Barrie Examiner, 7 Oct 1970, p. 7

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1112 mm EXAMINER WEDXLSDAY 00085 in Lady Diana Adrienne Beat ty was lined by bondon judge the equivalent at $210 nlesdsy tar possessing marl mmu momde daughter of Etrl Butt and his tor Loopholes May Remain Despite Labor Protests WASIINGION Gt To Unit2d $816 lull mixim to Pruidcet Nnon My that two controverst customi duty exemptions max Cinndisn mu otter run an museumn should in oiled be allowed to and de spite protests from organized Amman near mph urging Imports TM Caninde em hare declined to comment oIiciaIly on in report but an oEldll dc sarbed It an encouraging development in relations be tween kind and the LS in the trade sector However npoknznxn lor the poiedul AFLCIO which has med or repeal of the owns lions said the us emu11 lion 1111 admin 1L Iit in 0mm than it has lound support In the Ni 1mm both labororiental and roteme mnreseutatiws and senators Ammllcly SRO million Worth 906 entered the 15 mm Canada unz the terms of the run exemptions In 1559 our of tau mm In NEVIS $1 million Canada was the second larg est under the exam lions mar Wd Germany but Students 113k Davis Help In Dispute With Universities TORONTO CPI Students mm Sudburys Lnurentlan Uni vcrsily told William Davis min msr wile Adoil OConnor New York Is shown as she arrived to Inco charges at South Western Court inst Sep tember 18 AP Wimplloto Via cable lrom London Suppliers Oi Auto Firms Forced To by Oil Workers OSHAWA Onl CPI Spakulmm Ior two Illms which supply equipment to General Motors Ltd said reality they have laid at Imnclmds or om Eloycs during contract talks olween GM and lilo United Auto Workers My cud not Srmlmtmuh coii spring or autmnobllos nld his firm has retained only 100 ol Employees in till atandinl on err Until last weekend he laid Boudnilio had avoided Inyolll by stockpiling goods but weve stared all we can and weve had to reduce atoll spokesman at Gale Lumber Ltd said it has retained not in ot us workers employed are when the GM strike started last month The work week has bon reduced to tour days from live Ila said Meanwhile UAW olllcisl said In Toronto where local Issue muse talks an continu In ten union as received some prononala on work Ing can tlans lrom GM OConnor acting prosl dent of UAW Inca did not apocin tho ropoaals but said they shaui help move the local agreement along company spokesman also declined to outline the proposals but will progress is being made and Im certainly pleased FEASTING ADDS TO JOYS OF LIVING MAY WE SERVE LIMITED SUPPLY FRESH TURKEYS CAPONS SEE OUR DISPLAY OF DUCKS CHICKENS TURKEYS AND HAMS ALL ATTRACTIVELY PRICED FOR THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND Ready To Serve Short Shank skinless SMOKED HAMS 75c lb Super Value RINDLESS BACON Schneider FARMERS CHEESE Melly PORK RIBLETS MID Sliced Flavor vac Pnk 79c lb 75 lbs 991 Va GAL BREAD 95 ICE CREAM 79c ETIY US FOR COMPLETE MEAT FREEZER SERVICE RENNANS TIIE HOME OF gum Mills MEAT MARKET PERIDNAL SERVICE GUARANTEEDSATISIACTION 15th at university ollalrs nleb dny the mater governing bodies at Lnurcntian on at an impasse and asked him to set up me diation process About 120 students stood out side the legislature with orange placards Um Rad Business should not control our unitcrab ties Board at governors must go and Help Mediate Three students met with Mr Davis or nearly an hour to present briel that said the root the conict Ls bean Mumniinnr principal govern lnz bodies the senate and the board governors The brief said the our major areas of dilflcully Ire long rnnge planning appointment at new president facultyuinry negotiations and governmental relurm Victor Gormler head the student general assembly said Mr Davis told them be Wallis to appraise the situation Irom all sides He Is to meet today with up rcsentnlivcs oi the senate the group that sets academic policy It Is not known whether the board 01 governors will meet with him The sludmu brIcI asked lol wtsldc Impartial people in the educational lieid as mediators rather than direct govcrnmenl intervention to impose solutions my nsvebunthechidbene 633$me mined larde uxnntmatxlnlmnlheGe memo warn HOLE MUM There was no immedinlb can meet run either the krill can rnlsxion or the 131 Home on wont action it any the 55 dent new is likely to take 01 the WV within be more important allows canpo nun N115 Knde in lb 118 be sznt abroad for NM of incorporation lam larger nails as can be rclmportrd tn the v5 without custom darts on the USmade parm The total value imports under Ibis sodion in 1959 was $161 mil on For Canada this exemption involves such items it in dustrial tracllzs civilian nib Unit air conditioners olilre machines and wide range at other goods valuecl in 52 million on which 96 million in duty was saved The second exemotlon mm 333 made Immbnso metals an partin processed outside the US and returned here or torthu processing ll total 01 191 million in import Irom all countries under this section last year Canada no counted for $37 million ol which SS million was duly tree Can adas share involved mainly transportation equipment In dustrinl machinery and proo essed aluminum In Ottawa trade do art ment sum expressed de ht with the still commissions rc luvcl D1 rm oluvu wunuuu mun pm awn nunnun GINGER ALE MIDI 31101 ID IIIII um COCKTAIL mnuun AIIDRIID TlAVOlIIl HALF DAL IDA IIOUMI RIGUIAR lOTION BOTH 0R ITGUIAI CREAM 113 OR TUB BakayTreots IOA oval nmll CARNATIIIN lCE CREAM 62 Puma BHIPSli 59 Health bBeautyglids HEAD SHOULDERS PLUS DEPOSIT no null In low 89 PUMPKIN PIE TIMI llll CHRISTIES IGA FOODLINER soc grlrgiwals ptEXTRhgl 13N$ TIRES in mutant Iarulul murmur 01 ml 11 ESSA RD JCT 0F TIFFIN 51 rm local Mann nut aum Mimosa APPLES is tom caown DNIAIIO anal GELERY STALKS ml min Imrml an to total niown at CANNED RAMS DOLI PARC PINEAPPLE BIOKS PIOKLES $125 Macdowd 113 to reporters MANOTEEB Bonnvnmnr Tuesday alter telling the Com mom that hu department is investigating cl oneyear tion or tour Canadian demo as Thomas Bell Conserv 061cm Mime Dcnaldl the consequences deal in coustruo alive member or Pallimo lar Sainl John Lancaster asked Mr Iacdanaid not to allow to construction to es cnllte into another Bonavem lure Iinsc 13gt Wimpbotot little government concern that the report would dccnmcud policy change menu carovac UNDER IIIll all ma Imusm nunIa 1th outanlo ll omens ulot nuns lnutelowu gt CABBAGE mvnullut luul nlowtl at our Barri Ollie to Tnlaphons 7289903 TABLERITE GOOD IIIKTIOM OF 1er milk AND martour IMOItlD MAM Alf TIVE PRICE strewn ONTARIO No lGRAnE ONTARIO IZES cFrvzon Foods TII Ill ROI MID om sounl ORANGE JUICE 61 IIII OCIAI MAI CRANBERRY SAUCE 33 GIADI DIIDI IrIl TIN SLICID CRUSRID OI TIDBITS WI MIXED 901 2401 JAR FAMOUS 0N CANVAS AWFUL IMODIIIROII OI mm MW MIST mile 310 Pl Wllll umu noun COFFEE l4l Ill DIIIIXI 411 III 3w nu wnu DUN Illm CAKEMIXES WIT TOUR HIRE COUPON MU 5500 PNICIIISI OI IOII THIS WEEK OCT SID1m WOI ID IIIO mum in wt wml REVN ll nnuu YOUNGS IGA FOODLINER moon WRAP 31 ml mm mm WISH ll HAM STEAKS malnmimmt OLDS Elm max in ROI IDDD FLAKEY PIE CRUST MIX SAGE ONION STUFFING nlrunooo 519901 SEASONING PUMPKIN PIE SPICE olltlvloon SAGE Don Ill SAVOURY max nAar lam no no Iu premium month DlOX Ill All CASSEROLE mm om Itl Ioltxol Illll Avouoo on mqu rotou FREE POWER wutumu lilomu run STDKIIYS MN VEGETABLES on all on In lull lulu lul mu max Illoll IIIIIl roll 101 31 W1 WIT cerium mmmmu ORANBERRIES IML Pll mum SPINACH IAan MARKET SQUARE IGA WORSTIT AND WLCASIEB WOOD GUNDY SECURITIES LIMITED We wish to autumn the clung at address SUITE 104 39 COLLIER ST BARRIE ONT Resident Manager Ralph Loughoed CA

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