Barrie Examiner, 4 Nov 1970, p. 13

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mica mulling 1m yurr United Appeal my be in iIDublE Ross Sienhrasnehamns or am nuderu division said to day he is not very optimistic bout donations reaching tho 06000 roaL Adkins51138 in 01 slud enu in the auditorium at Bu rie District Central collegiate Mr Stephens said Ill be very holiest We are going to have problem In reaching the 177071 goal He said that the campaiyr going to need cry dollar can get The students division of the campaign Is completed at lhc our Secondary odiools Approximately 30 was CGI an uncxpectcd contributim tram Grade and ti studcplsnt Maple Grove pub lic when The students divi sion quotn set at the start at the campaign was $2600 SEWNDARY SCHOOLS Donations Include $240 rum the 164 student at St Joseph high school was from the 127 lludcnts Eastvicw secondary school flvm register ed 141 students at North collegiate and from 1490 sludch at Central 3150 lb date the total camouign is about $1500 short of the hall way mark with only two days remaining until Its ofcial end nanu trota Appeal division Ira generally below nal report wont be turned In until Friday evening With most divisions still un completed the lYtDTl lund stands at $51555 The rrsldtntial division ro pom $4192 about third or it quota the payroll deduction dl vision stantd Monday hilt $1 976 the corporate divulon has 727 about 000 short 01 IL quote this commercial division reports $21m one quarter oi their $7100 quota The non residential commer cial division has 365 the quota the special names division nearly through has mcilcd $5992 only now short the quota um praiessional division reports $5785 about two thirtls of the quota the Base Borden campaign raised $1 751 about 3200 short oi the an pcctcd Iigurc the school Stain division has collccted SI ol the $6500 quota and the schools lstudenui division has excqeded its 9600 qt in with $1771 The Ontario government em ployees division has not yet reported Special activities not Included in the above have netted nbout 171 BAYFIELD MALL GETS LOAN CONSTRUCTION SOON Construction on the Bayticld Mall on the southwest corner or the Bnyllald Streetpundits Bond intersection will begin soon Joseph Humor manager oi Scnntl Investments Ltd announced Tuesday mortgage loan In mess of $3000000 has been approved by Royal Trust Company or the mail The mall Which Will be completely enclosed will have npproxi mntely 135000 square feet or Include Sayvcttc Ltd oor space department store Tenants for the mall Stcinbcrgs Ltd groccry store and Tamblyn lid in drug slare and brunch at the Toronto Domlnlpn Bank The mall originally dcvcloped by Henry Bemick was the only plan slte of three possiblllties approved recently In an Ontarlo Municipal Board omcinl plan docislon on the citys proposed zoning bylaw and Barrie Trainmens President Contract cxplry data Is Doc 51 or about 100 Barrie train them members of the United Itonspartntlun Workers emplo cd by the Canadian National Hallways The local members are among 14000 trnlnmcn and 59000 null operating employees who presented contract demands to both major Canadian railways Monday Willlum Denney president or the Barrie local or the UTW said last night he would tavar walrus remaining the same as In tho Two New Pede Favors Retaining Same Wages present twoyoar pact and pre ssuro exerted or better working condltlons Apparently the nutlnnnl union doesnt agree The railway mnn llgcmcni In joint statement said tho estimated cost of wage Increase sought over $132 mIIlIop Added to wage demands sought eartlcr by unions repu sentlng 4300 engineers and 2000 tilamen the railways say po tutlal wage bill lacing them Is an Inmase $158 million an nually The railway say these costs would be highly inationary slrian Crossings To Be Recommended To Council lvo new pedestrian crossing nlc nmung amendments to the city trafc bylaw to be rccom intended to council next week Public works committee has completed it review of about 70 amendments which will be ap proved by council in motion Iorm thcn drallcd into new bylaw pushbutton type signal light for pedestrians Is recom mended for Bradford Street at the intersection with John Street The lights will be simi lar tp those now In use on Brad Iurd Strch at Prince of Wales school pcdcstriun crossover of the lypc now in use on Dunlap Slrcct will be cstablslhcd to Serve Ccntcnnlnl Pnrlr on Lake thorn Drive The crosswalk be located south of Victoria ONTARIO LIVESTOCK TORONTO CF Trading as active with strong prices on good supply of dryted slaughs crstccrs and heifers at this On anu public stackyards tudn All other classes and grades slaughter cattle were steady pal calves wcro notlve at Allcr prlccs Hog prlccs wore wily lamb prlccs strong Slaughter Cnllle 3000 Chqu ers soul with rules to 8240 it 29450 mcdium 2631350 lnmull 220 chvlcc hcllers 502350 with snlcs to 3080 502ll50 medium 2421 lnlun 2224 good cows 2122 lum 20 cunners and cut 1217 50 good heavy bola bulls 24502550 with sales 75 common and medium lticcltlcnt 1500 llgllt stockcrs anti Iccdcrs tluotl hcuv shorttkccp 2042 goo stack steer Vcs Bil4275 good stock culvcs 324050 common Pfdium stockch and hub The north side of Essa Road hctwccn Cumberland StreetJInd the railwny crossing will be wid cticd to permit parking or bout night vehicles The rccom mendatlanwns made In allow three lanes trailic in the area without eliminating parking cum plctcly Lctt turns are to be prohlbit ed Irnm Mary Street onto Sim cuc Street because at restrict cd vislup Yield signs on both Sampson and Poyntz Streets at their intersection with Ecrczy Street will be removed and yIcld sign erccted on Barcy now stop sign will be crec lcd at Pcnctung and Duckworth streets In response to at request from residents of the arcn Hul nrdmarkcrs will be instnlcd on the signposts and postal drop box on the corner wlll be mov ed to Improve visibility Parklng will be climlnnlcd In front at both Olndlcs Epnd school and Allandzllo Heights school The recommendations will so cover about 34 through streets to dene the intersec tions where stop signs should be erected One Auto Two Accidents Onc car was involved In two separate accidents in Barrie tcrqu At 555 pm police invostignt ed on accident on Cook Strcct Just south of the Intersection ul Grove Street car driven by Edward Sillns of Cool Street has In ditch lie was not Injur Upon lltvcsligution It was tic turmlncd that that sumo car was Involved In an accident few minutes earlier when it struck hydro polo on Gruvu Street East Damage to the cur was estim atth at $250 The hydro polo was not dumagcd ANGUS resident Chocks in formation with Mrs Glarlollc Harrington secretary ol ratc payers association alter mcct ing last night to discuss Pro hlcms of the village About 40 attclltictl the session at Sim cur Street schooL On Permanent Basis Still without any permanent police pmlcction Angus resi dents want Ontario Provincial Police to take over protection oi their village The thrice man Esra tmtnlt ship force which patrolled the village rcsigncd over year ago alter dispute over working conditions Since then the area has been served by OPP at Bar rio and Alliston who nnswcr cnlls rum the village but pro vidc no preventive patrols meeting or the Angus Rate paycrs Amintmn last night decided to putauo the posslbllity or gottlng pcrmnnunt or let vlce altar it was told that hiring police force for the village would cost about $50000 initlaL Iy WOULDDO Paul Campbell president of the association rcportcd that township cuuncil has no lntcnliun oi hlring police nut In said if village residents petition coun oil and are willing to pay the rssn REPRESENTATIVE Nominations or candidates or the Slmcoc County Euurd of Education Irprn the arch of Essa Township will he held gullI 21 at mm at the ivy cost llikll would be charged tn the village taxpayers only the township vuuld tum the police mcn nccdcd Mr Campbell said altcmpts are being made by Dullcrln Slmcoc MP Downer in go or in Angu on per mnncnt has think we hnvc to wait rim liable length nI litno he said Businessman Dcrck Vcrnou Browne sold it would be in the host Interest of Angus to have the OFF take over He asked II any tontatlvp date hull been given when on nnswcr might bu mivcd No date is known Mr Campbell said Angus 39 Group Looks To IoOperation There is hope Angus this wait as the nevi inrm ed Village rutcpaycrs associa tion loan mud period at mperauau vlth Bu TOM nhlp and ram George Dart Paul Campbell president oi the ratepayers told naming ct ht group last night that village residents have more luxwers now than they or bad althouch he ili isnt sat isfied with the Situation in the village Mr Camphcll reported on meeting Oct win township MEMBERS the Angus Ratcpuycrs Association Inst nigltt hcartl reports or meet ing ui their ruprcscntativcs council at which 19 issut comcrn were Poliw protection Induslr development at lb comm water and wage sicle and calmcement bylaws or the tillage are the major points or concern and the reason or me rutmum cl the ratepayfrs mup THE RIGHT WAY Mr Campbell said he thinks Angus is on the right track Our meeting with council was good one be said The council seemed surprised vlth Essa Township council In dis qucsons from ratc pu Members applauded at the totem or the ruling rentdcnu This is the its time we nlc invoked ourselves as grou Mr Campbell said he is look in forward In cooperation with the council We hate electrd mm and we shouldnt try to dictate to them be said llr Campbell said he didnt cxpccl adicn overnight on the villages problems which cnn tr around the Lack munici ml sernccs ch have come lumber in in short am we have had an mutation mm we cvcr did before be ctlnrls oi the cxocutiv to nnswcrs to village problems immune ruutaal No ProblemPetition Then Foot The Tax Bill It appears that Angus lclrl cnls may add writer mm to their list oI problems mccling ol the puycrs association Safely pullullcrs DI llic lllUIllll October were honored night TOP SAFETY PATROLLEHS ll Kinsmen for September tilt club by Barrie County Health Unit ditcclur Dr Nancy Armbrust OlllLy nl tacked the report or the Univcro sity oi Torontos Pollullan Probe which says most Ontario Hcalth UniLs arc in disgraceful cort dition and same health Inspec tors display Negligent titli little to their jobs The report Scents la cullcctl train all criticism witlluut much direction saltl Dr Armhrust Its or their remarks about health unlls can truthfully say that they do ut apply in Sim cuc County ux pt In the matter of sllurtuuc of stall sllc suitl We have bccn sluut til itt notion stall lot number it years sulti Dt Ambrust ill ls dllilcult tu gut money or new stuff until somebody like Pullu tlun Prubc shows up what most Ilulllth units Huvu been wnnlillLV tor ultu your mimic stall Monthly awards are made by patrols in the uly on he re commcudutivn of WI cll sponsors the Io individutll schools Sgt illltl thvc VISIIILI luty puiml coordi sent plaques it Vltlulctll Willi Rulnlt Cllll liir Pru lcll tlt Utililuy Park and Kim llctdtlcn lIllIII Hulgltls Enumintt Plltllo School night lllnt lullnlllp oIIicl stiy Ihcrcls no problem in gell ing improved municipal scrvlc cs providing pctitinns with the names or two thirds ot the VI sidcntigc lignedtu the bi It seems Itll every time in turn around the township Say no problem Just get is pctlt Mum Vlly dunt we just lake up mm petition and then change tho heading on it one ranpayer suggestcd Street lighting sidewalk saw lssults dismal ID of those Essa townshl mind ls mpnrtcd tn bar It bland am tied unless village resident ion said Paul Campbell Pr petltlort cuuncil and are willing sitian the association 300 Res Without Nullu1tcgts or 15m tmtnnim rotlllcillors was cited by inclu ltl ul the Angus rulcpaycrs as stlciutiun ustll ore usonu tics ll sucinlion as the rcasnn an cstt 300 residents in that VIII nut vote in municipal LlllLIIDIlS The rcsillcllts in qucsliun llvn in two mobile home parks in mu village untl are not on the rut urs lis bccllusc tllcir are not assessed Mobile home rcsldt in I31Il rlc may vutc in municipal clcc lions undcr provisions al Muni pttl Frullcltisc Illows extension of the It trailer dwellers II it is aper ml by rururundum ussmun says he council has nut inv liplied this method of suculllll vote or mobilL llamc rusul cvidcuca or its narrow lhinlts it is one issue II the Angus Ilalupuvcrs Assoc should become involved in council may simply not know lllL HEALTH UNIT REPLIES TO CRITICISM Pollution Probe Report Unfair Illtl more public support in can rolling pollution HARD TO ALT Dl Armbrust said mujur plublcm has DLLll municipalities wllu lulve bccn hard to con vlncc that muncy or Inspec lion stall is justied In tour page slutcmcllt to Iht Examiner today Dr Arm brllst the Ilculth unit stall has so priority an attacking pol lution in twn ways cuch Sunlmcr First she said is prevention by inking or udcqualc sc age disposal systems and sc and by clearing up scwugc Illllb lintcs which muy be causing pul ltlliult Tllcir other work lwcllllly in food service at has brclt nuglcclcd to do this But Dr Aimbrust says there is no doubt tllll Lake Silncoo ls slluwlng carly signs of chulltu cs title In excess nulricnts cu tctiug it Sim said it is impurg mil to realize now is lllu little it lltt CHARGES UNIlIII Dr Armbrust said Pulltlllull Ilobes chnigcs of inaction by guvcrnmcnr departments are un IUIIIIdLVJ She said task force composed of rcprcscnlntlvcs of ve provincial departments ills rcsullcd lll legislation cnuclcd in Jullc to control pullutian It rsttlblisllcd the policy that nu new tlcvolupmcnt should llilLc in recreational limits in 1070 unless the soil conditions in IllLil natural to would tillmv lrullcr di at system uml lanes in he ptuvincc and uulid that about 135 per cunt givc no present or possible future pullu tlon problems Each summer Alli Said this team will cuvcl mun cuttngc arcas WATER SAMPLING In addillon to this Dr Ann IJIIISL said ll Cnturlu Water Resources Commission has rlonc vulcr quality biological nnd LllLmlLQl tests in mllny cottauo areas The county health unit she said has donu water samplt ling or all it 1th courses at lctlst oncc last summcr itnd muclt murc alien In swim vlllul supp said Dr Arm mint and prubltnl arcus to pay me costs In mu idents Vote Rccvc George Davis and Ill cuultcil have ugrccd lllnt litt lullllilc Itmnc owners should be liluuvtl la vulu according to Pilill Culllpbcll ptcsidcnt DI the rillclluycrs association IIL rcportud to mcclllll nf Ills from last night that Cuuncll llntl rluilllcd lhcru was nu legal way lllu villi could be given to he residents Repair Shop Fire Damage Is $500 III in repair shop mt lltllly sincl near Annu Slrcct nlmtll midnight yesterday scnt units or the Barrie Firu Dcpllrl mum ltlllJe scunu 11w re in shop owncd by Arthur Gordon burncd bvllcll and damaccd scv lI Illctts ir cqtllptntl Iirc nit liiIl lht tlliill at Ilmut Sill lllllsl This Illls llllolnulicully clini illillctl any lloiv tlcvclopmcnt ill cullllgc lllczls lllut tlrc cvcn doubtful sliu said Dr Armbltut said summer llnls ot the Dcpurtmcut lit licilllll sulvcyud about 4000 cuL lllcic remainsmuch to bc tlmlc unit said Dr Armburst Pollution Probe states it will require more stall more mollcy and more stringent leg islatiuu 1t alsu requires gout planning mid lime and cituncr llliUu among all cunccltlcd DR NANCY AMIan rcmarIls dont apply

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