Barrie Examiner, 19 Oct 1970, p. 6

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to In LI of Iba of In the and the bu that In on word of Sunoosl member of the Ontario legislature Cordon said has found his first three years as member much buller than be Intfcipuled but valuable ex eriencc In seeing the function lion owner has not only repnv seated his constituents at the ieglslnturo session but he has been active in commILtee work As well be has frequently tour ed the riding to keep In close touch with constlutcnta and has been diluent to answering mall frequently In busy for 13 hour day although there are per lods of comparative rest which give him lama Ume to dovotc to his hobqu which Included Iho operation of tbo Illarlplosn miniature train at Couchlc Beach Park Drilllb lust num htct and occnalonal trips wlth his antlouo cars Ho travelled to plcnlc In Oro last August drlvlrg 1060 Rolh Royce which received much attcatlou errmots 1N VIEWS 41 Lloyd mhorby as Conservative member for East Slmcoe In tho provinclnl election of October 171961 The Conservatives headed by John Robarts won 69 scan decllno of night from 1063 but still enough for clear houso molarlty The leerals elcctcd 23 and mm 20 Of all the loxlalatlon which has been piaccd on tho record since that election the most discuscd comems changes In concept of the municipal and educational trntlvo structure Some of those have stirred considerable clntrovcrsy which could play molar part In the next provincial election campaign ed the administration from orca and local boards to region al for county probably was the most furreaching and the altar rises In coats havo been muc debated Form or anIz ationa aroused by tho hghcr Increase In rural areas urged SIMCOE mourn International Match In County Times 01m LAKE Gnu WITH MARE AT ELMVALE One of the youngest can shown with sixyear old man pctitom at Elmvale falr Law is Davis 11 of Orr Lake is Pa per It was wonder ful and we enjoyed It very much heportcd Louise whose horsemansblp won much com inundation IExAmlncr Photo BAWKESIONE Staff Enst of dcmocraq mo style The former Orllllo rudlo sta in all he has found that be In Mr Smith succeeded tho late The animal bill which chunk Haldlmand County has been chosen for the 1W1 Internation al plowing match with tho form of Russell Hare Nontl cake the site Since the matches were star ted In 1518 in York Countys Sunnybrook farm Simeon Coun ty sites have been chosen three times The ftrat was In 1968 at Mlncslng then them was an In terval of 12 years before It rc turncd to tho county wllh tho Nottuwasugu Valley Farms In tho Alllston nreu tho 1950 site The farmer Joe Och ranu farm ncur llolly was the site for tho lust International In the county In 1961 Slmcoo County had good rcprescnfatlon among the Vlsi tors to tho lnlolnallonal near Lludsuy last wocif Members of Slmcoc County council mode tbo trip by bus for one duy While many other mode tho trip by car Includan some competitors The 15acro display of tent ed city fculurcd lar displays of now furln mach ncry soinu cquinmunt Iucludlng latest In snowmobiles The tntcrnatlonol wont be returning to Simme County for few years at least Aftcl tho focus on iIuIdImfmd Caunty next year the match will so to Perth County In 1972 then Three Active Years For East Simcoe MPP GORDON SMITH MPP farmers to withhold the educa tional port of their property tax protest Bull1 IN CONTROL Ccntraiizntlon of assessment ahlllng control from counties and municipalities to the prov Inclal government also has bccn the topic of prolongd or cusslnns with the pros and can argued There has been less op posltlon shown to the provincial govcrnmcnt taking over control of administration of lustfcc and registry office although Slrncoc County council regretted loslng the inltcr since It produced it bout $30000 In annual revenue th regional government changes have made another ma Ior Issua for politicians and vot ers to consider rchenslon that Inrnnds on loco autonomy may hnvo aerloua Impact In cncouraglng unfrowtng burenuc racy In Ii ml has been expressed Dofondorl of tho new system claim It wIli Improve efficiency At one stage II was often said It might ru duco the costs but after the rc sulta of the animal board change became apparent costwlse this aspect has been glvon rolutlvo ly llttlo allontlon trutlon already Haltnn County Is to get the it mutch Thrca branch matches In marked by keen competition and much local enthusiasm was shown at Warmlnstcr In Mod Wyovalo in the Mldland arena PMU Farm Bill mint are Urinn Farms Act hormone estrogen which Eastern Ontario Luinbton County In 191 while In morn recent speecch Ont Iirln municipal affairs mlnlstcr lDarcy Mcifcouga has Lalkcd about mlunlclpal consolidation und strengthening the decision maklnz powers of munlcipal councils LONG TRADITION Vntlvo tradition East Slmcoe extends from Borrica norlh border to Orlliio and also ln ludcs Midland Before Mr Smith became the member lltr Lemcrby rcpresenlcd the rld In for 13 years He won it by election in February 1951 and three other elections the first lhrco when nntlvo Drlillan Lcs III rm was premier and once lln 19611 for John 110b arts the rldlnz Dr Garnet Tan ncr was member of the flop burn govornmcnt Ho defeated William FInlnyson on June 1914 oomtdorcd an upset rlnco Mr Fininylun bod been minia tcr of lands and forcsta In tho George Henry government ccssful comeback In 1937 air though the Conscrvutlvus were dcfcltlcd again Lalcr hc gave up the scat to George Drcw who subsequently became Ont nrlo prcmlcr In 1913 The Can servatlvcs have been In power at Queens Park since with Kennedy following Mr Drew In NE and Illcn Mr Frost tck Ing the premiership in 1910 Ito remained until 1561 when ho was succeeded by Mr Eobarts representative of London North rIdIng lcgtsfuture Itc served two year as Orllllu town councillor and was active In the Mom nssoclutlnn of tho party He op cratcd tho OrIIlIa radio station for more than 20 years and latter was ossoclated in the nut omoblle business cars and ho is well known by buffs for his Intcrcsl and thuslnsm for automobiles of ancient vtntugn Stmcno County this fall were onto Gllford In lnnlsfll and Earl in Juno Win the Pren 196869 Imoro familiarly known as Bill 1961 and the regulations went Into offch In Onturlu bringing all aspects of tho prolt ductlun of Phil under tho Iur Isdictlon of the Veterinary Scr vlccs Brunch Ontario deport mcnf of Agriculture and flood PMU production is an Import unt factor In tho agricultural Industry In Eastern Ontario where thls highly apcclnitzcd farm business Is located used In the medlcnl field Iscx acted from filo urine obtained from pregnant mares Tho ur no is processed by pharmaceu tical companies In tho llfont reul aren who contract with producers to supply them with PMU It has proved to be valuable source of supplement ury Income to form families In It Is perhaps noteworthy that riding with long Conscr Tlte lust Liberal to represent lIIr Finlayson mode mo Before Mr Smith entered the For years he collected anthuo provldo system of ilcenslng and rclulotlon of oil prcmlscs on which PMU Is produced and to ensure that all more and fonts on provided with ud equoto curb and humane trout merit The legislation also run quires that all pcrauna who contract with PMU form opera tors to provide this product must be ilccnsed Under the Act and regulations it Is rcqulrv Cd that facilities used for hous lng horses must meet spcclflc structural and sonllury requlrelt mums Ibl all horses be provided with proper care CI detailed records be muln tulncd pertaining to all homes and tools on each PMU form These records must Include descrl tlon at each mnro rind ouch uni tho duto of birth of each foul and If sold the Auto of solo and name unlI address of the buyer An Important fcoturo of the Act Is the provision which places prohibition on the trunsfvr of possession of foals under 50 days ago Thu only oxccpllcns to this fcqulrcmcnt on cases where tho fool In or phanch whete tho fool and Its dam arc transferred together to tho some person or In ruto cases where If permit may be Tho purpose of the Pregnant Mares Urine Forms Act is to Issued under special clrculn stances DISTRICT NEWS NDAY OCTOBER 1771 Ask McAuley To Run In Elmvale Election lice It L5 as of 11 Ibe vvorked after lchocl Mr Allie WI 1E BARRIE LLINER HADALE sum Form Slmcoe County warden Alex atcAuley It been asked no to and for muncll la coming Village election and he said he was giving It sch qus coutderation If there and cm be In willing to of my name he said pointing out um now that he has retired from bus Iness be has Ample give to community problems REEVE SIX YEARS former member of vale count for to years was reevf for six point was in 1958 when be brought the wardenth Elmvale for tho first since It bchma In Incorporat ed municipality In 1913 in addition to servln council Mr lIcAuley ed on the Hydro utility and was vlmhllrmon of the Gear Klan Elly Elcctrlcll ion as well as put direct or of the Ontarlo Munldpnl El ectric Association woolly be various community lie took on active lntcr est in the promotion of Elm WI III Hillsdale Plans Meeting HILLSDALE lSlaIll ImporA toncc of action fakon today and Its effect on tomorrow will be discussed by members of Hills dule Womens Institute at It regular menu on Wednesday vale as publisher of 11 Elm vale Lance for years and also president of the mmber of Commerce EXPUBUSIIER lr chAuIcy sold The Elm an Lance to Councillor And row Marble In 1967 13 hav ing been publisher for year Entire of Elmvale he has lived in this Cmmtlrl no In except when student at University of To In Lb mn paper business In EIruVale for okr 15 years He received an leuly education Elfnvllt el lemmury and Tomorrows County Session Cancelled By Warden Davis Simone Camty council sion slated for tomorrow The day Oct 20 has been cancell ed It was continued by Gen oon Watson county clerk no action was taken Warden George Davis order to give committees morn repare reports it was Member county council have been busy attending conventions and DISTRICT BRIEFS TO PRESENT AWARDS STAYNFJI Staff Diplomas will be presented and other erda made commencement exercises at Stayner Collegiate institute It tho school auditorium on Fri day Oct 21 at mo pm EXCEEDS SLOWJIOO DUNROON fng permits Issued in Nottawn saga during the your covered on estimnttd value exceeding SLDOOJIOO council was advised by building Inspector Paul Gad way There were In building per mits Issued BAZAAR school McAulLy succeeded tho late vuuzm Linton pumm Elmvale paper lace for me Iervice tending to municipal business They no met one day Week and travelled to the mutational plowing match near Lindsay by special bus the county aao will premixed by six delegates at fourday convention of the As soclatlo of CounLiu and Re gions of Ontario The organiz ation is headed by Ralph Hunter of Aliaton and county delegates chosen to lit teod include Arnold Vanclse of Montcalm Maur Ico of Tiny Orville Hughes of Wut Gwillimbury nun Stuton of Orllllo Fred Butcr of Ad lala and the warden blueprint for Neofmendcd guidelines for regional govern ment Is to be discussed It the Kitchener convention which coming Sundry er of the lacuna editor urinz years was lpuullsbu el our greatest contri Etmvnie Ind dis trict aver the yarn was build cummunlty spir ll said If chuIeyuu he referred to fine Ipult existlnl bctvuen the vIltnze Ind Fins township ilr ichuIey nu optimistic future pros lr lchulry was Asked If he butiun Intended to stand for More In rcpb he said he would only stuid If there were an uaemnz since Reeve Cecil French has given good ludersbip He said up would likely aund for coun tlme lo explain ing up good Reeve cooperItIon Nottawusagu Elmvales We cant help but enthused spoke of Improvement In 81 VICE and new developmcnl 1111 IIIan to stand where can be of aervlcc be not wered as mentiln is of his considerable experience Sartlng as young apprenv YorkSimcoe MP To Hold Saturday Office Sessions WIIh session unfit so scrw Ibend he the annual Associa this served zoniza Tho next regular meeting of county council Is not scheduled until Tuesday Watson sold the warden may call the session before time cxplnlning ample notice will be given 4H Club Award Goes To Bradford BEENJN chfer of Bradford 4H club won the champion livestock shouman award for the final 1970 show for South Slmcoo II clubs Keffcr also won the dairy altulvmnnsltlp nwurd while the champion beef Paul Wilson Vodo Culllton was the champion sheep ahuwmon while the swing altowmnnshlp wurd was wun by Glcnn Wil Iiums Cookstown fH field crops won display award with Caoksinwn In dairy club second IIftl Cookstown 4H bccf club third Staff Bulld revlsod legal framcwork for managem and sweeping dunch In the fluid of unemployment insurance also have been proposed As Mr Robert saw It the from the TILcue nut Ilnlnc the governments program for the coming your was con tinuuilon of the work of the put two your rather than rinsing of radical depar BRADFORD Parliament Jolln Roberts MP will be hold ing his regular office hours ev ery second and fourth Saturday afternoon monthly from to oclock nl Yonge Street south Aurora YorkSuncne tStqu rclauons that Shneth AT LISLE LISLE Stuff bazaar will be held at the now LIsIe com munity hall on Saturday after noon Oct at Borden Ilrt Club To Hold Classes BASE BURDEN Staff Rog Istrollnn for Tuesday night painl lng classes of tho Borden Art Club will be received on Tues duy Oct 20 when IIic opening class will be held at pm Thls Is to take place In bulld Ing PH at the back of Elise Borden post offlcu ficglstriltlun fco for the term from October to June 15 $10 For those who are unuble to attend on opening night regis trations will Thursday Oct 22 from I0 riding mustlu ems also may communican until their mnmbur by writing hIm cure of the House of Commons at Ottawa he reminded in his latest letter from Ottawa Revlcwing some of the more made so SIall Robert The most dramttic Event at the time of writing concerned Ihe trouble Vltll Iht extremists In Quebec which have made healtine news for the past week or so Mrs Tinney will be hus Idss ond the motto Ibo meeting will today will be history tomorrow Tho historical research and cur real events committee will be In charge proposals dopted for Evcnts 0f Interesting far In the current fall sessfon llr Roburls rc for the es of the House forfcd to probe tnbllshmcnt of another new mlllr lslcr this one to be responsible for urban affairs and housing Crcution of new department to be concerned wiLh envlron ollclcs with emphasis on pollut on also has been given attention Measures calculated In Mr Icct consumers against unfair trade practices to regululn las bclllng and packaging nun pm tuct usch of consumer cred also were given special mention FAREWELL ENGAG OF GREAT MOTION PICTURE Your last chance to see DAVID LEANS FILM OF BORIS PAS EMS D0 Zi IN PANAVISIDNAND MEIEOCOLOR is Roberta ulsu mcntioncd the tax reform rcpurt was re sunlcd to the Common an rouscd great deal of Intnrcst He explained he would be dis cussing II In later reports During the summer recess bu did conmltleo work In Ottawa first in preparing the external nfulrs report on US Canada relations and then in preparing the repnr of the nance with mittee on tax reform showman was mental Oro Arena Drive Response Is Good GUTIIIIIE Stuff Urn town improvement nrlllcial Ice plant drive has re cclvcd road lnIUnI response It was lcarncd from member of the Orn arena board In nddltlon to the $50000 town stonan govern ment grant uttd $3791 from Gutbrlo hockey club more than 3250 was received In the first week of tho drtvc The conslderlble enlhuslaam shown also won an ncournge merit In sponsors of the cum pain The nverngc donation was $160 per person said spous Alldy IIcGrcgor of Ora StatIon Is treasurer nlld Charles Hastings ul Gutllrlu chairman Campaign headquarters been act up at tho Gulhflu rink where bnromctcr Indlcntcs the prourcss mudc Oblcctlvc of the current drive ls SIIJJIUD cducnllonul rccclvcd on Oro Councillor Will Stand Again SHANTY DAY Staff Coun clllor Charles Sanderson has announced he Intends Ills numc stunt for 11 third lelm ut Ihe coming Om munlclpal el ectlon Nomination mcctlng leI hold on Vcdncsday Nov 25 at tho Oro hull at the fnlr grounds It will be an evening Scsslon Councillor Sundcrsou said he was asked by friends to stand llIIII he felt he should give the Voters chance to buvo their say am willing to continue serving It may want me remarked stating he would be running as councillor 5pr reserves Overtinish Meat it poor broctico to over tInIsh mutt animals says Dr Usbuurne Department of Animal Science Unlvcrsity spenklng to portfolio tints II Vuchnc Short Course recently held the University current ovorflnlshcd mcot wIIh Is needed for gout mcot quality being murkcttd Dr Usbourno pointed out that as lung us pockor was will Ins to pay more for excess un miunl of Iced the problem of on morkctcd 11mm The pro tullow and greases last year for up per cent over Guelph OK so rplus SHOWS TINIGIIT excess fat DIS would ductlon of In Canada nrnplc wus continuv WIN TITLE KINGSTON CPl goal In the second half by Al lIInzcll gave Lilo team more scnllng Canadian servlcvnlcn tit Soest Germany to win over Greenwood NS and U10 Cunn dlan Armed Forces soccer chnlnplonsllln Saturday Dcfcnd lug champion penalty in Ills addrcas entitled The Basic Prupcrtlcs of Mcnt Dr Usbournc stressed fat on meat Is dcslrnblc thin covering of fat on car casts prevents shrinkage protects the meat from contum Inotlun vhun It Is handled Fat also adds to meat pot utnbltlty Research has shown Uabournc moat completely devoid of fut tastes exactly Ilia same It Is the fat that makes bccf taste Chemical compounds In the lean meat fut Interact when cooked to produce tho unl qua moat flavors Fot protects meat from drying during cook It retains moisturolnaldohie ment Cook cd fut also stimulates tho aallt Ivury glands and thus enhnn cos the sensntlan of lulclncss Finally prime ourco of human nufrllt It serves as source of energy for bodily activity as solvent carrlcr for tho flitscl ublc vitamins and as source tibia vItlnmlns and as source of tho essential fatty acids Kingston vun consolation pluy defeating Esquimult in over sold Dr JOIN US DURING OUR FAMILY DININGOUT NIGHTS MONDAY TO THURSDAY LAKEVIEW RESTAURANT 15 Dunlap tomb and so Ins alnco WIN pair of Bauer skates mm at aIIKn CI In Starting Saturday October 17 through Sunday October 25 our store will begiving away on official hockey puck with picture on it free with every purchase of bucket or barrel of Kentucky Fried Chicken Thats right free So take home bucket or barrel and get cl free hoc animal uckg Fried molten stores at key puck for your youngsters And while youre in the store dont forget to enter the skate contest Our store will be giv ing two pairs of Bauer skates mens or Iodies boys or girls as prizes Enter as often as you like but dont forget the contest ends Sunday October 25th NOW PLAYING 715 PM PM THERES AJQAMPSIIE Itdnlls inlf Slmlnf lint llltt IIIII But full and lime Iha BARRY flit GANG vllfft IIIIIIr Sonders lllllllflf lffIIlIDIUIu KsNfucerIIro CNICKIN coteuuamnm Manson rmusnucmaoor 315 BAYFIELD SI NORTH MondayThursday Ii om am FridaySaturday ii mm mm Sundays Ii mm to Midnight mun nu mum Mum uwvuv fun mu thv senr tum noun BE PREPARED TO LAUGH uuuu SWEENE In coLon ulnulum Allllt nun UIIIIII

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