red and white strip ed advertising balloon drifted across the eastern approach to Montreal International Air porl at suburban Dorval Thursday on two occasions The balloon which rose as high as 1300 feet forwd air trafc controllers to order runway and approach chaogu for aircraft CP Wirephoto Pet Pounds May Refuse Researchers TORONTO 6P1 Operators of animal pounds in the prov incc may refuse to turn over siray animals for research under the new Research Ani mats Act says the man in change of settling up enforce merit Dr Ronald George Urquhart supervisor when the act is in pigmented by the veterinary services branch of the depart ment of agriculture said in recent Interview there is no compulsion on the operators All the act will require is that animals cannot be de stroyed by pound if thcra is request from rcsoarch instituv titan Dr Urquhart laid Teachers If poundkceper is prepared to keep all his animals alive until he finds owners for them then he will not have to turn any of them over The act passed in December after months of controverSY will likely not be proclaimed for several weeks when details of its operation have been worked out by Dr Urquhart and his stxonan statf SOURCE OF WORD The term radar is derived from the initial letters of the Lords radio detection and rang Meeting School Trustees KIMBERLEY Ont CPI Leaders of the provinces teach ers are to meet school hustccs Monday to discuss procedure for negotiating teacher con tracts The board of governors of the Ontario Teachers Federation ended its annual meeting Fri day with decision to meet with the Ontario School Trus toes Council over negotiation procedures Thursday Education Minister William Davis told the teachers that the federation must find conicts or the government would imposu new methods of working out contracts federation statement Friday said salary talks should be hau dltd by teachers and trustees without thirdparty intervention But it also acknowledged en dorsemont by tho tmstees council Aug 20 of govern mentappointed commission to study contract procedures Any commission would have to have at least three members all nonpartisan and appointed by the government the 01 means to avert past drawnout said Stephen Lewis Outlines Plans For North Ontario Development SUDBURY CPI Stcpiicn Lewis candidate for leadership of the Ontario New Democratic Party said Friday that North ern Ontario residents will not tolerate further cwnomic and political exploitation fltltcr more than genera tion of neglect at the hands of Conservative politicians who view this rcgl as client state there is now real feeling that alternative policies are needed told an NDP meeting is basis for economic and social development of this rc gion the legislature member for Scarborough Vcst presented charter for Norttui crn Ontario Among rocomrrlelldations in cluded in the paper 1ncrcased nvestmcnt by the Ontario Development Corp in Northern Ontario for explora tion and development of natural resources SEES TAKEOVER Estnblishmcnt of ow corporations in the mining and pulp and paper industries to dis vciop resources and take over control from foreign multime tional corporations Ihe construction of three or four publiclyvuwned smolters in the north to proc ess and refine om In Ontario or at least In Canada He said his party objective would be to have all such refining done in Canada within to years Ii northern development agency to locate secondary in dustry tied to public natural re source development incentives would he rovldod in the form of munlc pal services rather than outright financial gifts northern bureau of pollu tion control so that tho unspoil atiun of Southern Ontario would not suffer repetition Prnhibitinn of further sale of Crown land and an ownership inventory of northern lands chlsintion to achieve greater equalization of prices and rates in Northern Ontario with those of Southern Ontario gt lncreuscd educational and medical care facilities as well as additional lowrental housing units and special support 111 transportation OIHECIS TO POLICY ftcsource taxation if which will be directed to the communities involved It is un conscionable that corporation like lNCO which this year will make over $2 million profit should be given special exemp tions by tho federal government and special privileges by the provincial government Every request made by in dian communities of Northern Ontario through representative hand councils should be met without strings attached The upshot of this kind of charter all of it begun within in first term of offices Mr bowls said would mean red ical alteration of the condition of life for threequarters of million Ontario citizens The text of Mr Lewis as dress was released in advance of delivery Earlier Friday Mr Lewis said the cl government should assume the entire cost of disaster relief resulting from high win ds that devastated much of this area Aug 20 lie sold the government is In insensitive in off to match funds raised by local per sons rather than providing all funds The government is responsi ble for the consequences of oat urul disasters he said NEWS BOUNDUP Festival Trying For Bond TORONTO Promoters of rock festival scheduled for can weekend our Qrangeville said Friday My are attempting to persuade Ontario ofcials to waits denants fa payment of about $110000 in bonds and cash James Hill head Or ange Productions 11L said in an interview the fonival will be hold if the demands are not waived He refused to say he would rich the order to pay for police and medical services and post the tax band He said the attorneygenernls department asked for $8755570 in cash to pay for policing of the event and for 0000 to the health department for medical services lie said the department also asked he v37 311000 to the re tail sales tax branch oi the treasury to cover estimated tax on ticket Iaics havent clue how many people will come We intended to have just nice little festi wal but the government is tore lug us into bigger and bigger wing He said company lawyers were conducting the negotia tions with government ofcials Ten bands have been booked for the concert nine of them Canadian he said Biafran Exiles OTTAWA CPI report by group known as the Interna tional Organization of Biafrans in Exile saying Nigerian em bassies around the world have been pressing varloin govern mans to deport Biafran mics was full of false allegations the Nigerian high commission said Friday The high commission said in statement that there never has been any attempt by our gov ernments to force any student to return to Nigeria at the end of their studies even when they are governmentsponsored ln Montreal last week the or ganization claimed that in Canada itself deportation rio tices have been served to Bluf rans to leave the country Chained To Pillar BOCKWOOD Out young Rockwood housewife chained herself to pillar ut the Eramosa Twonshlp ball for about an hour Thursday to prw test against construction of se wage facility that would dump effluents iniotbo Eramoss River running through the town Kathy Gordon sold her action was bii drastic but hope itwlllcali attention to our concern over the river She says she is worried that the river will be seriously polluted The $18 million sewage and water treatment system ap proved by the Ontario Water Resources Commission would empty efuent at spot where the river is sluggish Plans for the system were drawn up after Wellington healthunit survey showed that onequarter of the 170 wells in the community of 1000 contained water of dubious or unsatisfactory purity Nurse Contract WINDSOR Ont m3 Riv orvlew Hospital trustees ratllicd new 19month contract with its so nurses Thursday provlrh Ing an increase In wages total ling 15 per cent through incre mental hikes Under the old agmement general duty nurse received ssoo to $600 month when the new contract expires Doc 31 W71 the nurses will receive $575 to $688 mouth Girl Disappears LONDON DutCPi Police said Friday they fear 15year old Soraya OConnell who dis appeared two weeks ago has met with foul play and called for public assistance in helping to locate the girl She may have fallen prey to some pm said lauded po lice superinfarch Ham Jellt lery and as time goes by we grow morn coo Satay is feet 11 inches tall Helm about 135 pounds is dark compiexioned and has long brown hair She was last seen the night of Alli wearing white Tonirt um hag sieves beige bollbottom slack with running shoes and pink glasses Police said an in identifying the girl is tote bag she carried bearing the ward Cyprus on the side Inspector James McBride of the Ontario Provincial Police said two women law girl matching Soruyls description hitchhiking Aug 14 and turned around to see dark car log down near her There have been several un solved sexvslings involving London prls in the last two yuan Housing Project struction will start within 10 days on million housing project to provide about 3000 uewhorncsinmemabym The project under Mclrose Northern Associates is joint Venture of Headway Chirp of Thunder Bay and Bon homme Holding at 11113111115 The dcvclopinent to be called Melrose Gardens will cover 300 acres in northwest nmmins and includc 19acrc indoor shop ping mall planned for comple tion in 1971 Gregory Moving TORONTO OP Dick Gregory cmnadian turned civil rights leader says he is moving to Windsor Ont from Chicago as soon as be can find house big enough for his family of nine Im not running away from the United States he said in an interview with Telegram col umnist John Xastacr just want to get the kids out He said he would continue in operate mostly from an apart mant in Detroit He said one of his main rea sons for moving to Canada his belief that the 01A is going to seize power in dis US within 18 months To be more accurate already have seized power he said Nowits just question of how long It will be before they let the rest of us know It Maioi Bimini GUELPH CPI Etoblcoke Controller David Lacey insisted Friday construction of second major airport for Metropolitan Tomnto will not begin for 10 years Mr Lacey first made his statement Wednesday but Transport Minister Don Jamie son said Thursday there was not Strain of truth in if and the mutter was still under study Friday Mr Lacey said in telephone interview he is cooli dent the information have is accurate He received it from high source which has never before misled him Mr Lacey said one of the barbecue causes of the delay was nan cial difcule in building sec ond airport for Montreal The Sta Schoiutioue Iita our Manned he said will cost $500 million to soon million um row is running shut mntharm Harald meul begininnalandbecompleird mmlm Custom Duties OTTAWA an govern ment order tres Canadair Ltd of Montreal from liability for customs duties on imports used in making couponmi for mili tary connectors in the United nm on any such imports The remission applies to parts and material ed for use the United State under defence sharing pmnams Cholera Epidemic OTTAWA GP ll loaning trip to As think twice about Asirakhaa republic in the Soviet Union is one of several areas mentioned by Health Minister John Munro Eriday as rcpons where unnecessary travel should be avoid by Canadian because of reported cholera epidemics in the areas North and West Africa and the Far and Middle East complete the list lilr Munro said in state ment officials in the health department are prepared to recommend necessary vac cinations to those who will not be deterred by his warn There was little danger of cholera spreading to Can ada he said Truck Driver LONDON Ont CP Police Friday identified the truck driver who died in the flaming wreckage of his tTansport here Thursday as firmtin Knudsen 30 of Toronto The frock loaded with cans of ughfer fluid burst into ames after crashing into the corner of service station Total loss resulting from the accident was estimated at 545000 Mill Not Shelved TORONTO CPI REDorts that is international Paper Co has shelved plans for Sillmillion plant in eastern Ontario were denied Friday night by company official who said there never were final plans for such project The spokesman said that while we have been making study of the possibility of build LINDYS SCHOOL OF MUSIC Enrolling now for Full Class PIANO ACCORDION GUITAR DRUMS AND THEORY on The School that provides the Music Festival Winnurs Achievements In the 1970 Festivals CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIP 18 First Awards MIDLAND MUSIC FESTIVAL 33 First Awards GREY COUNTY FESTIVAL First Awards ORILLIA KIWANIS 21 First Award Groups or individual lnstructlous Beginners Instruments Provided fExccptPluno Permanent Qualified Teaching staff Pleas Phone 7261113 Mrs Lindy Baumgarton Principal NOTE out my STORE HOURS MON to was AM to PM THURS to SAT AMto10 FM ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Wide array of all the favorites ideal for decorative purposes Each Waiver in minimize nuil wenevcr itemyour the study stage and not takeh on 5588 to $899 Juniors and Wise ammo mars Assorted slacks at 1013 NOW $388 Ladies CARDIGANS and PULIDVEILS Boys CASUAL PANTS by Topsoil Pennanent press 50 Funnel 50 511 515 NOW $598 noys Permanent press Long sleeve BODY SHIRTS Sizes 848 Blue Green Gold Brown NOW $3 99 Boys Palermo Permanent Press DRESS PANTS Sizes 816 Plain shades New $3 99 pr in WAY MICK pi mom had earlier Friday that the thawing plans fur Young Mzna mm Corduroy CASUAL PANTs Green hid Bose Now $1395 pr Young Mens CWG Faded Flare ammo arms sales 2336 now $1095 pr Gfr13 100 Virgin Acrylic none romeo PULmvrzrts and ammonia Sms 714 Regular 43a NOW $398 Save 90c LUNG KITS with um mus om colors on cage and blue ohm Guaranteed lid 00 brads Usuall 22 NOW $219 LUNCH KITS with matching ther rms to colors orange brown and bluecoaraoteedoot tlo ands Usually 371 NOW $369 DEX LAMPS Goose Neck Odors of brown green and black Push humor switch Usually 989 NOW $388 LOOSE LEAF FW 250 sheet hned Usually 83c NOW NEW SH 9lmm9RM IIllllls 191 lured planrbream of orig madluons and the canto the aloud dollar earlier this year muc MODE mfunalentbreedaafew days all the rth of has our MARKER Usually filo each NOW 273 EXERCISE BOOKS Fodhads We ptmdx Usually 33 NOW 83c CARRYING CASES Amrted mints Small size Usually 399 NOW $1 97 Large size Usually 499 NOW $309 BRIEFCASES Leather product radon snap Usually p99 new $477 ATTACHE CASES loclrnn maps Black only Usually 199 NOW $677 SCHOOL BAGS Assorted colors usually 899 NOW $277 Usually 399 NOW $344 Usually 19a now $177 16 SAT