on Atwmrn any we wAwwmmmwmmmww yHdav nmunnrsmsmrmusmmum13Aucnon SALES ILLEGAL ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES BirthAmnents maxim to work Mons wotht 6c per word intimation Louver Verse per count lino extra Caring Event SEED FEED GRAIN CUSIO wme mm IIIAm of mu hu $ummanow mos mc mm AUCIION SALE WEDNWAY 8221 had $1omxpfcr mm mmmmwmma WEBB OP AMIGAMN P08 APPROVAL 10 EXPBOPRIATE mm mmmdebyMWdlMIa hwudmmmmnmmdnmwm shtpdemtbeOrmudetmcce mBmPUBPOSEolmquiring landforthecnustnb dmthdethStrodeeatngIIwayW MCEBEmEBYGmthatawLiumhssbeenmndc for meummmmmm resuectofwhich notltels given who deslm Ininqtryinlnwhdhcrtbotakingolsucblsndbfalnmmdand reamsth mm in the achievement of the objectivesvof the esprppdauhg authority shall so notify tho approving authority in home is for sale Owner moving to JUGHLIN and PM AUZIstl ENGAGEMENTS emu ATKINSONSH Inn Mn wucvd Codains Shanty they out to mum me absorb men or tmtf namere Jeannette to Gory mu Auunon non of Ind m1 noun Allano or minty Say no moan um ulto we on stormy me wth or 11ch st Annular cameo snow any rum FARMERS MRKT FARMERS MRKT NICKS DEAD STOCK DEAD STOCK Dead or rippled cattle and FARMERS ma ATrENTlON PHONE 7236300 This sectlm is reserved for your for convenience to mamm htuo NO CHARGE SELL Mhoursudny7daysnweek TRADEor SWAP RR qud Ontario Licence No mm mug PW Livestock household ar ticles farm equipmen tor services at word ad rates DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultry men are choosing Dekalb Pullers Started readytoday and dayold chicks For service or help on your poultry problems call CRAIG film POULTRY FARM LTD SIROUD 051811 HANK BROWN FARMERS MRKT COMING EVENTS BINGO EVERY FRIDAY pm ANAI CLUB Mill St ANGUS Admlwion 50c lhli An 28 BLIGHTY BINGO Every Saturday In 230 pm NEW SOUTH WARD CARDS OF THANKS COMMUNITY HALL ux Gill St at Bond ORILLIA Mutton relative Ind Hands Jnm women thatIll to Drs Latino and 191m Ind In of SC And Inlcnllve rm lyll Ind Lorne HINDI1 In in the ease of registered owner served personally or by resigned mail within thirty days alter ho is served with the notice or when he served by publinntion within thirty days after the first publication of the notice mtbemotmomruhobnaampmedmmrum whiny days lifter the first whllcatlon of the notice THE APPROVING AUTHORITY IS hm of Ways Mann Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario Minister of Highways Ontario II Gllbcrt Superintendent of Properties AUCIION SALE of antique and modern Victorian Mum Mrly oil Md DEATHS outnu Gerlo zoomAt the Royal kaa ltopItl norm on My AW 21 ma Gerald Jam Cartier In bk and yur Beloved hm or vloln rlemlu dear outlier or Mr Yvonne curtW mum vlnemt An rels 14min and Richard Homer or Demrd Ind Thom both or norm Conm tun John non mark or mmton Neton or Toronto sl turn Um sun Diem Californln borou nan hinge honoreexi of couch Cllllnrv nu mm or West mu Theron than notion of SClrboroll hm Arthur or Vlncm vu he no the Sleeve himl norhe so Wesley stun Borne Service In the rum on Suurdly Amit 2v nt pan interment st mryr emote ln lleu or ower me murlnl mqu to the cmmun comer society would cubed AUZS LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 1WEISII PONY in om woulo nun enca too ebllda panv or new Kong ltration norm belle ror uk 1772 due moor ll legal Ava humus atrium nkgnngthlanmml Chemutt Em If Eron 33 moo ac Hm AU We shew when luau mumrut must eeu our Ar ohltn hall Aw loon lnlnr nui alxmh hnnur Iu Lot for Lauri11h Cell in mornlnl or nt mm or N1 BOX REPLIES wlttl so bp motor and trailer for VIIJJAM SONI SATURDAY SEPT 15770 12 noon 5mm Cmnosslm II Inntnll Township it In em HWY 11 IVnirlsc cash as the house for so VERNON AYRES Auctioneer Stroud nonhuman mnnlno wort nmh nu rortlur tnrnmnuun NOB 1m one pass FARM FOR PROFIT SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 7266531 NOTES The Expropriation Act 196369 pmvidu that II where an inquiry requested it shall be conducted by an Inquiry ofcer appointed by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General I7 the WW dfm shall give every party to he inqury an opportume to present evidence and argument and to cxarnirto and cross cumlrle witneses either personally or by his counsel or AUIBJI FARM MACHINERY IESSA TRACTOR AND FARM EQUDMENT John Deere and Badger Sales and Service Box ll ALLISNJN Phone 4355322 4241276 evenings DIANE 021 ESTATE AUCIIONSALE SATURDAY AUG 29m It 12 noon Sharp for the mate of the Lite FIDRBNCE PRENTICE at Maple St Collingwmd Ont Sale of all antique house furnish mgs electrical appliances tools drills gLuswrlre and many oth er antiques and collector Items Ill may recommend to the approving authorin that party to the inquiry be paid fixed amount for his castsof the inquiry not to acctd $200 and the oppruving authorlty may In its discretion order the aproprioting authorlty to pay such costs forthwith owner and registered owner are defined in the Act as follows owner Includes mortgagee tenant ereculinn creditor ti mmmmmmaWdWKMmMnm mlttec of the estate of mentally incompetan person or of NEW IDCAIION St Vincent De Paul Sloro 106 Dunlop IIOURS moon ms Shield Bullm hovel so to mover and person lncllpablc of managing his affairs and guardian executor administrator or trustee in whom land lsveslcd registered owner means an owner of land whose interest in the land is dened and who name Is specied In an instru ment In the proper registry includes person shown us assessment roll The expropriating authority proving authority lands inlcnded Io tel Part of III Lot Concession West of Penetanguishcnc flood and designated as PART and ii Lot Block Ilcglstered Plan 1491 and designaled as PART and iii Lot 21 meritnmnberm In the City at Barrie In the County of Slmenc being BI Port of Fork lot 27 Nonr of designated as PART II and Iii Lot 22 Concession designated as PART and till Block Registered Plan 1530 designated as PARTS and on Department of Highways plan P4847456 deposited in the Registry Offlce at Barrie as number Illow Instru multrunnbcrm DIIS NUllCE FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE mill DAY or AUG 10 each owner who nullcs the up that he desires hearing In respect of the be cxproprloted and any owner added as party by the irlqlry em are parties In the inquiry SCHEDULE All right filth and interests In the lands described as follows 1n the Townspr of Vesprzl in the County of Stmcoe llelrlg Concessloll and designated as PART on Department of fllghwnys plan P4347453 and deposited in the Registry Office at Barrie as number ntuoo Instru lund titles or sheriffs office and tenant of land on the lost revised Buck sired Registered Plan 112 AUZB 3411 NUIICE CREDITORS AND YIHEIRS All persms having any claims or demands against the Me of mEDERlCK WILLIAM ISAACS law of the City of Barrie in the My of Simone Gardener de ceased win died on or about the 19m day at July two are milled In forward their clalllls dilly proved to the mldorslghcd morbcfmethcllxhdayol scplcmbcr low after Which dn the Admirilstratnx will dis tribqu tho assets at tho oslm having regard only no sud dalms as she will then have notice of DATED on Barrie this Nth day of August 1910 GRACE HENRIUIIA MCKINNON Administrfmlix by her solicitors SMITH MCLEAN mid INCH 20 Owen Street Barrie Ont AU2128S4 ILTENDERS to Noon ocular COUNTY OF SLIIICOE olvd ORLLLIA SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION Tender for Granular Materials CONTRACT NO 7018 SEALED TENDERS clearly marked as to contents and in envelopes supplied will be re coivod at the office of tho un dersigned until 1000 nm local limo on THURSDAY SEPT 24th firm for 10 following Granular Ma LCIIIIIS Supply CIINI and Ifaltl GILC Class 3000 Inns Supply and Haul Sand Cu Eldon 22000 tons Tho nhovo milletlulu aro to he placed on load Nos 11 and 22 batman the Kings Highways 400 and 98 Spocltloatlmls Form of Tender and Tender Dwelopes may be obtained at the Simone Counly Engineers Office certified cheque for of Illa contract bid must gleam any each louder and the suc cessful bidder will be required to provide 50 pcrfantlullcc bond and 76 Labour and Material Bond upon execution of the Contract Agreement the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted 14 E4 CLARK Elf Srlmmo County Engineer County Administration lllllltltng IIAIIIIIE Ontario All I4PUBLIC NOTICE so mucoum SALE OF LAND IN THE COUNTY OF SLMCOE FOR ARREARS OF TAXES Notice is hereby glven that the lLSt of lands liable to be Sold for arrears of taxes in the County of Simeon has been prepared andwas published in an ad venlsclrlont August Isl mo in the Ontario Gazette Copies of the said ILst of lands or adver tlsemcnt can be seen in my olf lce or will be mailed upon mak lrlg application for some Ill do fnult of payment of taxes as shown on sold list on or before Tuesday November toth lino ut the hour of two oclock In tho afternoon shall at that time In the Council Chamber Count Admlnlslrallorl Building Barrie Ontario proceed to sell by pull llc auction the said lands to pay such arrears together with charge thereon If any or the said lands are not sold on Tues duy November loth llno all rltllourncd hnlo wlll be held on Tuesday November leIII 1070 at two oclock John If Coleman Treasurer of Sllllcoo County County Administration Building Barrie Ontario AU 142123 SEPT dlllL WHICH DAY IS BEST MONDAY mer Cltleblfictl Scetluu ITU ESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRI DAY SATURDAY Advertisers frequently ask lll5 question Fortunately there in no best day to utivcrtlse Ench day now wants nrlso brlnglrlg new reallors its old ones satisfy thulr wants Vo recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel II when you got ro sulls After mnllll years of ox porlorleb vlth millions of want ads My know tomorrow the best titty to start your IILI and ovary tlny Is the best day to Also an upright piano in excel lent shape Toms Cash No reserve as the estate must be salted PIFIIER and COUGHLIN Auctioneers Abbi143L213 CLASSIFIED USERS Before you call all AriVisor to place ours Consider This You are about to invest money for on ad and we want you to get results To accomplish title It Is occessnry for you to TELL ALL about tho details of your offer Be sure you dont make any of the following errors that prevent results Dont Omit The Address llfnny outofIolvn readers will wrlto you but will not spend money fo long distance call Dont Omit The Phone Number Many readers will call you bu do not find It convenient to come In your home Dont Conceal The Price Desired Surveys show that high peron Iago of readers will not answer an ml unless Illa price In elven Dont Leave Home On the days you advertise llfnlly good prospects will not call tllt second limo if your phone in unanswered Dont Omit Important Words To Save Money Readers cant guess 01 Import nlll details Remember well written lnformntlvo ad will get results aster and cost much less the advertlse Dont Overlook Our Low Weekly Ralo Phone 7282414 CLASSIFIED ADVERTSING TELEPHONE 72824l Illtllnlts AND CORRECTIONS All pllono lnbertlun order Inteliltl III II cortvclllonce the ndvclIlM Tllclefoic Llw Clllslllod Atltlrllllnz Dopumcllt require III ndvurtllerl In klnfllv recheck Illulr tlllvnltlsemcnt Illlmotllntelv nttor tlm Inwrtloll In onlor that my orrnr or nmlssloml mly ho re naltoo norm mm In order that Ilmu mnv bu rctIlIlIlI for the fol Iann new publlentlnn The Bar rlo hxllmlrttr Iu rnnpomlblu tor ontv ono Incorreolly nrlntou lnucr Hall of any advertisement and then only to the extent of vorIlon at on this Involves tho ntllrlrll Errork whtoh do not tom the vnluo or flip ntlvErtllomcnl am not ollglhlo for lorroottonr Ilv mvkolaodn The north Linntuner wunntk Illl rlHIIt to clushlfy lso Wm ov rolttt my worth llllmnwlll CLASSIFIED ADVIllleSINGCahh Dlltoonrlt Itntel apply If pllrl with In days one or we tnaelonl oo Der wold rhreo connccutlvo lu nortlom Vic per word Mr Iller lon total 24 alx oohocuth mornmo to our word pol Illor tlon total n7a Ilfultlnlo lnlcrilonn pm huhuldetf ubljcct to ontloello on our rv renun ob tlllllort to her cont ouultlonlll oh If any not hold wlthln lovch mth Lnrlnlt pox cm II allureo or on rent lsnmuuzfor Inn of on Ewmlner box Number in nnrrlo ll ror out or town Identity on no Number uan II EAVESTROUGH NG EAVESTROUGHI NG DRIVING SCHOOL IN MEMORIAMS LAYCOCKIn Inll memory or our our infht non William Ste slrselh who paned nwny Annul rs sto In the mm or learn Monday Closed Tuesday Wednesday niursday sure on til lovan mean rmo by his love nerlhldmd Sweelly thy will oharl ma mmnber by Hurrurty ma EXAMINER DONT COST PHONE CALL ROOFING ALL TYPE ROOFING Tar and Gravel Shingles EAVESTROUGIIING CHIMNEY REPAIRS GORD EVANS 7288491 Barrie Ont ROOFING Shingles or Rolls GRAHAM ROOFING 7286628 522 LAURENT DFSROCIIERS ROOFING C0 AND SUN Box 15 MIDLAND Ont PHONE 5267321 ALL WORK GUARANTEED Industrial Only WEED CONTROL LICENCE WEED Extermlnanr CommonIII rcrullzor ltontollnblo Ilanl vud mnllura hv bushel Domvnlur nilvilla szu WINDOWS STAINED AND LEADED GLASS New windows made old vlntlnlvs repaired limited number of oltl windows for sale Free Estimates JOHN SILICIIMUIELLEIL 0t Ntlplcr St Burrlo 7260693 523 88 SAW SHARPENING heme shotnonan tall Bllko 5t fund mo clrsulor uwl garden tools to recml Nlo EAVESTROUGHING Conne Alumlllum doors vllltlolvs ALCAN SIDING IIOGG AND SONS Coll collcc Collingwood 445qu2 GRAHAM EAVESIIIOUGIIING Iroo Estimates 7286628 522 630 JOBS mun CUTTING end dlupout lance rows woodlotl tolleth op ornlloho Iruuklnl and on Inul wouldanus Auoo CUSTOM TOWING mnvnrm custom towln 24 hour norm 15 DDIIIIII sh uurlo limo rtrictty oohthlontlnl ltepllu to utter Baro vll old days nmr hm nubilgoilnn lnlslllcd ntlvcrtlltomorltl and n0l4 for thou hum mun ho re eulved by om dnv procedan hnhllohtlnn or Wu Du snlurtlly tltlerIIS In The hurlill Exam with tho oxooptloll or Clnhxfftcd llhov unvoruromonlh whtoll mun by 1300 uvou nlecoulll any mommy d11le trol ello llcon Telephone vzonola SEPTIC TANKS EVEITIP TANIlIH Iunledhlg tilt mom Anne AZIIwo ut1 hoot cunt coll Imd Inlurso 025 Friday Saturday WANT ADS THEY PAY 7282414 FIRST We are skilled in our Service and will give you Prompt Attention CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE ALUMINUM ALUMINUM STROUD Storm windows doors awnings raillrlgs roofing Windows and rooms remodelled Garages and nddltlons bullt REYNOLDS1le ALUMINUM no Sofil Fault and Cabin culls 20year guarantee BUY TIIE BEST FOR LESS Free estimates Budget terms 4362079 Collect 4352774 11 CARPENTRY RICHARD HOLLOWAY BUILDING DONIRACIUII For all your building needs large or small RESIDENTIAL WMMERCIAL IIEPAIIIS OONSIRUUIION Free estimates Guaranteed work Service flrsf CALL BARRIE 72131809 Ell will do and loho nddltlorl to It athlo rat Tclcvhllnoe72612Iim nxrrnlrmceu oornhnter in ltcrnllolm oonhonr Iram uddltlonl upnlro recreation roolm CHIMNEY REPAIRS CHIMNEY REPAIR Brick or Block CHIMNEYS REBUILI GRAHAM 7286628 s22 TREE REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL For All ntnn sorvlce stumn ro movm ma ronlovol imurott nu llo 12mm Toronto wvwo PAINTING Munmu vory rouonhto troo sol 53 old MUSIC AND DANCING THE NORTHERN SCHOOL OF ontlmotu Gull Eric rznmzv Interior and oxtortnr nnlnllnl rock In In rtlon III MS I7 pup DANCING AND MUSIC Class for Proschoolch Weekdays Now enrolling for fall classes NEW LOW RATE in effect now Ages and over Lessons from 50 CENTS UP TAP BALLET and JAZZ MUSIC DRUMS and OIIGAN Now special lesson rate $175 Free aptitude tests glverl ut JACKING home or Studio Mulorctm now Ioltmlng Louncr instruments supplied No Obligation ll Owen Street IINM 543 S1 SEWING SKATING DRESSES vlll motto llttlo ulrln nnttlto to us tnu hum etc lt AUJI Iie cm kIll2 III0 III or II no lll Iznrzszo 10 um pm to am pm 10 am pm to am pm and pm pm to om pm III TF RENOVAIIONS U45 mo Vm artehem 1293466 51 one hot lt tcrmmlu mounlod on FWD truck ohkr electric plum neonate In inter numv with 70 Intake hone ll rt ouchme steel outdo hax soxttd tor wlkr wnahtn nod and pretzel litetch 72mm utter run ALI29 TRY EXAMINER WANT Ans PHONE 7732414 Its The Season To Advertise PAVING BARRIE PAVING CT LANDSCAPING Vorkrnllrlslllp guaranteed BIG OR SMALL WE DO THEM ALL Locally owned and operated 74 Essa Rood Barrio Ont 7281783 N30 GEORGIAN PAVING Barrio 7284688 MANIERI PAVING co BARRIE Anywherebig or smoll vg pave them all GUARANTEED 7260081 545 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE mopponoa street PHONE 72845452 III 12 rr INSULATION SIMCOE ECONOMY INSULATION Tho blowing method 20 yours experience We spuclullto in olectrlc booted homes Guaranteed work Fret estimates SCOII MUIIt IlIlNESlNG 725th QUAleun inntIlntlom or common WWII niltheo Phone for Illonto VEDA RUBBER STAMPS Ilrilu Dunlo it ru osiz or mt aoerImpon er lm and lcrmnllnmol IRONING moNLNo hlrm Plchtg nnatollvir izbnaay LANDSCAPING nxrnltr undueplug Ioddfnl mll Mullen Col rllnmnhu Gordon sorv och truthnova hootm JACKING VINIEIKIZING ulltl INSULATING COTTAGES IlUllSI ffolvkostono Ito5750 IllIcI pm WELDING unnuwh WELDING and lllobllo service Motto In order Min and connlrueIlon nqululuent Truthu igulllht their own company Delllval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line Dairy Farm Equipment Supplies Barrio Halli Hwy 21 72W MWF IF MUSIC lESSONS MARJORIE HANES Teacher of Piano and lheory Puplls prepared for Royal Conservatory Exnminulloas ALL GRADES ALL AGES 15 Clapperron St mm JESSIE BRYSON Toeehrr or Pl skillnl The Pupils pro Ire tor nxamlnnllnons of the our Comorvtory or luuslo Toronto Au nude and AIICT ironn mothouo studio 27 Bradford st 7734118 ANGUS ROSS BA no St outlo mom Registered Mud Teneme tnstruotlon ln IIlno mo Theory loo tutorln to punch mun and other choo nthleou PIANO LESSONS Puplls oreplrrd tor Royal coner mow oxlmlnatlortl Ellebath wil Ion illox ATCIII mum on Leno Iltn Conceulon Dirtth ON Railway OllAWA Special Canad lnns nro llkely to learn more bout the causes of railway ac cldents in the future Pick ersglll the President of the Call ndlan Transport Commission has Indlcntcd here In on intervch wIIh the ot tnwn bureau of Thomson Nowa papers the former transport mlrllstcr sold that it is his per sonal view that tho public hlls the right to be assured that ovorythlng posslhlo ls being done to reduco the number of accidents Saskatchewan MP and for mer rallwuy trninmon John Skobclg hos been well In the post your or two about tho ln creasing number of accidents on Cnnlldiun railways the has charged that there has been voll of secrecy drown over thcso accidents and the public is hover advised he to thelr cums Mr Plckcrsglll llolllls out that under present lcglslnuon thn rollwuys are obliged to provide all information about occldents to tho Crlnudltm mlnsport Com mlsslon In any also where there Is persullnl Injury or loss of life or whero dnmogo cxcccds$750 to property In tho post the old Board of ntlllsnort Commlshiollcrs ttntl llulv tho CTC mrldc accldent filld Inga public tlt their own discre tloll The reason Is that railways have been reluctant In make publlc lnformotlon which mlght ho used in flllng cltllms against them And railway offlcluls thomselvos have been hesitant In glvlng Informutlorl which could be used in law suits Iluwevcl agree thtlt as general prltleiplc It would prob ably be wlsor to keep tho pull llc butter Informed us to heel dnllt cultso Ml Ilckersglll suld You can filter from this that the Oommlssion wllI make uso of It dlscrotlonnry powers to give wider publlcntlon about rullwny accidents In tho mum SMALL INCREASE mini mum III the Comllllaslon Ilcsldcnt dtscouots homo ofllbo altullllst While every endeavor will be outdo to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability In respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay In for wnrdm such replies however caused whenbor by negligence PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LAND SU RVEYOR DOUG McMASTER Onturln Land mayor 305 Main Street PO Box 408 STAYNER Ontario 183 147 FUNERAL HOMES STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME SUPERIOR SERVICE ATC 02111F C051 onve no so Wonk st BanII ACCOU NTANTS ROSE HARRISON Samuel is non CA Chartrod Acrountnu rrurtu In bankruptcy t9 Cowr st Phan man Public Right To Learn Cause Of Mishaps statements about the frequency of railway uccldertts He can tends that In the first soven months of this year the increase in numbers has been very slight and in July there was dmp from tho year before Mr Skoborg has managed to have private members bill re cclvc second reading In the Commons and he referred to committee for detailed study This bill would have tho effect of prohibiting the Commission from keeping the results of llc cldent lnvcstlgallolis os privil eged matcrul Mr Plekcrsglll points out that an increase in accidents might bu expected to view of the fact that tho rulllvrlys rlro constant Ly using heavier equipment and there Is greater strain on the rlght of wily In oddltlorl volume of freight handled 15 higher catll your GllADlfktJIIOSSING lo allsport mission President ls happy that tho per centage of railway accidents at trlhutohlo to level or grade crossings hus boon showing dc cllne every year for tho post years with one exception llo feels this Is largely doc to the money theCommission makes waablo to eliminate such grade crossings throughout Cnnhdu In most cases Ibo rall way companlos and tho munch polltlcs bear some of the expense Involved but tho bulk of the money comes from ol Commlsslon fund not Mr Plckersglll helluva that complete rnllwny rcloeus tlorl mukeh more long term sense than does sirnplo grodo separation However except spccltll clrcumvtuncos tho cross lhg fund cannot be used for re location purposes although feels it should he prlllc lplc that tho money available used in tho best way to lmpnvo the total sltuotlon Ho also has strong doubts that If puhllo fllllds tilll Involved in rnlllvtly rolo cutloll the runway should be the beneflclurlcs of nequlrlllg Illll ronl ostttto formerly used for Iiich right of way