TIT BARR EXAMINER WEDNEEAY OCTOBER 7011 Voters Views Sought WDPORD Stalit Mem tM Federal Liberal guy mlmen tor Yorksrmcoe John Rm in will attend pol icy MM Sir Gentle Willing whovl in Aurorn on needy evening Oct nt vrlmi comment hne been in nmdh in their vim Multan said he would he lid to hear tron voter on wia they wlmed lo d1 cus He rnentlvned tax relom mu women drugs nnd fer eizn ownership in Canwda lnueaud lax spending the national debt structure Ind its ellect an the tummy ristllz unemplayment and lnfllltlon are By MP and imam progruusu Wag Hintoned by Full Innlsi il Liquor Balloting Today smoun 15mm gmy turnout to the poll we son what heavier than natal but the llan in lnnlsal wwnsthl qunr vote today is are ed this dream and awning 111 it pulls opened mas morning at am and will SPY open until pm Approx rrnatrly 5529 people are all Ilgricultural Minister Asked To Open Big Plowing Match ml the new play in match will open an we flay Oct 13 die 0ka men in ceremony wunt be held un til the day allowing when the 0mm mm at Hon Wllllam Stanin It cut be ribbon The fiveday match held at the lsrm lair Part and luminous west at Lindsay under the joint wannaably ot the mom Ws Anon tion the Vlcwrla county lncd mume Ind tonn oi Linday The lure version at one at Incluch numeral contest or both hens and tractor drawn rim Walled by plomhip cums Ind specials The latter will include com peutxon open to mnyar on the closing day Saturday OcL 11 Hers shows And horseshoe ltdllng warden plowan contest and press radio and the molt mphdue turn nu claim en the maria Numerous exhrhn conecurd with amine will nlm be on me no Punl Safety Cmncll of Ontario in mniuncum will the Wm Won Board will be stressing the need la cm and salmon on the farm The Ontario amm melt 55mm and food tut fvln beak with 59 tilt in livestock machinery uld tarm management to id were and advice lu tumas Ow lnsurulce commission will also he at the match to provide inlermnllon on Its services Good parking and eating lalt cilitieu will be nvallahle at the mntch well plenty oi nheltzr should the weaker do croe the need rsnmmttlulnudicum to cm ballots In amalgam lupus whlch con rv plomn class we also part mum mlm my mm mint gag 01 at the rmrlvlues As In ml BEEFT351 DEATH mm in mm quorvoto no Imam the gum AUGCLAND CPI ank 10 an mm We Theyvolc Elia de must at whch Mmknn 2a tollapscd alm mo presou $12000 plus 55000 we at will Indies rum many GM acvuwuncc glasses taxrm em is another If bl tnrlo counties plaw sunlght beer Saturday and dlcdlnhu and adymnmm 3m lament my loll hem at we rs ear or In the year sumo lme an take place Imam an hmde llryzlostlllll69pccnlmnllg mm ml New Znnlnuucrs mcuuy mm mm undsmur afar3 dlt2 clalmed the remrd wch ngu The mm mm is ML wcrgm cc by Machinery and farm equip Stark Godlnett 29 drank lol aka mm lock narrow margins at the last rnent displays are an Important sevenounce Llassc in at vote on Sept 20 WW part of the Ttnlcd Olly lion hours MAIN SPENDING nghlluhts the governments main nding estimates or the nu71 rucnl year whlcll start nd Aprll merited la Par llnmcnt last February showed Soul outlays set It record SN Il2786336 up 75 per cent lrcm 813713095029 or 1969310 pulr Ila dob charges clim ng to 300000 tram 31655600 defence budget held In 5i 000 an Increase only Everyones Talking About VALUFAIRS E5 OCT 71h TO Hill wns csthzllcd medical cure ance If all provincu pan wmllrl ollmb to Sm mm 70000300 the spendlng budget com on own President Drury lhu lncmm wns mltlnly to the growl cost of cat llage council Tri Vi Sol 2338 Simolliz Tone Lemon $3333 lling 299 mom vllngovcufcllflm Listerine Mouthwash Nam cm Reddi Starch 21195 3A0 public debt payllll FONS to the provinces 59c tho llnul quarter or busy MM 19 car lcrm use IS ox mm the hyglkthu change was raids Burrowbatth county sell board Intter In to bawhcld on Exru Anh SIIIIle Arise own 0d 1m vulva fang Parspirunt Dedorunt cu wush Wu 15 Fllhcl um glam mm Sun malllgmcs 2159 gt Mira surrmwldrgmm an term The county hogan lLs ndmlnlurntlon nil Albert v0 Shampoo em Cook all corded Loula Tim Stulnless Steel Blades menu mt elm our erl SuKK Retnll $29 29 MI Mn 75 yorlrs nlocccd 5A mum 89 thy Igllaon who ll anoks smug Prucrl rocv lur ll movement wlls nr uliiln 1961 and tho llrst gt mind om mung SEYIOEoum ng Heads ggsonlacnlLlli1 999 erl Sn magnier 151an Beauty 225 Willards Chocolate Buds llAlllE 986 55 $21 Miri sun atoll Wt SALE PitICE gonorlxl tax rate or lmo 33243 murmur ml 3030 ordlul tho county ralo lury slcllaol ram nnl Anton my GU SW lltln an install We slum llllcr zw YORK AP lamb SALEIluCE IIIm 49c 3151lsxggdisvagltumavrlary lalllnllzdvmmlx All Wig Brushes lady Pntrlcm ll le lll Ilwkolollor Calllru Sun Mum Colo ExAMINmt WAN 39 Hy Style Hair Spray mmnlngl WI erl Bun nolull sun 104311le hdd Mu 5M3 195 VJ Doe gt complotlng um um yenr Mr lllankmun was Punty Hose his Mira Sunk Null $21 01 IACK KANDY KARNIVAI FEATURE While lienthor Clloculzlle imp rrll Usually 98 lb SALE PRICE Garbage Bags by Aukron Par IO Mill Sun Ilnll lllln Sun Null $105 saw PRICE Bulierin 100s 269 Emma Kleente Pmbably not ynt if Vicks DU yrw just moved DEIIIUIO CIOUIISOIZ 983 or ymp Perhaps your Wok lull all Mtnll use norm Wugrln hotness SALE PRICE SALE vruw Balloon And Pay lllme Guaranteed Min sun mlnlu 39c Jergens EXEHI Dry GI zeronu oz 511 gt Mir Eu lllctnll uln mu Mgllgmcm gt ll Cal her today 49c Mfrs Sn menu SALE PRICE SALE PRICE for 25 mwpmw can help to use tho tlllPI null Fact Toothpaste Sllln Lutlon confuslon 534 656 134584 or 7264160