ANN LANDBRS ADVISES Counselling Is Answer Not Sexual Experience Dar Au mam Do you know that hm when two virgins marry Well an all you from experience Nothing vs brought up in very strict highly rrligims dunno pure was sure my pm had Idogtcd me because sex be tween THEM didnt mm possi ble was taught to supprsl all ml urges because they were Lb dcvlll work when bid mnnnl feelin of desire he tame to unarmed oI myuu would get physically ill Normally mntrd young mm whose family was kitudly with my familye perfect zen impeccable morals every moths or be had much new exi perim Ithat is 0111 none Our bonlymoon was nightmare latfrustration disar pointment Ind tzmr here should be law against two dumbbell like us gelling mar rind Now elgbl you and chlld later feel dutdy nothing My husband is Ixnpo mlbalfthetlmelndwbtnha Isnt Im frigid So much for our story hope from now on you wont put such hm prior lty on lnliy If at leust In or us had had some experience we wouldnt be so messed In pourPun Zero Dar Zero Sexiu uperlenca before marrlue would not luvs helped you OK your husband Its not what you two did not know about sex that lowed you up but how you felt about It Your description or parental influence the feelings guilt and shameeverything adds up to conflicts that would make healthy sexual relationship im ssible when children are rough up to believe that an is sinful and dirty few words by clergman will not magically transform the sum not into something beautiful You and your husband should have sought counsean before your marriage You both know what you didnt know and it would have made great dual of sense talcum together sume from your letter thnt you and your husband are In your early 30s This is certainly not too Isle to discord joy led ful fillmont of physical love In mar ridge FUEIOUS WITH NITWIT Dear Ann London Im lu rfaus with that ultwlt who wrote have two children the Wed Ind Lbs tuft af lwd to pay mum to cum in The plot lhkhm she drops thislitescm lusedtahnlda mm job but my pezmlr 85 have made if lmpouihlc for me to work these pas three years Lad then her final whim We ml nuke on me paycheck If they cant monumental mks lbwhn Ire they doing SJ with three him in three years Wahenrllotolmlkabout polluxhn these days Everyone LI mining at Galen Motors nod Cmnmnuwuhh Edison Bu Dent Ah can mud to goal nccunn ally bccnuse sharpede rudm Like you see things dont see and they let me know Thank uu very much the principal worm 9k We must keep the size mm down or we In all doomed How turn you didnt lb nk of mu when you amend her It was such beauzsful opportunity to strike blow for Zero Popullttao Grthhl Shame on you for Lbi goatAberdeen HAS DEFIOT department dieting higher dgcl m2 BARBIE mmm TUESDAY OGOBEK ll XIII mind me Montreal Cauucll of Jack Goodman hired taxis to Arts Council will provide subsi uud the Camilla Am Council wil provide subsi dies to cover most of the debt but the nrdieslra already pmh man an of Love Jack Seeks To Be In Public Eye But Burning Bras Is Out mumm c9 rum Wm Calm the new and probably Lhzai womens linemen group in 1112 my belizves SLnngly in bci rervnM 71 dl In ii mmmn Ice Jewequ wish his wife happy birthday Goodman bad Sim put in the back seat or the cab saying Happy ninnday Carol Good pommitlu ur 40th birthday mud and centres she said sud burning bro or roll in the public eykbul is pan moles BRIE 1E1 AWAY on de mur aux are shmlsr In those of the two GM moms groups in Thumb Faninisls and the axnznx 14b erauan hllmlel she said mm the Ami03d is diEeer $25 Slld the Caucuss mum l2er bcrs about me are not sublt jaded in any idmlm and me She said she was with the womans personal mnfler no Womens Libcntiun Moiemu the benchmark at rroup Making an isue it sub tracts mention from wth the ommm Rally wantequal oo Abortions Hmur uidcare MONTREAL lCP me mm limes mm Log ueftr them liaamai Symphony Orchestra lru mfuaggfn mggwmegumol ggg 159 $331 mittee sun in an rum mi groups uranium mm erel ama $23000 15 m3 ex1 mum 155 wearing bra or not should be and allhough she calls herself farxLit dzd not think that ev crybody had to adhere la Marx Slz though any were killing gay run what they ad in to cram rim in When all the Mile group was loose she sold year an there would be mm 50 Lo 15 women at every meeting But aroma May or might be only 15 Junsmzra SomeLmi she said thlro would be only four or Eweand than someone would ranembu rest she had forgotten to mfy Lhc Si said the Womens mans largely is made up at women who have become with the ideas Of groups tbnoler YourWorkmens Compensation Board Protection is our lulu We help In many ways Accident prevention The Accident Prevention Associations of Ontario work with maria ement and labour to re uce the hazards of the work en vironment and to estab lish safe work habits through safety education Medical expenses How ever lon he may require it wor er is entitled to all the negessary medical care relatmg to his injury Compensation If man is off work because of job accident we send him taxfree compensation under two years of age and am expecting third any minute Its people like her who Ire nnklng Nikearth unldnbaoltgc or you In no germrpm complnln because but husband doesnt help her with THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLH MARCH 21 lo APRIL 20 ArlenYour judgment excel lent now Youll be capable ol giving sound advice APRIL 21 10 MAY 21 TI nmBa alert Some remarks which sound innocent may have entirer dlIIerent meanings MAY 22 to JUNE 21 Gemlnll llake no important decisions In the morning Hours and noon for more prooltious JUNE 22 to JULY 23 Enter fnterviews with important persons should culminate most successlullyr JULY 24 to AUG 23 Leo One at your personal amblqu will be happily fullled AUG to SEPT ngol family discussion over financas will have con structivn outcome SEPT to OCT 23 man good day for teamwork As sociates will be most coupon live OCT 24 to NOV 22 Scorpio Stress diplomaey High lmnded altitudes will make you unpouulan N0 28 to DEC Slxllhl lslfDeCjSlons made now Will he instilled by future events DECA 22 to JAN 20 Couri cornWhom you know more important than what you know today JAN 21 to FEB l9 Agor fosiAn advantage promised some time ago will now mum ialize FEB 30 to MARC 20 5139 friendly comprcm isu could still produce quite healthy profit ASTROSPEClSMorniug pculs favor business hndlinan clal matters are particularly Iavorhhlo to real estate deals In the late evening dont even consider monetary transactions with strangers It is always ads visable to be cautious of such involvemanfs of course but some extraordinarily dubious schemes could be presented this evening VIIlIm FOR CHRISTMAS PDRTRMT FOR PROFESSIONAL LOOK SEE US SOON Photography Bv 3mm cheque every two weeks Vocational rehabilita tion Ifa worker requires mhabilitahon services including job retraining before he can return to work we will provide them There is no limit to the amount of time and money we are able to spend to help man get back on the Job Help us to helpyou We give every claim the same fast fair and thorough attention But to ve everyone all the he they are entitled to in time of trouble we need the cooperation of many people We need prompt report of every accident We can aptpn report from the 1nJured man from his employer or from his doctor From the day we hear of the aecldent we can put the rst compen sation cheque 1n the appli cants hands in ve days The disabled worker needs your goodw1ll Whether youre an em ployer or fellow worker give him chance to show what he can do Its mans abilities that count not his disablhtles 68 Mlple Avenue 7mm Prevention is better than compensation Most important of all we need everybody to join us in our effort to reduce ontheJob accidents Accident hazards will alwa exist the way to avoid em is to work defensively Our iob Our job is to see that you get all the benets of the Workmens Com ensation Act This Act is nanced by assessments on employers and offers protection in the case of onthejob accidents to more than two milhon men and women working in Ontario Accident Prevention Education Medical Care Compens lion Vocational Rehabilitation Sharpen your selfdefence and enioy life Workmena Compensation Board Ontario so Harbour Street Toronto Ontario Toronto Sudbury Ottawa Windsor Thundor Buy Kitchener North Bay Please send me booklets describing the work of the WCB am an employee an employer Name Address+z City