Barrie Examiner, 4 Nov 1970, p. 1

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106 Your No 257 liesIme AP Rqgt motiveJain nninoy 01 Calilurnla Senna Gated ILdburplly livid now oomcrov ulna nixeoncdy whom style and vigor L0 be InmSonazoa Democratic Mill money bucked Republican hinn campaign blitz by Preside Nixon In 16 regurgahlurphy in Tuesdays election Republican Gov Ronald Re ngou won Second touryear Atom But his margin over Dom cuntTm Unruh tell short of Sho ammovole edge he re ceived foulyears 380 over the th Demnuadc incuman Gov Edmund Brown iDemocrathmnneyel 36 son of ornrer eavyw ghi boxing champion Gone Tunney said his diheason QUEEN GkSome of the noelsons still in custody under the War Mensaa Ad will taco criminal charges possibly in chidln Wu and sedition by tho and ot tho week Justin Minister Janina alumnae sold niesdu be Ion new Mr db antenna or the jus tiadopurtmentinesllegnm mmmdmwehuincd sinuofthm 1100 the mm in mm is 53mph wind hack will another bombing mm mpplng palblips an assnss was with tho drawn and the clty relax thrill Spring another sluprlsc predicts one agent grimly It wouldnt make sons for them batherisk now FLQ has developed since 156 when it mode modest debut by throwing molotov at three Montreal ar mories into disciplined terrorh istlgroup of unknown dimen axons Tbs passport loo entry into 21115 coinxnlslon of serious clinic Police say this has Wed than to back all from inbltrnllon attempts in nun bcrof cases JANE FONDA actress dau oulors Cuyuboga County Juli at Cleveland Tuesda alter bearing on federal urges of pill smuggling and assaulting uclutomo oiiicor She was headed ion booking on 11 ms Intcd charge soiling EXAMINER TELEPHONES Inll ad MERLE m1rll Amoun Doom main aim Tunney Newcomer TO US Senate victory represents reledian oi the palm of fear lie ac tbc dirtiest campaign Ive aver seen including exploitation of last Myd lilruwing at Nuono llmousin at San Jose iner Ho bed lldny night saying in voice lclt hoarse by 1965 apex otion or throat cancer cant nd it in my heart to concede DIDNT CLAN VICTORY claiming victory alumna he held comfortable lead uvzr numb armor speaker 01 lb was assemny who himde Reagnn the boot man for special interests ruob oilmeo and lmnce liraIs Soon Be Laid eluding any kind of charge tho guvmnnznt bod Elected his position that mark demands in twokidnapplngs be nursed hit the posilion was accept unanimoisly lnlormion on unkwm holy their invu the impact of inltration PmPaul Goulizvy serving life Sultana for bombings in 159 indicated that The handful ol membm in each cell know one miller by rst using only which would apply only to ted lued Minm 65 01 waging mcknodggg hith like Reagan lor star went to Reagan 59 Mixed wiLbaut Charges At Link am not as Tho lusLioe mlnista also said Ha would hnve resigned iI Alter discussion useful pm rouuo bur dommtdt Police Predict Terroristsj Will Spring Backinto Action censyioem liseu mulls Calls 31 Net With Holes OTTAWA James Walker lsYork Celine told the Commons nanoe commit tee Tuesday government bill aimed at supervising invest ment comgfamgimgives the ap poolonce lg net withing holes Mr Walker said the bill erollyincorporated rms has number or inadequacies ioot converted trawler that Clovcland policeman gtRnbert Piper right earlier at Cleveland Hopkins Interna tional Airport She was rclcn soilou $500 surely bond on lilo city charge and domed kicking anyone or smuggling pills AP Vlrcpholv Buckley Stars In NY Nikiwing Senatorelect lama Buckley emerged today be 01 the New York state routing 12hour voyage be 1112 Earth Examitt gt Barrio Moria cnada Wednesday Number 1970 DEMOCRATS RETAIN CONGRESS CONTROL ALBANY NY AP action overshadowing such events as Gov Nelson with lcrii bouncing or Arlhur Gold berg dud the normal no Lmln control the not lo Cure Mueller Ind his cum malc ran prdzy much am ins to form ullbougb he gum nor nearly 700000qu prim ity was mm than it was Buckluy who Providcd the excitement and in tho olilyln of mosdayx voles N11190 electoral oxnm no to the splinter Comavulva party in tho Us Senate taco when state boils onlrol adds znusl NEW vosux STATE Gov ves yie inui illoch Ousted APlln WASHINGTON and in states le numbers clam or the 1mprisideuiial drive it was Democrats nearly Luciflind lllive Alter Nine Days KETCEIKAN Alaska GP came nine days of terror lor three young Connhm rescued mesday truth the mckvbound coast of Alaskas Prince of Wales Island We are luclw to be alive said Charles Taylor 24 of Sand Spit and the owner of the 36 smaslled on the mores oi the northern island last Wednesday jAll the credit 15 being alive should go to the boat it was many wellbum With Taylor were two other men JennPaul Yirkn and his brother David 21 iron Kltdlh ener out like tinne left Prince Rupert 09 25min started momma mp am Hecate Strait to Sandspn inrthn Queen marloltu Island CLEVELAND Ac tress Jane Fonda faces judge today on chxrgo or assaulting policeman during hassle over her arrest on charge of pill smuggling Due next Monday is prelimi naly bearing on Iederal charge of fraudulently br ging stimulants and trauquillizcrs inbo tho United States from Canlt min and assaulting Edward Mainsink customs agent The lively scene at Hopkins international Alrport begun when Miss Fonda 32yeumld wife of French lm director Roger Vadirn was detained ilesduy alter flight from Lon don Onl whore She made speech to college group Mou day nigbl The pill chmgo was based on small quantity oi proscrip lion Dexedrine Conuxlzlile and Valium pills lound in M1 Fon publicans from governorships while giving up only mocha lurn in Democratic fortunes after steady declin in stole Expect Debate To Begin Today the way messday Tth ousted at lgsl 12 Re On New Public Minister John Turner is ex peeled in load all debate inthe Commons today an govern ment hill to replncu Wal Moor sures Act regulations with pow crs limited to dealing With the Front de Liberation du Quebec The bill entitled the Public Order Temporary Measures Act 1m received llrsl reading in the Hous Monday Once on proved by tho Cummons the hull would be in lorce until April so 1971 unless revoked earlier by government proclamation conrmed by Parliament The Commons Tuede gave second reading to bill promi ing for establishment of naLional farm marketing agencies und national farm products market was re Jame Fonda Faces Charge After Hassle At das handbag lxor lawyels said But Assistant US Attorney Edward Molnar said 105 vinis containing some 20000lher cap sules wen found in suitcase and were being analysed DENIES SMUGGLTNG am not srnugger Miss Fonda daughter of actor Henry Fonda sold in police statinn nows conference She with plalucd she had been held in communicado at the nirpc rt for three hours and pushed Matu szllk only alter be blocked her way to telephone and rust Mm She attempted to strike him several times wilh sumo ob scenity mixed Molnar said Policeman Robert Piepcr said the actress kicked him in the thigh when he went to Mutu SZLINS all Miss Fonda has been ucllvn in epublican 35 scans Republicans went into the voting with 32 to lo edge hi and New York the biggest trophies in the bag cluded the Democrats But they scored im portant victories in the other Irma to the cummous agricul lure committee for further Study logislzltion to replace the Call adzl Grain Act of 10 and pro vide for protein grading sys Iem for grains Ron Eastord opened Scoond reading debate on labelling uud packaging bill BELL AN mlPROVmIEN enacted the regulations under mungu Wm ui =8 Dela tic can date Arthur Go Directly bizf hind ma sou at his By De house oqcuponcy in the 19605 was the most dramatic develop ment in llcsdays election Slam haller were at stake in The guvmolsllips of Califor 0rder lch Second reading also was given Consumer Affairs Minister when the public order ii is the War Measures Act will be revoked Opposition Leader Robert Stanfield has called the legislation very substantial provernent over the WMA regulations irport protests against US policy In Vielunm and in behalf of soldier rights American Indian claims civil rights and Lbi Black Panthers She said slit had been hair asscd each time she reenlemd the United States since becom ing an activist They were determined to charge her with somuhlng so they made up charge of is snulting policeman said bur lawyer Mork Lane HELD IN JAIL Miss Fonda who spent some lO hours in jail before being freed on two pcrsonzll bonds of $5000 and $500 said sbe was jailed Ior political reasons Miss Fonda wearing in suede ruaxicont and slacks appeared bciorc US Commissioner Clll lcdcral on the mo Republican party the intonslvc campaigning oi ris 1W0 While House leaders won some key Senate suungih in Tudnys nous huL saw the Democran ro quurlurs nights uilo Congress and surge remarka blc raid on Republican control at stale capitals soon they Linmed hack is deter mined Republican lbnisl to rL lain control 01 Lb Senate and appeared certain boost their WEATHER Maxwelme day Luv innit xi high ml at reach in File Not More Than l0 Per Copy32 Pogo WASHINGTON CF The four bOUYrd by election years latest rcporu early today in dicnlnd the Democrats had elected 21 Senators Lbc Republi cam ninc iwo indcpcndenu also won The Republicans are leading in two sent and Dem ocril in one The count was 57A 43 Ior lhi Democrats in the last Senate Since the Dumocmls bad 32 members in the Scnali not or reelcclinn their vlclarlc Tuesday assured mom oi contin qu Senate conlrul ln ibc House the Democrats had clcclod Ill and the Republi calls 159 with 45 sent undc cldcd The last House had 21 Democrnls and in Republican Bub the Democran made their strongest surge in lube slum house election Where the Dem ocrals showed net gain of at lcnsl nillo guvornorships The Dcmocmlic victories included three ol the biggest states oluo Pcnnsylvanin and Florida what seemed certain rc versol oi the Republican party heavy pmlcctjon dominan ce of ol 5O stall houses It was the nimh conseculivn election in which the Democrats won cnnlrol of bulb use Scunle audLhu House but the rst election sine uie ml Lyndon Johnson landslide in which they look majorny or the slate houses The issucs were difcult in separate on millanai basis and lllcri Little evidence of rnzgur suing in eilbor direclion cared to capital Imus may congressional elec aln control ol both houses of Although the DcmocraLs sui lcrcd losses in several vital margin in the House of chm seniziuvcs Nevermclcss hich Presi dcul Nixon rcpurlod mu presi duu was pleased the Republi cans had turned the title oi tradition with their slender Se nzlte gains In the last two decades Lllc party or prcsidcnt in power has lost an average or three seats in the Senate and 23 in the lib in these oilyour clcc lions so called because there is no presidential contest involved CLAIBIS litHORNY Although um Dc mncrat plchd all Republicans in llll rims and Cablornia VicePresl dent Spiro Agnew said Nixon fwill bnve working majority in the Senate rclcrring ex peeled support from conserva lee suuibcruDemocrats There won 35 Senate 50315 up lor election nlcsday and the same number of governorships Ihc outire Rm 06 Room Happy 151 eronbum remors big states Ohio Florida Illin ncsotzl Pennsylvania and Wisp cousin all previously in Repub lican hands and all the recipi erlLs of cnmpakzn visits by Pres ident Nixonv VicePresldent Spiro Angewor both Republicans unseath Demo crnls only in Connecticut and TcnnESseu Both were expected It was difficult to explain the Democratic success only ln terms of the national campaign themes of the live partit Local issues and nersanillitius often overde the Republican law andOrder thrust as well as the economic emphasis of Ihe Dem Octal5 In earlymorning with raw govcmorsbips still undecided the results of Tuesdays elm lions lunked like this Democrats Arkansas Flur ida Georgia Hawaii ldabo Kansas Maryland Minnesota Nebraska Nevada New Mex ico Ohio Oklahoma Pennsyl Vania South Carolina South Dakota Texas Wisconsin Republicans Arizona Califor nlzi New Yuri Oregon Tennes sec Vermont and Wyoming Vice President $13 Agnew who campaigned in or the 35 States thut elected gov ernors called the election out come bittersweet The sweet be indicated was what he called the working majority be president now has in the Sonata with the Republicansumbcm Democrat coalition The bitter Agile said is 580ng so many men knew well as the governor of Man land losing in their guberna turlal races ELECTION AT ll GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS AI 745 an EST SENATE For 35 oil 100 seals Democrats clccled 31 holdovers IETutsi Democrats loading Republicaiislnctud ll holdovors ISISTotal 41 Republicans loading Conservatives elected independents elected Gains Dem Rep Others HOUSE For all 135 stills Dem elected 2E Rep elected 177 Doubllul dawn ad digsunems Italy Red Becagm lion Soon ROME Router Italy and China will announce the ESIHD lisbmont of diplomatic relations within the next cw days in formed sources said today Secret negotiations have been going on for more than 13 months The Turin newspaper La Stamina said llle Chinese delega Lion in Paris has been awaiting permission from Peking for the joint announcement to be made As in the case of Canada which recognize Peking should latinns with China Oct 13 the negotiations between Rome and Peking were understood to have centred on the problem For moss Poking windi waged on all level 01 on oltaln election And in mono statewide wees local issuesespecially ma damlna ted the battle Nu inuimlial Democrats in the Senate Albart Gore in Ten ncssee and Joseph lling or Maryland were defeated But the Democrats had three of their biggest names back in tho Senate and well in contention for the 1972 presidential nonlimb LionHubert Humphrey in nin nusnla Edward Kennedy in Massachusetts and Edmund Muskie of Maine The biggest Republicans among the governors Ronald Reagan of California and Nelson Rockefeller of New York swept back into oillcc casi in the two largest stalcs But elsewhere the Republi cans inred poorly in the races for state houses HERES ONE Waiter What can give your friend to sober him up She The check claims Formosa as part oi China and has dc mnuded that base counLriCS which recognizt Peking should not recognize Formosa as an in dependent state ltaly is believed to have got around this problem in the some way as Canada by agree ing to acknowledge in the treaty that it is aware oi Pckings claim without passing any judg meal on it CAPSULE NEW War Act Called For Before Used OTTAWA CPI Prime Minister Trudeau said Tuijday the old implementation of the War Measures Act quested by the province of Quebec government ior ve days after ii was re Expect Mideast Ceasere Extension UNITED NATIONS Renter The General Ascfnbly isu pectcd to issue call today for 90day extension of the Middle East ceasere which expires at midnllt nursday night Hope 200 Ill Indian Youth Meal BRANTFORD Icri Abou zoo young indlans ram across the province are expected to attendio llrst conference or iii nowlylormeo Ontario Native Leoguoior Youth on me noarb Six Nations Indian reserve Dec 2830 the groups president said mesday Strike Over Mothers Can Go Horn EDMONTON Hundreds of mothers return to their housework today alter two days of cleaning school floors and toilets and helping out in the boiler rooms while 1100 carelakezs and maintenance workers at Edmonlunspublii schools were unv strike Show Dents Where Nixon Car Hi SAN CLEMENTE Calif AP The US Secret Servicerbas exhibited deals in President Nixons limousine as proof that it was the target of barrage by antiwar demonstrators durin his appearance San Jose Calif last week gt Young Doctor Gels Research Hula LONDON om lt6 Dr Derek Bougbuer 29 in his third Gains D01 15 Rep GOVERNORS 35 to be elected Dom elected 19 loading lord Bruce charge Rep ulcclcd 12 lending your at posrgrarluate study in biophysics at he University or Western Ontario has been named the rust recipient of the new Canadian Young investigators Award for his roseprch in heart work

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