Barrie Examiner, 29 Aug 1970, p. 1

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EXAMINER TELEPHONES an lullM Admdrug mutt Anothsbmm 106th vur to ollAwA Pmpncs Toronto labor relations soc strike altcr hearing lone oa hlonday on conclllulion board new mum in nuts spoonital Aug to duty otnccr and been lhxtai mooring in Ottawa deal with In Ed an and hlr OConnor has hold con soon by motncynlc gang another mailer out it is possi Nam 11 uniting series or meetings with postal workers should tab it blc he could handle this and the Reg 23 mg union and government nogouat mediation ails postal dzsputn logcmcr lnr mm Hum 32 mm Aug zoI not George Hm WWW Ed couple ol days put ram mu slid on 5pc warduahung id in gut 53m 33de was to ms chin issues hnve so tar notn dis mm Why he ew we mi open aromas of possblc agree ST Suds diation effort is doomed to iuil mun Er in Aus Wu Thu two suits are to begin gm no union slnkc dlmclom um because we government wall tor thtm la motc Until tho other round at rants today with will meet in Duawa Monday to insm an huldmg wage ms unions and anvurrunnnt start to mediator Thomas OConnor cl dismiss what iuttlle action the use gm mgr3 MI mm mg can do SElkmCm Um brvak ou lalks had bucn cx DRLRY LNILEKIBLE pcctcd Lhis wuktdld primarily ornmcnl sources say because Mr OConnor said mar ler Hoard tut5mm the beginning oi the talks ho Drury tutccdtuly contact had sot Sunday as his personal with ch lrcusury board ncgou deadline or the mediation cl lllng loom air Drury is known loILf Sehfgvfngcgm BuL in an interview torcunt ado or and sal GARDEN PARTY ron GOVERNORG somepmy it no an Ottawa So am assaltnn POllce 361 60111 no human it mum to mm us new cam Ballmsh second stellar and hr min welcome Mlchaler to all our on IV Eronsflglt Indidnnhigh commi Governor concrnl nod airs held in their honor many in dud tho pom to Wllcphvlcl silktimgtijdglglgtlvc in urtituno gmdglemgg gvggimf MONTREAL CF SEL the mle WAS Spnnmnmus sum can ml week bum yrpluyur igcrcasc 021 ttvn Pagimnrgwmlnm Hill St result Fromm suits had agreed lldllhllm that my ma ll uv mm Sunda ullowcd cantr time to alemcmn 55 dull Guy llarctl president or the rcodtya sediment and thorn Thn mcmmvnt has altered an police slrikc here his OcL Mummy policemen5 Emma would be little paint in cuntinu 3an lnerwse over 32 moms scheduled to appear nlcsday in mm beyond it dam in per call your mm Quebec Cm hood installed that police worn it The ms Thursday frustrated by 11 months of coir $55M mm mm the wan Swath and ALTElmMEBlllcginnal slrihn dlrcc lildiun22tiikifif hij ma am am meet etween uerl as inn vn Tcslmony nature gin twolr their salary demands in were mum menus an ggggurdllliuggmcw at oldago mum er cumulus 15 W00 Monday presumably to consilt um visits me 3g 3le llNPnorELrEo th snitcs and the govern THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The sum Dumas am Post WI an an PW Mme my mum gunning ggowwum and gm WI The clly was loit virtually nn mmgngfnmmm my minim am or Th nLral tel bone and ice was littered with hroltna in exlle This Is our answer to the licean resulted in thc uhnn Protected when 24m alontrcnl an 9mm men ctosinc dawn Sumo regional oll osteotccee buildinnein Amman glass and plastnr today no Thu council lsstlcd turn us pence plan and all surrcil domain provincial mum or 10mm Ialsu lelt work as the man at ices his cost inc post nllicu Ella capital of Jordan was but wins or nearby buildings were resection ol the mottled macs oer solutions several special no5 during the it $213335 meeting Ieasgnonfugfgmgg In gm lbuul sit mlan or last rnvc tndn alter pochrnurhnd with bullet holes peace initiative in um sniltc has nucs iifit tellghng be Hardly window was lclt in East lt also warned a331ng Eggfnm anclgn The inquiry cslobllshcd to in Sat DcCacn described by $9de REM 33 lite contract nesoualdlms twccn rnlosunian guerrillas and tact in an glass made of the trials to Mulan l1 Pnlnslmmn minister mum vcsdgnto tho causes and results witnesses as exceptionally plr medium is twigth be ml Old next hidin Jordanian army troops building located on one mum an honorable oumrmmlse in of the enemy walknnlby Monl mad 5mm Everyone involved in the The 110er 155m main Slim resnan SPARE snors speech directed toward the no Jim Policemen was nd lm Fmms mm talks irom Mr OConnor to the communique on thn incident Guerrilla in Patrol 051 Emmy um um shunt Amtm peep Speaking nucnr jollde Friday until laesduy llccrodwno Klara nllgmmng the gamma is cxuemety my but the Pnlcsunlaxls reported crulsed elsehere ln the can members or nnlc ovcr lsmoli radlo and The commission has been told 905s tant to comment or allow them 11 cm today but avolded the post oli as all man said in Tl mm 11 cm In 21 quoted 319 Game mm 09 or ewe mm xd comnnsswn wnIs Tourist Any listing mun mandos were in gonrml area Front tried to put up pastor state or peace israe hes it some ol these statlorts were Prime Mlmster Trudeau who llcle building at one point but ore re also ken out of us um me post 1ch urging no dawn to hold all the areas now abnndoncd shortly alter this Vis returns Ottawa ram the small im ASum down in ported to have withdrawn an ar The tightin begun three um m1mm reunions under cannot An hnmmblu it Mcdimmmm for him mad markcg 5mm mum an tb last session 11 guerrilla chlofllun hauls er I0 118 groups in tho Jordan regune compromise moose an new Llcul Allen Forest an in meeting mcsduy said Aug at through me barbed ern tencn drewspoon mm 85m my Schools mess said in an magic be my $673 Wonvm themuunnd gun re two hours and he owning qxlst Friday thathuaccompnnlnd tho wec alts Sc youll cmttn ashramwith my gum gt um 13 runII on Vern yr lug pro government Lu on on to station No the or the Mr OGomwr be his work on lhls thc lace It WI the mm in series at frgesmufo mm nbmmi used ay clashes between tho Jordanian rios tor inraal He said lsrae 2an which has no would be wining to gm up uxamwanmggmgtgt mgr cepted lhe us plan or peanut ritory it gained the 1561 lllld dam an high schools Closed for in the Middle East and the div E215 war but gave no dos SASKANJON OF est The meeting wth declared the rest at the year bncnuse of crn member at Fungal purpose of discussing report gmnmm Wk have demgnmd uds student disrd and an oduca emerged mm two day by the iodernl agriculture policy and Peggei sahnuge The US peace plan which nal official says the unrest is Early in June belom the =1 cm End and committee was discovered by lot to the indirect noun ltch linked With the guerrilla ltl nap or dd try said 30 pmminem ngrrmive wmngb nisnie hours aftern it Llations now undirbwnyl at 311 plngls of Unlleddslalsgaguul Conservative come as are un S311 in 100 Same mmndu$ United Nations use on is turn exper an Full an MD with renes or the room or the Bessborough Hotel clashed with damn will 1967 on Security Council resolu consul TOWN spokes kmw me muman Ir dmuvgmm my mom national party netcoats said they were Iablc gmnggembgga non calling or Ismail wnlr There is declared war mi mu in rent in corn out has gen not today Jack Horner Alberta MP for mm WWW Ilghn didnor cmi until Klng ml mm 557 which the $3de Ws workers union said today man selves but they had assistance to all CUPE locals in the prov orowloot undchaurnnn ot the gmwghng mg mwmmgmwg Huggeii agreede armor gm ggbggfmz half fggfgmfggum agnrnnnt used scab glam n3 trom tho Stldbury CUPE loclll intc that thcy are not In slst mm twp trouble calls Thur uy an because at mistlndorstandin munu omunt crsnnnel in esc icugewnfwrf Connolue of the Saskatoon Slur mknggt Essaer of the Al Fatah cum borders federal council til seaid cd Friday nights at wandmslen on what may our policy is ii grunting tivns want and mod improvr Phoemx formerequ 11 no told Israel Jordan and Egypt are cum Wh annnuncei miles southeast of Ottawa regard to overtime and cmcd lllr Richards said Local 1000 om een cl cnlclz sures ay mg my omwvg rm whech gel125 383133 Linn com mmpgmg we mks Frd to ht Our people an go out cnayh work he said at LUPB winch represan Lhe in in on evi en lie said it was lair to say del Staneld and the partys recent HEW Wand Wm and erevm mm mums the repair culls sand Jerry money 13W min Vfewfg EIBIIdTQIfgkflfudbyzrnlglv zz35 Wm disethuledwilh War we mi mm in the current selml terms Char wkmg uirs rlfntcythis has ngow been slslc Xonluvrio li drn cin5 cm WY 85 We Wing The StarPhilenix Wm Members of the rupnmaro 1M mot Gamma traightencd out gellgy situadonsyit rcnuostnd the national party but he 12 Mr Dicfenbnker saying the pan guerrilla organization kid Public Employees wtlc it nied earlier reporm that Korma oys opposwnm mid rn the Com Emmi Brazilian Consul Mayslo dIecmmd Re tion at prairie party was dis mnns Was inoccttvo We are 0115 rd Us 4le hes emes Males as on anI iorce contract settlement 71 ussm lake on me mom scam Wk mm The repairs were made by Premium Raise gagggegtcomgggg wright or in now intern mom or rim on ewmvgnrlgnl or the Bummmgcmi Tate Murder Trial Proceedings unyon gn rn soaring costs or the Ontario hos Workershose cords were link pital insmnnce pmgram prem They killed Milr10an Aug an away an liemg this same Los ANGEIES Pl 105 to jque and mm mm she gums Wm not be ihwhbqum Emmmlggmgggngfgglglsegt mg during the hm shwduwmu many aboutkuc stabbing was mpg to mnrmucI prll 1971 Hon nts er woman mar owner up Sum wensHSBm FFde nncrs aiugrlyuigt agxcrssgzl Egg Daye Shin said Markes may Have Geniused Shlp mfvliautiwia 211311 on 353 alloicmttiuscnotsgir 51 lde mlfnft IVayhg Atkins ashon laced laid her 555 NH wd min in her WRNWALL CF Marker lights along the St Lawrence He said the govemmem is in days to facilitate the Search dumeignmbt head on the enunsel table and Sldelvhcr sllcpnce line cyst Seaway could he coniusirullg BEE lead ship into the wmug viewing cost gures or the our for the kidnappers Classes some of Hydmvs um in complained of illness gafdogldhfgailllfco was dizzy and man161 an enquiry into ng 0f the laker Easlclie HE rent llsnal year to determine sixde week one employees mm be th was The judge rccosscd court two was told Fridalr Nine Persons died in the incident whouter the rate at win in hours earl Frida and ar Mm MISS Kremvmd m5 weekend WSPMLWSE mm Vi Tigigoggnmnnzssnid the now Mr Richards said in on inIor umgfd 37 gcahexam Si chiaorllgnllfhlg Long Han osts we 15h Soldrer llsngeitltlhlawnspiu Services Rubsh closure dwhich aficgltf lsome View today that reign malnulie wgge Ifot 523mm so as leader or mamKC mp Bpasstn 15000 stu ants in 11 on re ment repair me ran pi tyle iamily A1 are EKSJOE swede mum my swedBh WWW 5m Ftlday sulted rum violent student pm that caused hricl power block Earlier the mournold de charged will murdupmnsmr tlas been ned m0 crowns $35 for relusrng to cut his sho der mtnrss mud 75 of the PmYmcal mmnmei not test against the lining undLlsns outs in Sudbury and North Bay Cndrml IVIIIS briefly exam ed any he AugusL 1911 staymgs Engd lglghulflbysfoznlfom egnm SEE program has increased more end of the warm tor of 54 teachers accused of Thursday night were misled by by me 18 010 WW 919 or Miss Tate and six others was than four Umes the last l1 being promoters or student agi members or the Sudbury local mplmncd Dams Sld At rridays session the an Kd 11 yth tauon ol CUPE ugmhmrg 31s $5 oxidants heard an autopsy sur nappels en ence son erms 51mm listless in the cm goon give details at the or slab RIODE JANEIRD RouterslElnvcn Brazilians accused oi mm mug denim WWW DSOHJMY Lawm 38 child slum lvtth her husband kidnapping United Slates Ambassador Burke Elbxlok inst son unlfrm and rubber Sandals Leno the ni Ill alter tho llin lcmbcr have been sentenced to prison terms irom two to eight she leaned her hand on the is If and vimmi years Eight men including the son at Segnlnr purhgted by ch shoulder at cndclendont Patri memme of we sums ama oou Kr mgllalyge1rt ware sente ped ry allr fonwmkel am 1D Id Kauqua 5m be mm rig to nkcd tt 1l1 Mf 33 kept L1 he do do lounging arp doubleedge Heart REC lent IVES orma nor than dcc ro her at to re mm mm her uric she was sume the Smni But alter mortally wounded and perhaps SCOTSDAILE Am APlWlmm 2831 MS 59 BANGKOK AP Vice bring about an eHecLch and land plans to withdraw all or lunch Miss Atkins asked to Lillk alter she died Dn10n8esl 11va heart recllem mg earymmu Presldenl Spiro Agnew has prompt and add unto lm le mosl of its WOODman force as he approaches the second anniversary Monday or his operation assured Thai leaders that he mediation at the Numn Doc ram South Vietnam He works Ins regular 40410 work week 35 PWF WWW will leave no stone unturned Lrine Thanat added Agnew arrived in nannltolr on the mtuizso am shill Carroll who will he in Nov mb Imm can 19 at months we in efforts to overturn congrcs The rams mum smd Emdnty on the last stop oiI fungi mile 5m egg 11 med Thailand would consider send hvewounlzy tour thrnugh Asm 5m I10 Smus ing troops to Cnmbpdm nnly lf He returns to the United Slams mm en 01 Fornlgn Mlnlster moot 010 me mm becomes ammu Sunday Greece 100th P0 Heavy Arms mg we wSlayt we 51 Wm in Itthdays Esme mad Ell PHNO PENH AP lh and sat news co er viceprcsl out to meet wi ll or The attack it so ATHENS silenterslGreeve Elihu lgmhse once that while the majority or my lmssbe number ol Thai ofcials and vietn mese and Viet Cong alter Agnew n25 lcit oiivaiiz wanGrms lugging gm and lcldeTggnurgigfaina the people and the Nixon gaff gammm call on King Ehumlbol lotecu moved to within slx miles ior Thailand Prior to the vice It Um esltmlnny tEmulate sgturces sills Sahialcnts to Greece im admin trnllon buck US 21 Th Agnews talks lvrth Premier Phnom Penh today in their presldcnts arrlval general El 05 em 30 on 33W torts there are certain elolt mm EWB Thunom Kittakacllom Forelgn closest major attack yet to the lull was reported in the five nosed 40 months ago forced Greece to look elsewhere heavy merits which would like nothing names In summon 01 Mlnistel Thunt Khomnn and Cambodian capitol monthold Cambodian war ms SUPPEES better than to push Soulaast elem C0 other Thai leaders took place In Vietnam North Vietnam Mai Am Rang the earring Am my Oxmnnust hands 355 against backdrop at increas cse iorccs killed six Americans dian military spokesman said Lord Thomson Would D0 Dillerenl Hats Int like slime 113511 Willied Wlm the lug congwsngjnali reluctanco and Wed 26 in the worst the North Vietnamese nnd vinc an one on mom tortion noun or not Cmnmbmmvm 31th hit or its to to downtown timid $55 hardwood mitt 139 newspapers sum the world ffmd Fridal he 93 Doctrine under whlch the mode was that Thailand would such ilnancing is corner Combodla was at the village oi through the night At daybreak building his communicatlnns empire in the United States mm States would he Asian W3 munch mm Mum St were starting out ll interview it would be much one lo xoll on non Meal Krasas Krao srx mlles he sold the Communist omen harder to sum wt 536m Ext13d all mud saw mmjon pub engulfingionbulemselvea sondlng roogidfl other nSSIsb US pollcy of altar nolncolrln northeast of the capital It did malted mother amid an er neig ors once am munlst countr es As mm mm in 03mm because den Spread Thepvlctrpresident assured The disclosure came one day avoiding or new ut it Fri Math 3P ude mmde cumbmed mm warpxanee smnusm in II Wl oce resldent Spiro Ag bombed and strnled the Com one at the Thai prime mlnlsttr that be taller an announcement from the day alter Visiting Cambodia be news visit Frldo to Phnom munlst coming mlhbhlily involved VICEPRESIDENT AGNEW Penh push haflgslfhrnasssamultfuorm to at III$2IIIIy will leavo no stone unturned to state department that Thal PiJwlmmn $54

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