Als Suspend Two Key Men Altth CPI Three days before their aw hoot ball Conlercnu rentnal can test against Toronto Argonauts Montreal Alooctles loco some mp lame shuttles following the mspemions Dennis Dim can and Bob McCarthy annn back Duncan the EEC leading wound gainer In 1993 and wide receiver hic CuLhy were rupended by the club Tuesday of the remainder of season because of what head coach Sam Etcheverry called condud detrimental to the football team Tram ofcials refused to corn ment on the nature of their off eoccs but Etcthrry shillthe two were upended for viola tions at certain rules we Lay down for team members The head coach said the viola Lions ncro connnlttcd oil the field im sure Im one of tho eas Icl disciplinarians in the loot bcli coaching ranks but do have few ruin and expect them to be followed WARNED PREVIOUSLY Both ol that players had been warned and then they went out and did It again Thats nothing more lhnn contempt for my rules You take action The Montreal coach said Bruce Van Ness who replaced Dick Smith at slotbnck when Smith was traded to Winnipeg Blue Bombers will be used In Dunclnl spot against the Argos Richie Davis normally de Drugging Hits Three Scratched In Sixth IVESIBURY NY IAPI The sixth race at Roosevelt Raceway Tuesday night become nonbetting ntfair after thrco horse were scratched became of evidence they had been given trsnmlllllzers Routan pmroce examina tion of the horses entered ro velllcd evidence that some moy have been trnnquIIIIzcd sold statement from the New York Harness Rocln Commlsslun which ordered the elimination or wagering on the race mllo pace The pacer scratched were Allombeo Klilnrnoy Sharpie and Highland Raider Similar incidents have oc currod recently at Grocan track In Milo and Hazel Park In Michigan In another similar Incident lit Yonkers Itnccwny several month ego the entire field was HARNESS EATAVIA NY CPI Mir ndo owned by Ste Beatrix Stu blo oi Ste Beatrix Quo won the $1700 claiming blindlcnp pace at Butnvln Downs nlesdny night by nock over Mr Goose payinu $580 for hls 207 15 trip Astros Boy and Joan Pol paid $2560 for the daily double WINDSOR Ont CF Greg Wright reached the winners cir clc for the 200th time this your when he brought Roda from inr buck to win in the eighth at Windsor Raceway Tuesday Trailing In lilth and boxed In on the roll at tho threerluurler mark or the mile pacing event the 24yearold Windsor native sent Roda three wide on the final turn and sailed home the winner over Best Regards Roda paid $540 to win Wright ulso brought in Mr Chicken for win In the sixth and Miss Homemaker In the tenth for win No 201 CAMPBELLVILLE the sixth returned lot $30060 forgive halfback rill IIth move into the slotback spot Ind Tm Pullen who manned Vim 51 will rennin so wide menu Dchcverry snld ddcnsln hallback Bob Sony will be used as relic mu cum and icy cook who came on Ihc Inmrcd Lit My VIII Play to Dnvls regular position Im aware there could be criticism Maury said of his decision to suspend the two players Ive been hit and tth was somethian had to do AIAY CONFUSE A5603 TAO lotma quarterback in hls rookie season as coach said the Alouettes will ll the sap left by Duncan and McCarthy And that the player drums will confuse the Argos coached by Leo Cahill in Any event Etcheverry said this should give Leo somethan to think about with his defences In Toronto Cahlll was already thinking about the effect the stupendous might have on Sat urdays game and he gave no Indication the suspemions IDlt creased his optimism about the suddendeath playoff Durlng the regular season it might give us an advantage In said But now that were Into the playoffsv the suspension of these two players could have one at two enacts First It could lull our players Into false sense of security not having to face those two players or secondly Roosevelt More Winners For Sandy Howley TORONTO Sandy Ilswlcy rodo hreo winners at Greenwood race track Wesley and Hugo Dittfnch scored with two Hawicy rods Compton to it $190 win in tho llrst Gullnwnr Brass $650 In tho second and Rusty Armour $780 In the third Tinderbox In the sixth with Ditt foch nhonrd pald $1190 and Flying Turn in tho olzhlh Paid $550 Complon lmd Gollmvnr arm amth for 81970 daily dou The exoctor of Young Trouba do and Hearty Hello in the filth pair $4070 and Andy the Grant combined with Motxnh Belle or is $29 exnctol in the seventh RACING Raceway mesdny night but was back in the bike for the fourth race and wan to the ninth with lemonsshot Sparky Express Nelson white driving Lovely Empire veered to ovoid colli sion hut his left rear whch went over Davies and Lovely Em pires hoof caught Davies on the neck Gerrys Knight was fourth lit the time of tho accident The daily double of Willow Brook Durky and Pins Dole Joe pnld $4420 and the cxnctor oi Clever Coin and The Fullback in SKI CLOTHING SALE SAVE 20 T0 50 Avnllnhlu ot BARRIE SPORTS BOB Mme II It could rouse their players into trying that much harder to more up for the loss WASHINGTON AP Carr trovcrslnl Om Hood ofcially became number of WWI ten Status My in lhroeiorme trade owning his return to baseball after year lonl mun battle against the rv urve clause The Innwnccmcnt Hoods signing wu lmmrnen after the Senators lcquimd his contract tram Philadelphia Phlllks in deal that not rst baseman Greg Goolcn outrleiderlim Gene Martin and chtrkfixpkotothethil lies The Scnntors WWW did not indicate whether Flood Ilnd signed his contract but it was believed the 32yearold out Iclda would soon put his signa ture on the normal pact contain ing the merve clause Robert Siort Senntors owner announced during the World Series that he had ob tslncd the right to negotiate with Flood who sat out his last season alter he was traded from St Innis Cardtnn to Philadel phia and instituted II $41milliun suit against baseball Short nnd Flood apparently bud agreed to this terms of the contract calling for salary cs umoted It about $110000 ll year nearly lo days ago but had to iron out other legal diffi cultics Flood who said he was la vie tinl of the reserve clause and that the St unlsvphllsdclphln trodq violated his rights lost the first part of the suit when federal judge ruch against him CURT FLOOD who fought year long court battle gnlnst baseballs clnusc olllclally became member til the Washington and In favor ol baseballs de icrldnnts An nppcnl is pcndlng The reserve clousc prohibits WINS lloth RUNNING MELBOURNE IAPI The llvcyenrald gelding Baghdad Note maintained New Zculands great in Australias molest race when he won the ltmh runn ng oi the Melbourne Senators baseball tcrtm 105 day Flood was Acquired from the Philadelphia Phillie In JrforI trade AP Wircphoto player from negotiating wilh any team cxccpt the one which holds his contract am at Ficmlngtoo rim course Tuesday Baghdad Note my boat another liveycnrrcld geld log Vonsittrlrt by threequart Cr length with Lhrceycarmld colt Clear Prince hull head away in third place 1112 BAR manta WEDNESDAY NOV West German Auto Dealer lumps To Victory On Goldikd NEW YORK CPI Gert wuusng 24yequ Automo bile dealer Iron West Germany rode Goldixz to Victory in the first international jumping elm Tuesday as the xmcul Horse Show opened in Madison Sou1n Garden Time was the dccidin actor over the la fences Goldlk was Caught in 2313 seconds White Lightning one ol the low upe rlcnccd international horses on the US team was mad In else with Frank Chap0t riding Silver Scot under American Neal Shapiro was third In 2995 followed by Tnssc handled by llartwlg mocked at West ccr IlJIIy and Blrjan ridden by Gerardo Toned ot Mexico Barbara Simpson oi Dinary rldmg Australls was among the riders to cover the course Illh no hulls However her time was 316$ puttan her in one place Elizabeth Ashton of Toronto riding Darwin hnd our JUN3 Norm Myers OI Import us IId The Hood had eight faults Nth MAL Ste Marguerite ction Que riding Happy Fellow had four nulls BASKETBALL mm lls Cincinnati cumgo It Seattle in in Angclos 123 Portland ms ABA lucmptus 116 Texas in BARRIE NORTH COLLEGIATE PRESENTS Hclcnos Husband Tho Storm Wedding THURS NOV 830 PM Adults SLED Students SLOD Tickets Av Ilhlo At The Door mmngssnr BACON 69 Variety Puck Assorted rumpus LEAP LUNCH EON MEATS 18 Pkg 79 BEST BUY BROWN BEAR WHITE CREAMED HONEY FEATURE AYLMER UllOlCE GREEN WAX BEANS FBATUIIEI ROIIEED COFFEE MAXWELL HOUSE FEATUREI CONDENSFD TOMATO 01 V55 CLARKS SOUPS FEATUREI STAFFORDS APPLE OI RAISIN woe TENDER JUICY wen TlilMAlp BLADE ROASTS YOU SAVE TWICE WITH TRIM AND PRICE SHORT RIB ROASTS THE KING OF ROASTS SHORT CUT CHEF STYLE STANDING RIB ROAST 69c 14 DZ TIN for 39 LII BAG IO 02 TINS for 77 19 OZ TINS LI TUB BUYOFTHEWEEK HAPPY VALUE CHECKD LEAN MEATY CHUCK STEAK LEAN FRESH BURGER BLEND CHUCK GROUND BEEF FREEZER Fl LLER SPECIALS 63c lb ECON PACK RIB STEAKS lbs 749 88 lb IIESII IIILICED GROUND BEEF lbs 439 VALE Standard Quality Groon PRICE MARKED 59c RED AND WHITE APPLE PlEs Iliiiiiuiiiliiim 53 FEATURE Supreme Urnlltl Varieties Cello Packed FANCY BISCUITS immune snob nlmNo From Concentrach ORANGE JUICE FEATURE BATHROOM ZFLY OZ SIZE for 85 IIl BLOCK 99c 59c 43 OZ TIN 39c Medusa Wane Amt LTD ThoSportn PrDDIc Collier st for 79c so To PKG 59c CPI Driver Brent Davies was thrown to the truck when Garrys Knight went down about 50 yards from tho ilnlsh lino In the second race nt Mohawk PIE FILIERS FEATUREI RED WHITE TEA BAGS BEST BUYI CRYSTALS OZ FOIL PACKS TANG ORANGES 99 FEATURE WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE Tho Fodoral Bulldlng HYATT BEANS 99 zap Brand on F00 soc Badge sites cumin so Or II you prefer to serve in your ROYAIE TISSUE FEATURE FLAVDURS PAMPER CAT FOOD BEST BUYI LIDO BRAND SPAGHETTE 02 TINS BEST BUYI GOVERNMENT INSPEC TED Rolls 59c 6021IN for 99 LB CELLO 15 OZ TIN Coming your way soon chance to do exciting things chance to go places See your military career counsellor or Ready Cut MACARONI Come in and see your Recruiting Team at own communilyopplyIorCunados Reserve FRESH FRuns VEGETABLES ON SALE ruls EEK Volumcn and EACH Forces cl your local Reserve Unittodoy column ENCYCLOPEDIA 199 FROZEN FOO FEATURES Somme nlnnchod Peanuts NEW SEASONS SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT ONTARIO CRISP MEATY NO CELERY STALKS ONTARIO FANCY GRADE McINTOSH REDS II 430 IMPORTED No GRADE SPANISH TYPE ONIONS one or 391 The Canadian Armed Forces Give it some thought 03 Cello 55 Tu McCAINS CRINKLE CUT FRENCH FRIES SUPREME MIXED VEGETABLES WELCHS GRAPE JUICE LB BAG 53 LIT Bug 55c OZ TIN MUSTARD Frenchs rciszl29c MATCH ES Book 9c Ior 59 each 23 Lonlslnnn Shrimp Small Regal Crown Candy Roll on Pork Vuchon Coromol Squares for 25 50 To Colton 55c HEALTH BEAUTY FEATURESI BAYER ASPIRIN ro 69c Cotton Swabs To Pkg Polish Itemover QTI PS Pkg 49c CUTEX thmwdm wrytmwuummr We dn 02 49c RNA