Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1970, p. 4

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Walls Ple mwawwsw due to wartime conditions and ii uor ysolved that this meeting pention the Do Query the raleof intoxicating beverag invalided home He praised British cour Dorm 12 amulet Published by Canadian Newle Limirod 16 Bsyoid smt Bum Ontario Kmy Lunbio Comm Managua Mcmncm Mangin Editor FRIDAY mum 13 PAGE 43 Wmmm a7 womanmam Schools Should Not Close On Remembrance Day remember through school held on at they to coindde pith adult Sirocco County Board of Education The boards recommendation has mar The whole meaning of Remembrance Day has changed since the war ended years ago It has deep slgnlllcance for the middleagcd and the elderly They recall the casualty lists in the news papers and lhe grim impact of war on civilian populations For many itis time to think of loved ones and friends who laid down their lives battle For children the two world wars are merely historical events like the Battle of Waterloo They were not born when the last shots were fired and they can nol be exoected to have the same feel ings of sadness coniured in the minds of adults But they can learn more and be WAR DAYS 30 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Nov 13 1940 Hon Duncan hicArthur MA elected MP for Simone Centre without contest and will succeed late Hon Dr Simpson of Barrie as Minister of Education In Out arios Liberal Govt Police Chief Alex Coundi which shelved it He claimed Womens institutes passed resolution ve officers insufcient at present time problem wanted two more consta les and police cruiser Simcoe County Womens Institutes passe dresolution Whereas we lee that undesirable so cial and moral conditions exist whlch are the direct result of the sale of beer and or to the tmops therefore be it re minion Government for wartime restric lilayor Herb Robertsonlashed out at exaggerated tales abroad re conditions in Barrie There is very little or no truth to the stories being circulat ed he declared Miss lrenc Jones Oro Station elected president county Wis Pie Walter Lefroy who served with 481h Highlanders overseas age under fire and bombs said women OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN THE HATCH Edmonton Journal The Soviet press rays vodka is now the Number One Public Enemy in the Lesoviet Union And the attitude of too many Russians seems to be Down with the enemy GLOOMY FARM FIGURES Ottawa Journal It was found that only about 15 to 20 per cent of farmers are making incomes comparable to or better than those of city residents No less than 300000 Canadian farm families suffer from in ordinately low incomes and half or more of these are below any defined poverty line The average hourly wage re turn to the man on the land is reckoned at llttle over 40 cents Many small Third World War Would Mean Suicide By PHIL DEANE military moltcrr Foreign Affairs Anslynt fonlhshhushso plzrvcrlcd1 lhclr ouiv at bayou mak It would b9 Dbluld SEE lng sure tho yotllor sldc cannot lhatsny vanepollllcnllwder deliver surprise utiuck and either the 118 or Russia plum have deliver surprhc to launch Lbs Third Worldllnr tuck themselves The loulc ni Pollticol lenders In both mm mm men can be mm tries ii the Allfhemlems pcrvorlcd If put to any tcllt llut slmola question whntpos ll me words ml llgurcs they uuo Third Warld Wailmlla would on no hurrcndoull no torrllyln hove to answer wlcl that their llocuscd logic sprcu The Third World War moans llku plague lnfccllnl even tho luicldo bocousc lhe amount nl nrurluulic usually rollonul poll nucleor explosives either of the liclun Lsuperpoweru would hovu to un THE LATEST PLAQUI would generate enough rodionc 5ll live fallout to turn the entlrs mmlmfmerth umlmcc northern hemisphere into ra mmucs The Amuumung 05 dummy wnsulnnd dwuld Polaris aubmorlncll roolnln Ila mm dew 821111 within 1100 mllcs n1 111m human life certolni Axceptlng 31 chm um bundlr for low high offic at and the hum sumnms humnlushers In me dang its the limcrlcon Polorla lent und rink ltlnstunloncously If nuc up cosnry The This is not to pay that in Rus building more and bigger min sio and America there are no silofiring suhmorlncs lu muko generals whore concentration on the Job ol Russlon sublnurlnu brush in aurprlsc uituck The 1mm crcte cavern whore tho taught to In recommended that Remembrance programs Such programs ar be discontinued as school holiday the day preceding it proposes that period be set aside should be deferred during the day for proper observantes services Perhaps too iL Wellplanned programs in the school hold Remembrance services on Nov 11 would help studean to grasp the meaning of the day and to realize everybody can the sacricls of the men killed or wound years onl ed in battle action When schools close however it is just another holiday for carefree enjoyment the time has come to and parades on the Sunday preceding Nov 11 Then 1d participate schools the banks flees close down for the 21 firms give employees If to attend the cenotaph ceremony but the majority of industries carry on work as usual Remembrance Day is held lest we but is it necessary to close down nd industry to rtL hink it is The day in recent rrnment Many commercl an hour or two forget schools commerce member We dont does not have the same impact as in the immediate postwa Why not Sun featuring church sem years day observance then ces parades and ceremonies twominute sil 11 during which uld pause to remember would or meaning than mere holi ildren to play outside and for cenotaph once at 11 am on No people we have great day for ch men to go fishing DOWN MEMORY LANE 05585 of London should get Victoria Cr is Red Busiest group in town every wee Cross Salvage Corps Red Storey cons fined to Wellesley Hospital knee ligaments suffer for Argos vs Hamilton footballsemliinal senior gridder with torn ed while playing Tigers in eastern Barrie Collegiate beat Owen Sound 70 in Georgian Bay group Mentioned for play were Ross Nixon Howard Kelly en Clute Andrew former publisher of iter of twovol Hamilton Froderick Hunter Barrie Examiner and wr nme historv Slmcoe Countv died at re sidence in Toronto ag per lo Alexander MacLaren Twenty more tanks Camp Borden in fourth shipment on lendlease from United Slates for training Ordinary Seaman Stephen 18 born in Barriemisoinz riking oilJIMCS lIh Atlantic alter col lision with large merchant shin on con vov Court Revision raised asess ment on all six Barrie hotels do Life announced that Weaver CLU and Harold Darch of Barrie dis trict branch had been awarded mem llerolin in companys lending production 17 He sold news 1895 recelvcd at purposes Bruce Powel amenmon Marearee in No Lon 24K club for forms have no hope of producin rea sonable income in 1965 onet ird of Canadian farms with their owners close to the poverty line produced only five per cent of the total sales of agricul FOURIETTER WORDS Raleigh NC News In this day of increasing licence in all the arts mention is often made of four lcllcr words The phrase is east un dcratood but it certainly insults cl nice words in the language We could hardly get along without such fourletter words as love dear Lord home mama papa park and for more and more people now boat should be pretty clear that the quality of word cannot be measured by its length moon star baby Certainly it AROUND THE WORLD hunlura more dilllcult The Run mnu are building moro sulr morlno hunters Euch American mlrsllcllrlng Polnrls uubmullnc is constantly nhnllnwcd by ltulslon hunter lluhmarlnc Nhndowod by an Amorlcon hunlcrsubmorlnu nlon to ill protect the Polurls submurlno Soon the protector aubmurlnca wlll ho llllrldowcd by klilcrallhmorlnca other side and so on nnu on Somuwhcro ln all this gallon of ncliml ontl uountcrzllctiun the Whllo ilouuo llnd tho Kremlin acorn to forum that if olthor ot tooku the others auhmnrlncs Iho 1ondbusod missiles will bo fired Mnny those lnndhoned missiles are Mildfuel mlullcl that con take all ut mumonts nnilcc llu rndnr truckll ol ln coming mlsulloll will zlvo onnunh wurnlnlr Both sides will tire The wulhcud wlll oxlllodo mushrooms tholr illousunlls will lloor ills world and mogu turn is whore from in shadow Amcrlcnnu nl dcnlh In HOW DO YOU STUFF MARGINAI GAIN OTTAWA REPOR Price Secondary To Drug Quality Canada today costs about $387 or tablets say nix each But the chemical constituents 111 each tablet or plll are often worth no more than contus when buying nor tomer pays not only for the raw material but for the research and development the manulw luring the safety choc packaging the lcllln retail narkup argued on sound the lnnovoiors sol up coats are too high to argue equo their plan resonrch and mcnt coils in shortvrlghtcd for without thuo then would be no new liloraving drugs lpeclnl Hours ot Commons drug costs and rlces reported in 1087 allcr ur years study its findings nnd recommendations it upon ed that there is no doubt that some drugs beinz manufactured in forclgn countries aro sale and doll that word unsold By PATRICK NIUIOISON Its your life that could be saved by an effective drug and its Iyour money that must pay or Ever rlnce the Thalidomido tragedy burst upon pregnant women just eight years ago the solely oi drugs and the related sublect at their cost have been orauilned reported upon dew hated and legislated about wlth much boot and in many countries The argume has been between those any that drugs cost too much and Allow who any that the quality at druzirinoro lrnportdnt than it price Tho pattern at tho drug lndur fry in tho western world con sists of largo multlnolionol cor porotlons and small packaging plants The former are the lnnolt vamrl who maintain costly rc acarch departments to dovolop and test new drugs and who spare no expense ensure the reliable tcncy of the brand name rugs which they mor kot The latter are mostly copy lsLI who pay is small royolly for tho patented secret ol the in novators producin and make drugs often from chldp lm ported basic chemicals without always the some effective qual ity controls as tho Iclontlllcnlly meticulous innovators lbo nvcrago prescription in BIBLE THOUGHT study In show thyself hp proved unto God workman that mdrib not to be hauled rightly dlvldll the word OI will 1111100 2115 More time with the Bible means btcr times with the author Thy word have hid In my heart that mlzht not sin against the l6 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario Telephone W37 Second Clan Moll Mutation leber Morn pvrstozq guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statuary Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily carrier we weekly 120 yearly Slnzio copies me By malL Barrie 3120 yearly Ontario 3111 year other mail 33500 your Motor throw all 92100 year National Advertising Olli cca University Avenue Toronto on Guinean St Montreal Mambcr oi the Cunodlnn Press and Audi Bureau of Clrculmlnnl Tho Canadlun Prras ax cluslvcly ontllicd lo the uro Ior ropuhllcotlon ol nll new dispatchus in thin oopcr cred lied to It or Tho Associated Press or Routers and also tho local news published thoroln Tho Harm Examiner clolml Copyrluht in all original odlt vortlalna and cdltorlol motor lol crootod by lil omployaon and reproduced in lhlll news paper Copyrllht Registration Now bfl mus register or QUEENS PARK turbine questions In any communal society mat mmy pay tor law And shoui back and how much This is question which we have never uked ourselves in our North American society to the community and the min lliTERPRETING THE NEWS rig wan mu Mo mum RR rcll hnd told the committee that he porsonnlly when buying for his own family always paid tho higher price lor brand nnmo drug to be sure of us quality Foremost in the tary battlc against pmornmcnls proposal to open our porta lo foreign drugs was Orllllns MP Dr Rynurd He was not on tho ride 01 tho bl corporations but ho was sightiml other doctors pntlontl ho strovo to protect them against tho risks of inuduquulo quality control in coma countries and in some companies nynord the cus orllnmcn 13 Liberal oil the as been unds lhot volop as medlcai aclltlonnr knows that lite and alth are not Iialds where and should exercllo pennypinching economies he argued loud and long on the floor of the House to lick Canadians should be protected As tho ro sult of hlr arguments tho origi nal but was withdrawn stricter safeguards were inserted and it was then passed He was prom llod lull and adequate checks in safeguard the quuilty of any drug boloro it was sold to Cano dinns Now we one how right Dr Ry nord was and how dllllcuit it is that promise Recently onon ohiotic mode in Italy was lound to he only woo per cent potent and hnd in be withdrawn lrom solo but not bolero It has been sold to some Conodlnns whose health and oven lilo hung in the balance And already wound such onllblotlc also im orlcd from ltaly is being slml orly questioned commlloo on onsuro inexpensive some through luck oi udeouote quality controls Most are cheaper thon Canadian drugs because labor in Hong Kong and ltnly is paid less than in Toronto and Mont Others LOWER PRICES ASKED Tho committee rocommonded that despite patent protection forollzn drugs or domestic lmlto tlona should be made ovulloblo in Canada so thot Canadians could buy cheaper drugs The committee however urged strin ncni safeguards to ensure the tbo Food on Division in Ottowa Morn CAN ADAS STORY Colorful Man Edited Calgary EyeOpener to her full potanc dlrcctor the pictures ho could of CPR oc cldonta Bonnoti who he come prlmo mlnlstor of Conodo won CPR solicitor in Calgary and Edwards published his pic ture with the caption Another CPR Wreck Later Edwards and Bennett become friends Ind the CPR llftc hon on tho EyeOpencr Actually Edwards was v1 alonnry and prozrcaalvo about the donng of pollution early in the century Howaa consorvotlon bolero muny pcoplo worn th nking about Soillnl roll trees and wntur Ho hospltnl lnrurnnco old age pon slapsI votes for women and ro farm of tho Sonata Bob Edwards dlod on Novom her it 1922 and was buried in an unmarked grnvo Later tombstono was put in ploco tho rdlt of on anonymous citizen of Calgary Members By BOB DOWMAN Cunodo once had newspaper so humorous that it circulated In other parts of tho world or it circulated when coplol were bio Publication was semiOccasionally tho editor had woakncsr for liquor Sometimes ills frlonds not tho paper out for him Tho nowspupor was th gory EycOpcnor and tho editor was Rob Edwards Onorof 11s molt dolluhllul footuros was tho llolns would he Maud do ol Dnlnihollor arrived in tho city Wednesday altornoon and was run out of town Wednesday night it ls pity that Miss do Voro is not roco horrc Sho is very full Or The Mr becouao Col thlnkcr 11o wrote comm lat lon advocon lomlly Mr ond tolt 111th Avcnuo ud mumps weeks swoll time was had llr Stott will not be ublo to do ol two Cunudlun clubs were asked to vain for tho personality Western Conodu number of lonoors worn nmrimntod but oh Edwnrds not llvcr hill address today at the Rotary convcntlon much to tho rollcl n1 thoro who hnvo heard him spook Dob Edwardl and poked Inn at most Illntiu tlol people In tho land Hi drl nlilon ul slolosmun was dead politician and this country needs moro ol Ihom CIIl DAN LIFTED lilo Cnnulllun Pacic Railway rcluscd to ulluw lilo EyeOpener to be sold in It trains Edwards published ull colorful woo lonrlen OTIIEII NOV 14 EVENTS presented the first drumn in Canada at Port Royul Acod um matron Luvnl culled for Franco from Quebec to resign 1775 US Golltilll Bollrdlct Arxwld begun aiclo of Quolwc be Should lew pay Good good and good However darkroom ma hr industrialhast because there probably is how muchwo should look forwxrd cut cube inquiry For once sxain as withii tilll scars Iii our studiuhcm it is question of too many disco much Then are 13 people onibn commission And in thelr obiectivu ey have relegated to thank everything lrom Why should collage be four years in its av Suestion ol courso II or drag course to What relo vsnce does diaper have to BA degree It seems we will never learn Trudeau learned He appoints task arms with one clear However it obviously is obicctlvo Tocy produce at rry simillcunt one and there is least some conceit results some assurance that it is now bogglinqulred into pointing vent groups ol people Here we are as always up relallonshlp ol education to study great broad fields And we seldom get anywhere De Gaulles Death Rings Down Era In FrenCh Eoreign Policy uchIox Loporte the current French Cluldilu Pren SIII Writer The death 01 Charles de Gaulle lormally ring down the curtain on dramatic am in French foreign policy evon though his political heirs have repeulediy pledged fidelity to his principles in mapping their approach to world problems Gaulllai Georres Pampldou tho zenersls UCCCSSOT prcsl deut introduced new styla to the conduct of French foreign relations when no assumcd oII ice last year But ho has mode point of adhering to the broad outline of policy cslnblishod by do Gouilc Truo to the former presidents example Pompldnu continues to rciect the lilvlslon oi lho world into opposing power bocs and he slop reiterates ET one 13 clalm to independence in tho formulation of lorolgn policy Moroovcr alter the murder 01 Quebec Labor Minister Pierre THE LIGHT TOUCH Letter Stands For Many Things By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK AP Things columnist might never know if he didnt open his mull 1f lilo begins at 40 or peo ple it begins at llvo for dog Thats when or do is rock oned us middleage survey of young drug ud dicIs15 to finlound llnk exists between fooling ol busic insecurity and drug ud diction Mens wigs and beards ln tho post nuvu rarely been fashionablo simultoncoualy Beards usuoily vanished when wigs were in style whenever wlgs went out and men ivoro their own locks boards and moustachaa bocomo populnr What is the most versatile latter in tho alphobcll Proha bly the letter it is the Roman symbol for 10 It is used by lllllorato man as their signature ll moon railway crossing it is omployod ln clrcloa or squares on ballots to lndicoto choice it stands for on unknown quontlty 1t vogzmmnxxmwx 61ch at state mixed his condom nallon of the act with an expres slon of continuing concern about serious events aflectlng the Frencbspeoklng community in Canada TONE MODERATE The Guulllst clement in such statements is obvious but Pornlt pldou has not lndulged in the klnd of amboyant gesture about Quebec lhnt were typical ol the general especially during the lost stoic of his 11 years in power Tho Woroanrvcs atmosphere prevailing in FrancoCanadian relations following the then presidents vlslt to Quebec in July 1967 began to case after Pompldou assumed power The new president promised good understanding and hor mony In welcoming the recent lyoppnlntcd Lco Cndleux as Ca nadian ambassador to Franco last month stands for kiss And on map it shows whcrotho money was buriod tho accl dent happened or the body found Dude Florcnz Zieglold tho coloriul musical comedy gods uccr was one of tho est drcssed men of his day He ollen bought several dozen nocktlcs at time At death in ma his wardrobe was found to contain more than thou sand ties thotjxad never been worn No tears Are you the klrld ol cry baby who reaches or towel to weep inio whenever you corno up against prob lcm of any kind Morinl the famous composer wasnt So our he couldnt afford best in is room he wroppog bis bonds in woollen soc to worm thorn while he wrote some ol the worlds most im mortal music Worth romemberlng Flot tory lo the art at tolling an other person exactly what no thinks at himself IT HAPPENED IN CANADA ms slcANNlBAL CQEE WAS HANGED INI 19 Ill 1V6 lADAWTW KIWI IEPSIMBIi stlldpMf ll7 KANKEESESuooc Ar Tori Saskatchewan AFTER ME WA CONVIGTED oF 44759 lMVIA TRIP DorAMWAV Warwvze 5mm pullover ENGAGE soon Acllvmrs no somelluss or urns NAP on me Jan mrlsroaMoP mooMm moron Vancouver 1955 new harm

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