Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1970, p. 6

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Afternoon Ceremony Held At St Marys Church Barrie MarI Roman Calhollc Chum was the term at sn alimwon wedding when Mary Unite Flynn um untied in mu ms ta Michael Joseph Smith blur June kl Clair ran tcd the ceremony Sent to galmi kttinl nl Ihlta glad int and mum Hlu JovAnna Ilrrida prrdcd It the Mun The bride is the dsnsbirr at Mr Mrs Thomas Olen Flynn oi Quer 5t nu bride grrmn the uni at Mr and Hip lmrga Smith oi at Vincent St DRIDAL 10704 len In marriage by her he liter the bride in gained In poau da charms Inhiontd with hlglrncrkpd longslotch bodv kc and floorlength Ikltl French lacs applique enhanced the ho dlco rad caiIledlnl tnin oi the 1WD headdress cluster cl cry lal and pearl loam held the lulllength ch1 ol silk tulla The bride carried bouquet ol rad ram and while mumr For Tomething nld rho car gos heirlomn lacs handker to WEDDING ATTZNIMNTD Miss liurtrarn llyne oi Darrin sister at tho lrridc was mum at parlor nu brldrsmsldn Irv eluded another rimr MIN Cain rrins Flynn and Min DrrndI Crompton oI Darrle Miss Jan Ice Smith llarrio niece of Mil AND IIIIIS MICHAEL JOSEPH SMITH uk coat and drcax costume and Hobart Smilh Burrlc gold colored shantung with mab braibors oi the bridegroom us the bridegroom was ihu ower all Shana Vlymt ol innlg ornd the guests ching bat and corsnu of red servod or ring bearer roux RECEPTION lor travelling the bride 60 Tho maid ol honor and bridep maids mm attired in oor length gowns ol ahrlmp colored sparkle organza complemented with handdrosle ol while lain in and they narrinl while bait Irvin containing similar daisies and muma tinted the shrimp color ol their drowns lho host mun wan Dnliglnl Ilvniluy oi llarrie Grown rimllh Ambassador To Vatican Adjusting To New Role th II he asked the ca cyclopedla editor whose lull It had never had room or and whip wool drel with matching rant and block wct Ioult accessories or Connie was ol red roses Alter honeymoon at Niag Irn Falls the pawl cds will trnvel to British Cournhln and will make their home at Ccdnr Park Apnrtmunt I600 IA St South Cranhrook Guests wan rcceivrd at the Barrie Curling Club Iullowlng the ceremony The hrldoa mo ther was nttlred in pink and silver brocade coal and dress ensemble with harmonltlng ac cmorm and carnage ol duop pink roses Asalstlng in tho rcvcivlng line the Iirldeumnma mother warn llvo at Prime Eslwnrtl lInml ngers wnn knrmn tn IInIIIrInn na ronitthur or the study ROME ICII In anIIIItllig to new role as nmhnssador for Canada in the Vatican John llubliliis Cnnadlnn Canada Looks Alirnnd lIIo commorclnl ilhn nducntlonlst nnd oneyclnprxlln other author It It MnuKuy ainn nnlenlnmorcl or editor rollers on resource was it close lrieml the Holy Dnubln rows ul towering bins AInte Oliner dnys OIIICIIJI realtlonce lnr thu new Canadian envoy smiill villa In an urcn cncnscd within the Aurellnn wall the newer til tho two walls ImlIl liy lhn llnmnns i7Il0 years ago The residenee IJIIIII by based on long enreor at many facets Ills introduction to the leg mum at the 50 listed Cann diun rcshlrnia In llomu who llttldnd Inc Dominion Day rcuuhllnn this year or In siuneo proved an occasion shrubs and nlout slcel once provldu the Iilm star wlth prI vncy Acculilnmnd to cnmlnrlnhlo homes In Ottnivu and recnntly tlro prosldcnts icsidlllcr lor lIrnndon University In Dran InII or post nssoclnllons dl director of the Romn unit tlon Mun Dr and Mrs Iinb tort or indirect cnnipnny in some Iisiiiricn lian endured with equnnlmlty Dr and Mrs Robbins Irom the Iillsy Apvitin Way the wait of nlnny month until slinmi privileges as hosts nml enjoys complete privacy they were able to move Into with lieniamin Rage the It was Mrs llalililns who their home In Rome The leIa hull in he painted throughout and tho Iiirnlslnus hnd been shipped from prus where the XINIIIII nlfriits lillitc till one or alx closed by the de pnrtmenl Irlirnetl the Identity III lhelr nentonl neighbor whose new dog hurl kept Uicm awake nil ono nlulll It In Marcello Mus Imlumll she sold ti nmhnssndilr in holy and Mrs Rogers The nvent was held In the houae and gardens at tho olllclnl rcsltierrco career deInmnt and na MERV AND MERLA IN BARBIE blow and Morin two pretes sioual muslcinns and Christian Iolk artists leI be perlormlng In Ilnrrle until Sunday svonlng In the evening they will re turn to Westminster Presbyien inn Church or city vlde rally beginning at 730 pm PEOPLE AND PLACES MMWCMWIW PM Ind tiird Mrs Soc rtn and Mrs Graham Eut mt victim tint Mrs and Mrs BW second Mn AIka Ind GII turn and third Mr and Mrs sin to don tn the sale luvs them It the hi on until pm Pick up on can be Irritant by lug IrIrl Hellman It moor Mrs Wriait minis XI BETA PI WB Members Xi Bcts Pi Chap ter MI Sigma Phi Sorority held their lint locill oi the no son It the Woodcrest Road rul denca Mrs Gordon Spring Sept Eleven membm or nd pot luck supper allow an by an evening Court Whirl Prizes were won by Mrs Walton Mrs Gracry and Mrs Wauon SUPPER Dalston United Church lpon lnring Fall Supper on Oct 24 Sitting will be at and mo pm Tickets may be obtained from church members QUMA CLUB FASHION BINW The Quota Club of Burris Is lponsnring Fashion Show the Air Force Club 7i Dunlnp 8L West one dollar admission too Is bo Monday at Bali pm In Army Navy and lag charged GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Harvey Johnsa ton oi 202 Wellington 5L East are hosting an 0pc House at their home Sunday lrorn to ll pm on tho oceazion oi Iheir 50th Wedding Anniversary MIDIIURST FESTIVAL Thu lilldhurrt Autumn Festi val will be held In the Mldhurst Centre Saturday Communtw starting at 130 pm BIIANTY DAY GOLFI Trophy winners at the Ladies Section nl Shanty Buy Call Club have been announced Club lama ol cacti which have been champion ls Mrs Della Clive then about nowhring the potin on the arch ul patio or undu boom to re are for it Ladle 5333325 hummihzilchgg alum PM mumps WP if it should1 III om cchpUDIMd Chum Ions Mrs Ann Smith and Mrs owns CP Tm hm mm lecthl ca Isl wm WmWMDWBWQWL Mann director oI camp or washed and given light and This year director is Aus wlr Orade 0m and Gin West Lndics closing day beglnn log at In arn potuck sup goll will Out with pla pcr will conclude the games DUPLICATE BRIDGE six tables were In play when Merv and lilerla are shown in the picture above signlng the city register or Barrie Mayor Des Cooke Examiner photo lhr Ilurriu Duplicate Brldge Ciuh met lat evening In the Burton Aynrue United Church Hall The northsouth winners were first Kllby and Mathawi son second Mr and Mrs Elected To CWL Faiirlnal Winnipeg Miss Arsnntlitli tied from Ilocimr other Miami area aolvlenti Mr Iriani and Mr Mam mast Kliillmim Singing their own canipuaitinns and accompanying themselves playing vaner or Instrum enls the couple have our more appearances scheduled Satur day evening at dim they will sing at cilyvl youth rally to he held In Westminster Pre sbyterian lliurehon Bionic St Sunday morning they will an penr at Westminster Presbyter lmt church at to am and Gen tral Ualled Church at 11 um ORDER YOUR GM FORD 0R CHRYSLER PRODUCT 24 oramns $65 $I29 ts aromas rnmpsl Nausea Diarrhea can on Dr Fowlers mm or win strawher Ior gentle soulhlng yeliul Iiniii unp taunt embarrassing symp Inglamlaed and prawn earnerallonr its an ourla taverpiiomnmliiinrmy Dr FOWLEBS EXTRACT or with stRAwnERRY 238 BRADFORD STREET PHONE 72m com New President In TOMMY CII lphigenln Arsenault Ii Charlottetown was elected president at the Catholic Wmnona league 01 Canada Frir My swarming Mrs Valcnllnc Miss Arsonouii elected on the link do the convention will rwva lur ter yours as vrcnirient oi lira twtmrmmimr league is commis altnux III the Prince Edward Imul division M4 the Canadian Mrs number Vancouver llrnl vies roaitlanti Mr Matthew iiiuwdslu Inh wound Vleo MnllIwwI trimmers QUM third viceurn Illrd were followed by Welcome Wagon lMM or 72043101 1M1 Mrs Stellar and west navznxroit DANCE WORKSHOP llama oi Petawawa KING EDWARD CIIOIR hnncr member at DOyly Cart Com pany will be gutst soloist at the King Edward urolr Concert to be held Nov at Barrie Central Collegian auditorlum beginning It 830 pm Selections from Oil bert and Sullivan will be In cludod In the program Another future or this conccrt will be twozpiano aceornpnnimcnt with the choir led by Mrs Juan Dal son director Some ticko are available tor the November con iMeg Mllllchump cert Monday evening ll able wen in play Ind the winners were follows Northsouls llrs Cola second Sclunncrborn and DIVII Ind third Mrs and Mama and me Dnl Dr Akin Int Gram haulun Ind Lewis and third Dr mland and Dr The first FIX Ind Winter series at square dance work shop for npulmccd dancers will be held at the Hnylult St Vincent St Noth on Saturday evening It pm directed by Altandinl tho SmILIlHynn wed ding at St Marys Roman Coup olic Chm Bank were UH allowing outolrcby gucsu Mr and Mn mils Casorou at Detroit Michigan Mr and Mrs Coleman North Bay Mr and Mn Bill Brown and Mn Dale Brown at Sudbury Mr and Mrs Bill Holt of Dun du Mr and Mr Earl Leigh ol Colllngwood Mr and Mrs Paton Oakvlllc Mr and Mrs Bob Smith Mr and Mrs John Own and Stephen Rldley of Toronto and Lt Larry Wil mentolly and physically handl rappcd children says such spe cIal camps should he kept as Inr uwny Irom the cIty us possllt bio This way the parents cant come up too nlten and thats the way we Ilka It It the parents Mn COOKSTOWN CHAMPION CONGRATULATED erushzhlorlorkslm This years Baking Champ ton Ste Is shown here being cue Pam by trenryi It the Cockatovm Fair was congratulated by John Rab Ilarg Bun ul RR Thorn Lorne Hny Mn Hay will con duct uad 550 ocloack prinIr at 3125 shop wznama cums mixture at parts good gab den soil parts organic matter adeparts sand Geranium like This Is the time to bring In the houseplants that have done In order to keep over such thing an Ivy and Zynura put mimerot roots in one big pot clip them back and than about March rcpot each separately for another season CANNA LILIES should be lilt cd alter the Eira true store mm the same as dzth tub ers Dig Lhcm carelutb so table decorations all winter with Just very low blooms or some other llowor raided to your pnangemcnt as well as potting mammass comes in lovely colors now and some are double Those are tender plants and will not tolerate any trust Root slips in water or Vcrmleullte Keep year to year but new slips make the bestplants You can pot up some OI your best BEGONIAB and they will continue to supply bloom Indoors for week it you give them just moderate light bushel bum sored in cool dry place SOCIETY NEWS District No 16 ol the Ontario Horticultural Association holds Its annual Con vention in Barrie Wed Oct 7th Naturally the iacsi misty out completely lay it on its side In cool dark place or couple at month to rest Then bring It to light and warmth and water again The newer varieties oi palmet tln ccrtnlnbr are an Immen se Improvement over Ider vor Ietles You buy them lot Christ mus they bloom until Easter put them outside In the spring alter cutting than right back CACTI and other GERANIUM CUTTINGS or your next spring supply should be taken now Use only healthy cuttings and dont think the big ger the muting the better the Nam cutting about Inches long ls IInc Just plant the cut ruscnrlts are blooming henn tings In sand Vcrmiculltc or illuIly now In window boxes etc perlttc Give lust enough water water Watch out for meaty bugs liitle notion ballinglike Imecu that live on the plant Iulecs They can he nitde oil will toothpick dipped In rubbing AL cohul it only few do hope to see In support from all societies or our young dir ector Tickets to tho Banquet $250 available trom DS Illne donrild local trensurer phonolt 7139991 Mrs Kosowan district secretary phone 7264565 123431 not your moving mu CLE netrlgeratar and stove Drapes Curtains Electric Light Fixtures compute Decorattng at Centurya 3110an Total Price nl 0100 Pnld By You Over ID Years or the buying Terms You Cant Allnrd To Rent Just More In The Home In lieruly IIOUIIEI ll am to sum VBARRIE 7282743 45 minutes from Toronto halfway to Muskoku $112500 DOWN $22495 FULL PRICE And This Special Deal Too CHOOSE FROM SEVERAL MODELS Prices from $22495 to $26595 MANY EXTRA FEATURES IN EVERY HOME YouII be glad you vliltod Ferris Park your next address DIRECTIONS North on Boyeld St to Candles Road Nm right to Ferris Park and model homes TORONTO DIRECT LINE 3646636 FERRIS PARK WILISON MLS REALTOR well nuledethlsylgsr and gratin singsm be lb Mm them or your aw gar en No on bloom best while trust has not come yet It GAB ill1 W31 will beliere loan Take slips or am It you have any Ivy geraniuml rI tom and root magi 3131 50km M5 Horticultural Ihp lhem also Tiny are so very lly and can me It as riiror wk 31 hum mm PM pinched back or best bloom and Im 5315 not to damage It you do dam have nmrvllls bulb it you Cushion chrysnn age dust the part with sulphur the Wt 11 themums 33 will bloom In Letdry In an air and sunWhen Id mlmdmny doors or weeks dry store in dried leaves Mn aund ma lhcy Ilka cool dump weather inkcop them barely moist When Mrs Gable times upsets the hi Fuschlas curl ire kept over from rooted plant in Inch pots In See you at the Convention

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