it bdufwbm rub11ml BEGIN TOUR NEW YORK AP 3110 Gen Andrian Nikolaav and engineer vitnii Sevasl Hanov Soyla camtannins wbot beALe endurance record of days space arrived here sun dzry Ll for lOdJy goodwill tour the United 5315 1hr arc here to ncrezee cwperau lion beiuccn the United $1115 and Sovic Union in space uplo ration NASA wokesmun said IILRL ml BODIES vuwvm rcpt Four 315 cocktails were hurlcdl ny ol nxtal star Quebec Street in Van Fairvtcw district Dollies filled with mixture of $350 kerosene crashed the late glass door of lt5 nhne the tourth Lck the wall The fire that Sand caused damage ll at $1000 There were no rigK tsx SIIOKYER WEEK icwsr JAW 5151 SP Debst nprzsenting 28000 HI Saskatchewan synes Saturday to ask the gov Home to reduce their work seek to hours the resolution was passed unanimously at the annual convention of the Saskat an Federation of Labor STREET OF GLASS 10110310 CPl The both ough of Scarborough now has street paved with gloss The paving of public street using ginsphait mixture of glass sand lime and asphalt cement wns completed today If paved street will test site for the new product developed by joint industrygovernth task force The glass is mostly waste bottles including nonrc turnablc pop bottles RECOVER BODY coann 1cm Salvage liras have recovered dey from the suan freivztcr East chfe Hall believed to be that of The ships nix215mm Freeman 8311 29 of Raw NM Ifr Barter was one of nine persons Easelie Hall rank July 11 In the SL Lawrence River after striking submerged buoy The bodies oi on other eight victims gt were recovered earlier macnan rhunw comm CFI Dr Wmegard president of the Uni versity of Guelph was elected fellow of the American Society or M91215 Sunday during con nu Pnrb Ohio Dr Wineuard has Worked in crystal 1301131 rind is it His election largely Lille tu Inn in tint field of m9 and mailman MAUIBIS KILL COP CALCUTTA ineutosl known it on misty binge oi illit nitmu ed tvo mun for DUEIAKK KLLI SEOUL APJ IIxrbt and when the for Continuallit fir iron mount Imui ju north bl tho urrrr bler true an rent the loot boys mpmv in an amp open are uth was Mormon ROME APi President Ju iur iron or Tanzania was re eonrd in llrlittl nudienue but day by Pope Paul BEIZE BED AG NI SAKng Afi Police In thl mountain rehurl city of Dolot 145 mlinis nnrthuztltt of Saigon have arrested Communist agent believed to he the new pnnw of Premier phom Von Dong of North Vietnam Sub gun newspaper reported day The Englishlanguo goo Post said Fhom Van 36 was arrested after polit had trailed him for noveliii months COLD NUMBS SYMPHONY DALLAS AP Just before the Dallas Symphony Orchestra was to begin its performance Sunday night in the Cotton Bowl the musicians gathered their instruments and walked out It was tun cold said at spokesman for the local musi cians union clause in the union contract says musicians gt do not have to play when it Is below 68 degrees It was 58 IS DIE NIHASHES MANILA AP Manila newspapers reported Sunday 18 persons have been killed nod 10 others wounded in clashes be torsen warring Moslom and Christian outlaw bands and in accnmpanying actions with no lice in village in the southern province of Dotabnto Scams time ago major fire ILHIB Lincoln Plaza was averted by the prompt action of the Welland Fire Dept Sparks from wold evs torch apparently were tho cause of The near disastrous first This inventory has now boonproperly dried and rehabilitated tend has been moved to our Barrie Store the Wellington PM and is offered to the lucky people of norm and vicinitynt Raducom up to 90 Quanos are very So Hurry vHurry Hurty tsTUESDAY on 20 am Sharp BOYS REVERSIBLE SKI JACKETS styles Plain and Wind Guam iced unshnhle Storm mffs Comp 595 Fire Safe However extensive damage was done to our inventory by water itod and smoke Sale Star MENS BOYS JACKETS by me misting of vindhrcakcts Bench Wam ers and ski Jackets EIEHS VINSUEDE VEST Stzls SlfIIXL All weather material Scam and fade resistant BLINED SLACKS trnck or Brown Sizes 30 to 31 than unteed washable no 52 Pc sns Meow plald shtnsvcvelth 199 masts wool CORDUROY on mama SLIMS New fall mtols conntiii Comp 1095 Fire Sale Com 595 Reg 10 95 to 2798 299 GIRLBSSxIIl JACKETS COATS Wide selection of coats ski jackets and bench warmers of famous brands suds us Utex Honey lane Girl Thlk etc 500 299 ALL LEAIR AND SUEDE WINDBREAKERS Silk lined zipper front assorted colors lADIES SliPS lttl length luce trim Reg and maternity srlls Sims 3440 424 399 SCHOOL DRESSES Assorted mols skinnics printed cordu roys etc Sizes 16x 714 7500 REGULATION UNIFORM CAPS Sill lined fireman policeman bus driver garage sailor army etc Sizes ionm Sizes 38 to 44 Comp to 2495 Fire Sale Comp to 798 Fire Sale Clamp to 795 Reg to 1495 Fire Sale Com 1995 BOYS SWEATERS CARDIGANS 0R PUIMVEIIS Full fashioned Acrylic Orion or Wool Mode of the finest yarns Reg 595 BOYB SWEATERS lbnadlonlor import top Acryli until bulky Pultovers nd Gordie WWII 1N FANT BONNETS All Canadian and American top quality Dozen and Dozen of styles to pick from MENS SHIRTS sizes SMLXL Fm Canadian cotton White with red collar gaps Wide 299 gt BOYB 36 FLANNEL =PlAIN stints TI buxurlous rubric Reg 795 Comp up to 395 Reg 295 Reg 795 99 UTEX LEATHERLIKE LlTEAM JACKET Snap or zipper front litany colors Sizes 888 ES Mammoth selection of Street Party Maternity Dresses and Suits Sizes 820 3840 Rog to 1995 77 MENS PERMANENT PRESS DRESS PANTS Overthalde for permanent wring non crcasc qualities Smart styling Many Colors Sizes 3633 Camp to 1095 Fire Sale 99 BOYS TO CORDUROY SHIRTS Nehru and regular mllnr Pastel colors 99 AD BOYS GIKLB FLANNEL PYJAMAS Fine quality printed flannel ohmic waist FALI MATERNITY WEAR machine washable 361 Comp to 195 lltie Brown Red Green Camp in 195 Camp to Camp to 2595 Fire Sale 44 88 1100 YS NS Smart Drills Itvilis Gabordincs Sizes or Pullover Bunion purc uooi All Brand names sud as All wool corduroy Skirts Slims dresses Comp fro 1995 FIRE SALE FIRE SALE woiimiliittts Heavy wind mint41m denim cotton 399 M1 109 1wa KNIT GIRLS DRESSES Wnortzttrie Molly and dry 199 Bollimffiiiitis Phil of witrod Lucian quality E38 LADHJi MINI 0K murmur SKIRTS OJIJJVII or wool 51601 am Guaranteed MENH FALL SPORT SHIRTS Szittlvrm Mroudcluil mid Pwlm Enid1745 Comp to 398 Fire Sale Li thall mtu lliuy tin rrul 1min titstn load for bllu1ntlul hunting IBJYB AUTHENTIC WESIEILN 517115 COWBOY SHIRT Washable tunnel lull out All colours DNE COTTON SKIRTS Ayers Lcher Sicri Volley Ml slung mg bun Rog up to 1295 copltal bunony Mix 715 Rog to 495 Fire Sale Wudnlylc Slzcb Mix Comp to 195 Fire Solo Reg 495 Comp to 795 IF 0L Cardigan anbswnol Orion all colors mndmcrc Rog up to 295 main to cl Carlyle Paulina Comp to 695 Fire Sale Comp to 795 MKN FULLY FMHIUNED PULLOVERS Avyln time iriuv Writy Brown 3412 lilacit Sins ShirlVJ notionalth DEDSPREADS Double bed Bowslike Run to Kle la ex IIOYH SNOW PANTS Too fknoditau timiin Nylon writsr tattail Fail limiting wmn Reg to 595 MEN UNIFORM SHIRTS Mode in thin1o tiny and mom THERMAL TOP DRAWERS llmivyWLluiit double seat for longer wcui MENS ALLWEATHER COATS lmliy lined tvntei nmoied vmtllcr proof ed Sizes at to to R09 to 1995 Firo Solo trlplu nettile omitaction Rog to 595 File Solo Reg to 1096 99 Comp to 298 UNIFORM PANTS Aiilliilttllc fillkbl gnuu tunnel loopx flop pucktrln zipper frolii cuffu Sizes 21142 266 GJIUII 97 10 SWEATERS Fully tDUIJIIMII Allyiit lilllIrRM nml utd3utis lmMu lull Mimi E99 Fire solo DUSiEits Printed bowl 5M1 thwartAd Small Howl denial Comp to 395 IIJNIn bIJJCVZ MENS SWEAT SHIRTS All colors 300 Rog up in 795 R09 to 495 44 hhihi