at Walls Publisher 1er Headway Corporation had been mak vdng pretty good headway in Barrie up mesday night Then tactical error may have cost it some ground say euougb ground for 75odd Ontario Hm lng Corp units Headway is the firm seeking to put 69 Zrenlgearedtoiocome housing cm on 28er Street site near Johnson street Chief opposition to this plan has some rom the city planning board whzch has long favored ceiling of pHC on one site Also residents in the Slreetarea have voiced their oppastaz City Council has been divided on the issue right from the start rah some hitting of opinion and votes but so far majority favoring the plan or ants nstead of 25 At one time tonngjar red the Headway plan 83 Last time the margin was narrowed 85 Tuesday night however Headway ispokesman Harry Ganja requested stir plati bylaw for 35 row honing units on 25acre site at the sontlruat corner of Duckworth and Rose Streets He said he planned to build 10 OHC rentvgearedto jincome family units on the site and sell the remaining land to the DEC for future gearedtoincome housing The 10 units combined with the 40 units planned for Blake Street by Barb way would ml an OHC call for 50 such units in Barrie The planning boards view of all this was predictable it quickly renewed its urgings to council that the 25unit limit be maintained for OHC housing What this second Headway request did DOWN MEMORY LANE 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Sept 26 1945 Dick Henderson former RCAF gunner be came owner Barrie Bowling Alleys No platoon Grey Slnicoe Foresters Reserve honored Sgt Boy McVittie Centre Slmcoe school inspector before departure to new post at Guelph Party Vespra Among hosts were Norm nrke George Holloway Fred lllorren Fred Sar jeant George Coles Sandy Coutts Mick ey McBride Two prominent young Barrie lawyers Charles Douglas Stewart and John Rainer Boys named Kings Counsel President Tommy Burton welcomed 40 new candidates for member dliip in Canadian Legion LAC Harry Rartridge of RCAF arrived home from overseas Dr Neil Laurie called public meeting at library hall to conslder plans for community recreation centre Provin cial govt grant will be available to help nancing Chamber of Commerce set up depot to collect clothing for war vic tims of Europe Committee headed by Russ Nettleton manager Bank of Toronto loan McBride was to student in Upper School exams at BCI is year with eight firsts Simcoe County led all POLLUTION IN ALGONOUIN Ottawa Journal Wmw vote an alumnus AND BRIGHT SUNSHINE Curr was loos mAIberca 5a SNOWElIDlAp 055 MAG IVES 57 TlMBLA WE MicFl 55 Gimkomm Norrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited uric Ontario Kerry nudist Germs Manage McPherson Managira Editor no 15 Buyold Sum OHC Housing Bird In Hand Less Than Two In The Bush rare birds in the bush ax in Land The com ured all of the bur the Blake Street ahead and again chal the were prepared to cm 215 gt on Blake Street will be ad to do so on the second snztie approach would be to tbme proposals separately If wane satisfactory for Blake last week they should be just as arr this week There should be cant change in the considera zion that proposal The BookwormRose Streets site is an other cutter and should be regarded as 51$ In other words the challenge to the 75mm limit should have to be fought that there will all ore again We suspect however be an inclination among some councillors to fear the consequences of establishing precedent on Blake Street They might well feel that waiving the 25uuit limit on one site challenges them in some way to waive the limit on other sites This would be mistake not Judicial body with the usu rever ence for precedence it can an should judge proposals on their respective methods Precedent is somebhing that can be ac cepted or waived as the case merits just as the 25onit limit can be accepted or waived Council is on Sault government policy on intergov rlllers 62 in rovlnclal softball playoffs was on mound for locals Regular players Ontario in potato product Ste Marie beat Barrie first game Ken Gullfoy with Jack Dyte catching were Steve Hines Fred Norris Miles Bowen Bill Gribble xeturnedhomoofter six years with RCAF service for fallen soldiers of Vesprn Twp held at Sprin Cumming It Clements litre Wingrove Maurice Hines sinLucid at farm of Richard Clou ley CommomoratIon fficlated along with Rev Mirroring Stephensons Jewellers opened new optical department in charge of Noel Stephenson R0 Records smashed at BC Field Day we intermediate 100 yards unlor pole vault Bill Liking stopqump Barrie Glrls Club organized with Judy Knox president Ruth Aarson Betty Smith treasurer Since inco 1921 Barrie Collegiate has won Tu most times 10 in Georgian Bay track and field competition Joe Milne recalled that Barrie had pro hockey team in 1008 which played just one game against San Greyhounds before folding OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Reg Roao Wallace senior ho Basketbal secrctnry round the lake have been taken out Be cause the department also has to and some $500000 to improve sanitary ocil ltlcs no new ones will be opened other areas this year what campsltcs are left wlll be filled most of the summer and on weekends many will have to be turned away to private campsites outsldc the park It will mean that fewer people will use the lake but they should get body of water more worth using price to pay to save one of Canadas fin Those who understandably and pro perly cried out in anger last summer when Algonquin Parks Lake of Two Hiv ors was dost to swimmer because of pollution Will have to bite their tongues when they discover what has been done at the lake this year The Ontario Dc partment of Lands and Forests having decided that the pollution was caused by too many people and poor sanitation facilities is cutting down use oi the lake About onethird of the campsites est natural beauty spots It wlll mean that its small Wm Fir HAPPENED IN CANADA new VilloMarie Moment ONE orA MlMDRIl DFllIE slow FEEMII serum were NERVES GAVEOHT UNDER REPEAYED manuals mucus MAlllklWAEw nerloeoro cave warn iesuwso ran it MAW Venus suuuama IleLIGHToF DAV CANADAS SumLay cup DONATED Bl GOVERNOR GENERAL Lord Stanley IN I893 I975 0104s TROPAVLJMPATED R72 massamt MoorMMcg 47JIWaepsorlaprtr uImmnwx QUEENS PARK People Have Bight To Be Consulted By DON OHEARN broad to be understood by the normal elector and in essence snob3nva Therclsondmwofuuld warlnthowwlor to help Jordan against Syria is the least like eventuality Ever 11 it occlufed it would stump Hussein Is creature of what most Arabs consider the Vilniustho Zionist thater lst capltalLrtexplolters aros cow propaganda has succeeded counteract the untlnlrereft ml pcrfectly tn Identifyingtbe Zlonlsm So the us could not AROUND THE WORLD Sale From World East In The Middle monumenth midsummer redoubleAIM everybulletwoeld undama all of them mm many reasons and strategically Mainly we are safe from world war he wae whatever the United sustenance Ennis is namely mus WWM to lose anythingon the centre ryuni will not in tervene with its own troops The range of option for the us is as follows Upscale truncation to belp Jordan against Syria limited Interven te guy 15 doc to mcua American clu nomhnt the n5 argument zoos no haterveotion with US troopsbutlncmasednawofnnl no me aperndm vu um awhile and tinnth aid launched for the hostages be to lsuel Under all three clo cumatances HussIa stands to gain most by sitting on the alde linm making disapproving noises umbummabecbedplmes tnfnvownlnresaioopenlim fore vrby launch it now when civil war has broken out in Jor dip and tho m8 operation will appear as an American move to help lsnel It likely Largescale 05 lnmentlon um um guarmu would he more land matchor email us face unfamiliar tory So the most probable us tactic will be to step up arms deliveries to Brut including all the necenary equipment to lilo Egypt has pm near the Americans with economic cs Sucz Canal lsrael will make ex plgation of the poor Arab coun To be proAmerican to be traitor even in tho eyes of very conservative Arabs for force Israel may make raids even they Identify Americaka deep Into Syria and ovcli Inn throatenlng tho lltterwltb do ccllent use of such moment and may well thrust into and If necessary into Joi It With Haci and better alr renlly save Hussein And in staidion of Its olleldS That anummunmsmw lrylug to save him US troops would be blamed by the Arabs would be bogged down flzbtlng on the Americans and Moscow And this Is where Mr Mc Keoughs premise essentially Municipal Minister mm Meow mm llf sumo In the United States in which he got rather deeply involved In EmmoWMEi knowledgeable people who had arrived at decision after care ful study and dlscusslori based on informed background Fine but please one distino have uld there has been lack of communication unmcut relationship Panleu lnrly between the state or province and the municipali Mr McKeoughs conclusion George eexprosscd it was that Ab somebody had to make decl Herb Thompson Al Shewohuck on and mm In the end this had to be the senior level of uvmmont die provinco or tho snto There was lot of ood ater Park Reeve Andrew thought to the speech but oro were also some conclusions NIth summary points which could be questioned Ono of there was the point In tho spccoh most repented Which said that tho minister was on ognlnst plurllc referendum or any form of offlclel poll on can trovernlnt questluns such as ro orgnnizatloo of local boundaries and governmont His essential argument was that the questions were too OTTAWA REPORT Dieienbaker At Memorable Party by PATRICK NICHOLSON urp rllel Surprlael How many Conndlnns road in tholr in home town nowspnpcr on their 75th birthday that thclr friends are staging surprise birthday any for thorn that afternoon secret of tho sinprise birth day bash for Diet had been woll kcpl by tho foo Invited guests and organizers But the Prince mmmmm tilt ame Examiner la Buyold street Enrrlo Ontario Tolophom 7206581 Second Class Mall Registration Numbor 0434 Rolurn pootndo guaranteed Dolly Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daIly by cnvrIcr 00c weakly $3120 ycoriy Slnxlo copies 10c By mull llnrrlo $3120 your1y Ontario 81800 your other mail $3500 your Motor throw oil $2100 year Notional Advertislng Offl can 425 Unlvorslt Avonuo Toronto ow Cn curt St Montreal Member of the Conorllnn Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is ex clnslvcly ontltlcd to the 00 for republication of all news dispatches In thIs popcr erod it to it or Tho Assoclotcd Press or Routers and also the local now published thoroln The Morris Exnmlncr claims Copyright in all orIgInnl ad vortlslns and editorial mater ial created by Its omployool and reproduced to this uowh pupor Conyrlrmt Registration Num bor 203315 register til tlon have olwn agreed with the soon axotnst him or his depart ment on rchonnl government disputes in that there has been tank of communication ncma VicePresident Nguyen Cno Ky is nothing but puppet then ho is doing good lrnltnlt tlon impel who he do and gradual us withdrawal Arab guerrillas possibly in would win propaganda battle INTERPRETINGTHE NEWS Ky Bent OnVisit To The US Despite Nixons Disapproval non CURRIE day um the iry visit will not serve any useful purpose wasnmcrou cm it mm great argument that him his critics charge South Viet Botb the press and the pubuc finally token control of his own They really dont know what rclercndurn roporly under stood and contro od um In And without this they cant For one renown Mm vote rationally moons cltlnun involvement whlcb we strive after so much today But if komebow or other Mr McKoough can devlso ways and And secondly because ugniu mum of good communication it properly conducted it gives our loaders the indications from the grassroots that they really thou let us have referendums We all want any It was noteworthy that In the hood Ministers speech he didnt men COMMUNTCATION POOR Tho weakness of the referen dum is in luck of communica tlon it the people dont know what they are saying yes or no on they arc likely to make any wild decisions Albert Daily Herald acorcd scoop by reporting the plan and who should read it on The Mllirnlng but the old Chief him so However tho pnrty went off with big bang titling the huge Railway Commltteo Room on Parliament Hill with people songs ehocrs speeches outcr tnlnment and lolrcsllmenta ln cludlng on Immense blrthdoy cake to food Ihu multitudeand two liquor burs Thoso modo it qulto change from the Col fco Tea or mo parties to which the Right Honourable John George chfcnbakor used to invite his friends or the Press when he was Prlmo Minister Prime Minister Plerro Tru dcnii former Prlmo Mlnlstcr beater Pearson New Democrat ole on Stnn Knowles and briefly Conscrvutlvo Lender Bob Stonflold were nromlncnt among the guests Others lnlt eluded Cublnot Minister Don Ja mIoson llrn Rlchurdson and Snskntoona Otto Lung Tory Mn noticed were Heath MocQunrrio Lincoln Alexander CliIof Whip Tom Boll and Bob Cantos But surprlslngly Con scrvntlvo MP5 seemed to ho outnumbered hy Liberal MPa Among the outnftowncrs noted Sudburys former Con scrvatlvo cundldnto Hugh Dong chfs brother Elmer and from fnrowny lit to Randy Klockncr tho charming 16yoor old boy who gave Dlel hIs prcscnt dog white toy poodle numcd Chocko MY FELIIOW CANADIANB Present also was large sum pllng of the many chfenbnkcr admirers on Porllumcnt lllll members of the protective stuff off duty oluvutor operators and atcnogncphora typical of the or dinary Canadians who have sl wnys been uppermost in Dlefs mind The birthday oldboy Was showered with rm and tolo WWW grams The armor ranged from Honored tlon this great human need But It In great Let the gov ernment consult us It doesnt have to be bound by it public poll But It would know how we the pcoplo feel The obligation is on it to com municotc love bonds to desktop com bined TV and rudlo The latter was donqu by Dloia Mood and not as Innccurutcly In fcrrcd by the Capital prams by the unlikely combination of Bob stnnflcld and Pierre Trudeau The love beads this fourloot atrIng of green bonds were hung around more neck by his former nldo llm Johnstonand us oulclrly removed by an un Hlppy uxprlmu minister The telegram came from for and wide From former Ontario Preml cr Leslie Frost and present Premier John Robins From his former polltlenl too but good friend and admirer former CCF loader Cold wcll from Monsieur Montreal himself Mayor Jean Drnpcau from his friend and former par liamentary and cabinet col league Oshawiis Mike Starr and from several other memlt bus of the Diuicnbakcr Governlt monl George lions Monte Mon telth Angue Muclcon and Hugh lohn Fleming From Prlnco Albert came May you contlnuo to find plen aura in the great service you uro rendering to the Canadian peoplel Steuurt deputy premier of Saskatchewan Also from Prince Albert came Happy 75th birthday keep up the good workJohn Denholf and Dolly Herald staff irom Orllllii came greetings to Tho most outstanding personality in my record hookDr and Mrs Itynnid BIBLE THOUGHT Lord bu gracious nnIo out we hnve waited for tho ho thou lhclr um every morning our rulvnuon also In the limo of trouble Isaiah 332 lot of victories are won In tho woltlng not in the worrying or oven In the vorklng Walt any on the Lord be of good courugo and Ho slinll strengthen thine heart in the area am involved to rie The Ky visitand the rally lb sellwould come at parch larly hoppertune time during sensitive peace talks to Parls from the war in Vietnam For barring some lostmin URGES m3 ute focuovtng compromise Ky acorns bent on vlslt hero despite the Icy dlsnpploval of President Nixon and lhlou at South Vlotnnm The occasion Is tho Oct March for Victory to bo staged in Washington by llev CnrlMclntlic fundamental ist rlghlwlng rndlo preacher Mclutlrc who has accused the leon admlnlstriitlon of bclng soft on communism and has styled the Vlctnamlzotlon pol icy or sellout went to Set on personally to lnvloo Ky to In him in the demonstration it is on open secret that the whlto House Is tlrmly opposed to tho Visit and oven Mclntlm has acknowledged that pres suro was put through tho stnto department to deter Ky from making the trip SEES PROFIT in Saigon friends of TM are reported convlnccd Ky secs the visit as politically profita blu move in his ambitions to re gain the presidency Still It would be unthinkably embarrassing for either leon or Thlcu to publicly denounce whet ls alter nil private vIsit 0d vlceqprcsldcnt to friend and oily As Ky himself pointed out no can lnvlted VlcePresldcnt Spiro Agnew to Saigonho list went The closest tho Wh to House has como to expressing official dLsapproval was Agnews io mark in Indianapolis Wednes CANADAS STORY Chinese In 30 Earned Respect By BOB BOWMAN British Columbla ls proud of its many citizens of Chinese un ccstry but they earned thls hlgh regard the hard way The flrst Chinese were brought to Brltlsh Columqu to help build thoCPtl west coast scotlon and there was an angry outcr when the original 2000 arrive The provincial government passed low prohibiting the Chlnoso from working on the rollwny but the contractor Henry 0ndordonk In it You must have this labor or you cannot have your railway So the government even though having passed tho low allowed tho Chlncso to land and go to work They did mngnlflccnt work under conditions of great hnrdlt ship and danger Hundreds of them died while laying tracks through the spectacular Fraser and Thompson Elvers route from Port Moody to Suvonna Ferry distance of 213 miles This comnlotcd the government contract but than the CPR op proachlng from the cost on ngod Omicrdonk and his men continue the work to Each Pails which was reached on Sept was The lost spike of common preslderlcy he still ls regarded by many as nmbltlous seeker of the presidency As one Saigon official has been quoted The touchstono of Mclntiros war phlloso by is that instead of withdraw the 05 should go In and win the victory by in unaided use of conventional military force for 1w ofclnll mm are more concerned over any countcndemonstrntlons other violence his appearance mlgbt mark than anything he mlxllt Yipbl and others havi promised to ha on blind and threaten to arrest Ky as wor crlmlnnl rho amboyant highliving Ky has always been source of embarrassment to official Amorlcn Hts playboy style tainted with charges of dcvlous involve moot has always scorned out of coin against too background of tortured country scarred by or Although he has abandoned bls Captain Midnight flying suit with lavender scarf nsd black baseball cap for more dlrcl pllned demeanor he recently has been more and more In the limelight alter perlod of roll imposed absence followlng his fall from the presidency Although reduced to largely el figure In the vice 1ho prcsldcnt White is least as worrlcd about Ky as is about the Vlct Cong the CPR was driven near there on Nov Omicrdonk discharged bl men on Sept 20 end there was great celebration The Canadlv ans Americans and others who had been engaged in the work got drunk and had to be strnlncd by the police Chinese on the other hand were no problem They with drcw into the woods and their howls of rlcol Today there are more than 24000 citizens of Chinese scent ln British Columbia they are represented In all tlons of community affairs lzllllER EVENTS 0N SEPT 1659 Bishop Laval summoned special meeting at Quebec discuss liquor trade with ens 1851i Palllscr oxpedltlon countered grizzly bear presentday Saskatoon 1802 Lord Milton and Choadle hogan exploring route through Rocky Mountains tDlli Compulsory mllltory service wont Into effect loss Prime Minister Dlefom baker became first prime lstcr to visit Yukon during lorm of olflce