collegiate nudi torlum on Saturday Nor 11 and Saturday Nov 11 DUES ARE SET maroon Stall Annual dues to join the new chamber of commerce for Beeton viliige have been set at $10 per mem ber Ed McDrrmotl Is the IC tive president of the group with Norman Minor vicepresident 1310 Rlloy secretary and Hur Malo treasurer normu Kansas ELMVALE Stall Annual meeting of the Ontario Associa tion of Animal Breeders will be held It the Royal York Helth in Toronto on Thursday Friday Matchedash Reeve Will Stand Again NORTH RIVER SlothRec Arthur Silk and Deputy Reeve Kenneth Rowe have both nu nounced they will be candidates for reelection in Matchedasb included 3112405 toward townships coming election county roads and 517651 for county gcncrnl purposes de crease ol 5303071 from 1969 ANGUS By into DUCKWORTH 599 Mrs Helen Kingston visited her parents Mr Mrs Roy sleeper recently be fore leaving by plane to join her husband 31 Frank nirk in the sitting member The three current councillors include M11 Leona Silk Rich nrd Ainsley and Burton Taylor Mrs John Flemming is the mu in will be on Monday Dec with an Advance poll arranged for Saturday Dec For coup ty school board Mstchedosh is 11 word eight vltb Roy Edwards niclpsl clerk SATURDAY IMPRESSIONS turned home on Monday from Phone 7231028 Avo Terminal ys and Holidays One bus for each of at the some time ever throughout the day untl the last bus except on Erida when the aves the termlnal at 915 pm an returns to to bus on return to the terminal and vice versa and similarly to bus on return to the terminal and vice versa Sundays and holidays leaving the terminal at 645 atoms to the terminal about 515 pm at 815 and 845 orn and 345 and 445 pm trip to Georgian Collage vla Duckworlh ormlnal at 815 and 845 am and 315 and 345 pm koa trip to Eastvlow Collnglato via Nelson Street Sundays Holidays and during vacations It then WSIAVD SJJ Post of scales men can century aid are mo 21qu at 005 land useful scorn apexLed by 515 Andzioni which have been attracting particular Ittason My own scales tsch bed ruled at the more sinc look over 61 years up uld Mr Ans dosson stating these ciao been the billed at mints dem onstrzzcd their accuracy They were purchased secondhand and do not know exactly how old they are Some of the nscriptiw on the sonic had won but the words They were manulaclured at De trdt Mich PIONEER STORE munity wu named after him Lions At Angus Nov 21 arrangements cmpu mm mew Wm Acmloranlayl ucllonslnmng held at the municipal building on Saturday Nov 28 wlth nom inations received from 130 to 231 pm Candidate will then be given the opportunity to It an election develops pulilt AW mum For table reservations INDUSTRIAL Tormun a1 SUncoe 5L le Sb Bradford St Ves Vlctorlo St Anne St John St Dyinan Rd St Duniop St Maple half hour on PHONE TIE2i NOW PLAYING 710 8r PM Avco Emboxry mm Zellers CUSTOMER Appnccrnr standard scale were plain The parts of the other scales go back to the 1m ml were in the William Crushed more across the intersection from the present store Mr Crossland was the Ira postmaster and the com hIoSt DI the train through Gosisnd now travel by county To Mark Birthday ANGUS lStalll Arraan menu are being made for spe cial program In mark the ninth anniversary oI the Angus Dis trict Lions club on Saturday charter night dinner will be held at the Lions hall at pm followed by social evening and dance George Dexter prcsh Weigh Scales Among CrOssIand Antiques road which 121 covay road with 21 BinnieWaugh Bead Wu 91 mmgh he vm be 23 but Hard Mat mm said he had no residual retiring He menus 1221 more lies when his bum wants gird me annealing to do and enjoy meeting my old lrimds and mk new ones he mu mzh oh viom enthusiasm There are large number of summer people who call here as well MAINTAIN TIL ITION ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Adult Entertainment its all in And now its all at popular pnces SAT AND SUN ONE SHOW ONLY NIGHTLY 310 PJL dcntand members the exccw tivn have been busy with tho TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS In keeping mu pas tradition woodwork uwcdlclghnuriceJld productim lecrnicclcrlrom worm bro CONTINUOUS max RM ibahy elophdntb the sicre carries with uric of goodr 1131 from bod1 and shoes to cm an and groom 15 nor man Ll landtm lot Lin Fm town 511 mmmunny Not for any is K241 Prev bytenan church Iere Mr An tiessix was Sunday ghoul my intenden lo rnrs succeedzn his Ether He ILvo well known horticulturallst and his oral gardcu near the siore or mud admirod dmn Ill pr deninx season Air Anderson aloe is In ex perimed poultry luck and has judged st dilfcrcnt are fairs MATINEES SATURDAY SUNDAY amorti Africa willM Virginia McKenna and Bill Travers and their 9001b mm mammal mm 15 VilllilNlAMcliENNllBllImlllllS AnEl CalledSlowly morons Wortn Italtt is mu ya unknownsamt ELLMr mu arnruumilallummamnnmmuum moman umw Jnl Saturday 81 Sunday Mailnoo at 115 pm awn onus odour mu CONVENIENT CREDIT PLANS TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS OPEN DAILY 9530 FRI 99

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