DOUG WOMAN of Orillia cxtdhiu his simmship style at the Junior Fair at this Barrie Exhibition Thursday Doug Langman Grqnd Champ Livestock Show man At Jr Fair Doug Loogman won the Royal tik OI Canada silver tray as and champion livestock show an at the Junior Fair at th nie Eiltibition yesterday He vaa also named as top beet owman Top dairy showman was Terry ilr won the grand champion livestock Showmanship title as wclt as the beef showmanship title To win the lzraod chant piooship award ho had to show his skill LIL exhibiting lambs pigs and dairy cattle as well as beef cattle tEx airliner Photo may viva three categories host ewo lamb best market lamb and grand champion lamb The rcscrvo champion category was won by Ariel Miller Dave Morrow captured the top junior dairy heifer title in the open class while Janice Robert son won the open junior dairy holler title The open scnior hccl heifer category was won by Donna Rank while the senior open dairy heiicr titic went to Brian voodmw Dug Langman Won both tp second spots in the corn baby beef classication lo the 4H competitions Char les Kenny captured the Junior hccf heifer title Junin dairy and dual purpose heifer classifi cation went Brian Glillm The senior heel heifer class was won by Hazel Gaudctic The senior dairy and dual purpose mush whue on WP lamb Show holler class went to John Atkin an award went to Ariel lilill son while tho baby beef class was won by Barry Gibbs Earle Maycs captured nearly John Atkinson also won um Elite llama Exammrr very title in the swine judging nesgfsmg Eggpgggg W213 aficting went to marine Woodrow in title the 4H title and lilo Lb be mun sisters won both titles ilazcl $1 ggmglwlgglr gtsgpv CITY NEWS Gaudctlc wall the graadcham champlon was Louis Mason FlunAv AUGUST 127m Pm 23 hle In ROSS Jer YCSCIVE WC QT SISLET September 200 ATTEND MEETING Oro Official Plan Proposals Debated ship with the reserve champion ship going to Alan Cook Debbie Finch was the recipient DI the Simcoo County Jersey Club spec arious aspects of pmposcd 03 Ill plan for Uni worn the tapio of lively comment and some criticism at meeting at ial tor the top Jersey call In the club competitions the Cookslown Lil Boat Club took top honors hr the boot chit gory The On 4H Dairy club ended by 200 ratepayers and ofcials at Dro township halt near Mitthell Square last night ilost apprehension was shown cottagers in areas not de dotailcd comprehensive zoning regulations but at this static only comments on the future general development pattern wens sought The Ora municipal council tool the preliminary stops to vard obtaining an official plan to assure there wouldnt be any freeze an orderly development Need for regulations to protect property values and assure that necessary steps be taken to pro vgnt pollution was also stress In the drait plan most areas near the lake were designated residential or summer cottage areas Elsewhere the map showed mostly agricultural and conservation areas Require meals or the development loaded the meeting Spokcs men said later they were pleas cd with the opportunity to get the views of ratepayers CONTROIS TIGUTENED It was pointed out that Ihc provincial government tightcn cd planning controls by taking over subdivision and part lot subdivision jurisdiction for which it was cxxplaincd pro vincial approval is needed for severanccs Arguments over vhctlicr con trols should be kept on local basis have been discussed in council and elsewhere at differ cm times It was emphasized Oro councils endeavor is to do its best for ratepayers under existing provincial regulations Further mcctihgs at ich ratepayers will be given the op portunity to make rcprcscnta tions are plunncd alter ideas submittcd at the first meeting are considered Vandalism Is Vandalism Not Prank Crown Attorney Crown Attorney Thump son said in Provincial Court yes terday that vandalism an never be justified as prank Mr Thompson was replying to comment from lawyer Rob ert Mitchell who was asking for llglitcr sentence for three Barrio youths who pleaded guit It was expialnod the town ty to breaking and clltcring lhips official plan when ap the Gables in Toliclldai May proved will form the basis for 17 NEW PHYSICAL DIRECTOR Scmdy Please Or Get Uptight itch uptight when kids call me Mr Richmond Thats how Alexander Sandy Richmond 23 ML when teen agers or children at the Hon rlo YINYWCA call him some tidilg other than Sandy iic is the Ys new plly Liil director Ills job is dealing with 1890 people the total mombeo ship of the Barrie On Sci tembcr Sandy will he in charge at all aspects of grtlmmlng to do with the physi cal program ilo Mquim why he dislikes till You need won the dairy cattle competition while the Mintsing 4H Club won amd residential as to wheth er they would have lilo right to the baby hoof title Kori Wilson assistant agricul mnvcrt summer pieces into your round homes rural rupresanlutive for Ontario Farmers were not so well re County one oi the judges at this years junior fair VLIS pleu prescntcd at the meeting but come were concerned about sod with the exhibitors The number of CXhlblIalS was up what proposod regulations might dd to their rights to sell lots over lost your and the quality of animals shown was very roi residcnces which already or subject to zoning rutcs good hr said There were sevrrhi close placillgs The quality III Showmanship PBELIMINARY STAGE Ile ilowltt chairman of the pgnning board who presided Two Apartments lire Burglarized lvo apartments were the litr gcts of thieves yesterday Mr and Mrs Daniel CultI of Queen Street rcturncd hit me lrom work last night to ii it money missing from their apart moot Gone was $6 in American cur rency and from $5 to $60 in sli vcr Mr Cole said the door to his apartment was still locked upon his return from work In similar incident on Cod rlngtori Street about $5 in Arn LIiCnn money and ring valued at $60 was missing from all partmcnt shared by Miss Lcthbridge and Berihnlugan Upon returning from work Miss Lethbridgc discovered that the items were missing upon Reeve Allan McLean and his council colleagues and all mem bers of the planning board at was it little off this year he said some at the more exper lnlned Lilo draft plan was in the preliminary proposal stagL lenccd showmcii at last years lair are now too old and the nd estimated it would be year and half to two younger members that have an vyoars before it was completed placed thcm need another year of experience Mr Wilson ex ptained The mootlw was called prim to obtain ratcpayors com mcirs on proposed plan Inten cd to form the basis of rcco emotions of the townships tanning consultants the Toron iirm of Marshall Mucklin onaghan Limited in relation future development of the area We spokesman for tile plann lng consultants Illiko welth and Wayne Crossloy vorc pre san and answered questions lrom the audience The youths Wayne Gill Maniord Lockharl 20 had Roy Kelly 16 found jars of pickles in the basement the residence and engaged in pickle light after entering the building They caused 500 damage Judge Foster remanded them out of custody ior one week tram yesterday until pre sentence report can be obtained easualness hard to accept They think of respect but action cotmts for more than name or title he said Sandy who is Canadian has just spent four rs at George Williams Ulllv sliy in Chicago He majored ill health and physical education and has just moved to Barri with his wife Barbara Although he starts his duties at the ilarile Sept lie is there often because he wants to get id know people lle clillms that adults are hard to get to know but kids are easy to iiltmg with tie wovde huc lot the national YMCA or nearly seven years There are two things he wants to retain while working at tho The Barrie YMAYWCA has cxcollcilt relations with clubs and organizations throughout the city and hope to carry on wiLh this close relationship he said lm also very interested in the leader corps He maintains that the is losing on teens Were geared up to about age i2 and than adult Theres nothing in be tween The louder corps has re cently announced an intention to expand to aid programs and give young people mmmibii ibios in DPCNALIIH the Sridy sccs himself as sounding board for teenagers lfo maihtalnlhat lasting relationships must be on 41 olIeloollo basis ilo hopes to encourage this Idea between himself anti members at the llow duos he like Barrio have Ileani really good reports about Barrie mm everyone lvo talked to People in other plac es envy this city lm looking forward to living here and to meeting people he said to ninium Ill said Two Di IS 03 tremcly important in the lSlindy humus that not oil ad the idea oi teentigers run will first name mm by m5 ALEXANDER SANDY Adults sometimes find this RICHMOND SISTEB dominated the beef heiicr Show at the Junior Fair ycstcrday September MAYOR LES coon atl drcsses an audicneo of 60 0th hition and agricultural society ofcials during the in in Left and Ilach Gaudeltc or the Cookstmm Bcci Club look first and second in the class luncheon and official fair opening Thuisday lie spoke oi the part agriculture has to They wcrc showing Oiarolats calves lExamihcr Photo play in the city during the rapid growth years ahead Examiner Pliuto Neglected Animals Carpenter Fined $75 would be Silality far mcr who has since mil to Tmunltt appcurcd in rimmun Court at Barrie yesterday cliar god vlth neglect of animals frtml Jun IE to March 13 ilurlt ilowcll carpcntcr by trade plcodcd guilty and was Iand $75 plus cusls cl Sill curlcu when 0m lu Humane Society inspector Ird icrry called it vctvrinavlall it check the condition oi the animals The animals were hols cow goat and two pi Inspector PL ItSiillcd that heoriginhlly visited the site where the animals were being held after rucc illg com plaint from pri ne resident ll ald Lllul on that Jan 15 ll lilt animals appeared hillt and thirsty and were al tcnlpilng It tl ice that had Iltl zen over their only water sup ply bathtub in the ham MADE SUGGESTION At that iimL lid rucullilttuli dud that lluweli destroy the guilt thli hi returned Marci Is it inspect tllt condition of the animals he found that the mun had destroyed the at but that the other animals were in wrse condition than on his pre vious visit lio called veterinarian who recollrnicxtded that the animals be removed That has bran dolic LllItl they lire receiving proper care Mr Perry said DElLIlkt counsel Robert Mitchell said that the treatment afforded Illt animals was the result ill ignorance and illex rather 11mm maliclu It as given until Sept 25 to pay the line Takes On Breathalyzer Discovers He Cant Win The classic story of mail guinst machine was hcard in Provincial Court III Barrie yes terday untl the machine won ugtlill The man was Ronald Duran 35 of Barrie The machine was the Ontario Provincial Police bruallllllyzor of the Barrie dc taohmont Dorall uphchml Iielovt Judge Foster churgcd with hav ing blood alcohol content of more than lill ptr com while ill control of niotorvelilclo oil the Bayilold Street ramp of Highway 400 July 29 Ch 11bit Robert Morttey IL Cd that he saw two men get into Iruckril the Hayfield Street southbound ramp all July 29 Ill id that Dortili was ill the drivers seat and when he pulled his cruiser in front of the vehicle it jerked forward several times lie said he could smell alcohol on tho defend ants breath OWN DEFENCE Deinn conducted his own dt coco and askcdscvorul ques tiolls of the officer Constable John Bolton also or the Barrie detachman and quaiillcd hlcathalyzer tcchnic Lari testified that when he conducted ti test on Daron the results were 18 and 17 per cent blood alcohol The amount allowed by law when driving is under 015 Duran uastd his dolcllcc pri marily oil the poss lilty of wrong residing being given by the machine Constable Bolton dispelled that with detailed account at how the machine operates when Doratl said he had rinsed his mouth out with rubbing alcohol to treat conkers the ouiccr said that after 15 minutes it would make no difference to the reall illgs on the machine since measures alcohol coming from the lungs The only clrur possible would be ii an irnpiopcr breath sample was taken lie said Then the machine would give much lower reading thrill the actual OTHER TEST T00 Constable Buitaii said he it the man physical tcsl uh revoaled signs of impairment Duran said he did not see till constable carry out proper preparation of the machine With his testimony finished back on the stand want Coll stable Bolton who tcsli1d ho had prepared the machine pro porly Judge Foster said he was sat lsficd that the man did have blood alcohol Content in we cuss of 08 while lll cure and control or motor vehicle and that tho hlculhulyzcr had Luca udmillistcrcd properly Tile court was told Dorail has be convicted for impaired dr three times since 19ml Judge roster filled the 5125 to llt paid by Sept 18 TwoDay BeSpite For Barrie OPP No news is good news from out it ilovliltllll Police LII Barrio They have enjoyed fun day respite lroitl accident inves tigation Judge Expresses Displeasure Alter Third Shopliltng case After dealing with his third case of shopliiting ruin the Allied Towers Merchants Ltd store on Bayilclli Street yester day Judge Foster ex pressed his displeasuro in Provincial Court at Barrie he said Theres too much at this sort oi thing going on Mer chmth have right to display their goods and expect people to pay or them llo fincd Steven Richard Mb Curdy 18 at Barrie $50 alter the youth ploadcd guilty to charge of theft under $50 youth identified as McCurdy stole shirt worth $250 lro the store July 18 ortly hciore the ltlcOirdy case Judge Foster fined Robert Brechtcl 29 or Bruccbrldgc $50 after he pleaded guilty to stoai ing radio valued at $2997 irnm the start on July 20 Earlier In the morning Jean Bantam Midland housewilo was fined $5 for stealing $633 worth of merchandise from the store Aug She introduced letter from her doctor as cvi deuce and pleaded guilty Another case at shopiiltiog at the store was adjourned to Oct to give the defendant chance to obtain lawyer ivo other charges of shop lifting lroin the store were with drawn by the Crown Mayor Opens Barrie Fair The llllportancc of agricuilum and agricultural fairs in the growing city oI Barrio was stressed by lidyor Les Cooke in speech at tlic opening lun clitun of the Barrie Exhibition Thursday it was aiiundod by approxim ately so LLITCIOIS committee members and judge of the Barrie Agriciiltura Society the sponsoring orgaluzation of th fair Barrie is huddquarlcis to agriculture trading centre for agriculture the mayor said As the area becomes more ur banizod since Barrie is growth ccmrc the leadership of me soc icty must look for new tm pliusis for the exhibition he said He said the annual exhibition plays an important part or ex riculturc in the one The uxiiibitmn has place in the its in Barrie Mayor Cooke ud It rcprcscnu the interests of the surrounding townships of Vesprn lnnlslli Essa and 0m as well as those at Barrie he said Backlog OI Mail At Post Oilice There is backlog mail in tilt Barrie pus ofce today and the situation could worse is more mail pour In from urban ccnircs Tom Kcn Barr postmaster Kilt this mornin Were plug ged with mail and we dont know how much will come from Toronto yet Depending on how much mil comes illlt the post office today and Saturday Illi backlog could he more severe by Tuesday or well under control Postmcn have pledged to work throttin hiustiiiy in order to deliver pen sinn clicqucs First Ll mail is being liiilldltd first when there is hiucklug Motorcyclist Injured In Mishap lvo uccidolils occurred in the city torduy it it put three vchiclcs were Involved in all accident on Essa Road near Burton Avenue DriVDrS DI the vehicles wore Arthur Patton of ivy Will iam Mixilitilsl of Es Rand and driving Duck That still of Willow Beach There were no injuries Dam age to Tlltlldilrsctls truck was estimated at $130 ImRCYCLE INVOLVED motorcyclist Wayne Mcillltcr cl Collier Street was injured when the motorcycle lie was operating was involved in an accident at the intersection ui llifin and Anne streets He was admitted to llo Victoria Hospital suffering in ties to his right side it kilotgt and lore head lie in wtisiuctoiy condition morning All uulo llIliVLtl ill the acci dent Wits driven by Eric Leon iid Leigh of Nowan SIIEBL llll Leigh was not injured Thieves Steal Two Hubcap Sets it hppru somcouc In the city is lIIILrt ted in liubcaps lll two separate incidents last night wire spokcd llubcaps were taken from parked cars it is estimated that sometime between 13 pm Wednesday and thin Thursday sets of but caos were taken from automo bilcs owned by Ronald Lynch at Peacock Lane and Arthur Ilullt of Ich Street Each so is Valued at 5100 Car Is Stolen From City Street Police are still searching to day for car reported stolen item the corner of Poynlz Street and Lakcview Drive yesterday morning The car owned by Helen Campbell oi Dunlo Street tan 1964 Oldsmobio Mlsx Campbell discovered the car was missing at 744 am Thursday She said tho car was locked and the keys were In her possession